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Nervoussystemininsects 181226130023

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Nervous system in


I Ph.D. Agricultural Entomology
UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru
Nervous system
The basic component in the nervous system is the nerve cell or
neuron, composed of a cell body with two projections (fibers) the
dendrites that receive stimuli and the axon that transmits information,
either to another neuron or to an effector organ such as a muscle.
 Axon may have lateral branches called Collateral and terminal
arborization and synapse.
 Insect neurons release a variety of chemicals at synapses either to
stimulate or to inhibit effector neurons or muscles. Acetylcholine and
catecholamines such as dopamine are the important neurotransmitters
involved in the impulse conduction. Neurons are of following types
based on structure and function.
A. On structural basis
i. Monopolar: neuron with a single axon
ii. Bipolar: neuron with a proximal axon and a long distal dendrite.
iii. Multipolar: neuron with a proximal axon and many distal dendrites.
B. Functional basis
i. Sensory neuron: It conducts impulse from sense organs to central
nervous system (CNS).
ii. Motor neuron: It conducts impulse from CNS to effector organs
iii. Inter neuron (association neuron): It inter-links sensory and motor
neurons. The cell bodies of inter neurons and motor neurons are
aggregated with the fibers inter connecting all types of nerve cells to
form nerve centers called ganglia.
Types of Neurons




Mechanism of impulse conduction: Impulses are conducted by the
neurons by two means.
1) Axonic conduction: Ionic composition varies between inside and
outside of axon resulting in excitable conditions, which leads to impulse
conduction as electrical response.

2) Synaptic conduction: Neurochemical transmitters are involved in the

impulse conduction through the synaptic gap. Neurotransmitters and
the type of reactions helping in the impulse conduction are as follows.
Nervous system can be divided in to three major sub-systems as
i. Central nervous system (CNS)
ii. Visceral nervous system (VNS)
iii. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

I. Central nervous system: It contains double series of nerve centers

(ganglia). These ganglia are connected by longitudinal tracts of
nerve fibers called connectives and transverse tracts of nerve fibers
called commissures. Central nervous system includes the following.
a. Brain: Formed by the fusion of first three cephalic neuromeres.
1)Protocerebrum: Large, innervate compound eyes and ocelli.
2)Deutocerebrum: Found beneath protocerebrum, innervate antennae.
3)Tritocerebrum: Bilobed, innervate labrum.

Brain is the main sensory centre controlling insect behaviour.

b. Ventral nerve cord: Median chain of segmental ganglia beneath

c. Sub esophageal ganglia: Formed by the last three cephalic

neuromeres which innervate mandible, maxillae and labium.
d. Thoracic ganglia: Three pairs found in the respective thoracic
segments, largest ganglia, innervate legs and muscles.

e. Abdominal ganglia: Maximum eight pairs will present and

number varies due to fusion of ganglia. Innervate spiracles.

f. Thoracico abdominal ganglia : Thoracic and abdominal ganglia

are fused to form a single compound ganglia. Innervate genital
organs and cerci.
II. Visceral nervous system: The visceral (sympathetic) nervous system
consists of three separate systems as follows:
(1) stomodeal/stomatogastric which includes the frontal ganglion and
associated with the brain, aorta and foregut;
(2) Ventral visceral, associated with the ventral nerve cord; and
(3) Caudal visceral, associated with the posterior segments of abdomen.
Together the nerves and ganglia of these subsystems innervate the
anterior and posterior gut, several endocrine organs (Corpora
cardiaca and Corpora allata), the reproductive organs, and the
tracheal system including the spiracles.
IV. Peripheral nervous system: The peripheral nervous system consists
of all the motor neuron axons that radiate to the muscles from the
ganglia of the CNS and visceral nervous system plus the sensory neurons
of the cuticular sensory structures (the sense organs) that receive
mechanical, chemical, thermal or visual stimuli from an environment.

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