Frames of Reinforced Concrete: Continuous
Frames of Reinforced Concrete: Continuous
Frames of Reinforced Concrete: Continuous
clearly that we do not want to carry this investigation beyond the point
where will influence the design; we must always remember that what
we want a structure,
not merely an analysis.
values he wanted for his design, recognizing quite well the uncertainty
of the physical constants, never had time and frequently had little in
clination to devote much effort to analysis.
One of the greatest problems in this field, as it has been in all fields of
structural work, is to simplify the principles at both ends so as to make
it possible for a man to correlate his knowledge. The analysis of a
structure for continuity should be less complicated than the determina
tion of anchorage and stirrup spacing under some specifications. Many
writers on the subject of reinforced concrete seem to have held a strange
philosophy which attempts to substitute exact rules in every detail for
the judgment of the designer and builder. Some rules must check judg
ment, but there is not and will never be any substitute for the sound
judgment of the designer. All that we can hope to do is to furnish simple
and usable tools of analysis as aids to that judgment. Analysis must i
be thought of as a guide to judgment, not as a substitute for it. •
(1) That the forces balance, at least within the accuracy of compu
tation used.
(2) That he has not overlooked any forces.
constants, not their absolute values, which are needed. If, however,
we wish to find the moments for a definite displacement produced by
shrinkage, by change of temperature, or by movement of abutments,
we need to know the absolute values.
What is the value of E to be used? What is the value of / to be used?
The very definite answer to these questions is that we do not know
enough to assign very definite values. The exact values of /, the exact
values of E are subject to great variation and are to no small extent a
matter of chance. We can only investigate the probable effect on the
design of such variations as may reasonably be expected and choose
such values as will give conservative design. There is nothing unique
in this situation. It occurs in practically all engineering design.
Reference to the elementary geometry presented in Chapter IIIwill
show that what we are dealing with in structures of reinforced concrete,
is not E or /at all; the quantity with which we are dealing is the ro
tation per unit of moment per unit of length which exists in the struc
ture in question under the loading conditions in question and for the
duration of load being considered. Iis simply a myth here.
The whole subject of the values to be used for E and especially for I
is at present highly controversial. Space does not permit a review of
current investigations along these lines, and the discussion here is re
stricted to very brief statements of the problems involved and of what
seem to the authors the most reasonable conclusions.
What is E? At one time it was thought that the modulus of elas
ticity of concrete at rupture varied approximately with the ultimate
compressive strength, and present codes and specifications are based
on this view. There no doubt, some relation between the two val
present seems to be an erratic way over range from 2,000,000 lb. per
sq. in. to 4,000,000 lb. per sq. in. Occasionally values as low as 1,500,000
and as high as 5,000,000 may be found, but in general we may expect the
variations to be limited to ±33 1/3% from mean value of 3,000,000.*
strain varies both with the intensity of stress and also with the duration
of the stress. The authors see no reason to think that either variation
affects seriously the moments produced by loads on the structure, but
on this point also there some difference of opinion.
Vol. XXVI (1930); also discussion by N. H. Roy and F. E. Richart, and that by
W. M. Dunagan.
See "Flow of Concrete Under the Action of Sustained Loads," Hardy Cross,
In this and in the next chapter the tools of analysis are exhibited and
their use is explained. First place is given to the procedure of visua
lizing the shape taken by the deflected structure under load. This
cannot be overemphasized.
Next we take up the statics of indeterminate structures. Students
familiar with statics but not with its application to indeterminate
structures overlook many of its important implications in this field,
some of which amount almost to independent theorems.
Importance of Visualizing Deformations. One of the first objects
of the analysis of indeterminate structures is to see how the structure
deforms. If the
analysis fails to give the designer a clear mental picture
of the action of the structure under load, it is dangerous to proceed
with the design. This is especially true of reinforced-concrete struc
tures where bars are often placed on only one side of a section; flexure
which produces tension on the other face may cause failure.
It is possible by training, by simple crude models, and by computa
tion, to develop imagination in visualizing the function of each part of
a structure in resisting the load. It
is then possible to sketch directly
the shape of the deformed structure. If this can be accurately done,
the forces, moments and shears can all be computed by statics. This
procedure is scientific in principle but, of course, lacks precision. It
is always the first thing to be tried in designing a new type of structure,
and it is the last thing that should be done in all cases after an analysis
has been made, in order to give meaning to the computations. Many
times the results obtained from sketching the deformed structure,
though somewhat lacking in precision, will be sufficiently accurate to
satisfy the needs of the designer.
What is eruditely called the theory of elasticity deals with the simple
fact that, if a structure does not break, it holds together. The word
" theory " here is used in the sense of an assembly of systematically
arranged facts and not in the sense of scientific hypothesis. Practically
all of what constitutes the theory of elasticity — it might better be
called the theory of continuity — is simply a statement of certain geo
metrical relations which must exist in order to have continuity preserved.
The relations between the forces and the deformations are based on
_ [*— L—
P | Girder Rigid y j
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Deformation of a Symmetrical Bent.