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Validation of software for the calculation of

aerodynamic coefficients
w i th a focus on the software package Tornado

Ramón López Pereira

Fluida och mekatroniska system

Degree Project
Department of Management and Engineering
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 2 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


This TGZD20 degree project executed during the 2009-2010 course at Linköping University
determined the validity of various software used for the calculation of the aerodynamic properties of
four different aircraft and two airfoils.


Several programs exist today for calculating aerodynamic coefficients that with some simplifications
provide fast approximations of the values for a real aircraft.
Four different programs were analyzed for this report: Tornado, AVL, PANAIR and a handbook-type
preliminary method. In addition, ANSYS CFX was used for airfoil validation. For calculation of the zero
lift drag, an approximation was computed in order to calculate the remaining values that were not
calculated by the software: drag contribution for fuselages, nacelles and some horizontal stabilizers
and fins.
Different types of aircraft were selected for trial: two commercial aircraft (Boeing 747-100 and 777-
300), a TF-8A research airplane (with area rule application: some additions were made to the fuselage
to prevent large variations in the cross-section when the contribution of the wing is added), a Lockheed
Constellation C-69 used as a military cargo airplane, a Boeing Stratocruiser used by the USAF with
two configurations (basic and bomber), and an Aero Commander 680 Super, similar to a Cessna 162.
Two airfoils (NACA2412, 0012) were also analyzed, to investigate the limitations of software designed
for three-dimensional calculations.
The accuracy of the results showed that the validity of the software depends on the planform of the
aircraft, as well as the simulation parameters Mach number and Reynolds number. The shape of the
wing caused some of the methods to have serious difficulties in converging to valid results, or
increased the simulation time beyond acceptable limits.


Numera finns det olika program för beräkning av de aerodynamiska koefficienterna från en modell
med vissa förenklingar som ger en snabb approximation av värdena för ett verkligt flygplan.
Fyra olika program har analyserats för denna rapport: Tornado, AVL, PANAIR och en handbok
baserad preliminär metod. Dessutom användes ANSYS CFX för validering av vingprofiler . Vid
beräkningen av noll-lyft motståndet, en approximation användes för de återstående delarna som inte
beräknas av de andra metoderna: motståndsbidraget från flygkroppar, gondoler och vissa horisontella
stabilisatorer och fenor.
Olika flygplaner har testats: två trafikflygplan (Boeing 747-100 och 777-300), ett TF-8A
forskningsflygplan (med area regel användning: några tillägg gjordes på flygkroppen för att tvärsnitten
inte har stora variationer när bidraget från vingen läggas), ett Lockheed Constellation C-69, ett Boeing
Stratocruiser som används av USAF i två konfigurationer (den vanliga och bombplan), och ett Aero
Commander 680 Super, som liknar ett Cessna 162. Två vingprofiler (NACA 2412, 0012) analyserades
också, för att kontrollera begränsningarna av programmen avsedd för tredimensionella beräkningar.
Riktigheten av resultaten visade att giltigheten av programmen beror på formen av flygplanernas
vingar, samt de simulationernas parametrar: Mach nummer och Reynolds nummer. Formen på vingen
orsakade några av de metoderna att ha stora svårigheter med konvergensen till giltiga resultat, eller
ökat simulering tid över acceptabla gränser.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients



ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT …………………………………………………………………… 2

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2
SAMMANFATTNING …………………………………………………………………………… 2
1. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………... 7
2. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 8
3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP …………………………………………………………………… 8
4.1. Panel Method-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
4.2. Vortex Lattice Method--------------------------------------------------------------- 9
4.3. Wind tunnel testing------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
4.4. Tornado-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
4.5. Athena Vortex Lattice--------------------------------------------------------------- 10
4.6. PANAIR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
4.7. ANSYS CFX--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
4.8. Preliminary Method------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
4.9. Zero Lift Drag calculation---------------------------------------------------------- 12
A.1) Boeing 747-100-------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
A.2) Boeing 777-300-------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
A.3) TF-8A research airplane--------------------------------------------------------- 13
A.4) Lockheed Constellation C-69 model------------------------------------------ 13
A.5) Boeing Stratocruiser ------------------------------------------------------------ 13
A.6) Aero Commander 680 Super--------------------------------------------------- 18
B.1) NACA 2412------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
B.2) NACA 0012------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
6.1 AIRCRAFT ................................................................................................................. 21
Boeing 747-100-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
Boeing 777-300-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
TF-8A at M0.5---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
TF-8A at M0.8---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
Lockheed C-69-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration ---------------------------- 29
Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration------------------------------------ 31
Aero Commander 680 Super--------------------------------------------------------- 32
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


Boeing 747-100------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34
Boeing 777-300------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35
TF-8A at M0.5-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
TF-8A at M0.8-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Lockheed C-69------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration--------------------------- 39
Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration---------------------------------- 40
Aero Commander 680 Super------------------------------------------------------- 41
6.2 AIRFOILS .................................................................................................................. 42
NACA 2412-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
NACA 0012-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
NACA 2412-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
NACA 0012-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
7. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS …………………………………………………………… 48
Grid Convergence---------------------------------------------- 48
A) Boeing 747-100---------------------------------------------- 49
B) Boeing 777-300---------------------------------------------- 50
C) TF-8A research airplane
C.1) Mach 0.5---------------------------------------------------- 50
C.2) Mach 0.8---------------------------------------------------- 51
D) Lockheed C-69 scaled research model---------------- 51
E) Boeing Stratocruiser
E.1) Conventional Configuration---------------------------- 51
E.2) Bomber Aircraft------------------------------------------- 52
F) Aero Commander 680 Super----------------------------- 52
G) NACA 2412--------------------------------------------------- 53
H) NACA 0012--------------------------------------------------- 53
8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………………………………… 54
9. REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………… 55
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients



Figure 1.- An N-panel airfoil model…………………………………………………………………… 9

Figure 2.- A horseshoe vortex ………………………………………………………………………... 9
Figure 3. Top view of the Boeing 747-100 ………………………………………………………… 14
Figure 4. Top view of the Boeing 777-300 ………………………………………………………… 14
Figure 5. Top view of the TF-8A research airplane ..……………………………………………… 15
Figure 6. Three-view drawing of the Lockheed C-69 model …………………………………… 16
Figure 7. Three-view drawing-Boeing Stratocruiser - conventional configuration …..………… 17
Figure 8. Three-view drawing of the model ……………………………………………………… 18
Figure 9. Tornado model, Boeing 747-100 .………………………………………………………… 19
Figure 10. AVL model, Boeing 747-100 ..…………………………………………………………… 19
Figure 11. Tornado model, Boeing 777-300 ..……………………………………………………… 19
Figure 12. AVL model, Boeing 777-300………………………………………...…………………… 19
Figure 13. Tornado model, TF-8A airplane………………………………………………………….. 19
Figure 14. AVL model, TF-8A airplane………………………………………………………………. 19
Figure 15.Tornado model, Lockheed C-69………………………………………………………… 20
Figure 16. AVL model, Lockheed C-69……………………………………………………………… 20
Figure 17. - Tornado model Boeing Stratocruiser ………………………………………………….. 20
Figure 18. AVL model, Boeing Stratocruiser ……………………………………………………….. 20
Figure 19. Tornado model, AC680S…………………………………………………………………. 20
Figure 20. AVL model, AC680S……………………………………………………………………… 20
Figure 21. Standard view of the NACA 2412 airfoil………………………………………………... 20
Figure 22. Standard view of the NACA 0012 airfoil………………………………………………... 20
Figure 23. Drag Polar, Boeing 747-100 …………………………………………………………….. 22
Figure 24. Lift coefficient vs. Angle of attack, Boeing 747-100……………………………………. 22
Figure 25. -Drag Polar, Boeing 777-300 ……………………………………………………………... 23
Figure 26. Lift coefficient vs. Angle of attack, Boeing 777-300……………………………………. 24
Figure 27. Drag Polar, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5…………………………………… 25
Figure 28. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5……………………… 25
Figure 29. Drag Polar, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8 ………………………………….. 26
Figure 30. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8……………………… 27
Figure 31. Drag Polar, Lockheed C-69………………………………………………………………. 28
Figure 32. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Lockheed C-69………………………………………………… 28
Figure 33. Drag Polar, Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration……………………... 29
Figure 34. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration……..…. 30
Figure 35. Drag Polar, Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration……………………………. 31
Figure 36. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration ……………… 31
Figure 37. Drag Polar, Aero Commander 680 Super……………………………………………… 32
Figure 38. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Aero Commander 680 Super………………………………… 33
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


