O-RADS US Risk Stratification and Management System: A Consensus Guideline From The ACR Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System Committee
O-RADS US Risk Stratification and Management System: A Consensus Guideline From The ACR Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System Committee
O-RADS US Risk Stratification and Management System: A Consensus Guideline From The ACR Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System Committee
The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US risk stratification and management system is designed to provide
consistent interpretations, to decrease or eliminate ambiguity in US reports resulting in a higher probability of accuracy in assign-
ing risk of malignancy to ovarian and other adnexal masses, and to provide a management recommendation for each risk category.
It was developed by an international multidisciplinary committee sponsored by the American College of Radiology and applies the
standardized reporting tool for US based on the 2018 published lexicon of the O-RADS US working group. For risk stratification,
the O-RADS US system recommends six categories (O-RADS 0–5), incorporating the range of normal to high risk of malignancy.
This unique system represents a collaboration between the pattern-based approach commonly used in North America and the
widely used, European-based, algorithmic-style International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) Assessment of Different Neoplasias
in the Adnexa model system, a risk prediction model that has undergone successful prospective and external validation. The pattern
approach relies on a subgroup of the most predictive descriptors in the lexicon based on a retrospective review of evidence prospec-
tively obtained in the IOTA phase 1–3 prospective studies and other supporting studies that assist in differentiating management
schemes in a variety of almost certainly benign lesions. With O-RADS US working group consensus, guidelines for management in
the different risk categories are proposed. Both systems have been stratified to reach the same risk categories and management strat-
egies regardless of which is initially used. At this time, O-RADS US is the only lexicon and classification system that encompasses
all risk categories with their associated management schemes.
© RSNA, 2019
Figure 1: Image shows Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) key US lexicon terms for risk assessment. IOTA = International Ovarian Tumor Analysis.
Adapted, with permission, from the American College of Radiology. (Fig 1 continues)
for surgical procedures as judged by the clinician. Among all of tumors and were placed in the different prespecified risk cat-
6169 patients recorded in the databases for phases 1, 1b, 2, and egories based on their corresponding prevalence of malignancy
3, we excluded 255 patients (4.1%) (15). For details on inclu- as found in the IOTA database (Table). These groups of terms
sion and exclusion criteria as well as data collection, we refer to incorporate descriptors that can be used to categorize the vast
the original publications of the respective study phases (15,21– majority of ovarian and other adnexal lesions imaged with so-
24). Additionally, nine patients were excluded because the US nography. This classification that includes a clinical management
investigator did not specify the tumor type. The resulting group scheme agreed on by the gynecologists, gynecologic oncologists,
of 5905 patients represents the largest available data set of ad- and radiologists in the O-RADS US working group formed the
nexal masses that have undergone surgical procedures and have basis for the O-RADS US stratification system (Figs 2, 3).
histologic findings available as a reference standard (15). To categorize a specific lesion, there are two complementary
Based on expert opinion of the committee members, lexicon strategies. One can apply the US descriptors to assess the le-
features were combined to represent clinically relevant groups sion, recognized as the most accurate method of discriminating
benign from malignant lesions in the hands of expert sonogra- successful prospective and external validation (25–27), includ-
phers as presented in the O-RADS US lexicon. Alternatively, ing in the hands of less-experienced examiners (26).
one can use the risk prediction given by using the IOTA AD-
NEX model (Fig 4), a mathematical model consisting of three Synopsis of American College of Radiology
clinical variables (patient age, oncology or nononcology center, O-RADS US RISK Stratification and Management
and serum cancer antigen 125 [CA-125] level) and six US vari- Strategy
ables (Fig 5). Results from the logistic regression formula can
be obtained by using a calculator freely available online (https:// Governing Concepts
www.iotagroup.org/adnexmodel/ or https://www.evidencio.com/ 1. Recommendations should function as guidance rather
models/show/946), in applications for smartphones, or inte- than requirements for the management of patients with
grated in the US systems. The ADNEX model has undergone ovarian and other adnexal masses. Individual case man-
Figure 2: Image shows Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US risk stratification and management system. * = At a minimum, at least 1-year follow-
up showing stability or decrease in size is recommended with consideration of annual follow-up of up to 5 years, if stable. However, there is currently a paucity of evidence
for defining optimal duration or interval of timing for surveillance. ** = Presence of ascites with category 1–2 lesion, must consider other malignant or nonmalignant etiolo-
gies of ascites. CS = color score, GYN = gynecologic, IOTA = International Ovarian Tumor Analysis, N/A = not applicable. Adapted, with permission, from the American
College of Radiology.
