Greywolfred: Roles That Managers Fulfill in An Organization
Greywolfred: Roles That Managers Fulfill in An Organization
Greywolfred: Roles That Managers Fulfill in An Organization
2. Informational Role
❖ Monitors information And Disseminates information
❖ Acts as a spokesperson or representative of the organization. She represents the subordinates to superiors,
and the upper management to the subordinates.
3. Decisional Role
❖ Acts as an entrepreneur or innovator, Problem discoverer, Designer to improve projects that direct and
control change in the organization.
❖ As a trouble-shooter. He handles unexpected situations such as resignation of subordinates, firing of
subordinates, and losses of clients
❖ As a negotiator when conflicts arise.
b. Administrative Skills
▪ Administrative skills are required at the top-level management.
▪ top-level managers should know how to make plans and policies.
▪ They should also know how to get the work done.
▪ They should be able to co-ordinate different activities of the organization.
▪ They should also be able to control the full organization.
c. Leadership Skills
▪ Leadership skill is the ability to influence human behaviour.
▪ A manager requires leadership skills to motivate the workers.
▪ These skills help the Manager to get the work done through the workers.
1. Often do not have delegated authority.
2. May or may not be a part of the formal organization.
3. Emphasize interpersonal relationships.
4. Direct willing followers.
5. Have goals that may or may not reflect those of the organizations.
➢ Is pre-determining a course of action to arrive at a desired result.
➢ Is a continuous process of assessing, establishing goals and objectives, implementing and evaluating them,
and subjecting these changes as new facts are known. (Venzon, 2006)
➢ Planning is defined as deciding in advance what to do, who is to do it, and how, when, and where it is to be
➢ Therefore, all planning involves choosing among alternatives. (Plans A, B, C) (Marquis, 2009)
The manager must identify short- and long-term goals and changes needed to ensure that the unit will
continue to meet its goals.
It requires leadership skills such as vision and creativity plans must be dreamed and envisioned.
It requires flexibility and energy. (Marquis, 2009)
It requires management skills as data gathering, forecasting, and transforming ideas into action. (Venzon,
1. Top level management
Directors, chief Nurses, and their Assistants.
They set the over-all goals and policies of the organization.
2. Middle level management
They direct the activities of the organization to implement the broad operating policies of the
organization such as staffing and the delivery of services to the units.
3. First level management
Senior Nurses/ Head Nurses/Team Leaders
They do the daily and weekly plans for the administration of direct patient care in their respective
1. Forecasting
a. Environment – where the plans will be executed.
b. Who the client will be. What are their customs and beliefs, language/dialect barriers, public attitude and
behavior, the severity of their conditions/illnesses, the kind of care they will receive
c. The number and kind of personnel required (professional and non-professional)
d. The resources
* Failure to forecast accurately, impedes the organization’s efficiency and unit’s effectiveness.
* To avoid disastrous outcomes when making future professional and financial plans, managers need to stay
well informed about legal, political, and socio-economic factors affecting health care.
(Marquis, 2009)
It is the highest priority because it influences the development of an organization’s philosophy goals,
objectives, policies, procedures, and rules.
REMEMBER: The Philosophy describes the vision.
It is a statement of beliefs and values that direct one’s life or RESEARCH ON THE VISION MISSION
➢ In an organization, the philosophy is the sense of purpose of the THE UC COLLEGE OF NURSING.
organization and the reason behind its structure and goals. REMEMBER THESE BY HEART
➢ It is a written statement of the philosophy explains the beliefs AND MODEL THEM AS UC-CON
that shape how the mission or purpose will be achieved. STUDENTS
➢ It gives direction toward the attainment of the set goals and
NURSING PHILOSOPHY: It is written in conjunction with the organizational philosophy, it should address
fundamental beliefs about nursing and nursing care, the quality, quantity, and scope of nursing services, and how
nursing will specifically meet organizational goals.
It is adapted from the nursing service philosophy.
It specifies how nursing care provided on the unit will correspond with nursing service and organizational
It is the desired result towards which effort is directed.
It is the aim of the philosophy; should be measurable and ambitious but realistic.
It is like goals but are more specific and measurable and identify how and when the goal is to be
department’s performance can be measured. (Is the standard accepted by the people?)