Figure 39. Differences in polar, Boeing 747-100 ………………………………………………….. 34

Figure 40. Differences in lift, Boeing 747-100……………………………………………………... 34
Figure 41. Differences in polar, Boeing 777-300 ………………………………………………….. 35
Figure 42. Differences in lift, Boeing 777-300……………………………………………………… 35
Figure 43. Differences in polar, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5………………………. 36
Figure 44. Differences in lift, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5………………………….. 36
Figure 45. Differences in polar, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8………………………... 37
Figure 46. Differences in lift, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8………………………….. 37
Figure 47. Differences in polar, Lockheed C-69…………………………………………………... 38
Figure 48. Differences in lift, Lockheed C-69……………………………………………………… 38
Figure 49. Differences in polar, Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration………….. 39
Figure 50. Differences in lift, Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration……………... 39
Figure 51. Differences in polar, Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration………………… 40
Figure 52. Differences in lift, Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration……………………. 40
Figure 53. Differences in polar, Aero Commander 680 Super…………………………………... 41
Figure 54. Differences in lift, Aero Commander 680 Super……………………………………… 41
Figure 55. Lift vs. Angle of attack, NACA 2412 …………………………………………………….. 43
Figure 56. Pitching moment vs. Angle of attack, NACA 2412……………………………………. 43
Figure 57. Lift vs. Angle of attack, NACA 0012……………………………………………………... 44
Figure 58. Pitching moment vs. Angle of attack, NACA 0012……………………………………. 45
Figure 59. Differences in lift, NACA 2412………………………………………………………….. 46
Figure 60. Differences in pitch, NACA 2412……………………………………………………….. 46
Figure 61. Differences in lift, NACA 0012…………………………………………………………... 47
Figure 62. Grid convergence on the Boeing 747-100……………………………………………… 48
Figure 63. Time consumption for the Boeing 747-100……………………………………………. 49


Table 1.-Data for the Boeing 747-100…………………………………………………………………… 23
Table 2.-Data for the Boeing 777-300…………………………………………………………………… 24
Table 3.-Data for the TF-8A research airplane at Mach 0.5………………………………………….. 26
Table 4.-Data for the TF-8A research airplane at Mach 0.8………………………………………….. 27
Table 5.-Data for the 4-engine cargo aircraft…………………………………………………………… 29
Table 6.-Data for the Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration…………………………… 30
Table 7.-Data for the Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration………………………………….. 32
Table 8.-Data for the Light twin-engine propeller aircraft……………………………………………… 33
Table 9. -Data for the NACA2412 airfoil……………………………………………………………….. 44
Table 10. -Data for the NACA0012 airfoil………………………………………………………………. 45
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

AR: Aspect Ratio
CLα: Lift curve slope
CD0: Zero Lift Drag
e: Oswald efficiency factor
K1: Coefficient for the linear term
K2: Coefficient for the quadratic term
MTOW: Maximum Take-Off Weight
RMS: Root Mean Square error
RMSLift: Root Mean Square error on lift
RMSDrag: Root Mean Square error on drag
VLM: Vortex Lattice Method
WTT: Wind Tunnel Test
αCL0: Zero lift angle of attack
ΛLE: Sweepback of the leading edge.


Drag and lift are two basic parameters when investigating the performance of an airplane. The engine
needed and the MTOW that an aircraft can bear depend on them. In addition, the structural design
depends on lift, drag and the other aerodynamic forces and moments and interacts with them. A
balance has to be found as the weight of the structure can not be too high: if the structural weight is
too great, the payload may not be large enough for the airplane to be profitable for any company or
suitable for military missions, as the greater the weight the less fuel-economic the aircraft is.
The different values for lift, for drag and the other coefficients are traditionally measured in wind
tunnels and during flight tests. Wind tunnels have special challenges, though: they are expensive,
even for small models, and in order to make a flight test a first full-scale unit has to be built. It would be
desirable for the project developer to have an idea of the aircraft’s properties before actually building it.
Above all, in the case of a high capacity aircraft (as for instance a Boeing 747), the cost of making a
model airplane (with cost increasing with scale) would be extremely high (a full-scale airplane can cost
hundreds of millions US$).
The evolution of fluid dynamic models provided a first approximation of the calculation of aerodynamic
coefficients and the appearance of computers made calculations faster and more accurate. Computer-
aided design (CAD), the finite element method (FEM) applied to the calculation of the structures, and
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are used nowadays in most engineering projects. However,
before starting to use a program as a valid tool for aerodynamic calculations, it has to be proven to be
In this work, the validity of four different aerodynamic modeling software was tested by comparing their
results with wind tunnel or flight test data for different aircraft. Also, a secondary validation on two
airfoils was run in ANSYS CFX, which is used by the most important aeronautical companies (Boeing,
Airbus). The methods are explained in section 4 and the models in section 5.
The results of wind tunnel and flight tests (references 1 to 7) were used as the actual values for the
performance of the aircraft, although this may not hold if the experiments are set and/or run
improperly. There are cases where the results obtained using different software are similar among
themselves but where the wing tunnel data differs. It is from the analysis of the data, based on
experience and possibly other similar previous aircraft, that a decision to accept the wind tunnel results
is made.
The quality of the solution will not be the only factor taken into account: user-friendliness and time
spent on the computation are also important. For instance, a test is run on an aircraft in two different
programs and the results are very accurate (e.g. RMSs of 0.50% and 0.75%, respectively). If the
computation time for the second simulation is half of the first, it would in some instances be advisable
to use the second, although the RMS is higher. The selection of the best solution for the specific case
is a choice that must be made by the working team depending on the errors they find acceptable for a
basic calculation.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


As the aim of this project is to compare software, the versions are the latest available for each program
and method, i.e. Tornado v.135, AVL 3.27 and PANAIR 14. ANSYS CFX is run on ANSYS Workbench

The comparisons are usually made by means of comparing the aerodynamic coefficient derivatives in
forces and moments for both angle of attack and sideslip. The validations are usually done by
comparing commercial software that has been proven to be reliable in the specific case with the ones
that are being tested.
In this report only lift and drag were computed for aircraft and lift and pitching moment for the airfoil
analysis, and the results from the different software were compared to decide the most appropriate for
each validation case, checking the results against the wind tunnel data.

