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Body Contouring

Featured Operative Technique Aesthetic Surgery Journal

2016, Vol 36(2) 193–203
© 2015 The American Society for

Brachioplasty: A Personal Approach Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Inc.

Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1093/asj/sjv146

Sepehr Egrari, MD, FACS

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Brachioplasty has become one of the most rapidly growing operations in plastic surgery. There are a variety of arm presentations, due to either weight loss
or other reasons, and the extent of the defect can carry into the lateral chest wall and the back. In this featured operative technique article, the author de-
scribes indications, patient selection, and criteria for classifying brachioplasty, and illustrates the surgical techniques of this procedure. Markings, scar posi-
tioning, and the various operative steps are described along with the intricacies of postoperative care, including scar control. A personal experience, along
with the limitations of brachioplasty, are discussed.

Accepted for publication June 29, 2015; online publish-ahead-of-print September 29, 2015.

Brachioplasty is one of the most rapidly growing operations in and its relevance to the lateral chest wall and upper body.
body contouring. In 2014, the American Society for Aesthetic Operative techniques are described along with markings,
Plastic Surgery’s annual procedural statistics reported 22 829 scar positioning, and various intraoperative maneuvers.
arm lifts. In comparison to its frequency in 1997, brachio- Postoperative care, especially attempts at scar control, is
plasty had risen 807.4%.1 A beautiful arm has always exuded discussed, as well as a report of a series of consecutive pa-
a sense of fitness and anatomic prowess. From the early tients with a description of outcome, complications, and
works of the Renaissance to our new popular culture, a fit limitations.
arm has been an important part of the quest for beauty and
health. In the literature of plastic surgery, the first description
of brachioplasty was by Correa-Iturraspe in the Argentinian PATIENT SELECTION
Medical Press in 1954.2 Today, our literature is laced with de-
scriptions of various techniques, the categorization of The main indication for brachioplasty was either lipodystro-
anatomy, and the outcomes of brachioplasty.3-5 phy or excess skin in the upper arms. The extent of the lipo-
Recently, a tremendous body of knowledge has arisen dystrophy or excess skin then determined the types of
on the heels of the well-established revolution of massive brachioplasty that these patients needed. The dramatic differ-
weight loss body contouring in plastic surgery. The ravages ences in body habit and weight loss translate to myriad pre-
of weight loss are responsible for the production of myriad sentations in arm recontouring (Figure 1). The extension of
diverse and complex anatomic and structural changes to excess arm skin and lipodystrophy also carried toward the
the skin and integrity of the arm. From a simple excess of lateral chest wall and upper body (Figure 2). Some of these
skin to complex multifaceted lipodystrophy, the presenta- patients had a combination of brachioplasty and thoraco-
tion of arm laxity has become an integral part of the prac- plasty. Some also had upper body lifts as a part of the constel-
tice of the body-contouring specialist. Along with the radial lation of strategies aimed at their upper truncal recontouring.
excess of arm skin, the upper body and lateral chest wall
also present a relevant and connected comorbidity that can Dr Egrari is a plastic surgeon in private practice in Bellevue, WA.
be addressed for a complete upper-body contouring.
Corresponding Author:
In this featured operative technique article, the author Dr Sepehr Egrari, 2950 Northup Way, Suite 100, Bellevue, WA 98004,
describes a personal experience with brachioplasty. This in- USA.
cludes patient selection, classification of excess arm skin, E-mail: segrari@egrari.com
194 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 36(2)

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Figure 1. Different presentations of arm excess skin and lipodystrophy in (A) 60-, (B) 24-, (C) 62-, and (D) 59-year-old women.

Figure 2. (A) The extent of lipodystrophy and excess of skin not only involves the arms, but also can extend to the lateral chest
wall. (B) The posterior upper body can further be a part of the constellation of the presenting defect.