1. Strategic Planning
This is to determine long term objectives of the institution and the policies will be used to achieve these
objectives. (to be done every 5 years)
It is usually done at the executive level of management.
It is future oriented. It forecasts the future success of an organization by matching and aligning an
organization’s capabilities and its external opportunities.
Weaknesses - are internal attributes that challenge an organization in achieving its goals.
a. Understaffed unit c. Scarcity of equipment and supplies.
b. Inadequate finances d. Inaccurate quality of care
Opportunities - are external conditions that promote the achievement of organizational objectives.
1. Improved or new facilities
2. Recruitment of new qualified employees. Aligning the specialization of the employees to their
position in the company.
3. Increase wages
Threats – are external conditions that challenge the achievement of organizational objectives.
1. Competition 3. Low teaching load in academe
2. Low patient load for a hospital 4. Oversupply of nurses
3. Tactical Planning
Involves allocating resources that enable an organization to realize stated objectives.
❖ First, executives usually are responsible for strategic plans, as they have the best bird's-eye
view of the corporation.
❖ Second, strategic planning is concerned with the future, and tactical planning with today.
❖ Third, since we know far more about today than we do about the future, tactical plans are
more detailed than strategic plans.
Flexibility needs to be built into tactical plans to allow for unanticipated events.
❖ For example, if your company manufactures a product, you will need to build flexibility into
your plan for machinery breakdowns and maintenance. You cannot assume you will be able
to run your machinery at full tilt all the time.
1. Revenue budget: Summarizes the income which management expects to generate during the
planning period.
2. Expense budget: Describes the expected activity in operational and financial terms for a given
*It includes purchase of minor equipment, repairs of supplies or overhead expenses.
*It also includes wages, remunerations of permanent and contractual employees.
3. Cash budget Represents the planned cash receipts and disbursements as well as the cash balances
expected during the planning period.
*The amount of money received from patients, allocate it to cash disbursements required to meet
obligations promptly as they come.
3. Proactive Planning
Proactive/interactive-consider the past, present, and future, and attempt to plan the future of their
organization rather than react to it, dynamic and adaptive to the environment
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• Nursing has been on the agenda of the World Health Organization (WHO) for more than 40 years.
• The World Health Assembly resolution WHA 59.27 on ‘Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery’ expressed
serious concern at the continuing global shortage of employed nurses and midwives, and its serious
negative impact on health care.
• In many countries, nursing suffers from:
1. Numerical imbalance: geographic, occupational, specialty and institutional
2. Unethical recruitment, abusive management practices
3. Discrepancies in the types and quality of care provided
4. Misqualification (including over/ under-qualification)
5. Misutilization (including over/underutilization)
6. Inequitable access to occupational health protection or professional education
7. Demotivation
8. Absenteeism
9. High attrition
10. Unemployment
11. Delayed response to health care trends (i.e. new technology, procedures, etc.)
These issues confronting the nursing workforce need to be critically addressed to provide equitable and accessible
quality health services.
KEY POINT: Nurses, by virtue of their large number and close and continuous contact with the individual, family and
community, particularly in times of illness, have a significant role to play in national health development, especially in
scaling up health system responses for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and national or local health
• In consequence, resolution WHA 59.27 on ‘Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery’ urges Member States to
confirm their commitment to strengthen nursing and midwifery by:
A. Establishing comprehensive programs for the development of human resources which support
recruitment and retention, while ensuring equitable geographical distribution, in sufficient
numbers of a balanced skill mix, and a skilled and motivated nursing workforce within their
health services.
B. Actively involving nurses in the development of their health systems and in the framing, planning
and implementation of health policy at all levels, including ensuring that nursing is represented at
all appropriate governmental levels, and have real influence.
C. Ensuring continued progress toward implementation at country level of WHO’s strategic
directions for nursing.
D. Regularly reviewing legislation and regulatory processes relating to nursing to ensure that they
enable nurses and midwives to make their optimum contribution in the light of changing
conditions and requirements.
E. Providing support for the collection and use of nursing core data as part of national health-
information systems.
F. Supporting the development and implementation of ethical recruitment of national and
international nursing staff.
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1. POLICY AND PLANNING National development and health plans must provide for adequate nursing services
and expertise.
