Key Figures in Contemporary Existential Psychotherapy
Key Figures in Contemporary Existential Psychotherapy
Key Figures in Contemporary Existential Psychotherapy
Existential Psychotherapy
- His famous book Love and -His primary aim was to -Help clients Create purpose in
Will the principle that an understand the underlying their life.
awareness of death is essential mechanisms and reality
to life, rather than being behind human suffering and -Leading their client in living
opposed to life, and other crises; he did this by life authentically.
books including Man’s Search combining elements of
for Himself,The Meaning of humanism with existentialism
Anxiety, and The Courage to in his approach to therapy.
Irvin Yalom -Develop an approach to -Group therapy produced
group and individual specific dynamics that increase
psychotherapy healing while challenging the
therapist. Recognizes four
-Common themes include fear basic human issues that all
of death, the drive toward people struggle with:
freedom, and the desire to isolation, meaninglessness,
avoid isolation. mortality, and freedom.