From this diverse group, four types of brachioplasty were Table 1. Classification and Treatment of Various Presentations
determined and classified. Type I patients had very little
Classification Skin and Anatomic Type of Brachioplasty
excess skin, most of it occurring in the upper arms. These Involvement
individuals were candidates for the less commonly used
Type I Minimal Excess Skin Minimal Incision Brachioplasty
minimal incision brachioplasty. These patients had minimal
lipodystrophy. Type II patients had moderate excess skin in Type II Excess Skin Standard Brachioplasty
the upper arms and underwent a standard brachioplasty.
Type III Excess Skin and Fat Extensive Brachioplasty ± SAL
This was a common group that presented with the arm as • ±Lateral Chest Wall
their central complaint. Many of the non-weight loss patients Involvement
fell into this category. Type III patients had both excess
skin and lipodystrophy, and majority of this group had a Type IV Excess Skin and Fat Extensive Brachioplasty ± SAL
combination of brachioplasty and suction-assisted lipectomy • Lateral Chest Wall Excess • Thoracoplasty
• Upper Body Excess and • Upper Body Lift
(SAL). Most of these patients also had involvement to some Ptosis
extent of the lateral chest wall. Many of the patients that did
not have optimal weight resolution were in this category. SAL, suction assisted lipectomy.
Type IV patients had not only excess arm skin and lipodys-
trophy, but also significant involvement of the lateral chest
wall and upper body. This group had a combination of bra- All patients underwent a rigorous preoperative evaluation
chioplasty along with thoracoplasty and/or an upper body that included consultations, medical evaluation, examina-
lift (Table 1, Figure 3). tion of appropriate laboratory and diagnostic parameters,
Egrari 195

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Figure 3. Illustration of different options of brachioplasty. (A) Minimal incision brachioplasty, (B) standard brachioplasty,
(C) extensive brachioplasty, and (D) extensive brachioplasty with involvement of lateral chest and upper body.

and determination of general health and mental readiness.

A complete informed consent, emphasizing some of the in-
herent limitations of this operation, was obtained.

Preoperative Markings
Accurate preoperative marking is a stepping-stone for an or-
ganized and efficient operative approach for brachioplasty.
However, given the tremendous diversity that the patients
present with, significant operative improvisation is also im-
perative. This not only addresses the tremendous variety
of presentations, but also prevents over-resection, which is Figure 4. The strategy for the marking is based on using a
posterior-medial position (red) for the eventual scar and not
a fear in complex presentations. In body contouring, stan-
the higher bicepetal groove or the lower posterior positions.
dardized approaches and preoperative markings must be
looked at with caution. A complete video of the author’s
described technique can be viewed at www.aestheticsurgery
journal.com. inspection and an overall approximation of the extent of re-
In this article, the author describes two adaptable tech- section. The two initial reference points are the medial epi-
niques of brachioplasty. All patients are marked in a standing condyle and the apex of the axillary fossa. Marks are placed
position. A thorough evaluation of preoperative photos of in both of these points. The expected position of the scar, in
arms in both adducted and abducted positions is a prelude the posterior-medial position, is forecasted and drawn in a
to an accurate marking session. As the author’s experience red line. The line will carry on to the surface of the upper
has evolved, the final scar is more commonly planned to lie chest wall, making a sharp turn at the axilla. This maneuver
in a posterior-medial position and not in the higher position, often alleviates an unsightly and challenging excess of skin
bicipital grove, or the lower line, posterior (Figure 4). This that is gathered near the axillary fossa. The author also feels
becomes an important guide and point of reference for the that a sharp turn of this excision at the axillary fossa, and
initiation of the marking. All marking begins by a manual its continuation towards the chest wall can indeed replace a
196 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 36(2)

z-plasty (Figure 5A). Z-plasties can disrupt the natural chest wall. When all the markings are done (Figure 6A), it
contour of the dome of the axilla, and hence make this linear is helpful to ask the patient to raise their arms up high. This
technique more attractive. The extension into the chest is de- allows the determining of the geometric and linear propor-
pendent on the excess of lateral chest wall skin. The commit- tion of the upper and lower scar. It is at this junction that
ted upper incision is then placed slightly—1 cm—above the adjustments are made to the distal aspect of the scar to
predicted incision line. This marking follows the general di- avoid dog-ears and unequal scar approximation (Figure 6B).
rection of the scar line and carries to the lateral chest wall as
needed. The approximate predicted lower incision line is
also placed, with the condition that operative “tailor tacking”
might change its extent (Figure 5B). This line is often deter- All cases are done under general anesthesia. Patients are
mined by pinching the skin and approximating the extent placed in a well-padded supine position. Sequential com-
of the excision. As this line approaches the axilla, it is im- pression garments are placed over the calves. The arms are