The wind tunnel tests were performed at the NASA facilities Langley Research Center in Hampton,
Virginia, and Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California. Depending on the size of the model
used, either the 8-, 11- or 16-foot wing tunnel was used, in addition to the full scale testing wind tunnel.
The computational calculations were made at Linköping University. Additional corrections needed to
be made to the preliminary results for some models. The angles of attack and sideslip (and therefore,
lift and drag measured) depend on the facilities and how the model plane is mounted in the tunnel.
However, in most cases the corrections for the wing tunnel results are already made by the test staff.
For the Boeing 747-100, the angle of attack is decreased by 2.5 degrees to balance the test bench
attitude . The Mach number is 0.85 under cruise conditions. The Reynolds number in this test is
2.4·10 for both wind tunnel and models.
The Boeing 777-300 has no additional corrections . The conditions are at cruise altitude and Mach
0.84, with a resulting Reynolds number of 8.7·10 .
The TF-8A research airplane has a correction of 1.5 degrees due to the mounting system. The two
5 5
cases are at M0.5 and Re= 2.0·10 and M0.8 and Re= 3.5·10 .
The Lockheed C-69 has no corrections. The Mach number is 0.5 and the Reynolds number is
3.6·10 .
The Boeing Stratocruiser has the corrections already computed on the results used in both cases.
The transport version operates at Mach 0.775 and Re= 6.3·10 while the bomber version was tested at
Mach 0.6 and Re= 4.9·10
[6] 5
The Aero Commander 680 Super has no further corrections. The Mach number is 0.2 at Re= 6.8·10
The NACA2412 and NACA0012 airfoils have no corrections. The Mach number is 0.3 and the tests
are at a Reynolds of 6·10 . The curves used for the comparison are taken directly from [7].
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

A general panel method can be used for both incompressible and compressible flows, in both two
and three-dimensional cases, but always inviscid (ideal fluid, not real application cases), or when the
viscous effect can be considered negligible. It solves the Laplace (∇ φ = 0) or the Prandtl-Glauert

equations depending on the Mach number (Laplace for low Mach numbers, incompressible flow and
Prandtl-Glauert when compressible). The surface is divided into N parts, called panels, as shown in
figure 1. Each panel has a “singularity” (algebraic functions that are solutions to the equations) where
the Laplace equation is applied. This provides a linear set of algebraic equations. An extra equation is
needed as there are N+1 unknowns and N equations (N+1 nodes and N panels). The remaining
equation is the Kutta condition: the flow has to leave the trailing edge smoothly. The tangential velocity
on the first and the last panels has to be the same, but for this condition to be satisfied, the two panels
need to have the same length. With the equation for the Kutta condition plus the Laplace or Prandtl-
Glauert equations for the panels, the model can be solved.

Figure 1. An N-panel airfoil model


The vortex lattice method (VLM) has basic similarities with the panel method, but it is easier to
implement. It is based on solutions to Laplace’s Equation. The fact that the method is totally numerical
made the VLM difficult to use for practical problems until the development of computers. The method
divides the lifting areas into panels and each panel has a horseshoe vortex (see figure 2). Along a
vortex line, the circulation Γ remains constant. The vortex line is extended to infinity or ends at a solid
A big difference between the panel method and VLM is in the treatment of the boundary conditions.
They are applied at a mean surface and not the actual one; it is usually developed into a “thin airfoil
boundary condition” which means that the actual layer surface becomes a flat plate parallel to the local
chord. Some simplifications can be made because of the linearity of the Laplace equation applied.
Calculations using VLM are oriented towards thin airfoils, unlike the panel method which has no
thickness limitations. Flow conditions are an important aspect: in VLM the flow has to be steady and

Figure 2. A horseshoe vortex. The finite line is situated at the quarter line,
and the calculation point at three quarters.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


This is the traditional way of obtaining data from aircraft. The results should be the most accurate if the
aircraft model is scaled to be aerodynamically similar, and if the size of the tunnel is sufficient to
conduct a simulation as if it were an outdoor flight test. In this report, the results obtained from wind
tunnel tests were taken as the actual values and the basis on which to calculate the errors in the
numerical models. The Mach and Reynolds numbers also have to fulfill the similarity conditions. All
tests in this work were conducted by NASA at Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA) or at Ames
Research Center (Moffett Field, CA). As different size models were tested, the size of the tunnels
used also varied. The Mach numbers ranged from Mach 0.2 (on the Aero Commander 680 Super) to
Mach 0.85 (Boeing 747-100), and the Reynolds numbers varied between 2·10 on the TF-8A at Mach
0.5, and 2.4·10 on the Boeing 747-100. The wind tunnels used were the 8-by-8 ft (for the TF-8A), 11-
by-11 ft (Boeing 777-300), 16-by-16 ft (Lockheed C-69, Boeing Stratocruiser) and full scale 30-by-60 ft
(Aero Commander 680 Super) wind tunnels at the named centers, and a flight test was performed with
the Boeing 747-100.


The Tornado software is a vortex lattice method based code. It has two solver methods, depending on
the type of the wake: it can be fixed wake (a normal vortex lattice) or the Tornado method . The main
difference is in the wake created, as the Tornado method has a free stream following wake, that is, the
wake is influenced by the angles of attack and sideslip. The wing modeling is done by partitions, and a
blunt body model of the fuselage can be computed. A partition is a section of the wing where the
geometric characteristics do not change. The end of the partition can be a point with geometry or airfoil
changes. The modeling of the intersection zone of the wing occupied by the fuselage is done by
regarding it as an actual part of the wing, but with a flat plate in the corresponding partition; it can also
be a thin symmetric airfoil, like a NACA0006, or 0008, to take into account the presence of some lifting
forces from the fuselage.
Tornado is a MATLAB-implemented code published under GNU-General Public License. The Tornado
software calculates numerous variables, such as lift, drag (and their non-dimensional coefficients),
bending moment, and shear forces. It calculates aerodynamic forces on wing-like surfaces (that is,
wing and tail group) but not fuselage or nacelles. For the drag case, an estimation of the zero lift drag
of the fuselage can be made from a blunt body approximation.


AVL uses an extended vortex lattice method (according to Drela, reference 10) for the calculation of
lifting surfaces (wing, tail group) and a slender body model for fuselage-like surfaces (the fuselage
itself, nacelles). The wing is modeled in the geometry file by selecting the coordinates of the leading
edge of the desired sections (changes on the plan view of the wing, changes on airfoil). Experience of
the slender body model is very limited and the results may therefore not be as expected. Modeling
using slender bodies implies the cross-section to be round. The angles of attack have to be low for the
vortex lattice to work properly. The flow is treated as quasi-steady, where the unsteady motion is
sufficiently slow. The angular velocities also need to be low, being limited to 0.1 in roll (multiplied by
the span), 0.03 in pitch (multiplied by the MAC) and 0.25 in yaw (span). The movement is actually very
violent if the rate is outside the limits. AVL applies a Prandtl-Glauert transformation to model
compressibility due to Mach number. An unswept wing can apply this transformation at Mach numbers
below 0.6 to ensure that the model works properly. At M0.7, the model is liable to be wrong due to the
possibility of transonic points, at M0.8 it is totally unreliable and above M0.8 it is hopeless inaccurate.
These limits are increased if swept wings are used.
In the analyzed cases, only the wing-type surfaces are modeled, to obtain a better comparison with
Tornado and to avoid the possible errors on the fuselage modeling mentioned above. The fuselages in
the validation cases do not have not round cross-sections, which further justifies not using fuselage
The code was developed by Mark Drela and Harold Youngren and is published under the GNU-
General Public License.
Simulations on airfoils were run with XFOIL, software developed by the same authors and focused on
calculations on airfoils.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


PANAIR can solve potential flow problems using a high-order panel method. Up to four different
conditions can be solved in one run. The flow cannot be transonic, but can be either sub- or
supersonic if the flow is attached. The viscous effects are not modeled, so cases where viscosity or
boundary layer separation are dominant will not have the expected results. The cases where the panel
method is not reliable are also likely to produce inaccurate results as well. The cases run in PANAIR
have to be within the linearized potential flow conditions to achieve valid solutions. The total pressure
and total temperature should be constant, although an implementation for solving flows with different
total conditions than the free stream has been developed and added to this version.
The solutions shown include an analysis of the flow field for all input cases and a flow description of
streamlines in the desired cases.
PANAIR is a code developed by Boeing in the early 1990s, also known by its code name A502. It can
solve the whole aircraft, but once again only the wing will be modeled in these examples.

