Sebi Grade A 2020: Economics: Determination of Output & Employment
Sebi Grade A 2020: Economics: Determination of Output & Employment
Sebi Grade A 2020: Economics: Determination of Output & Employment
But when some more workers NFN2 are employed beyond the full employment level of output OQ1
the increase in output Q1Q2 is less than the increase in employment N1N2.
Effective Demand
Effective demand is determined by two factors: the aggregate supply function and the aggregate
demand function. The aggregate supply function depends on physical or technical conditions of
production which do not change in the short-run. Keynes also assumed the aggregate supply
function to be stable and therefore he concentrated on the aggregate demand function.
All these elements remain constant during the short-run. Therefore, the propensity to consume is
stable. Employment thus depends on investment and it varies in the same direction as the
volume of investment.
Investment, in turn, depends on the rate of interest and the marginal efficiency of capital (MEC)
(the net rate of return that is expected from the purchase of additional capital). Investment can
be increased by a fall in the rate of interest and/or a rise in the MEC. The MEC depends on the
supply price of capital assets and their prospective yield. MEC can be raised when the supply price
of capital assets falls or their prospective yield increases. Since the supply price of capital assets
is stable in the short- run, it is difficult to lower it. The second determinant of MEC is the
prospective yield of capital assets which depends on the expectations of yields on the part of
businessmen. It is again a psychological factor which cannot be depended upon to increase the
MEC to raise investment. Thus there is little scope for increasing investment by raising the
The other determinant of investment is the rate of interest. Investment and employment can
be increased by lowering the rate of interest. The rate of interest is determined by the
demand for money and the supply of money. On the demand side is the liquidity preference
(LP) schedule. Now, the higher the liquidity preference, the higher is the rate of interest that will
have to be paid to cash holders to induce them to part with their liquid assets, and vice versa.
People hold money in cash for three motives: transactions, precautionary and speculative.
The transactions and precautionary motives (M) are income elastic. Thus, the amount held under
these two motives (M1) is a function (L1) of the level of income (Y), i.e. M=L (Y). But the money
Since LP depends on the psychological attitude to liquidity on the part of speculators with regard
to future interest rates, it is not possible to lower the liquidity preference in order to bring
down the rate of interest. The other determinant of interest rate is the supply of money
which is assumed to be fixed by the monetary authority during the short-run.
The relationship between interest rate, MEC and investment is shown in the below figure, where
in Panels (A) and (B) the total demand for money is measured along the horizontal axis from M
onward. The transactions (and precautionary) demand is given by the L1 curve at OY1 and OY2
levels of income in Panel (A) of the figure.
Thus at OY1 income level, the transactions demand is given by OM1 and at OY2 level of income it
is OM2. In Panel (B), the L2 curve represents the speculative demand for money as a function of
the rate of interest.
When the rate of interest is R2, the speculative demand for money is MM2. With the fall in the rate
of interest to R1, the speculative demand for money increases to MM1. Panel (C) shows investment
as a function of the rate of interest and the MEC. Given the MEC, when the rate of interest is R 2,
the level of investment is OI1. But when the rate of interest falls to R1, investment increases to
So, in the Keynesian analysis, the equilibrium level of employment and income is
determined at the point of equality between saving and investment. Saving is a function
of income, i.e. S = f (Y) and it is defined as the excess of income over consumption, S=Y-C and
income is equal to consumption plus investment.
So the equilibrium level of income is established where saving equals investment. This is shown
in Panel (D) of the above figure where the horizontal axis from O toward the right represents
investment and saving, and OY axis represents income. S is the saving curve. The line I1E1 is the
investment curve (imagine that it can be extended beyond E as in an S and I diagram) which
touches the S curve at E1. Thus, OY1 is the equilibrium level of employment and income.
This is the level of underemployment equilibrium, according to Keynes. If OY2 is assumed to be
the full employment level of income, then the equality between saving and investment will take
place at E2 where I2E2 investment equals Y2E2 savings.
Once set in motion, employment and income tend to rise in a cumulative manner through the
multiplier process till they reach the equilibrium level. According to Keynes, the equilibrium level
of employment will be one of under-employment equilibrium. This is because when income
increases consumption also increases, but relatively less than the increase in income. This
behaviour of the consumption function widens the gap between income and consumption which
ordinarily cannot be filled up due to the lack of required investment. The full employment
income level can only be established if the volume of investment is increased to fill the
income-consumption gap corresponding to the full employment.