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perative to pull some of the proximal excess arm skin in abducted at 90 degrees and circumferentially prepped. Each
order to create a sharper junction of the arm and lateral arm is addressed, and during the resection each side is

Figure 5. (A) The medial epicondyle and the apex of the axillary fossa are marked. The position of the predicted scar (in red) is
also marked in a posterior-medial position. (B) A committed line is chosen above the scar and an approximate predicted line is
chosen inferiorly.

Figure 6. (A) Demonstration of the completed marking in a 52-year-old woman. (B) Symmetry, balance and linear relationship of
the designed marking is inspected with the patient’s arms in fully raised position.
Egrari 197

Xylocaine with dilute epinephrine is injected into the

new markings. The area of the axillary fossa is marked
and distinguished. In this area, to protect the vital lym-
phatic structures (Figure 8C), a much more superficial
dissection will be performed during the excision of the
excess skin. The incisions are made and deepened past
the superficial fascia system (SFS). The flap is elevated
off the brachial fascia and some subcutaneous tissue
from the elbow to the lateral chest. (Figure 8D) Care is
taken to leave this floor, as this will not only serve as the
bottom point of the 3-point closure, but also theoretically
cover and hence protect the various lymphatic channels

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and sensory nerves. It is also important to maintain a
more superficial level at the axillary fossa during this dis-
Figure 7. Operative positioning. In this 52-year-old woman,
section (Figure 9).
the arm is abducted to approximately 130 degrees during the
resection in order to establish tension and ease excision. • Resection and Closure Technique
In this technique, the arm is also abducted. The majority
of the patients that undergo this technique will most likely
rotated up to approximately 135 degrees. This maneuver is have concomitant liposuction. An approximation of the ex-
useful in establishing some tension for the eventual exci- cision is once again determined. A dilute standard wetting
sion (Figure 7). solution is injected through a small incision at the distal
aspect of the scar. After proper elapsed time, a liposuction
device of choice—in the author’s case, a power-assisted li-
Tailor Tacking posuction device—is used to suction out the subcutaneous
fat under the proposed area of resection (Figure 10A).
The author discusses two essential brachioplasty tech-
Some advance is made past the lower proposed line into
niques. They are both based on control and efficiency, and
the posterior compartment of lipodystrophy. The area
allow significant intraoperative choice. The intraoperative
under the proposed resection is aggressively emptied to a
staple approximation technique is a method by which tem-
point that the cannula is visible (Figure 10B). This will
porary staple closure, using the previous marking as guide,
serve as the basis of a quick and bloodless dissection
allows the determination of the amount of excision and the
toward the proposed lower resection line. Once the amount
extension into the chest wall. This is ideal for thinner arms
and extent of liposuction is determined to be appropriate,
that have copious skin. The resection and closure tech-
attention is turned to the resection and closure technique.
nique is often used in conjunction with SAL for arms that
have excess fat. This technique, in a stepwise manner, The entire upper committed incision is made and deep-
allows for a progressive and controlled segmental resection ened past the SFS. The pocket of liposuction under the pro-
of the inferior line of the excision. posed resection paddle is then approached. With inferior
traction, a bloodless and loose fibrous remnant of the area
• Intraoperative Staple Approximation Technique
of liposuction is opened inferiorly (Figure 10C), slightly
As the patient is positioned, the arm is further abducted
past the lower line of resection. This is performed from the
and the excess skin is surveyed circumferentially. Starting
elbow to whatever extent of the lateral wall has been previ-
from the elbow and moving toward the axilla, the excess
ously determined and marked. As with the other tech-
skin is grasped with forceps and approximated at the levels
nique, care is taken to leave a healthy layer of brachial
of the marking, or more if the laxity allows (Figure 8A).
fascia and subcutaneous fat on the floor of the resection. At
A fair bit of tension is placed, recognizing that eventual
this point, the inferior flap is advanced systematically and
resection of the included skin will ease the closure, and
segmentally (Figure 10D) up to the committed line, and
close stapling is carried from the elbow proximally
excess skin is determined, marked, and incised. Each excised
toward the axilla. There, a sharp turn toward the apex of
segment is temporarily closed with staples. (Figure 10E).
the fossa is then carried toward the lateral chest. The cir-
cumference of the arm is checked, and the amount of
tension and the contour is noted. The marking pen is
used to line the outside periphery of the temporary
stapled closure (Figure 8B). This line should be placed Once the basics of symmetry and hemostasis are confirmed
comfortably outside the staple line. Crosshatchings are to be appropriate, the closure of the arm is done to reduce
then done for approximation. Staples are removed. tension on the scar and also to alleviate the need for
198 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 36(2)

