Adlerian Therapy (The Alpha)
Adlerian Therapy (The Alpha)
Adlerian Therapy (The Alpha)
1. Lifestyle.
2. The movemont from lower position (negative) to
better position (positive).
3. It can unifies the personality.
Birth Order and
Social Interest &
Sibling Relationships
Community Feeling 1. The oldest child: tends to be dependable,
model child, bossing younger children, high
rivalry trait.
Social Interest is the action line of 2. Second child of only two: shares the
attention, she were in races, full steam
one’s community feeling. all the time, finding the elder weak and
Sense of identification and empathy proceeds to win praise.
3. Middle child: feels squeezed out,
with others. unfairness of life, usually a problem
Central indicator of mental health. child, peacemaker.
The Therapeutic
Fostering social interest.
Helping clients overcome feelings of
discouragement and inferiority.
Modifying clients’ views and goals. Gathering early memories, which is
Changing faulty motivation. lifestyle assessment.
Encouraging the individual to recognize Using dreams as a rehearsel for possible
equality among people. future actions.
Helping people to become contributing
members of society.
eu tic Relationship
h er ap between Therapist
The T
oc es s and Client
Client’s Experience
in Therapy One between equals.
The relationship is a collaborative
Clients explore private logic.
Strive to establish an egalitarian
It involves our convictions and
therapeutic alliance and a person-
beliefs that get in the way of
to-person relationship.
social interest.
The client should begin to
Learning on how to correct
formulate a plan outset of
faulty assumptions.
Therapeutic Techniques
and Procedures
Phase 3: Encourage Self- Phase 4: Reorientation and
Understanding and Insight Reeducation
The encouragement process.
Promoting self-understanding and
insight. Change and the search for new
Disclosure and well timed possibilities.
interpretations. Making a difference.
Adlerian Therapy Applied to the Case of Stan