O-RADS 2 category, it is an important part of evaluation of le- literature (4,6,7,11,42,46). Also included are unilocular cysts
sions in the higher-risk categories. A complete definition of the with wall irregularity, multilocular cysts less than 10 cm without
color score with associated illustrations of each score is found in solid component(s) with a color score less than 4 (Fig 1), and
the “Vascularity” category of Figure 1. avascular solid or solid-appearing lesions with a smooth external
O-RADS 3, the low-risk category (1% to ,10% risk of contour of any size. The presence of Doppler flow is diagnos-
malignancy), includes lesions in the almost certainly benign tic of solid tissue but its absence is less informative, and the le-
category that are larger, and other lesions where descriptors ap- sion should then be considered solid appearing as described in
ply that denote a slightly higher risk of malignancy (Fig 13). the abbreviated lexicon (Fig 1). Beginning with the O-RADS
This includes both simple cysts, unilocular smooth nonsimple 3 category, the color score becomes incorporated into the risk
cysts, and lesions with classic benign descriptors that are greater stratification system. The individual O-RADS 3 descriptors are
than or equal to 10 cm. A cutoff of 10 cm was used in view of listed in Figure 2.
a considerable increase in risk of malignancy found using this O-RADS 4 refers to the intermediate-risk category (10% to
threshold by applying IOTA 1–3 data, as well as supportive ,50% risk of malignancy) that includes descriptors found to be
Figure 3: Image shows Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US risk stratification and management system for classic benign lesions and associated
descriptors (O-RADS 2). * = There is currently a paucity of evidence for defining optimal duration or interval of timing for surveillance. Evidence does support an increasing
risk of malignancy in endometriomas following menopause. Adapted, with permission, from the American College of Radiology.
Figure 4: Image shows incorporation of Assessment of Different Neoplasias in the Adnexa (ADNEX) model into Ovarian-
Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) risk classification system.
Figure 5: Images show US features used in Assessment of Different Neoplasias in the Adnexa model.
Figure 6: Image shows Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US category 1, normal ovary.
Bindman et al (42) of 72 093 women who underwent pelvic The committee agreed that no additional management is
sonography from 1997 to 2008, no simple cysts were diagnosed required for simple cysts less than or equal to 5 cm in diameter
as cancer in women younger than 50 years (0 of 12 957 cysts), in premenopausal patients, and those less than or equal to 3
and only a single simple cyst was ultimately diagnosed as a ma- cm should be considered physiologic (consistent with normal
lignancy in women over 50 years (one of 2349 simple cysts) at physiology, ie, follicles). Because of the challenge of perform-
3 years following US. Other large populations of patients with ing a consistently high-quality study in larger cysts and keeping
simple cysts have also been studied with similar findings, albeit in mind that the vast majority of these cysts are functional, the
predominantly in the ovarian cancer screening populations in committee agreed that it is reasonable in the premenopausal
postmenopausal women (43–47). A recent meta-analysis of patient to recommend a follow-up in 8–12 weeks for cysts
surgically removed unilocular cysts by Parazzini et al (48), re- greater than 5 cm but less than 10 cm to confirm its functional
viewing articles published after 2000, suggested a limited risk nature or to reassess for cyst wall abnormalities (more easily
of malignancy in anechoic cysts among premenopausal women missed in cysts approaching 10 cm). In general, the prolifera-
of approximately 0.5% (three of 657) versus postmenopausal tive phase is the optimal time for reevaluation, allowing involu-
women of 1.5% (seven of 469). Major limitations of this tion of functional cysts to occur following menstruation. If the
meta-analysis were the heterogeneity among studies. In par- cyst persists or enlarges, then management by a gynecologist is
ticular, the definition of a unilocular anechoic cyst that may suggested. At times, larger cysts may be incompletely evaluated
not meet the strict definition of a simple cyst, while including by transvaginal US, and in these cases, it is important to per-
only masses that had been selected for surgical procedures, is form a transabdominal examination or to indicate an incom-
likely to have included patients with higher risk, potentially plete evaluation due to size, location, or both, thus reverting
overestimating risk. Based on the data supporting the low risk to category 0.
