Enrichment Activity: Direction: Take A Look at Your Own Self-Concept and Answer The Following Self-Concept Inventory in
Enrichment Activity: Direction: Take A Look at Your Own Self-Concept and Answer The Following Self-Concept Inventory in
Enrichment Activity: Direction: Take A Look at Your Own Self-Concept and Answer The Following Self-Concept Inventory in
Direction: Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self-concept inventory in
your journal.
Direction: How do you feel about the things that you have rate in activity? Look at the result of
your self-concept inventory and explain your answer to the following question.
1. In what areas do you consider yourself have strong score or somewhat low score and very weak
I consider myself having a strong score in character, although some people misunderstood me
for some reasons while the appearance and communications would be the low and very weak
core because I get conscious with how I look and it became a hindrance for me to communicate
with others because I don’t have that enough courage to voice out myself.
2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your strength?
The qualities that I consider as my weakness is confidence. Some people might consider it as my
strength because whenever I am called to perform or recite I will do it but little did they know, I
just do it because of fact that I am afraid to disappoint myself.
Yes, because until now I’m still confuse with myself and as of now those rating that I gave
myself was the feeling that I have right now while answering those.
5. What are the traits or characteristics you think that illustrate who you are.
Low self-esteem is the characteristics that I think illustrates me, because I don’t have enough
courage to stand and voice out for myself. I’m afraid to disappoint myself and be judged by others.