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Figure 8. A 52-year-old woman undergoing intraoperative staple technique. (A) Using the proposed scar and committed line as
reference, the excess skin is grasped and stapled from distal to proximal. (B) Marking lines are placed outside of the staple line. (C)
Completed markings are inspected making certain that the axillary area (diagonal cross-hatching) is marked for a more superficial
dissection. (D) The adipocutaneaous paddle is elevated off the brachial fascia. (E) Superficial fascia and (F) skin are closed.

drains. The approximation of the SFS of the arm has long

been considered as important,6 if not more so, as any other
closure of an anatomic region of the body. This fascial
layer can be thin, especially if there is significant lipodys-
trophy. It is imperative to use caution identifying, preserv-
ing, and using this layer in this closure. The 3-pointed
closure is a technique that grabs the SFS of the upper and
lower resection lines, and includes the floor of the brachial
fascia to eliminate any dead space (Figure 11). Long-term
absorbing polydioxanone sutures are used either in inter-
rupted manner or in a running barbed suture of equivalent
composition and size for a continuous closure (Figure 8E).
The author has determined that by using this closure,
drains become unnecessary. Also, the strength of this
Figure 9. Completed resection in a 52 year-old-woman. The
closure reduces the tension on the eventual reapproxima- floor of the resection, the brachial fascia, is robust and uninter-
tion of the scar. The superficial layers are also closed with rupted. This protects the important sensory and lymphatic
long-term absorbing polydioxanone sutures, and eventual- structures and serves as the base of the 3-point suture. The ax-
ly a superficial layer of a running barbed Monocryl suture illary fossa is maintained with a superficial dissection.
Egrari 199

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Figure 10. 52-year-old woman undergoing the resection and closure technique. This technique often involves suction-assisted
lipectomy (SAL). (A) Standard wetting solution is infiltrated and SAL performed as deemed necessary. (B) The proposed area of ex-
cision, as deemed by our markings preoperatively, undergoes aggressive liposuction to a point that the cannula can be visible. (C)
Once the committed line incision is deepened, an inferior retraction leads to the pocket of liposuction and allows for quick and
bloodless dissection. (D) Segmental superior transfer of the inferior flap allows for determination an accurate extent of excision.
(E) Superficial fascia is closed using the 3-point suture technique. (F) Skin closure.

