Introduction To Electronic System Design (DAT093) Lab 0: Tool and Task Kickstarter
Introduction To Electronic System Design (DAT093) Lab 0: Tool and Task Kickstarter
Introduction To Electronic System Design (DAT093) Lab 0: Tool and Task Kickstarter
Lab 0: Tool and task kickstarter
1 Introduction
In this initial lab session, you will carry out several tasks:
The adder is a combinational circuit, where the output values depend only on
the present inputs (after some inevitable circuit delay). In contrast, the counter
is a sequential design, where a clock signal paces execution, and input values
arbitrarily far back in time may affect the outputs.
Verification will be carried out by means of provided test benches, which specify a
behavior by detailing the expected outputs for given combinations of inputs, and
also show informative error messages in case the design behaves in an unexpected
manner. For each test bench proper (a VHDL file), there is an associated do file
which specifies the simulator commands to be run. Test benches that specify
expected outputs are highly useful for small designs such as these, and make the
checking a go/no-go question1 provided that the design has the correct numbers
In case of bugs, you must of course not change the provided test benches to make your
design pass the test! If you wish to carry out further tests than those provided, make a copy of
the test bench and/or the do file and modify those. In the lab, we will test your design using
the unaltered test benches.
DAT093, Lab 0, Version 2.2 2
and types of input and output connections. In most cases, error-free execution
of your design in the test bench is required to pass the lab.
2 Preparation
You should already have received a pointer to a VHDL video tutorial from the
FPGA manufacturer Altera2 . If you did not watch it yet, do so before coming to
the lab. If your previous viewing was your first introduction to VHDL, it would
be a good idea to watch it once more.
3 Getting started
For these and most other tasks in this lab series, we will use the Windows com-
puters available in the course lab. These computers already have QuestaSim
installed with a shortcut icon on the desktop (most computers at Chalmers don’t
have this software installed).
• Log into the system, using your Chalmers ID and CDKS password. Your
first login may take extra time due to setup and initialization; be patient.
Most designs comprise several files: in addition to the VHDL code files, there will
typically be test bench files, simulation results, and maybe other temporary files.
As is common also in software IDEs, all these files and documents are collected
in a project.
DAT093, Lab 0, Version 2.2 3
• Click OK to create the project. The middle pane of the IDE has a Library
tab and a Project tab. Select the Project tab and verify that your new
project is the current one. A new dialog has also opened to let you add files
to or create files for the project.
a b cin s cout
0 0 0 0 0
a -
0 0 1 1 0
- cout
0 1 0 1 0
b - +
- s 0 1 1 0 1
cin -
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
A full adder (FA) is a logic block with three one-bit inputs (a, b, and cin) and
two one-bit outputs (s and cout). Its block diagram and truth table are shown
in Figure 1. Your next task is to design an FA in VHDL and verify it using the
provided test bench. You will start with the entity and add the architecture in
the second stage.
• In the QuestaSim project dialog, click Create New File and specify the
file name full adder.vhdl. Click OK and verify that the file appeared in
the file list for the project.
• Enter the VHDL code for the entity declaration in the new file. Use the
entity name full adder, as this is what the test bench expects. Use the
type STD LOGIC for input and output signals, again to fit with the test
bench. Save the file.
Do not store your files on the C: volume, as this is local to the computer you happen to
use at the moment; in the next session, you may be seated at another computer! Instead, use
your directories on the network file system, which should be mapped to volume Z:.
DAT093, Lab 0, Version 2.2 4
In the project file list, your newly created file is highlighted with a blue question
mark (?), indicating that compilation has not yet been carried out.
The next step is to verify that your entity is in accordance with the test bench.
You need to include the test bench files in your design project and recompile the
files together.
• Download5 the test bench file full adder tb3.vhdl from the course home-
page and place it in your project directory.
• Right-click in the project file list pane and select Compile→Compile All.
Correct any errors as before (without modifying the test bench file—see
footnote on page 1!).
Once a correct entity has been created, it is time to create the FA architecture.
There are many ways to implement the behavior encoded in the Figure-1 truth
table. If you cannot decide, we suggest that you start with the selected signal
assignments shown in the video tutorial (keywords WITH, SELECT, and WHEN) and
optionally try alternatives when you have verified that one.
• Add code for the architecture of the full adder to the file. Let the archi-
tecture definition refer to the entity that you already defined. Save the file
and close it.
As in most software programming, you may view the compilation process as sequential,
such that one error may cause or hide errors further ahead in the source code. Starting from
the top is usually the quickest way to address all compilation errors.