of malignancy of simple cysts, the American College of Ob- Because data confirm only the rare occurrence of malignancy
stetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulle- in the sonographically demonstrated postmenopausal simple
tins—Gynecology, has recommended that “Simple cysts up to cyst (42–47), no further management is suggested in cysts up
10 cm in diameter on transvaginal ultrasonography performed to 3 cm. For cysts greater than 3 cm but less than 10 cm, at
by experienced ultrasonographers are likely to be benign and least 1-year follow-up showing stability or decrease in size is rec-
may be safely monitored using repeat imaging without surgical ommended with consideration of annual follow-up for up to 5
intervention, even in postmenopausal patients” (11). years, if stable (47). If the cyst enlarges, then management by a
Figure 7: Images show typical corpora lutea. A, Corpus luteum with color Doppler and without color Doppler demonstrates central cystic com-
ponent (asterisks) with smooth thickened wall, avascular internal echoes, and peripheral vascularity (arrow). B, Corpus lutea with central component,
thickened wall, and crenulated inner margin (arrow). C, Anechoic thick-walled cyst (asterisk) with intense peripheral vascularity (arrow). D, Color
Doppler energy demonstrates peripheral vascularity (arrow) in this cystic (asterisk) corpus luteum with retracting clot (arrowhead). E, Corpus luteum
as hypoechoic region (asterisk) without central cystic component but with peripheral flow (arrow) at color Doppler. F, Two corpora lutea in setting of
dual ovulation manifest by two hypoechoic regions (asterisks) with peripheral flow (arrows).
Figure 8: Image shows Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US category 2, almost certainly
Figure 9: Image shows Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US category 2, classic benign lesions and associated descriptors. Ov = ovary.
gynecologist is suggested. However, there is currently a paucity diagnosis. Trying to use other, more generic descriptors may lead
of evidence for defining the optimal duration or time interval to an incorrect diagnosis and inappropriate management. If these
for surveillance. almost certainly benign lesions are not classic, then some may fall
into risk categories that would require further characterization by
Classic Benign Lesions and Associated Descriptors referral to a US specialist or by performance of an MRI study.
Once again, when certain classic benign features cited in the lit- However, through this process, the correct diagnosis should be
erature are encountered, one should use them to make a specific reached and these patients not overtreated. An example would be
Figure 10: Images show typical hemorrhagic cysts. A, Ovarian hemorrhagic cyst with retracting clot demonstrates concave margins (arrows) and
internal reticular pattern (asterisk). B, Hemorrhagic cyst with reticular pattern (asterisk) throughout. C, Reticular pattern (asterisk) with fine discontinuous
linear echoes and early retraction of clot at periphery (arrows). D, Retracting clot with reticular pattern (asterisk) and concave margin (arrow). Color
Doppler flow is seen in surrounding ovarian tissue; however, it is absent within blood products. E, Reticular pattern (asterisk), straight and concave
margins (arrows), and no flow at color Doppler energy differentiates retractile clot from solid tissue. F, Avascular hemorrhagic cyst with reticular pat-
tern (asterisk) and concave margin of retractile clot (arrow).