4.7.-ANSYS CFX ®
ANSYS CFX and ANSYS FLUENT are two of the most used programs for calculating the aerodynamic
characteristics of aircraft in the industry: both Boeing and Airbus use them. They can solve laminar
and turbulent cases, using different models for turbulence. ANSYS FLUENT can solve 2-dimensional
states, but CFX cannot do so. This is a problem when airfoils are tested, but it can be resolved by
using extremely high aspect ratios (over 100). ANSYS CFX calculates forces and moments for fluid
areas; the bodies where the parameters are calculated are “holes” in the fluid domain.
In this document, only airfoils are to be solved with CFX, but obviously whole aircraft can be solved
with it. The memory needed for the simulations may be a problem when using it: a simulation of an
aircraft would be too large for a standard computer, although the results would be best if the mesh is
done well and the appropriate boundary conditions are set. The difficulty with CFX is that the results
have to be proven to be mesh-independent and the boundary conditions need to be positioned so as
not to interfere with the results. For instance, the inlet and outlet have to be fairly distant from the
model to prevent any non-disturbed flow on them. At the outlet in particular, this can be extremely
difficult to accomplish, as the best results are achieved with the outlet more than 5 mean aerodynamic
chords (around it) from the trailing edge of a wing and all this space needs to be meshed, which
requires a great many elements and, therefore, memory.


The preliminary method is very simple, and can be used for a first approximation of the wing, only. It
calculates the lift slope and the second-grade coefficient of the polar (see equation 1) having to be
complemented by a zero-lift drag value and a point of the lift curve. As a first approximation, a lift
calculation could be made with initial flight conditions. Also, there is no linear term on the drag polar,
meaning that zero-lift drag will always be the minimum, which is not true in most real cases (see
section 6 Results). It makes no difference what airfoils are used on the wing, so having a symmetric
airfoil would give the same result as a high-cambered airfoil. The results depend only on the top view,
speed not even being considered. This can lead to problems if an aircraft flies at an obviously
compressible Mach number.
The formulas used for the calculations according to the reference are equation 2 (lift slope) and
equation 3 (polar second grade coefficient). AR stands for Aspect Ratio, e is the Oswald efficiency
factor and ΛLE is the sweepback of the leading edge. In equation 1, CD0 is the zero-lift drag.
CD= K2·CL +CD0................................................................................... (1)

……………………....................................... (2)

………………………………………………………………… (3)
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


A first approximation of the zero lift drag has to be made for the aircraft as most of the methods need
either a whole value for CD0 or an addition to it. For instance, Tornado calculates the CD0 for the parts
modeled, but needs the fuselage drag. AVL needs the whole aircraft value, and so does the
preliminary method.
The method used to calculate the zero lift drag was a Hoerner-Raymer combination [13, 14]. The final
result is extremely good in most cases, with an error of less than 5%.
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 13 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


A.1) Boeing 747-100

The Boeing 747 is easily recognized by its double deck configuration, and it is a classic aircraft
that is even today widely used by operators. The first flight took place on 1969, and it entered
service in 1970.

It was selected for this study because it is representative of very long-range aircraft, like the
Airbus A340 or the Airbus A380. The range of the Boeing 747-100 (the one used in the study)
is around 9,000 km at MTOW. A three-view drawing of the aircraft is shown in figure 3. Figures
9 and 10 are the respective simulation models in Tornado and AVL. The Mach number of this
flight test is 0.85 (cruise speed) and the Reynolds is 2.4·10 .

A.2) Boeing 777-300

The Boeing 777 first flew in 1994 and entered service in 1995. The range of the 300 version is
around 7,000 km.

It was chosen as an example of a long-range airplane, so the results can be com-pared with
other long-rangers with similar characteristics (for instance, Airbus A320, A330 and Boeing
757). The three-view drawing is shown in figure 4 and the simulation in figures 11 and 12. The
Reynolds is 8.7·10 and the Mach is 0.84 in this test, that was performed in the 11 ft wind

A.3) TF-8A research airplane

This research model is an example of an area-ruled airplane. Two different Mach numbers
were tested: Mach 0.5 and 0.8. This is an example of a high-sweep airplane (the leading edge
sweep is almost 45 degrees) and the average aspect ratio 7. Figure 5 shows a top view of the
aircraft, with all dimensions in centimeters, with inches in brackets. The simulation models are
shown in figures 13 and 14. The two wind tunnel tests performed in the 8 ft wind tunnel have
5 5
Reynolds numbers of 2.0·10 and 3.5·10 respectively for Mach numbers 0.5 and 0.8.

A.4) Lockheed Constellation C-69 model

This is an example of a cargo-designed model. It can be used as comparison to some large
transport aircraft, as the span is around 40 meters. For instance, the Airbus A400M has a
span of 42 meters and is also a 4-propeller airplane. It is also similar to the Tupolev Tu-95.

The three-view drawing is shown in figure 6. Dimensions are in inches. Figures 15 and 16,
show the simulation configurations. The tests were run in the 16 ft wind tunnel and the Mach
number is 0.5 at a Reynolds of 3.6·10 .

A.5) Boeing Stratocruiser

Two configurations were tested. The wing is the same in both models, but the tail group and
the fuselage are not equal and thus give different performance. The Mach and Reynolds
numbers also change, and the results from the software will thus change even for the same

Figure 7 is a three-view drawing of the transport version. Figures 17 and 18 are the models for
the simulations. This example could be representative of any large civil or military jet aircraft.
The tests were conducted in the 16 ft wind tunnel; the transport version parameters are Mach
5 5
0.775 and Re=6.3·10 and for the bomber M0.6 at Reynolds 4.9·10
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 14 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Figure 3. Top view of the Boeing 747-100

Figure 4. Top view of the Boeing 777-300
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 15 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Figure 5. Top view of the TF-8A research airplane

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 16 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Figure 6. Three view drawing of the Lockheed C-69 model

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 17 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Figure 7. – Three-view drawing of a Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 18 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

A.6) Aero Commander 680 Super

This aircraft was selected as an example of a general aviation propeller airplane. Its wingspan
is 10.97 meters. Figure 8 shows the actual aircraft and figures 19 and 20 the ones used at
code simulations. The full-scale test conditions are Mach 0.2 and Reynolds number 6.3·10 .

Figure 8. Three-view drawing of the model

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 19 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Figure 9. Tornado model Boeing 747-100 Figure 10. AVL model Boeing 747-100

Figure 11. Tornado model Boeing 777-300 Figure 12. AVL model Boeing 777-300

Figure 13. Tornado model TF-8A airplane Figure 14. AVL model TF-8A airplane
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 20 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Figure 15. Tornado model Lockheed C-69 Figure 16. AVL model Lockheed C-69

Figure 17. Tornado model Boeing Stratocruiser Figure 18. AVL model Boeing Stratocruiser

Figure 19. Tornado model AC680S Figure 20. AVL model AC680S


B.1) NACA 2412

This is a classic among general aviation airfoils and has been studied extensively, which is why it
was chosen. A normalized model is shown in figure 19.

