Maximo Asset Management
Maximo Asset Management
Maximo Asset Management
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................2
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4.1 Inventory Locations
4.2 Stock Tools in Inventory
4.3 Inventory Cycle Count
4.4 Inventory Transactions
4.5 Reservations
Future Scope.…………………………………………………………………………………...45
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I hereby declare that the project work entitled “IBM MAXIMO 7.6.0” submitted to the
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Sachin Takyar
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This is to certify that the work titled “IBM MAXIMO 7.6.0” submitted by Sachin Takyar
in partial fulfilment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and
Signature of Supervisor
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Sachin Takyar
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IBM Maximo is the Enterprise Asset Management product that provides the process of
managing an organisation’s assets throughout their life cycle-from purchase to
decommissioning. The word ‘enterprise’ refers to several organisations, multiple
departments, and functions and in some cases, business units. ‘Assets’ is defined as any
equipment or facility that plays a key role in the core business of the enterprise.
‘Management’ refers to improving the utilisation and performance of an asset, and thereby
improvising Return on Investment (ROI).The asset life cycle typically contains the following
● Procurement – This phase includes the whole complete process of purchasing the
asset, it includes creating Purchase Requisitions, Request for Quotations, Invoices and
generating Purchase Orders, receiving assets at locations, etc.
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IBM Maximo is the Enterprise Asset Management product that provides user with the
capability to manage the maintenance, repair and other operations of any asset and its types
throughout its life-cycle in order to prevent early shutdown of the asset and to help the
organisation to take up as much benefit from the asset as possible. Maximo has the following
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● Customer Management – It helps an organisation to effectively and efficiently
manage its customers by providing proper services as per SLA, providing proper
billing, etc.
Following is snippet depicting the services provided by IBM Maximo are as follows:
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Asset is anything that has a value to the company and its lifecycle is monitored and
maintained by the company in order to attain maximum benefit. An asset has the following
status when under an organisation:
● Not Ready – It is the default status for any asset, other names for this status are
Installed, Commissioned, etc.
● Operating – This status denotes that the asset is being used, other names for this
status are Active, Limited Use, etc.
● Decommissioned – This status denotes that the asset is now no longer used, other
names for this status are Broken, Inactive, Missing, Sealed, Out-of-Service, etc.
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● Inventory Item Number – This number helps in tracking asset as a group that move
in or out of the inventory or other applications.
● Asset Number – This number is unique for each and every asset and it is used to find
out the location, individual instances, etc. for an asset.
● Production
● Fleet
● Facilities
● IT
An asset has a user or a custodian, a user is the person that uses the asset while custodian is a
person responsible for taking care of the asset.
● Asset Application – It is used to create, edit and delete an asset. Search, view,
modify, add and delete records of asset. Manages Hierarchy, Subassemblies, Safety
Records, Meters and Specification of assets.
● Asset Template – It is used to create new, modify existing assets. Manages
Datasheets, Meters, Specifications and PM’s.
● Receiving Application – It is used to receive items as rotating or non-rotating assets.
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Steps to create an Asset using Asset Application:
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4. In the Asset Template field enter a new name (number or alphanumeric word).
5. Select the type of asset.
6. Select the manufacturer for the asset.
7. Select the vendor for the asset.
8. Enter the needed information in the given fields as per the need in the given tabs.
9. Change the status of asset to Operating and the click on Save.
Following is the snippet of the New Asset Template created in MAXIMO 7.6.0:
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2.2 Asset Subassemblies
It is used to attach Item Assembly Structure (IAS) to both rotating and non-rotating items. An
IAS includes spare parts, subassemblies or both that are needed to build an item for location
requirement. IAS can only be applied to an asset or to an operating location if the parent item
is a rotating item. There are some rules to apply IAS and they are as follows:
● If parent is a rotating item then IAS can be applied to both rotating and non-rotating
● If parent is a non-rotating item then it can add only non-rotating item to the IAS.
