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Split Tensile Strength Using Polypropylene

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Split Tensile Strength using Polypropylene

Split tensile strength can be determined by either direct methods, or indirect methods. The direct
method has difficulties related to holding the specimen properly in the testing machine without
introducing stress concentration, and in application of uniaxial tensile load which is free from
eccentricity to the specimen. Since concrete is weak in tension even a small eccentricity of load will
induce combined bending and axial force condition and the concrete fails at the apparent tensile stress
rather than the tensile strength (Madhavi et al., 2015). The split tensile strength gained more strength at
early age of 28 days compared to 56 days(K. Murahari, 2013). It is found that the split tensile strength
increased with increasing fiber content Fibers tend to bridge the micro cracks and hamper the
propagation of cracks. When tensile stress is transferred to fibers, the micro cracks are arrested and
thus improve the split tensile strength of concrete(Gencel et al., 2011). From the study of (Hajali Ahmed
& Ahmed Daoud, 2016) studied the effect of length of fiber on the split tensile strength of fiber
reinforced concrete and observed that, the split tensile strength of fiber reinforced concrete was
dependent on length of fiber used. By addition of longer length fiber, the split tensile strength increases.
Use of 24 mm long fiber with same volume of fraction gives maximum split tensile strength over fiber 15
mm and 20 mm cut length. The overall effect of 24 mm long fiber when used in fiber content of 0.25% of
weight of cement was that it improved the split tensile strength of concrete by 72%.

Compressive Strength using Polypropylene

Compressive strength of concrete is one of the most important properties of concrete. The compressive
strength of cube specimens was obtained according to the BS 1881 at the ages of 7, 28 and 56 days. In
this study, it can be observed that the compressive strength of fiber concretes is less than the control
concrete. This strength reduction can be induced by collection of Calcium- Hydroxide in the interface of
fibers and hydrated cement. Besides, the compressive strength increased with increase of fibers length.
The compressive strength of 19 mm fibers concretes is almost equal to the control concrete. The
compressive, split tensile and flexural strength improved on addition of 1.5 % of polypropylene fiber in
the concrete(Najimi et al., 2009). (Mehul J. Patel, 2013) used fibrillated polypropylene fiber of length
12mm and diameter 34 micron and low density of 0.9 kN/m3, in percentages of 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% in
high strength concrete. Super plasticizer Conplast-Sp430 was used. They observed that the compressive
strength of concrete increased with addition of fibers.

From the study of (K. Murahari, 2013) the effect of polypropylene fibers in fly ash concrete, fiber volume
fraction of 0.15%, 0.2%, 0.25% and 0.3% was used in fly ash concrete with class C fly ash of specific
gravity 1.96, obtained from NLC. Fly ash content was varied as 30%, 40% and 50%. 12 mm (40%) and 20
mm (60%) coarse aggregate with specific gravity of 2.7 were used. The cube specimens were tested for
28days and 56 days strength. The compressive strength gained maximum strength at early age as
observed for all fly ash and polypropylene fiber concrete. It is also observed that the compressive
strength increased gradually from 0.15% to 0.3% fiber content.
Polypropylene Reinforced Concrete

PFRC is easy to place, compact, finish, pump and it reduces the rebound effect in sprayed concrete
applications by increasing cohesiveness of wet concrete. Being wholly synthetic there is no corrosion
risk. PFRC shows improved impact resistance as compared to conventionally reinforced brittle concrete.
The use of PFRC provides a safer working environment and improves abrasion resistance in concrete
floors by controlling the bleeding while the concrete is in plastic stage. The possibility of increased
tensile strength and impact resistance offers potential reductions in the weight and thickness of
structural components and should also reduce the damage resulting from shipping and handling
[ CITATION SKS11 \l 1033 ]. The performance of PFRC is compared with ordinary concrete through
extensive tests comprising modulus of elasticity, static flexure, abrasion, and impact(Jain et al., 2011).

Gencel, O., Ozel, C., Brostow, W., & Martínez-Barrera, G. (2011). Mechanical properties of self-
compacting concrete reinforced with polypropylene fibres. Materials Research Innovations, 15(3),
216–225. https://doi.org/10.1179/143307511X13018917925900
Hajali Ahmed, T. A., & Ahmed Daoud, D. O. M. (2016). Influence of Polypropylene Fibres on Concrete
Properties. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 13(05), 09–20.
Jain, R., Gupta, R., Khare, M. G., & Dharmadhikari, A. A. (2011). Use of polypropylene fibre reinforced
concrete as a construction material for rigid pavements. Indian Concrete Journal, 85(3), 45–53.
K. Murahari, R. mohan R. p. (2013). Effects of Polypropylene fibres on the strength properties Of fly ash
based concrete. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 2(5), 13–19.
Liu, H., Liu, R., Yang, H., Ma, C., & Zhou, H. (2018). Experimental study on the performance of pervious
concrete. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 113(1), 114–119.
Madhavi, T. C., Reddy, M., Kumar, P., Raju, S., & Mathur, D. (2015). Behaviour of polypropylene fiber
reinforced concrete. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(9), 22627–22638.
Mehul J. Patel, S. M. K. (2013). Effect of Polypropylene Fibre on The High Strength Concrete. Journal of
Information, Knowledge And Research in Civil Engineering, 2(2), 127.
Najimi, M., Farahani, F. M., & Pourkhorshidi, A. R. (2009). EFFECTS OF POLYPROPYLENE FIBERS ON

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