Figure 21. Standard view of the NACA 2412 airfoil

B.2) NACA 0012

The NACA 0012 airfoil is the most used symmetric airfoil. It is usually seen at the tail, on the
horizontal stabilizer. It was also used to check the balance of the wind tunnels, which is the
main reason for its inclusion here.

Figure 22. - Standard view of the NACA 0012 airfoil

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 21 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

The following section will show the results of the study for the 6 defined airplanes, both propeller and
jet aircraft, of different sizes (ranging from an Aero Commander 680 Super to a Boeing 747) and
missions (military, civil). The tables show the values of different coefficients for polar and lift
calculations. In the case of experimental data, an approximation was made. In most of the codes, the
approximation coefficients are calculated by the software itself. Where they are not, a MATLAB or
Excel calculation can be performed using the obtained results.

The comparison between the different results and the wind tunnel data is shown in different figures for
the lift and drag coefficients, viz. figures 23 to 38. In addition to the actual error values (figures 39 to
54), mean square root values have been calculated using lift and drag data and are shown in the
tables. Errors are computed as the difference between the approximation result and the experimental
value. The errors in the approximations of the experiments were also computed and are shown in the

To check which calculation gives the closest values to the actual results, the RMSDrag (root mean
square error for drag) and RMSLift (root mean square error for lift) columns need to be analyzed in the
tables for each case. The Experimental error analysis can be used as a way to check if the curves are
shaped as theory suggests. That is, the lift is a straight line and the drag polar is a second grade
curve. In the case of the Lockheed C-69, this is proven to be wrong (see section 7 Discussion)

The lift line is modeled as a straight line. That means that the angles of attack cannot be too high or
too low as the stall will not be taken into account. By high angle of attack is meant any angle above 10
degrees, possibly above 12 degrees in some cases. The lift approximation is shown in equation 4, he
angle of attack being αCL0 t where CL is zero, and CLα is the lift slope. The drag polar is modeled as a
second grade polynomial curve (see equation 5), CD0 being the zero lift drag.

CL=CLα·(α-αCL0)………………………. (4)
CD=K2·CL +K1·CL+CD0…………….… (5)
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 22 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


Boeing 747-100










0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,45 0,5 0,55 0,6 0,65 0,7

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 23. Drag Polar, Boeing 747-100









-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 24. Lift coefficient vs. Angle of attack, Boeing 747-100

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 23 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

CLα CD0 αCL=0 (°) K2 K1 RMSLift RMSDrag

Experimental 5,1 0,019 -1,7 0,082 -0,021 2,8% 3,7%
Tornado 5,0 0,018 -1,8 0,051 -0,003 4,6% 4,5%
Preliminary 6,1 0,016 -1,8 0,057 0,000 32,0% 7,5%
AVL 5,1 0,017 -1,8 0,053 -0,005 4,0% 6,7%
PANAIR 5,0 0,017 -1,7 0,069 -0,010 3,4% 6,0%
Table 1. Data for the Boeing 747-100

Boeing 777-300









-0,30 -0,15 0,00 0,15 0,30 0,45 0,60 0,75 0,90 1,05 1,20


WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 25. Drag Polar, Boeing 777-300

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 24 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients









-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 26. Lift coefficient vs. Angle of attack, Boeing 777-300

CLα CD0 αCL=0 (°) K2 K1 RMSLift RMSDrag

Experimental 5,1 0,013 -2,8 0,047 0,000 1% 3,3%
Tornado 5,3 0,011 -2,9 0,044 0,002 6% 6,7%
Preliminary 5,9 0,011 -2,9 0,046 0,000 14% 7,2%
AVL 5,1 0,011 -2,8 0,043 0,006 2% 7,2%
PANAIR 5,2 0,011 -2,8 0,045 0,001 3% 8,1%
Table 2. Data for Boeing 777-300
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

TF-8A at Mach 0.5












-0,50 -0,40 -0,30 -0,20 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 27. Drag Polar, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5







-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 28. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 26 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

CLα CD0 αCL=0 (°) K2 K1 RMSLift RMSDrag

Experimental 5,0 0,026 -0,3 0,091 -0,014 4% 2%
Tornado 4,2 0,024 -1,0 0,065 0,001 5% 10%
Preliminary 4,7 0,028 -1,0 0,059 0,000 11% 13%
AVL 4,9 0,030 0,1 0,062 -0,018 10% 12%
PANAIR 4,6 0,028 -0,7 0,067 -0,008 13% 7%
Table 3. Data for Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5

TF- 8A at Mach 0.8










-0,50 -0,40 -0,30 -0,20 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80
WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 29. Drag Polar, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8

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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients








-7,5 -5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0 12,5
Alpha (degrees)
WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 30. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8

CLα CD0 αCL=0 (°) K2 K1 RMSLift RMSDrag

Experimental 5,2 0,024 -0,2 0,133 -0,023 5% 2%
Tornado 5,3 0,023 -0,9 0,114 -0,004 6% 11%
Preliminary 4,7 0,027 -0,9 0,059 0,000 13% 21%
AVL 5,4 0,024 0,0 0,064 -0,020 10% 22%
PANAIR 5,1 0,023 -0,4 0,091 0,000 11% 15%
Table 4. Data for Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 28 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Lockheed Constellation C-69











-0,30 -0,20 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 31. Drag Polar, Lockheed C-69







-7,5 -5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 32. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Lockheed C-69

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 29 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

CLα CD0 αCL=0 (°) K2 K1 RMSLift RMSDrag

Experimental 5,1 0,015 -3,9 0,060 -0,015 0,9% 4%
Tornado 5,1 0,016 -3,9 0,065 -0,011 1,0% 13%
Preliminary 5,0 0,016 -3,9 0,043 0,000 1,3% 15%
AVL 5,2 0,016 -4,2 0,036 -0,001 14% 11%
PANAIR 5,2 0,016 -3,9 0,046 -0,006 2,7% 8%
Table 5. Data for the Lockheed C-69

Boeing Stratocruiser - Conventional configuration










-0,20 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 33. Drag Polar, Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 30 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients











-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 34. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration

CLα CD0 αCL=0 (°) K2 K1 RMSLift RMSDrag

Experimental 6,3 0,025 -1,2 0,034 -0,003 1% 0%
Tornado 6,4 0,025 -1,4 0,026 0,000 11% 2%
Preliminary 5,3 0,029 -1,4 0,034 0,000 16% 17%
AVL 6,6 0,025 -1,1 0,030 -0,001 6% 1%
PANAIR 6,4 0,025 -1,1 0,026 -0,002 2% 3%
Table 6. Data for the Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 31 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Boeing Stratocruiser - Bomber configuration











-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 35. Drag Polar, Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration












-2,0 -1,0 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 36. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 32 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

CLα CD0 αCL=0 (°) K2 K1 RMSLift RMSDrag

Experimental 5,9 0,022 -1,2 0,070 -0,017 3% 3%
Tornado 5,2 0,023 -2,1 0,024 0,001 7% 10%
Preliminary 5,3 0,022 -2,1 0,034 0,000 8% 6%
AVL 6,2 0,022 -1,1 0,030 -0,001 6% 9%
PANAIR 5,6 0,023 -1,5 0,057 -0,002 4% 11%
Table 7. Data for the Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration

Aero Commander 680 Super









0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,40 1,60

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 37. Drag Polar, Aero Commander 680 Super

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 33 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients









-5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR

Figure 38. Lift vs. Angle of attack, Aero Commander 680 Super

CLα CD0 αCL=0 (°) K2 K1 RMSLift RMSDrag

Experimental 5,0 0,044 -8,6 0,050 -0,011 1% 1%
Tornado 5,2 0,044 -8,6 0,043 -0,017 4% 14%
Preliminary 4,8 0,044 -8,6 0,055 0,000 5% 18%
AVL 5,2 0,044 -8,7 0,054 -0,003 5% 14%
PANAIR 5,1 0,044 -8,6 0,050 -0,007 2% 5%
Table 8. Data for the Aero Commander 680 Super
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 34 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


Boeing 747-100









0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,45 0,5 0,55 0,6 0,65 0,7

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 39. - Differences on polar-Boeing 747-100










-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Alpha (degrees)

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 40. - Differences on lift- Boeing 747-100

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 35 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Boeing 777-300








-0,30 -0,15 0,00 0,15 0,30 0,45 0,60 0,75 0,90 1,05 1,20

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 41. Differences in polar, Boeing 777-300














-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Alpha (degrees)

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 42. Differences in lift, Boeing 777-300

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 36 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

TF-8A at Mach 0.5












-0,50 -0,40 -0,30 -0,20 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 43. Differences in polar, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5







-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Alpha (degrees)

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 44. Differences in lift, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.5

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 37 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

TF- 8A at Mach 0.8
















-0,50 -0,40 -0,30 -0,20 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 45. Differences in polar, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8










0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0 12,5
Alpha (degrees)

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 46. Differences in lift, Supercritical wing airplane at Mach 0.8

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 38 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Lockheed Constellation C-69






-0,30 -0,20 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 47. Differences in polar, Lockheed C-69











-7,5 -5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5
Alpha (degrees)

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 48. Differences in lift, Lockheed C-69

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 39 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Boeing Stratocruiser - Conventional configuration







-0,20 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 49. Differences in polar, Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration












-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Alpha (degrees)

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 50. Differences in lift, Boeing Stratocruiser, conventional configuration

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 40 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

Boeing Stratocruiser - Bomber configuration










-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 51. Differences in polar, Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration











0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0
Alpha (degrees)

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 52. Differences in lift, Boeing Stratocruiser, bomber configuration

Aero Commander 680 Super

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 41 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients










0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,40 1,60

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 53. Differences in polar, Aero Commander 680 Super











-5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0
Alpha (degrees)

Aproxim Tornado Preliminary AVL PANAIR Max Error Max Error

Figure 54. Differences in lift, Aero Commander 680 Super

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 42 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

In this section, the drag polar has been substituted by the pitch moment coefficient CM. As the
preliminary method does not calculate the moment, it is not included in the solutions. The
ANSYS CFX software is used in these cases for both lift and moment. The reference point is
the quarter chord point, that is, the aerodynamic center. The pitching moment is assumed to
be constant.

In the NACA 0012, the pitch is CM=0 at all angles of attack. The errors are therefore not

The codes used are not intended to be used to calculate airfoil performance but these tests
were made to check their accuracy even in calculations for which they are not designed. In
order to accomplish this, the airfoils need to be set up as very high aspect ratio wings, and in
this case the aspect ratio used is 100. The XFOIL software is used for these comparisons as
well, as a reliable source on the calculation of airfoil characteristics.
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 43 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

NACA 2412






-10,0 -7,5 -5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0 12,5
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL CFX PANAIR XFOIL

Figure 55. Lift vs. Angle of attack, NACA 2412











-6,0 -4,0 -2,0 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0
Alpha (degrees)


Figure 56. Pitching moment vs. Angle of attack, NACA 2412

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 44 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

CLα αCL0 (deg) RMSLift RMSPitch

Experimental 6,1 -2,0 1% 5%
Tornado 6,4 -2,1 5% 5%
Preliminary 6,2 -2,1 3% N/D
AVL 6,5 -2,3 12% 5%
CFX 5,8 -2,3 10% 3%
PANAIR 6,3 -2,3 9% 5%
XFOIL 6,3 -2,1 4% 5%
Table 9. Data for the NACA2412 airfoil

NACA 0012














-10,5 -9,0 -7,5 -6,0 -4,5 -3,0 -1,5 0,0 1,5 3,0 4,5 6,0 7,5
Alpha (degrees)

WTT Tornado Preliminary AVL CFX PANAIR XFOIL

Figure 57. Lift vs. Angle of attack, NACA 0012

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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients








-6,0 -4,0 -2,0 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0
Alpha (degrees)


Figure 58. Pitching moment vs. Angle of attack, NACA 0012

CLα αCL0 (deg) RMSLift

Experimental 6,2 0,0 0,6%
Tornado 6,4 0,0 2,7%
Preliminary 6,2 0,0 0,9%
AVL 6,3 0,0 1,8%
CFX 6,3 0,0 1,7%
PANAIR 6,1 0,0 1,9%
XFOIL 6,3 0,0 1,5%
Table 10. Data for the NACA0012 airfoil
Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 46 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

NACA 2412







-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Alpha (degrees)

Aprox Tornado Preliminary AVL CFX PANAIR MaxError MaxError XFOIL

Figure 59. Differences in lift, NACA 2412







-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Alpha (degrees)

Aprox Tornado AVL CFX PANAIR MaxError MaxError XFOIL

Figure 60. Differences in pitch, NACA 2412

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 47 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

NACA 0012







-10,0 -8,0 -6,0 -4,0 -2,0 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0
Alpha (degrees)

Aprox Tornado Preliminary AVL CFX PANAIR MaxError MaxError XFOIL

Figure 61. Differences in lift, NACA 0012

Ramón López Pereira Linköpings Universitet, FluMeS Page 48 (55)
Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


The accuracy of the solutions depends on what is important in each specific case. Sometimes lift is the
variable under investigation, but in other cases it is drag, and this is a decision to be made by the
working team in order to apply the best software for the model being tested. Each method has weak
points in different areas: more computational time on an elliptical wing for Tornado and AVL as a result
of the necessary increase in the number of partitions, problems with calculation of airfoils etc. The
methods would complement each other if different areas of study are analyzed. Depending on the kind
of aircraft which is to be designed, one code or another should be used. Which software is the most
appropriate for which type of aircraft will be discussed in the following chapters.

Grid Convergence
Something to take into account is that the number of panels in Tornado is limited by the memory used
by MATLAB. That is, it is not possible to set an extremely high value for the number of panels. And
anyway, it is not worth doing so: the variation in the results decreases as the number of panels
increases until grid convergence is achieved. Grid convergence is the condition at which the variation
of results obtained when increasing the complexity of the model (that is, more panels) is less than a
limit value. In this report, a convergence limit of 1% was selected. The following figure shows the grid
convergence in the method for the Boeing 747-100, one of the validation cases on this report. The
number of panels varies from a 6-panel model (1 panel chord wise and 1 span wise on each partition)
to a more complex 496-panel model with a high density of panels at the tip. For the convergence to be
more precise, the variations have been calculated for the three aerodynamic coefficients: lift, drag, and
pitch moment. Using this, increasing the number of panels to over 416 on the wing (or to round the
number, 400) is a waste of memory, computational time and analysis time for this case. The
convergence of the coefficients can be seen in figure 62, and the time consumption is summarized in
figure 63. Even though the time for 496 panels is only 6.378 seconds, with a more complex geometry
or for several tests (for instance, for different angles of attack), reducing the time to conduct one test
implies less total time. As can be seen from figure 63, the increase in time with the number of panels
follows a second grade curve, and using too many panels can therefore mean a loss of too much time
with no improvement in the precision of the results. The limit for a usual example in a conventional
computer and MATLAB R.2008, using RAM memory, is around 1,400 panels for a whole aircraft.