(Figures 8F and 10F). As scar widening and thickening is a epicondyle. Other branches innervate the skin at about 15
significant sequella of brachioplasty, meticulous low-tension cm proximal to the medial epicondyle.7 The injury to these
closure is paramount to and a prerequisite of a good nerves can cause sensory disturbances of the mid arm to
outcome. The strength of SFS closure and the use of forearm and significant paresthesia and dysesthesia for the
long-absorbing sutures are important variables in the quest patient. It is important to understand the anatomy of this
for adequate results. region and hence avoid injury to these nerves. Leaving a
healthy and robust brachial fascia is imperative for avoiding
these cutaneous nerves. Given its more anterior course, it is
Anatomy and Cutaneous Nerves
also prudent to avoid placing the scar anteriorly and using
Avoiding the medial brachial cutaneous nerve (MBCN) and the already described posterior-medial position.
the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (MABCN) has
been the subject of anatomic studies and a point of atten-
tion for brachioplasty performance.7 MBCN derives from
T1-2, and MABCN takes its origin from C8-T1 (Figure 12). The immediate postoperative care includes placing Steri-
The course the nerve leads is superficial, as two to three Strips on the skin and compressing with a bolero garment.
branches are sent to the skin 7 cm proximal to the medial Patients are instructed not to bend at the elbow for the first
200 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 36(2)

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Figure 11. Illustration of the 3-pointed closure. The upper and Figure 12. Schematic description of the important sensory
lower superficial fascia are approximated with incorporating nerves, medial brachial cutaneous nerve (MBCN) and medial
the floor of the defect as the third point. This is carried out antebrachial cutaneous nerve (MABCN). Understanding the
through the entire closure and has alleviated the need for drain origin and the anatomic course of these neural structures has
use. underscored the importance of scar placement in a more poste-
rior position, and preservation of the overlying and protective
brachial fascia.

24 hours and are highly encouraged not to engage in any Table 2. Complications (n = 123)
strenuous activity for the first 2 weeks after the operation. Complication Number
They are all cautioned that edema is certain and are in-
structed to avoid wearing rings or any compressive orna- Wound Dehiscence 4 (3.3%)

ments for the first 2 weeks after the operation. Seroma 1 (0.8%)
Regular postoperative visits start a regimented program
Total 5 (4.1%)
of scar care. For the first 2 weeks, the scar is covered with
Steri-Strips. This is then replaced with Micropore brown
tape for another week. At this point, a rest period from any
coverage will determine the integrity of the scar and lack of complication was wound separation (Table 2). Reoperative
any wound separation or eschar formation. Once this is de- rate was 5.7%. Four of these reoperations were scar revisions
termined, silicon strips are placed on the incision and com- and 3 patients were operated on for recurrent laxity.
pressed. It is recommended that the patient continue with Standard brachioplasty was the most common variant of the
the silicone regimen for at least 4 months after the proce- four classified procedures (Figures 13-15). Eighty-six pa-
dure. Patients who are not compliant with the silicone com- tients (70%) underwent resection and closure technique,
pression are given a commercially available silicone spray and 37 patients (30%) underwent intraoperative staple ap-
that has shown some promise in the group of patients proximation technique. The mean follow-up time was 4.5
treated. months (range, 4 weeks-5 years).
Stretching the arm into a full arm raise and manual
massage are also important instructions that are given to DISCUSSION
patients postoperatively.
The extraordinary rise of brachioplasty continues to be an im-
portant part of addressing the total solution for massive
weight loss patients. This also has trickled into non–weight
During a 12-year period (2002-2014), the author performed loss patients who desire a more toned arm. The complexity
123 brachioplasties. All patients were females. The average of the position of arms and their proximity to the lateral chest
age of the patient was 47.9 years (range, 23-73 years). wall, upper back, and even breast makes this an operation
Average BMI was 28.2 kg/m2 (range, 18.9-46.9 kg/m2). that requires proper patient selection, a thoughtful marking
The complication rate was 4.1%. The most common approach, and a safe and effective operative strategy.
Egrari 201

Figure 13. (A) This is a 58-year-old woman with a history of 150-pound weight loss. (B) She is shown 6 months after a standard
brachioplasty with some extension into the axilla.

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Figure 14. (A) This is a 46-year-old woman with a history of 150-pound weight loss. (B) She is shown 1 year after a brachioplasty
with lateral chest wall extension.

Figure 15. (A) This is a 36-year-old woman with a history of 250-pound weight loss. (B) She is shown 6 months after an extensive
brachioplasty, involving the lateral chest wall.

