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Building Testing Environment: The Practice of Web Application Penetration Testing

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The document discusses how to set up a basic testing environment using XAMPP and DVWA for penetration testing purposes and demonstrates different attacks like brute force, SQL injection and XSS.

The steps discussed are: 1) Installing XAMPP 2) Setting the MySQL root password 3) Downloading and configuring DVWA 4) Accessing the DVWA setup page

The document uses WebCruiser to perform brute force login against DVWA by identifying the login fields and using its built-in brute force tool to guess the credentials

The Practice of Web Application Penetration Testing

1. Building Testing Environment

Intrusion of websites is illegal in many countries, so you cannot take other’s web sites as your
testing target.
First, you need build a test environment for yourself. If you are not good at building servers, we
recommend you build a simple one with XAMPP.
OS: Windows 7, 8
Software: XAMPP for Windows, download: https://www.apachefriends.org/zh_cn/index.html
XAMPP for Windows has modules such as Apache, PHP, Tomcat, and MySQL etc.
The default installation path is c:\xampp, please do not change it.

Take DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application) as an example, Start Apache and MySQL, and
access with .
After started, you can use the following command to set the password to 123456 (This is a weak
password, just for example, please modify it)
C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root password 123456

Now, you can download DVWA from https://github.com/RandomStorm/DVWA , unzip it to

Then modify its configuration file, which is C:\xampp\htdocs\dvwa\config\config.inc.php:
$_DVWA[ 'db_server' ] = 'localhost';
$_DVWA[ 'db_database' ] = 'dvwa';
$_DVWA[ 'db_user' ] = 'root';
$_DVWA[ 'db_password' ] = ‘123456’;
$_DVWA['default_security_level'] = "low";
Open ,
Click ”Create/Reset Database” to finish the installation.
Access the front page of it and it will redirect to

Now, a basic test environment is available.

2. DVWA Brute Force

The first challenge of DVWA is how to login it. Usually, you can search the network and get the
default username/password, or try to use SQL Injection to escape the authentication mechanism,
such as use a username like admin’;-- or other ways.
Here we will use brute force, and use WebCruiser Web Vulnerability Scanner 3
(http://www.janusec.com/ ) as a brute force tool.
First, input any username and password, such as 123, 456, etc. submit.
Switch to Resend tab:

We found there was a request list which includes requests we submit just now.
Note that there is a button “Bruter”, click it, it will switch to Bruter tool.
The username and password field has been identified automatically.
The dictionary files are located in the same directory with WebCruiserWVS.exe and supports
custom modifying.
Click “Go” to start guess process, result will be list in the window.
Log in with the username and password.

3. SQL Injection
Select “SQL Injection” menu, input 1 and submit:

Input 1’ to try:
MySQL throw exception because of unpaired single quotes.
Now, we can suspect that there is SQL Injection vulnerability here.
Continue try 1 and 1=1 and 1 and 1=2

But we found it is not the same as expected, SQL Injection with integer type was ruled out.
Continue try with 1' and '1'='1 and 1' and '1'='2
There is no result return to us when we input 1’ and ‘1’=’2

Till now, we can adjudge there is SQL Injection vulnerability with string type here.
Recap :
Criterion of SQL Injection
Assume the initial response is Response0,
Response by append true logic is Response1,
Response by append false logic is Response2,
If Response1= Response0, but Response1 != Response2, SQL Injection exists.

OK, can you takeover some data by exploiting it?

Try:' and (select 1 from ( select
count(*),concat((select database()),0x3a,floor(rand(0)*2)) x from information_schema.tables
group by x)a)%23

Well, the database name “dvwa” returns on the page.

This case is a little complex; actually it builds an exception intentionally by twice rand
Another way is blind SQL Injection, by guest the length and ASCII of each byte of the field.
To compute if the length of database name bigger than 10:' and (select
char_length(database()))>10 and '1'='1

Wrong, try less than 10:' and (select
char_length(database()))<10 and '1'='1
Right, continue guess till:' and (select
char_length(database()))=4 and '1'='1

We got the length is 4.

Continue to guess each byte of it:' and (select
ord(substr(database(),1,1)) )=100 and %271%27=%271
The ASCII of the first byte is 100, it is d, and so on.' and (select
ord(substr(database(),2,1)) )=118 and %271%27=%271 , the second byte is v .' and (select
ord(substr(database(),3,1)) )=119 and %271%27=%271 ,the third byte is w .' and (select
ord(substr(database(),4,1)) )=97 and %271%27=%271 ,the fourth byte is a .
Got the full name of database is “dvwa” .
Is there a tool which can do these tests instead?
Yes, we can use a web application security scanner to do it.
Take WebCruiser as an illustration, navigate page and click “ScanURL”:

SQL Injection vulnerabilities found. Right click vulnerability and select “SQL INJECTION POC”,
continue click ”Get Environment Information”:

4. XSS
Select XSS from the menu,

Input text and script directly in the title and content field, such as:
testinput<img src=0 onerror="alert(123456)">
Or use scanner, it found 2 XSS vulnerabilities.
Note: In order to improve efficiency, WebCruiser Web Vulnerability Scanner can scan designated
vulnerability type (setting) or designated URL (ScanURL button) separately.

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