❖ Governments should strengthen those mechanisms relating to human resources policy intervention
and planning to contribute to the maintenance of adequate levels of nursing and midwifery
personnel so that health systems may function more effectively.
2. EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Health systems are labor-intensive and require well educated
and experienced staff to function effectively.
❖ Health care provision requires that practitioners possess appropriate knowledge and skills to
respond and adapt to current and future health care priorities and needs, available resources, and
the broader factors that shape the current health systems effectively and efficiently.
❖ New and rapidly changing challenges in health care demand that the education of nursing
practitioners be continuously evaluated and updated.
❖ Other challenges include epidemiological and demographic shifts, medical and technological
advances, rising public demand, health systems reforms, and a need to surmount obstacles of
poverty, gender, and human rights.
❖ Ensuring the appropriate combinations of skills required to practice within different health delivery
contexts requires multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration.
❖ This element focuses on the following: coordination between education and service sectors, student
recruitment, competency-based education, multidisciplinary learning, lifelong learning culture, and
continuing education system.
3. DEPLOYMENT AND UTILIZATION Access to quality nursing and midwifery services must be improved as an
integral part of health services, including deployment and utilization, aimed at individuals, families,
communities, and particularly vulnerable populations.
❖ There is need to identify and adapt innovative management approaches to bridge gaps between the
health system and the needs of the community, specifically in terms of home-based care, palliative
care, health promotion, disease prevention, rehabilitation, and emergency care.
❖ This element focuses on the following: recruitment and retention, appropriate skill mix and
competencies, job description, workload, imbalance and equity, relevant nursing infrastructure,
effective leadership and management, good working conditions and efficiently organized work,
technical supervision systems, career advancement opportunities, incentive system, job satisfaction,
and unions.
4. REGULATION To ensure quality care and public safety, effective regulatory mechanisms are required.
❖ This element focuses on the effective regulation and management of nursing workforce migration.
5. EVIDENCE FOR DECISION- MAKING In order to ensure that the right nurse personals is in the right place with
the right skills, countries need accurate data on human resources for health.
❖ The accuracy of planning mechanisms and forecasts will depend on the quality of data available and
the expertise of the individuals interpreting them.
❖ Unfortunately, reliable information on nurse and midwifery personnel is often unavailable nationally
and remains almost non-existent internationally.
❖ Furthermore, nurse and midwifery are frequently absent from the decision-making bodies which
undertake planning exercises.
❖ Any specific efforts to improve overall workforce productivity need to be based on reliable data
about workforce level, distribution and skill mix, coupled with information on the factors thought to
be constraining better health worker performance and intelligence on potential policy options.
6. EVALUATING THE PLANNING PROCESS In addition to monitoring the implementation of the strategic plan,
nursing organizations must also be actively involved in evaluating the planning process.
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❖ Effective planning is an ongoing process and future exercises will be facilitated by considering the
constructive criticism of the parties concerned.
Human resources planning is a complex and often long-term process which requires nursing input. The
nursing leadership must be familiar with the fundamental process of human resources planning and participate
actively in its development, keeping in mind the health goals set for the population. The political will to consider and
implement change needs to be encouraged and supported if strategic planning is to be successful. In certain
countries however, the will to change is guided primarily by economic factors, and nursing organizations will need to
safeguard quality levels within the health services. The professional responsibility of nursing organizations to
stimulate and facilitate human resources studies is linked to their basic objectives, which are to improve the
community’s health status and develop the profession. The challenge is clear. The choice of potential role(s) will
depend on the national context and the organization’s resources. Nursing’s close relationship to the population in
general and the health community reinforces the need for its leadership to become involved in effective health
human resources planning.
World Health Organization (2002). Strengthening nursing and midwifery. Geneva: 54th World Health Assembly. May
2001. Resolution WHA 54.12. World Health Organization. Conceptual Framework for Management of Nursing and
Midwifery Workforce. WHO: New Delhi.
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Refers to a body of persons, methods, policies, procedures arranged in a systematic process through the delegation
of functions and responsibilities for the accomplishment of purpose. (Venzon, 2006)
As Classified by Nature of Authority
1. Line Organization
❖ Is the simplest and most direct type of organization in which each position has a general authority
over the lower positions in the hierarchy.