in the setting of a hydrosalpinx that may demonstrate the presence cised. However, in postmenopausal patients, the risk of malig-
of what appears to be a complete septation or endosalpingeal fold nancy and the risk of malignant transformation (ie, clear cell
misinterpreted as a solid component (see Fig 3). and endometroid carcinomas) are higher in endometriomas,
so this risk should be considered when deciding management
Hemorrhagic cysts.—Typical hemorrhagic cysts in the pre- (34). If there is changing morphology or a developing vascular
menopausal age group that are less than or equal to 5 cm re- component within the lesion, then referral to a US specialist or
quire no further management. When greater than 5 cm but less performance of an MRI study is recommended in the premeno-
than 10 cm, follow-up in 8–12 weeks is recommended. If the pausal age group and direct referral to MRI is recommended in
cyst persists or enlarges, then referral for additional expertise to the postmenopausal group. Similar to surveillance of postmeno-
a US specialist or gynecologist, or the recommendation of an pausal simple and nonsimple smooth cysts, the optimal duration
MRI study, is suggested. Hemorrhagic cysts should not occur or interval of timing for surveillance has not been established.
in the postmenopausal population. Thus, when typical hem-
orrhagic cysts less than 10 cm in size are encountered in the Extraovarian cysts.—These include the paraovarian cysts, typi-
postmenopausal age group, further evaluation by a US special- cal peritoneal inclusion cysts, and the typical hydrosalpinges of
ist, referral to a gynecologist, or performance of an MRI study any size. Generally, no further follow-up is needed for simple
is suggested. paraovarian cysts with an optional follow-up at 1 year in the
postmenopausal age group based on confidence in the diagno-
Dermoid cysts and endometriomas.—Typical dermoid cysts sis. If not simple, then the cyst should be managed according
and endometriomas that are less than 10 cm are managed simi- to O-RADS US ovarian cyst criteria. Management by a gyne-
larly. In the premenopausal patient, an optional initial follow-up cologist is recommended for typical peritoneal inclusion cysts
at 8–12 weeks may be helpful based on the confidence in the or hydrosalpinges.
diagnosis and, if not removed surgically, annual US surveillance
should be considered. These patients are usually under the care Nonsimple Unilocular Smooth Cysts
of a gynecologist. In the postmenopausal group, patients with Unilocular cysts with smooth inner margins that are not
a confident diagnosis of a dermoid cyst or endometrioma may simple and do not fall into any of the categories of classic
be considered for annual US follow-up when not surgically ex- benign lesions require no management in the premenopausal
Figure 11: Images show typical dermoid cysts. A, Dermoid cyst with hyperechoic component (asterisk) with acoustic shadowing (arrow) and
hyperechoic lines and dots (arrowhead). B, Hyperechoic lines and dots and hyperechoic component in another dermoid cyst. C, Transabdominal
image of dermoid cyst demonstrates fluid-fluid level (black arrow) with nondependent hyperechogenicity consistent with floating liquid fat. Hyper-
echoic component (asterisk) with acoustic shadowing (arrow) and subtle hyperechoic lines and dots (arrowhead) are also seen. D, Cystic lesion with
prominent hyperechoic lines and dots (arrowheads), which reflect coiled hair in dermoid cyst. E, Hyperechoic component (asterisk) with acoustic
shadowing (arrows) in dermoid cyst containing internal echoes. F, Floating echogenic spherical structures (asterisks) are not common but are pathog-
nomonic of dermoid cyst.
age group when less than or equal to 3 cm. A follow-up US O-RADS 4 (10% to ,50% Risk of Malignancy)
in 8–12 weeks, in the proliferative phase if possible, is recom- Category 4 US findings (intermediate-risk lesions) warrant ei-
mended for cysts greater than 3 cm and less than 10 cm. If ther consultation with gynecologic oncology prior to removal
the cyst persists or enlarges, then referral to a US specialist or referral for management (2). Menopausal status, US special-
or performance of an MRI study should be considered for ist evaluation, MRI characterization, and serum biomarkers
further characterization. In the postmenopausal age group, (most commonly, CA-125) may play a role in deciding which
although follow-up in 1 year is an option if the cyst is less of these lesions should be referred for management by a gy-
than or equal to 3 cm, additional characterization of the fluid necologic oncologist (49). If a surgical procedure is to be per-
and inner margins of the cyst may be accomplished by a US formed by a general gynecologist, then it is recommended that
specialist or an MRI study and should be considered for these the facility has the “necessary support and consultative services
cysts irrespective of the size. Management by a gynecologist to optimize patient outcomes” (11).
is suggested for the larger premenopausal cysts greater than
3 cm and all postmenopausal nonsimple unilocular smooth O-RADS 5 (50%–100% Risk of Malignancy)
cysts. The system states that category 5 US findings (high-risk le-
sions) should be directly referred to a gynecologic oncologist
O-RADS 3 (1% to ,10% Risk of Malignancy) for management.