When downloading files, it is preferable to save the files to disk before opening them;
otherwise an extra extension may be added to the file name.
DAT093, Lab 0, Version 2.2 5
When the compile-time errors have been fixed, the design may be simulated to
find out if it behaves as expected by the test bench.
• Add the do file full adder to your project in the same way as you
added the test bench file above. (Note that by default, the file selection
dialog only lists files with certain filename extensions, and that .do is not
among those extensions. Make sure to select All Files to see the do file.)
• Select Simulate→Start Simulation. . . A dialogue opens to let you
choose what to simulate. Your compiled designs are in the library named
work. Open that library, select the testbench entity, and click OK. The
middle pane of the QuestaSim main window splits in two, where the right-
hand window shows the signals in the design.
• Right-click on the do file in the project file list and select Execute. A
waveform window opens to show the results of the simulation.
The test bench has been designed to flag unexpected behavior with messages in
the Transcript pane of the main window.
• Inspect the Transcript pane. If any errors were flagged, study the wave-
forms and your code in order to identify the error. Edit your architecture
source code to correct the error, save the file, recompile, and simulate again.
Repeat until all errors have been eliminated.
5 A ripple-carry adder
b 4-
+ s
The next task is to design a four-bit ripple-carry adder using the FA as a com-
ponent. The desired entity is illustrated in Figure 2. An example of a block
diagram of a ripple-carry adder is shown in Figure 3. Note that you will need to
modify this diagram to have the correct number of FA components and to handle
the carry signals in accordance with the entity!
DAT093, Lab 0, Version 2.2 6
- - -
- + - + - +
cin - - - - cout
? ? ?
s(0) s(1) s(2)
Figure 3: Example ripple-carry adder block diagram, using the full adder de-
scribed in the previous section.
• Create a new design directory and a new project lab0b for the new task.
• Download the provided test bench files ripple adder tb3 4 bit.vhdl and
ripple adder and add them to your project.
• Create the entity according to Figure 2. Refer to the test bench to get
names and types right: name your entity ripple adder 4 bit, and use the
type STD LOGIC VECTOR for the input and output signals.
• Create the architecture for the ripple-carry adder in accordance with the
entity. Use your previously-designed full-adder as a component—do not
repeat the FA code multiple times in the ripple-carry adder! Use Figure 3
as inspiration and modify as needed. Note the lack of cin and cout in
Figure 2.
• Verify the functionality of your ripple-carry adder using the test bench files.
Fix bugs (if any).
6 A simple counter
The last task of this lab session is to extend your ripple-carry adder from Section 5
to design an up-counter. This block counts the number of pulses at its clock input
and increments its output value once per cycle, restarting from 0 after N cycles;
N is a design-time parameter.
The entity is illustrated in Figure 4. In addition to the clk input and the count
output, the reset n input is an asynchronous active-low reset signal (the n
DAT093, Lab 0, Version 2.2 7
reset n -
C W - count
clk -
• Create a work directory lab0c and a new project of the same name.
• Create the entity needed for the counter, using the name counter and the
types STD LOGIC and STD LOGIC VECTOR for its external signals. Refer to
the test bench files counter tb3.vhdl and counter to get the names
and types right. Assume that N = 13.
Before you write the code for the counter architecture, spend a few minutes
considering a suitable hardware implementation of the counter. Often, these few
minutes will help you to quickly find a viable and understandable VHDL-code
representation of a block. (Example: a counter must include some means to
maintain the current value, and some means to calculate the next value. As
these would typically be implemented separately—with registers and with adder
logic, respectively—it may be good to let the VHDL code reflect this practice
and use a separate process statement for the registers.) Refer again to the video
if you feel unsure about how to represent sequential behavior.
• Create the architecture for the counter, using your ripple-carry adder as a
component. Use the type STD LOGIC VECTOR for the internal counting value.
Check consistency with the test benches as above. Simulate your design in
its test bench to detect bugs (if any). Correct any bugs and re-simulate,
following the same general procedure as above.
As will be seen in a later lab, it is entirely possible to calculate the necessary width from
the value of N . For simplicity, you may use a constant width of 4 here.
DAT093, Lab 0, Version 2.2 8
7 Wrap-up
After completing this lab session, you are expected to be able to carry out the
following tasks:
• Launch QuestaSim.
• Create simple combinational and sequential digital designs and verify their
behavior, using provided test bench files and do files.
These skills will be used in subsequent lab sessions in the series. Then, the
description of the different steps involved will not be as detailed as here.