Example: Clinical and Administration
2. Informal Organization
❖ Refers to horizontal relationships rather than vertical. This composed of small groups of workers
with similar interests.
❖ Network of personal and social relationships (alliances, cliques, friendships) that arise as people
associate with other people in a work environment.
3. Staff Organization
❖ Is purely advisory to the line structure with no authority to put recommendations into action.
Example: Training and Research
4. Functional Organization
❖ each unit is responsible for a given part of the organization’s workload.
❖ There is a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities which are interrelated.
Example: Ad Hoc Committees (Committee formed for a specific task or objective, and dissolved after
the completion of the task or achievement of the objective)
Graphically represents the management structure of an organization, such as department managers and
non-management employees within a company.
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The process by which a group is formed, its channels of authority, span of control and lines of
communication (Venzon, 2006)
1. Unity of command
❖ Responsible to one superior
> to avoid confusion and overlapping of duties and misunderstanding
2. Scalar principle
❖ Authority and responsibility must flow in clear unbroken lines from the highest executive to the
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❖ Proper definition and delegation of authority and responsibility facilitate the accomplishment of
❖ The employee who accepted the responsibility is accountable to his actions.
4. Span of control
❖ The number of workers a supervisor can manage
❖ The span of managerial responsibility
❖ The recommended ratio of supervisor – workers is = 1:6 (Venzon, 2006)
❖ The highly skilled supervisor may have a higher ratio
5.Exception Principle
❖ Decision-making is a responsibility of lower level managers in a routine manner. Problems at their
level should be solved by them; However, Unusual problems should be elevated to higher levels (use
protocols and proper line of communication)
❖ Informal structure - has its own channel of communication called the GRAPEVINE, where information
is disseminated faster than in formal system of communication, however, information transmitted
through the grapevine may or may not be accurate.
❖ It is a drawing that shows how the parts of the organization are linked.
❖ It depicts the formal organizational relationships, areas of responsibility, person to whom one is
accountable, and channels of communication.
❖ Murray and DiCroce describe it as a graphic presentation of the chain of authority from chief executive to its
member of the organization
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When organizations are well off, it is easy to add layers to the organization inorder to get the work done; but
when the organization begins to feel a financial pinch, they often look at their hierarchy to see where they
can cut positions.
While there are many advantages, many managers resist such change as it means their work load is greatly
increased. (marquis, 2009)
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A. Considerations in Developing a Staffing Pattern
1. FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS (FTEs) the work commitment of a full-time employee
2. DIRECT CARE time spent providing hands-on care to patients
3. INDIRECT CARE time spent on patient-related activities not done directly to pt.
NURSING HOURS PER PATIENT DAY (NHPPD) nursing time available to each patient by available nursing staff
NCHPPD Standard Formula = Nursing Hours Worked in 24 Hours/ Patient Census
Hospital Working Hours Working Days
Capacity Per Week Per Year
Per Day
100-bed capacity 40 hours
8 hours 213
and above (40-Hour Week Law RA 5901)
Less than 100 48 hours
8 hours 265
beds (1 day off duty per week)
SKILL MIX : ratio of Professional/RN staff to Non-professional/ other direct care staff (LPNs, Nurse Aides) varies
according to the care required and care delivery model
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2. Determine the Total Nursing Care Hours Per Patient Day (NCHPPD) needed.
Formula: No. of Patients x NCHPPD = NCHPPD per Level of Care
4. Determine the Number of Working Hours Rendered by Each Staff per Year
Formula: Number of Working Hours Per Day x Number of Working Days Per Year
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C. Scheduling
- timetable showing planned workdays and shifts for nursing personnel
- to assign working days and days off the nursing personnel so that adequate patient care is
- to achieve a desirable distribution of off-duty days can be achieved
- to enable the nursing staff to know their schedule in advance
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Self- Scheduling coordinated by staff nurses
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a. Principles
❖ in leading, managers determine direction, state a clear vision for employees to follow, help
employees understand the role they play in attaining goals.
❖ involves a manager using power, influence, vision, persuasion, and communication skills.