The vast majority of O-RADS 3 lesions (.90%) are benign Although serum markers do play a role in evaluation, the
and the committee agreed that there is no need for consulta- O-RADS US committee purposely did not advocate for their
tion with a gynecologic oncologist. Patients with this group of routine use in the assessment based on lesion category, and they
lesions should be managed by a general gynecologist, although are not included in our risk stratification system. The commit-
it is important that optimal imaging evaluation be performed. tee felt that tumor marker evaluation should be individualized
Thus, consultation with a US specialist or performance of an for each patient. For example, an elevated level of CA-125 in
MRI examination to minimize the risk of overlooking more a premenopausal patient with an intermediate-risk lesion and
suspicious features is encouraged by the O-RADS US manage- a clinical scenario highly suspicious for endometriosis may
ment scheme. unnecessarily elevate the concern for malignancy. Likewise,
Figure 12: Images show typical endometriomas. A, Common appearance of endometrioma demonstrates homogenous low-level or ground
glass internal echoes (asterisk); surrounding ovarian parenchyma (arrow) is seen. B, Similar features of homogenous low-level or ground glass
echoes (asterisk) with surrounding ovarian tissue (arrow) and posterior acoustic enhancement (arrowhead). C, No internal flow at Doppler imaging
should be observed in endometriomas; homogenous low-level echoes (asterisk) and posterior acoustic enhancement (arrowhead). D, Multiloculated
endometrioma with homogenous low-level echoes (asterisks) in each component; flow may be observed in intervening septum (arrow). E, Occasion-
ally, peripheral punctate echogenic foci (arrows) are seen with endometriomas; however, homogenous low-level echoes (asterisk) are most specific
feature. F, Although shadowing is typically not associated with peripheral punctate echogenic foci (arrows) surrounding endometrioma (asterisk),
twinkling artifacts may be appreciated with Doppler imaging (arrowheads).
a normal level of CA-125 may provide false reassurance in a to a US specialist or performing an MRI examination for lesion
postmenopausal woman with an intermediate- or high-risk characterization, and the complementary use of lesion descrip-
category 4 or 5 lesion. Serum CA-125 levels are optional in the tors or a mathematical model to reach the same management
ADNEX model because they do not improve the overall model scheme.
performance to distinguish between benign and malignant le- Initially, it may appear disappointing that the specificity of
sions. However, CA-125 improves subclassification of malig- the O-RADS US system is low compared with some of the
nant lesions (eg, stage 2–4 invasive malignancies vs metastatic other American College of Radiology Reporting and Data Sys-
lesions). The committee also emphasizes that the O-RADS tems such as the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (or
classification is not a substitute for performing a thorough his- LI-RADS) (51), which offers extremely high specificity. This
tory and physical examination and assessing the patient’s need is related to the differing populations. Whereas LI-RADS ap-
for additional testing. Although no classification system can plies only to patients at high risk for hepatocellular cancer, the
completely encompass all aspects of the management of each O-RADS system has been developed for the patient at average
patient with an adnexal lesion, O-RADS US more clearly de- risk. This maximizes sensitivity rather than specificity in order
fines referral criteria when compared with what has been previ- not to miss an ovarian cancer, which is of low prevalence but a
ously published (50). potentially highly lethal disease. As designed, the system per-
forms well in assigning appropriate management to patients
Discussion based on risk assessment with more conservative management
The American College of Radiology Ovarian-Adnexal Report- for benign-appearing lesions and referral to a gynecologic on-
ing and Data System (O-RADS) committee believes that the cologist when the lesion is more suspicious. Thus, patients with
objective has been met to provide a system previously unavail- ovarian cancer will benefit from improved survival by referral
able using US that is based on a common lexicon to categorize for specialized gynecologic oncology care, while a false-positive
malignancy risk throughout the spectrum of benign and more diagnosis will not harm survival.
