Minggu: 2 TARIKH: 12 JAN 2017 Hari: Khamis
Minggu: 2 TARIKH: 12 JAN 2017 Hari: Khamis
Minggu: 2 TARIKH: 12 JAN 2017 Hari: Khamis
Class Year 4
Subject English
Time 0900 - 1000
Topic /subtopic Unit 1 Love Yoursellf
World Of Self, Family and Friends
Main Skill Listening and Speaking
Learning 1.1.3 Able to listen to and recite poems, tongue twister and sing songs,
Standard paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
Learning By the end of the lesson,6 of 7 pupils should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Able to listen to and recite poems, tongue twister and sing songs,
paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
Teaching Aids Textbook, small card, picture.
Moral Value Respect
Learning 1) Student look at the verbs carefully.
activities 2) Student listen to the explanation given by teacher.
3) Student look at the examples given by the teacher.
4) Student answer the questions given by the teacher.
Class Year 6
Subject English
Time 0700-0800
Topic /subtopic Unit 1 All About Feelings
World Of Self, Family and Friends
Main Skill Listening and Speaking
Learning 1.1.3 Able to speak confidently on related topics.
Learning By the end of the lesson,6 of 7 pupils should be able to:
Outcomes Able to speak confidently on related topics.
Teaching Aids Textbook, small card, picture.
Moral Value Respect
Learning 5) Student look at the verbs carefully.
activities 6) Student listen to the explanation given by teacher.
7) Student look at the examples given by the teacher.
8) Student answer the questions given by the teacher.
Kelas Tahun 2
Subjek Bahasa Malaysia
Masa 0800-0930
Tema Unit 1 Keluarga Bahagia
Standard 2.2.2 Membaca dan memahami frasa dalam ayat yang yang mengandungi perkataan dua
Pembelajaran atau tiga suku kata, diftong, vokal berganding, digraf dan konsonan bergabung dengan
sebutan yang betul.
Objektif 1. Murid mampu membaca dan memahami frasa dalam ayat yang yang mengandungi
perkataan dua atau tiga suku kata, diftong, vokal berganding, digraf dan konsonan
bergabung dengan sebutan yang betul.
Aktiviti 1. Murid diberikan frasa.
2. Guru menjelaskan tentang frasa.
3. Dalam kumpulan, murid membuat latihan yang berbeza mengikut kemampuan.
4. Murid dan guru membincang jawapan.
5. Guru memberi latihan,
6. Murid membuat kesimpulan.
Pengisian Kurikulum Nilai : Kasih Sayang
Bahan Bantu Buku teks, kad tulis
Penilaian P&P Semasa P&P dilaksanakan