❖ outcome : a high level of motivation and commitment from the employees to the
b. Lines of Communication
SENDER: the “who” in communication, i.e., the person who initiates communication
MESSAGE: the “what” in communication; verbal and/or nonverbal stimuli that are taken in by the
RECEIVER: the person who takes in the message and analyzes it
FEEDBACK: the new message that is generated by the receiver in response to the sender’s original
CHANNELS: Visual (seeing), Auditory (hearing), Kinesthetic (touching)
MODES: Verbal: spoken
Nonverbal : facial expressions, posture, gait, body movements, position, gestures, and touch
Electronic : uses electronic media that do not have characteristics of the other modes
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INCONGRUENT RESPONSES: when words and actions in a communication do not match the inner experience of
self and/or are inappropriate to the context.
MENTOR/PRODIGY: Listen, Affirm, Counsel, Encourage, Seek input from the novice.
Outline anticipated challenges with suggestions for how to manage them
Use role-playing, where the preceptor describes a theoretical situation and allows the novice
to practice her response
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c. Delegation
- Delegation is not new.
- Delegation in nursing has been emphasized and deemphasized at different periods in history.
- Delegation has not always been emphasized in nursing education.
- Delegation is essential for good working relationships.
- Organizational skills are a prerequisite for delegation.
- An understanding of patient needs is essential for appropriate delegation.
- Current staffing practices require a greater amount of delegation from the nurse.
- usually verbal direction by the RN delegator regarding an activity in a specific situation.
- uses an approved listing of activities/tasks established in the policies and procedures
- (may vary with different health care organizations)
- requires directly overseeing the work or performance of others, constant checking
- is transferred to the Delegatee
- involves reliability, dependability, and the obligation to accomplish work an acceptable level.
- remains with the delegator
- the nurse is legally liable for her actions and is answerable for the overall nursing care of her
- when a person who has been given the right and official power by an organization to delegate.
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▪ the process of having personnel perform duties with the diversities of culture taken into
▪ cultural phenomena (areas where cultures have different interpretations or preferences)
Communication, Space, Social organization, Time, Environmental control, Biological
Delegation Barriers
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Authority for decision making is unit level to care for their primary
Nurses and patients are matched according to given to the nurse at the bedside patients.
needs and abilities.
Nursing time is often used in
The primary nurse has the authority, functions that could be completed by
accountability, and responsibility to provide care other staff.
for a group of patients. Nurse-to-patient ratios must be
Associate nurses care for the patient when the
primary nurse is not working.
Designed to focus on patient needs rather than Most convenient for patients Can be extremely costly to
staff needs. decentralize major services in an
Expedites services to patients organization
Necessary care and services are decentralized and
brought to patients. Some perceive model as a way of
reducing RNs and cutting costs in
Staff is kept close to patients in decentralized hospitals
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➢ It is a connecting link between organizing for work and getting the work done, and that it actuates
efforts to accomplish goals and objectives of the organization.
➢ In nursing, it is giving directions to others to achieve quality patient care.
➢ Douglas defines directing as “issuance of assignments, orders and instructions that permit the worker to
understand what is expected of him/her and the guidance and overseeing of the worker so that he/she
can contribute effectively and efficiently to the attainment of the organizational objectives”.
1. Delegation 4. Motivation 7. Staff Development
2. Supervision 5. Communication 8. Decision Making
3. Leading 6. Coordination 9. Conflict Management
DELEGATION – is the process by which the manager assigns specific tasks/ duties to workers with commensurate
authority to perform the job. The worker in return assumes responsibility for its satisfactory performance and is held
responsible for its results.
- It is sharing of responsibility and authority with subordinates and holding them accountable for their
- It is a skill that relies on trust that the subordinates have the necessary skill and knowledge to know
how to do the assigned task.
- It is the process that facilitates complex organizations to accomplish work through the coordinated
and differentiated efforts of others. It is the manager who uses the process of delegation.
- It is recommended to the nurse manager to use delegation as a tool to build morale among the staff
members. This involves giving of assignments to subordinates and motivating them to perform their
jobs efficiently and effectively.
1. The nurse manager can be freed of valuable time that can well be spent on planning and evaluating nursing
programs and activities.
2. It trains and develops staff members who desire greater opportunities and challenges in their work making
them more committed and satisfied in their jobs.