Difference (%)






0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475
Number of panels

Average error ∆CL ∆CD ∆CM Max Diff Max Diff

Figure 62. Grid convergence, Boeing 747-100

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y = 3E-05x - 0,0008x + 0,0979
6,0 2
R = 0,9999
Time elapsed (s)

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510
Number of panels

Figure 63. Time consumption, Boeing 747-100

The results for both aircraft and airfoils are discussed next.

A) Boeing 747-100

Analyzing the drag results, of the four methods the lowest error comes from Tornado with only 4.5%
RMS, followed by PANAIR with a 1.5% greater difference, and the least accurate method is the
Preliminary. This may be a result of the Oswald efficiency factor used, as well as the polar not having
its minimum at the CD0.

The CD0 value is best in Tornado. The value given by the Raymer calculations is 0.016 (as seen from
the Preliminary result), which is not far from the actual 0.019. The combination of the wing drag
calculated by Tornado and the Raymer drag for the rest of elements provided the closest result.

The lift slope is very similar in all methods except for the Preliminary, which has an extraordinarily high
value. This may be due to the high Mach number, the large sweepback or the modeling of the airfoil.
This method approximates every airfoil lift slope to two times pi, whatever airfoil it is. And that, as seen
in this case, may not be a good value in every case.

The zero lift angle of attack is almost equal in the models. The Preliminary method has taken the
Tornado value, as it will be in all examples. PANAIR has the most accurate result for this angle, but
the difference is not significant enough to comment upon.

The RMSLift is smallest in PANAIR, but the other methods are very close (except for the Preliminary,
which has an extremely large error).

The RMSs are only below the 5% limit in Tornado. All the others have values below 10%, which is
outside the limits but excessively so, and may be accepted in the very first calculation.

Tornado’s results are very close to the actual data but it has one problem, viz. that the error seems to
increase with the increase in lift. In take-off and landing configurations, the error might be higher than
desired. In any case, the difference at least shows that the drag is 10% above its actual value, which is
better than having an approximation of 10% less when doing the sizing of the airplane.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

PANAIR and AVL have very similar results in respect of both RMSs, which would lead to using AVL in
this type of case if these two were the only options. The time to prepare and run the case in PANAIR
totally discourages its usage.

B) Boeing 777-300

In this case, the drag has no linear term in the polar, which helps the Preliminary method to be more
accurate. In fact, the drag calculation is second best in this model. Once again, Tornado gives the best
results as regards the polar, although the RMS is quite high. The big differences come from the
negative lift section, where the estimation is more than 15% lower than the actual value. All codes
have errors above 10% for negative lifts, that is, for angles of attack under -3 degrees.

The CD0 value from Raymer is 0.011. This is slightly lower than the actual 0.013, which also influences
the high RMS for drag. The CD0 in Tornado on the wing is roughly the same as in the Raymer version.
Ultimately, the CD0 value is the same for all methods.

When analyzing the lift results, the Preliminary again has too high a value for the slope. AVL and
PANAIR have almost the same slope as the Experimental value, which makes them have only 2% and
3% RMS respectively. The zero lift angle of attack is once again very similar, with a difference of only
0.3 degrees in the PANAIR solution, but the same angle for the other methods.

The analysis in this case leads to choosing AVL, but Tornado results are accurate enough. AVL has a
lower error in both calculations, so it would be the best choice. The second best is Tornado. The
problem with the solution in this case is that the error is substantial (outside the limits) for low angles of
attack and for the drag this grows until very high lift configurations, near stall. If only drag is to be
compared, the Preliminary would give a really good approximation and it would take the least time to
achieve results if a zero lift drag had been calculated previously.

These two first cases are examples of the same type of airplane: high capacity, long-range aircraft.
The results can therefore be used to analyze which software can be used to study one of the new
aircraft of this type, such as the Boeing 787 or the A350. Both AVL and Tornado give good results in a
relatively short time. PANAIR gives better results in these cases, but it should be used only if time is
not important; nowadays the time spent on these calculations is to be kept as low as possible, though,
and unless special software is available (PANIN, for instance) the time spent on the runs in PANAIR is
going to be significantly higher than in any other code.

C) TF-8A research airplane

C.1) Mach 0.5

This case has really strange results. The errors in respect of drag are close to or above 10%, and in
the lift case only Tornado is very close to the Experimental data.

As regards drag, Tornado has an approximate value of CD0, which is nearer the actual solution. The
Raymer calculation (CD0= 0.028) is above the real value. The wing calculation is better in Tornado, the
AVL solution is too high, and PANAIR gives the same result as Raymer.

The lift slope is far from the actual data in most methods. AVL and Tornado have the best, but the αCL0
is better in the Tornado results, which makes it the best as regards lift, with a RMS close to the one
achieved with the wing tunnel result approximation. Surprisingly, the Preliminary method has fairly
good results compared with the other codes, even better than PANAIR as regards lift.

This difference in all methods may be caused by the addition of the area rule. As this aircraft is
modified with its application, the results may differ significantly as regards both lift and drag.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

If any method has to be used, the best would probably be Tornado, with the best results in respect of
lift and the second best in respect of drag. If negative lift coefficients are not used, the Tornado values
are the clearly the best. Once again, the Preliminary method could be a fast first test, giving average

C.2) Mach 0.8

The approximation with least RMS in respect of both lift and drag is Tornado.

The drag analysis shows that the K2 value is too small in almost all methods, being less than a half of
the Experimental approximation polar in two of the four codes. This means that in a high lift
configuration (high lift being a CL of 0.8) the drag estimation will be much lower, as can be seen from
figures 29 and 45.

The Raymer zero lift drag is higher than the actual value. Once again, the Tornado approximation of
the wing is better, as it also is with AVL and PANAIR in this case.

The lift slope calculations are quite close to the experimental data. Only the Preliminary method has a
lower value, which makes it the worst approximation, even though it seems the most accurate on the
actual error.

As stated above, the best method in this example is Tornado. But as seen in the previous calculations,
at M0.5 for the same airplane the behavior is different, so this type of aircraft has to be treated with
caution. The other codes have errors that may be too large to be acceptable.

D) Lockheed C-69 scaled research model

At low lift angles of attack, the errors in drag are not large but at middle and high lift the difference
reaches values above 20%, which is very high. The fact is that even the approximation made using the
Experimental data has a surprisingly high RMS. This can mean that this aircraft does not have a
2 2
quadratic polar (R =0.9836), but a higher grade one. A fourth grade polar has an R of 0.9995.

The zero lift drag, on the other hand, fits perfectly. Raymer’s calculation gives a CD0 of 0.016 against
the 0.015 of the experimental data.

The lift slope has a very close value among the methods and with the Experimental. AVL and PANAIR,
with their larger results, have the two highest RMS errors.

The zero lift angle of attack is the same for Experimental, Tornado and PANAIR, and slightly higher for
AVL. But this 0.3 degree difference in the position of the curve makes the method give the worst
results for lift. Surprisingly, the Preliminary method is second best here, only beaten by Tornado.
PANAIR, with the greater slope, is behind the Preliminary calculations.

Summing up the facts from the results, the best method for this aircraft is PANAIR, even though the
RMS for lift is higher than the others. The second grade polynomial approach seems not to work for
this aircraft, while lift is well modeled.

E) Boeing Stratocruiser

E.1) Conventional Configuration

Looking at the RMS, the drag data is very close. The maximum error is around 10%, but most are
under 5%, which is an impressive result. The Preliminary method has the worst data for drag, but the
error seems to come from the CD0: the Raymer calculation is above the actual result on 4 drag counts,
while the other methods gave the same value as the Experimental approximation. If the zero lift drag
had been the same as in the other methods, the RMS would have been reduced to 5%, that is, in the
same values as the other methods.