Figure 16. (A) This is a 47-year-old woman presented with massive weight loss. (B) Scar shown 3 months after an extensive brachio-
plasty. (C) Scar shown at 7 months. (D) She is now shown 3 years after the procedure with significant maturity and fading of the scar.
202 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 36(2)

There have been myriad of different techniques described to this operation, there are limitations that are worthy of
on the management of arm excess skin. From classical de- discussion. The scar of the brachioplasty is one that is
scriptions8,9 to some of the modern evolving methods, the prone to widening and hypertrophic transformation. The
goal has been to emphasize an appropriate contour, well- exposed area of the inner arm cannot be easily hidden and
positioned scars, and management of the excess associated can be a source of significant dissatisfaction for the patient
not only to the arm but also the chest wall. Hurwitz10 de- and the practitioner. It is imperative to warn the patient of
scribed the L brachioplasty that preserves the contour of the the reality of an unsightly scar. It is also important to
axilla by creating an exaggerated anteriorly projecting point realize that time is an essential ally in the fight with the
to the turn into the chest wall. He also describes the impor- scar. The brachioplasty scar does not follow some of the
tance of extension into the upper chest wall. This anteriorly usual patterns of scars in the face and body that start to
oriented apex can however be more easily exposed than mature and fade at 3 to 4 months. Patients are advised that
the turn that is described in this report. Gusenoff11 described this scar has a timeline that in the authors experience can

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a similar technique, also emphasizing segmental rapid resec- run a year or so before evolving and maturing into a stable
tion due to fear of progressive edema and difficulty of scar (Figure 16). Significant restraint against the use of
closure. They designed their resection so it ends up in the steroid injections is advised as the scars can further widen
bicepetal groove at a higher position to that which has been and a subcutaneous thinning can occur under the scar. The
described in this report. They have also cautioned against previously mentioned use of taping, compression, and sili-
injury to the sensory nerves and have suggested finding cone sheeting with patience is recommended. Only in
them in proximity to the basilic vein. Others have described severe cases are the scars revised with no guarantee that
the effectiveness of concomitant liposuction during arm re- similar deformity will not recur.
contouring. Bossert12 analyzed a prospective experience and As with other approaches in body contouring, the longevi-
determined that liposuction can be performed safely at the ty of results are limited. In arm recontouring, especially in
time of brachioplasty, and has similar complication rate than the massive weight loss population, recurrence of laxity is yet
the excisional-only group. another reality (Figure 17). The ever-moving arm and the de-
The techniques described in this report allow intraopera- pendent circular skin sleeve that covers it are prone to laxity
tive adaptability and improvisation, and allow rapid closure. and redundancy. Again, appropriate preoperative counseling
Aly and Soliman13,14 described a similar segmental resection with the patient, as well as the establishment of reasonable
closure technique and cautioned about the edema that can expectations, will prevent future dissatisfaction. Secondary
pose risk in closure. They also described the use of staple operations and revisions must be an important part of the
closure to assess the feasibility and appropriateness of the discussion.
amount of excision. These techniques prevent unnecessary Certain anatomic features of the arm are difficult to
and prolonged manipulation of the skin and the flaps and treat. Distal elbow lipodystrophy can be resistant and can
permit rapid closure, and hence reduce the dangerous possi- linger after a well-executed brachioplasty (Figure 18A).
bility of a difficult re-approximation due to such edema. Occasionally, resilient restrictive bands of the midline of the
Even with the significant rise in frequency and experi- arm cannot be fully corrected, despite the best of attempts.
ence that the field of plastic surgery has gained in regards These tend to linger after resection and closure (Figure 18B).

Figure 17. (A) This is a 40-year-old woman with history of 125-pound weight loss. (B) She is shown here at 4 months after the op-
eration with adequate results and appropriate skin tightening. (C) At 3 years, the patient has a significant recurrence of her arm
excess skin.
Egrari 203

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Figure 18. Demonstration of troublesome and resilient (A) posterior elbow distal lipodystrophy in a 62 year-old woman, and (B)
mid arm restrictive bands in a 32-year-old woman.

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