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1. Responsibility – denotes obligation. It refers to what must be done to complete a task and the obligation
created by the assignment.
❖ Both the manager and the subordinate understand what the activities the latter is responsible for,
the expected results, and how the performance will be evaluated.
2. Authority – is the power to make final decisions and make commands.
❖ When a manager assigns responsibility to a subordinate, authority should also be given to enable the
subordinate to carry out the responsibility, however, the manager still maintains control over the
subordinate and may recall the authority.
3. Accountability – refers to liability. It is the fulfillment of the formal obligation to disclose to referent others
the purposes, principles, procedures, relationships, results, income, and expenditures for which one has
1. Observation of the worker while making the rounds.
2. Spot checking of charts through nursing audits.
3. Ask patients about the care they receive.
4. Looking into the general condition of the units.
5. Getting feedback from co-workers or other supervisors or relatives.
6. Asking questions discreetly to find out the problems they encounter in the wards.
7. Drawing out suggestions from the workers for improvement of their work or work situation.
- Aimed to arouse, excite, or influence another person to have in some role or perform some actions
the person would not ordinarily do.
- It refers to some inner drives, impulse, or intention that causes one to act or believe in a certain way,
or to seek a goal.
- It is the effect of persuasive communication between a leader and a follower.
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3. Job redesign
a. The purpose of this is to provide high degree of internal work motivation, high quality of work
performance, high satisfaction with work, and low absenteeism and turnover.
b. The best way to increase self-esteem, achievement and self-actualization is through job rotation (to
develop other skills), and enrichment (widen knowledge) to decrease boredom.
COMMUNICATION– is the transmission of information, opinions, and intentions between and among individuals.
1. Downward communication – superior to subordinate
2. Upward communication – subordinate to superior
3. Horizontal communication – personnel of departments of the same level, and peers
4. Outward communication – patients, family, friends, worker’s family, and friends
Lines of Communication
1. Downward Communication
Primarily directive
Coordinates the activities of different levels of the hierarchy: what to do
Memoranda or memos employee handbook
Directives and job descriptions
Manuals of operation loudspeaker system
Records and Reports bulletin boards
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2. Upward Communication
Allows employee input
Manger summarizes information and passes upward to the next level, filtering process
Face-to-face discussions written reports
Grievance procedures suggestion boxes
Informers, ombudsman attitude surveys
3. Lateral communication- between departments or personnel on the same level of hierarchy. Most frequently used
in coordinating activities
Examples: Committees, conferences, and meetings
4. Diagonal Communication-between individuals or departments not of the same Level of the hierarchy. Informal in
5. Grapevine- Informal method coexisting with formal communication. Rapid-uses cluster chain pathways (3-4
Affects personnel’s work
Involves people they know
Fragmentary and incomplete
No formal lines of accountability
RECORDS – contain data or information that may be used for decision-making, recommendations or as basis for the
management of the unit and patient care.
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REPORTS – are prepared accounts of important activities of the nursing service within a period.
Types of Reports:
1. Nursing office reports
a. Monthly reports on the number of nursing personnel
b. Newly hired personnel
c. New appointments, promotions
d. Transfer, retirement
e. Leaves of absences
f. Accomplishments
g. Activities
h. Trainings
i. Researches
j. Bi-annual and annual reports that include evaluation of personnel, problems and issues affecting
nursing service and recommendations for the resolutions of the problems.
CONFLICT - is a clash between two opposing and oftentimes hostile parties.
- Conflict is a warning to managers that something is wrong and needs solution through problem
solving and clarification of objectives, establishment of group norms, and determination of group
boundaries and limitations.
1. Human interactions – competition, domination, provocation; differences in knowledge, skills, values,
interests; scarcity of resources; inter-group rivalry for rewards; role ambiguity; unworkable organizational
structure; shift in organizational power base and organizational climate; and unacceptable leadership styles.
2. Varying perceptions of work situations can be caused by different work responsibilities; unstable staffing
and work schedules; highly differentiated work positions or role change; disagreement over policies and
procedures; and competition for scarce resources.
3. Confrontation, disagreements, and anger are evidence of stress. Conflict arises because of poorly expressed
relationships including unfulfilled expectations.
