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Key Figures in Contemporary Existential Psychotherapy

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Key Figures in contemporary Contribution Difference Similarities

Existential Psychotherapy

Viktor Frankl -Developed the Logo therapy- - Central themes running

which means therapy through through his work are life has
meaning. meaning. Individuals to find
meaning and purpose through
other things like suffering,
work, and love.
-Existential vacuum, the
inability to find or create - logotherapy has been used in
meaning in life, leading to several techniques in
feelings of emptiness, enhancing the quality of one’s
alienation, futility, and life. One concept is
aimlessness.  paradoxical Intention, where
the therapist encourages the
patient to intend or wish for,
even if only for a second,
precisely what they fear. This
is especially useful for
obsessive, compulsive and
phobic conditions, as well as -Focus in understanding of
cases of underlying what is being a human.
anticipatory anxiety. Another
is dereflection, whereby the -Helping client to establish
therapist diverts the patients meaning in life and creating
away from their problems one’s identity.
towards something else
meaningful in the world.
Rollo May - His psychology is called -Awareness of their own self
Existential psychology focuses -Focuses on the capacity for and their own capacity.
on man's search for meaning growth and achievement in
and purpose in life human beings. The feelings of -To help client grow and be
anxiety and fears are free from their stagnation.
- It takes courage “to be” and necessary experience if
our choices determine the personal growth and meaning -To help individual break free
kind of person we become. were to be achieved in life. from their anxiety

- His famous book Love and -His primary aim was to -Help clients Create purpose in
Will the principle that an understand the underlying their life.
awareness of death is essential mechanisms and reality
to life, rather than being behind human suffering and -Leading their client in living
opposed to life, and other crises; he did this by life authentically.
books including Man’s Search combining elements of
for Himself,The Meaning of humanism with existentialism
Anxiety, and The Courage to in his approach to therapy.
Irvin Yalom -Develop an approach to -Group therapy produced
group and individual specific dynamics that increase
psychotherapy healing while challenging the
therapist. Recognizes four
-Common themes include fear basic human issues that all
of death, the drive toward people struggle with:
freedom, and the desire to isolation, meaninglessness,
avoid isolation.  mortality, and freedom. 

-Eleven therapeutic factors -Does not rely upon symptom-

that influence change and based diagnosis; instead, he
healing in group therapy, they focuses upon the very real,
are instillation of hope, human encounter between
Universality, Imparting himself and his client, and the
information, Altruism, relationship that builds
Corrective recapitulation, between them during the
Socializing techniques, course of psychotherapy.
imitative behavior, imitative
behavior, Group cohesiveness,
Catharsis, Existential factors

-Some of his books The Theory

and Practice of Group
Psychotherapy, Love’s
Executioner, Momma and the
Meaning of Life.

James Bugental -Coin the term existential- -Cultivation of both the

Humanistic psychotherapy Therapist and client. Purpose
- His book Psychotherapy Isn’t of the Therapist is to assist the
What You Think is, an client in deepening their
important contribution to the searching. Help the client in
literature. It is particularly an their resistance not just in
important read for therapist therapy but also in life. The
desiring to become better at essence part of his therapy is
working in the here-and-now focusing living in the moment
of therapy, those wishing to what is here and now.
improve there ability to work
with resistance, and those -His approach to
wanting to improve their psychotherapy incorporated
ability to deal with process the humanness of both
elements of therapy. counselor and client.
-best known titles include The
Search for Authenticity, -His theory and practice
Psychotherapy and Process, emphasized the distinction
The Art of the Psychotherapist, between therapeutic process
and his final and content.
book, Psychotherapy Isn’t
What You Think. 
-Here-and-Now dialogue,
exploring in the context of self
as client or therapist.






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