suspicious lesions and provide guidelines for management. The The committee also understands that a limitation of the
new system incorporates European as well as North American present risk stratification categories is its foundation on a da-
management preferences that include the choices of referring tabase only including lesions with surgical procedures as the
Future Directions Figure 13: Image shows Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US category 3, low risk of
With results from the IOTA 5 malignancy.
study, the largest multicenter
prospective cohort study not only including patients selected Francesco G. P. Leone, MD. Additionally, the authors recognize the participation of
for surgical procedures but also for conservative management, Blake Gilks, MD, as a member of the O-RADS Committee. We are also grateful for the
assistance given by American College of Radiology (ACR) staff: Lauren Hicks, MSHA;
we plan to validate the O-RADS US risk stratification and Cassandra Vivian-Davis; Dipleen Kaur, MPH; and Lisa Pampillonia, BS.
management system on this large cohort of patients. This will
demonstrate its validity on a broader population, including all This document was developed with nationally and internationally recognized experts
in gynecological imaging, pediatric imaging, gynecological clinical services, and gyne-
types of adnexal pathologic features (4). cological cancer care, representing the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Informal lesion evaluation using the terminology to risk- (ACOG), American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), Canadian Associa-
stratify lesions has been successfully performed among com- tion of Radiologists (CAR), European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO),
European Society of Radiology (ESR), International Ovarian Tumor Analysis Group
mittee members. However, there is a need for a larger interob- (IOTA), International Society of Gynecologic Pathologists (ISGYP), International
server variability study in North America to validate the use Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology (ISUOG), Society of Gynecologic
of the system by expert as well as less experienced observers, Oncology (SGO), Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC), So-
ciety of Pediatric Radiology (SPR), and Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU).
since initial lesion characterization is key to risk stratification This acknowledgment affirms the ACR’s appreciation to ACOG, AIUM, CAR,
and prior validations of the IOTA data were based on a pre- ESGO, ESR, IOTA, ISGYP, ISUOG, SGO, SOGC, SPR, and SRU but does not
dominantly European population. After future validation, it imply, infer, or denote approval or endorsement of the document.
is the intention of the committee that this management tool Author contributions: Guarantor of integrity of entire study, R.F.A.; study
will be accepted as an international reference for the manage- concepts/study design or data acquisition or data analysis/interpretation, all
ment of patients with adnexal lesions. We anticipate that this authors; manuscript drafting or manuscript revision for important intellec-
tual content, all authors; approval of final version of submitted manuscript,
risk stratification system may evolve with additional evidence- all authors; agrees to ensure any questions related to the work are appropriately
based literature. resolved, all authors; literature research, R.F.A., D.T., B.R.B., G.L.B., D.L.B.,
B.G.C., M.C.F., S.R.G., U.M.H., M.M.H., M.H.S., C.R., B.P.W., W.L.W., P.G.;
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the International Ovarian Tumor
clinical studies, D.T., B.R.B., S.R.G., M.H.S.; statistical analysis, D.T., W.F.,
Analysis (IOTA) Principal Investigators that contributed most of the patients to the S.R.G.; and manuscript editing, all authors
IOTA 1–3 study: Lil Valentin, PhD; Antonia C. Testa, PhD; Daniela Fischerova, PhD;
Caroline Van Holsbeke, PhD; Luca Savelli, PhD; Dorella Franchi, MD; Elisabeth Ep- Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest: R.F.A. Activities related to the present
stein, PhD; Artur Czekierdowski, PhD; Stefano Guerriero, PhD; Robert Fruscio, PhD; article: received support for travel to meetings for the study or other purposes
Figure 15: Image shows Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US category 5, high risk of
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