4. Differences in positions in the hierarchy.
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The Nurse should coordinate with the following departments or services of the institution:
1. Medical service 6. Dietary service
2. Administrative service 7. Medical-Social service
3. Laboratory service 8. Medical records
4. Radiology service 9. RHU, NGO, Civic organizations
5. Pharmacy service
• A Management Function in which performance is measured and corrective action is taken to ensure the
accomplishment s of organizational goals; anticipate deviations and seek to prevent them.
• It is a process the opens opportunities for improvement and comparing performance against set Standards.
• It is a means of assessing and regulating performance in accordance with the plans that have been adopted, the
instructions issued, and the principles established.
Quality Control as a process – a specific type of controlling that are referred to activities used to evaluate, monitor, or
regulate services rendered to consumers.
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Quality Health Care – The Institute of Medicine defines it as the degree to which health services for individuals and
populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.
There is provision of health care service, but the outcome is poor. Using the outcome as to measure care alone is
sometime ineffective because it does not give you the best result.
Control measures
Standards- are predetermined level of excellence that serves as a guide for practice.
1. Standards for practice – is a means of determining the quality of nursing that a patient
Example: Competency Standards for Nursing Practice in the Philippines, BON
Resolution No.112 series of 2005, on Intravenous Nursing Standards of
Nursing Practice by Association of Nursing Service Administration of
The Philippines (ANSAP).
Audit – a quality control tool; is a systematic and official examination of a record, process, structure, environment, or
account to evaluate performance.
1. Depends on when is the audit done, it can be:
a. Retrospective – is performed after patient receives service.
b. Concurrent – is performed while the patient is receiving service.
c. Prospective – is an attempt to identify how future performance will be affected by current
2. Depends on what is audited, it can be:
a. Outcomes audit – determines what results occurred because of specific nursing intervention for
b. Process audit – is used to measure process of care or how care was carried out. It is task- oriented and
focused on whether practice standards are being fulfilled.
c. Structure audit – is an assumption that a relationship exists between quality care and appropriate
structure; includes resource inputs such as the environment in which health care is delivered.
Process standards are documented in patient care plans, procedure manuals, and nursing protocol statements.
Structure standards are set by the licensing board and accrediting bodies, ensure a safe and effective environment, but
they do not address the actual care provided.
Example: Checking the call lights are in place, staffing patterns to ensure that adequate resources are available
to meet changing patient needs.
Performance Appraisal
-control process in which employees’ performances are evaluated against
- Also referred to as merit rating or performance evaluation.
- Determines how well employees perform the duties of their job as delineated
By the job description.
1. Becomes the basis on which administrative decisions are made for salary increases, promotion decisions,
transfer, demotions, and termination
2. Stimulate the individual growth and development
3. Evaluates the performance of the employee
4. Becomes the basis for hiring after a probationary period
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Approaches to Appraisal
1. Analysis vs Appraisal- emphasis is to define or determine not only the strength and potentials but also his
weaknesses; focused on the future not on the past; establish realistic goals and find effective means to attain them.
2. Evaluation by subordinates- most common: top down to the lower levels: one-sided. More constructive type:
subordinates can evaluate the performance of their superiors.
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2 – Minimally satisfactory
1 – Unsatisfactory
11. Forced-choice comparison. The evaluator is asked to choose the statement that best describes the nurse being
evaluated. The items are grouped, and the evaluator is forced to choose from favorable as well as unfavorable
statements and to counter for tendency towards Leniency by some evaluators.
❖ Example: Select the statement that best describes the nurse being evaluated and the statement that
least describes her.
1 – Respect the ideas of others
2 - Communication ability limited
3 – Even-tempered
4- Capable of enduring long hours of hard work
5 – Tends to be a loner
12. Anecdotal recording - describe the nurse’s experience with a group or person, or in validating technical skills and
interpersonal relationships. (note the example from the Book of Venzon).
Disciplinary Approaches
A. Problem solving – effective supervision aids supervisors in analyzing the work problems of their subordinates.
Counseling becomes a part of an oral warning session before resorting to a disciplinary action.
B. Disciplinary Action. All employees charged for breach of the rules and regulations, policies, and norms shall be
given due process.
➢ Counseling and oral warning
➢ Written warning
➢ Suspension
➢ Dismissal
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