The lift slope has similar results. The Preliminary calculation is once again the least accurate, and the
RMS is therefore above 15%. Both PANAIR and Tornado have the same slope, and the closest to the
Experimental value. But the difference in the zero lift angle of attack makes Tornado have the second
highest RMS value, while PANAIR has a nicer 2% error. If only positive angles of attack were
investigated, the actual error is low in all of the codes except for the Preliminary method.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

The analysis of the results shows that the best code in this case may be PANAIR, with AVL a close
second. If the drag results are more important, AVL would be the best method to use. And the fact that
the simulation time is an extra point in its favor means that it is better to use AVL if a faster calculation
is to be made.

E.2) Bomber Aircraft

In this example, the preliminary method has the smallest RMS values for drag, and is not bad as
regards lift.

The K2 coefficient is too low in all methods although, as can be seen from figure 49, until around a CL
of 0.5, the difference in the results in all methods is no greater than 5%. That is, if the lift coefficient is
below the set value, any method will give acceptable results.

The Raymer zero lift drag calculation has very good results. Actually, the Tornado wing drag is one
count above the actual value, as is the PANAIR calculation.

The lift slope is surprisingly very different in all four methods. Only the AVL approximation is above the
Experimental value and the others are much lower. Even with this, the RMS is reduced by the fact that
the zero lift angle of attack is larger (absolute value) in the other methods.

The best method would be AVL or the Preliminary. In the case of lift, the errors come at small angles
of attack, and in drag just the opposite. But the two methods are complementary: the lift problem is
better solved in AVL for low angles and the drag is better in the Preliminary. If a fast solution is
required, the Preliminary should be the method to use, but the user has to interpret the solution with

F) Aero Commander 680 Super

In this airplane, the drag estimation is quite bad in most of the methods (errors above 10% in almost all
lift values), but very good as regards lift (errors below 5% at most angles of attack).

There is no big differences on the K2 coefficient on any of the approximations. The problem seems to
be in the linear term, where the closest value to the Experimental data has the lowest RMS and the
furthest has the greatest.

The CD0 is very accurate; the wing value seems to be correct for the methods which calculate it too.

The CLα shows similar values in all methods. The preliminary approach is below and the others above,
but never far from the Experimental results.

The zero lift angles are close in all calculations. This, added to the slope issue, causes the RMSLift to
be very low in the methods.

For a civil propeller aircraft, like the one analyzed here, the best software would be PANAIR if all
coefficients are to be estimated. If only the lift data is important, any other code could be considered,
and would give fairly accurate results in a much shorter time. The position and interference of the
nacelles and propellers on the wing are a problem which is difficult to solve in Tornado or AVL, and
this may be the source of the substantial RMSDrag on them, although the lift results do not seem to be
affected by incorrect modeling of these areas.
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G) NACA 2412

The results regarding this airfoil are an example of why the user should use the simulations with

The lift slope is quite good, as it can be extracted from table 9. The CFX value is a little low, though.
This can come from the setup of the problem, by having an insufficiently high wingspan, or the inlet
and outlet not being at the necessary minimum distance, among other possible causes. Tornado is the
second best model as regards lift, with an aspect ratio of 100, while PANAIR and AVL have problems
in this section, with 9 and 12% RMS.

The pitching moment is accurate, inside the valid limits and even below 4%. There is a small wave in
the AVL results that should not be there, as the moment is supposed to be constant. But the rest of the
methods do not seem to have that variation.

The main problem seems to come from the negative angles of attack in respect of lift. This makes it
difficult to decide which is the best method. But as Tornado could run the whole problem without any
complements, as is the case with the Preliminary method, and as it does not calculate the pitching
moment, the best code to use in this case is Tornado.

H) NACA 0012

This example has better results for all the methods.

The lift slope is very similar in all the methods. Tornado has the highest slope and RMS, and as with
the drag calculations, the Preliminary method is best, due to the high aspect ratio and the actual slope
being closer to the ideal 2-pi approximation.

The zero lift angle of attack is accurate for all the methods, as would be expected from a symmetric
airfoil. The actual error is lower than 5% on all points, which is better than might be expected with this
kind of model.

The pitching moment is 0 for all analyzed angles of attack (which are low angles so that the methods
can model the situation correctly). The Tornado results are perfect, but not the others. The moments
are in the order of 10 , which is quite acceptable for the error, as the CM for the NACA2412 was in the
order of 10 . The difference possibly arises out of the size of the model, as the aspect ratio may not
be sufficient, or may be an approximation error. Either way, the results seem to be valid if interpreted
with caution.

From this analysis, it is clear that the Preliminary calculations are best for lift, as the geometry is not
the most adequate for the other codes. But as the pitching moment is not calculated in this method,
the results are not complete and the analysis would therefore also be incomplete. This is not
acceptable, so the best results in all areas come from AVL and Tornado. Tornado has greater errors
as regards lift, but AVL has problems with the pitching moment. That is a big point for Tornado, as
errors in respect of pitch moments would mean deflection of stabilizing surfaces to compensate for a
moment that does not actually exist.

In an airfoil test, it was observed that the codes which produced the best results for regular aircraft
have problems with the results. This may not seem important as airfoils are easily tested in wind
tunnels and have already been extensively analyzed, but it may be something to take into account if
the airplane has a very high aspect ratio (above 15). As an example, the aircraft in the Solar Impulse
project (which intends to fly a solar-powered airplane non-stop around the world) has an aspect ratio of
20, and most of these airplanes have an extremely high aspect ratio, so using this type of software
may not be 100% advisable for them. Gliders are another example of when not to use the validated
codes, as is also the case with newly developed airfoils.

For elliptical wing aircraft (like the C-69 or the Boeing Stratocruiser) a great many partitions (4 is the
minimum acceptable) are needed to model the wings in Tornado and AVL. This increases the input
and processing time, but the results would be improved to much more acceptable values than those
already achieved.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients

To sum up the results for all validation cases, it can be concluded that there is no ideal code that can
solve all desired cases in a reasonable time, but they complement each other. From the analysis of the
results, the ideal code for the different cases will vary. The quality of the results may also depend on
the Mach number used, which can in fact play an important role in some airplanes. The software that
is most likely to be used, if only one code is to be run, is Tornado. The results must be analyzed
carefully to check that they are inside he expected field, to avoid unexpected problems arising.

The methods have different user-friendliness, which may need to be taken into account. For instance,
Tornado and AVL usually give similar results in most of the cases but for AVL to work properly, input
documents with the airfoil coordinates are needed and have to be provided by the user, while Tornado
can use any of the ones in its database, including all NACA 4- and 5-series airfoils. The interface is
very user-friendly and the user is guided through the setup process. Neither AVL nor PANAIR can do
this. The data has to be prepared totally by the user and put into a special input file for each case. The
Preliminary method does not need anything but the aspect ratio, the Oswald efficiency factor (which
can be approximated or calculated) and the sweepback at the leading edge.

First of all, to Dr. Tomas Melin for his continuous support during the development of this study. Also to
Professor Petter Krus, for his help at the difficult first steps. To the staff at the International Relations
Office at Linköpings Universitet and E.U.I.T. Aeronáutica in Madrid, especially Juan Manuel Holgado,
Emilia Palma and Maria José Alonso, without whom this work would not have been possible. Finally,
to professors Ángel Rodríguez Sevillano, Fernando Gandía, Rodolfo Sant and Miguel Ángel Barcala,
who gave me the foundation to face any aerodynamic problem.
And to my family, as without their support from a distance the work would have been much more
difficult, and my friends, both the ones I have made during these months in Sweden and the ones back
in Spain.
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Validation of software for the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients


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