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Steps to add a Rotating Item and Spare Parts to a rotating item:
Following is the snippet of the IAS tab of Item Master Application in MAXIMO 7.6.0:
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2.3 Failure Codes
A failure code is an element of failure hierarchy, a failure code can have one or more child
failure code. Failure codes are specified on asset and location records. Failure codes are
linked in parent child relationship to form a failure hierarchy. A failure hierarchy is a set of
data on the problems, the causes and the remedies for the asset failures and for the operating
location failures. A failure hierarchy is identified by its failure class. Using failures hierarchy
can help construct an accurate history of problem that leads to asset and location failures.
Failure codes are at organisation level. Following three failure reports can be seen from Asset
Reports are used to analyse failure trends and take preventive measures to help reduce future
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2.4 Meters
Meters in Maximo are same as normal meters i.e. they are used to measure any quantity.
Maximo 7.6.0 offers 3 types of meters to the user:
1. Continuous Meter- These are the cumulative meters that are used for measuring
consumption or accumulation.
2. Gauge Meter- These meters are used for performing condition monitoring on assets
or locations, they are used for measuring range of values.
3. Characteristic Meter- These are the observational meters that have a list of possible
values derived from the domains in Maximo.
Following is snippet that depicts what all these Meters measure in MAXIMO 7.6.0:
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Steps to add a new Meter:
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Steps to add a Meter to an Asset:
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● Assets- These ae the physical item equipment, component, machinery, facilities and
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2. Preventive Maintenance- It is the process of performing maintenance tasks to
minimize the probability and severity of lost or degraded functions. These tasks are
performed on a recurring bass related to calendar time, equipment age or operating
time without regard to equipment condition.
Failure Mode and Effective Analysis (FMEA) is a methodology central to the RCM process.
It is structural format to ascertain a detail description of the asset function, the possible
failures of the function, causes, etc.
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3.1 Preventive Maintenance (PM)
● Operator- In this there is the selection of upcoming or almost due PM’s. Setup and
enablement of Alert Notifications for upcoming PM’s in the Organisations
● Crontask- In this system generates the work orders based on frequency data and
condition. Measure’s Passage of Time and Meter Usage on a PM record. Measure’s
Unacceptable Level and Condition on a Condition Monitoring record.
● Real Time- In this system generates work orders at that moment of time.
Master PM’s are PM’s that serve as a template for its associated PM’s i.e. whenever any
change is made in the Master PM, it is automatically transferred to its associated PM’s.
Master PM’s do not generate work orders.
Following is snippet showing Master PM and its associated PM’s in MAXIMO 7.6.0:
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3.2 Job Plan Sequencing
Every PM in Maximo has a job plan associated with it, with respect to the task for which that
PM is created. Job plan can be defined as the steps that are required to be carried out in
sequential/planned manner while performing a particular job. On the other hand, Job Plan
Sequencing allows more than one job plan to be used with an individual PM, Job Plan
Sequencing is used when we have different maintenance tasks with different intervals.
Maximo determines which job plan to use whenever a work order is generated from a PM.
There is one more term Nested Job Plan, this is used when tasks for each sequenced period
are so different that you create individual job plans for each sequenced period. Rules for
applying job plans according to situations:
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Following is the snippet depicting where to use Individual, Inclusive, and Nested Job Plan in
MAXIMO 7.6.0:
Steps to create a PM with Sequenced Job Plan for monthly, semi-annually and annual work:
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13. Again click on New Row, select the Job Plan and enter 12 in Sequence field to run it
14. Change status to active.
15. Save.
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3.3 PM Forecast
Forecast means predicting or estimating a future event or trend. PM forecasting enables the
maintenance organization to generate projected due dates for anticipated PM work without
having to generate work orders, this can be generated by PMForecast cron task or by using
Generate forecast.
Steps to add a Forecast to a PM:
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3.4 PM Hierarchies
PM Hierarchies generate an organised group of work orders for an asset or location hierarchy
and work is typically organised this way for inspections and large projects. A PM Hierarchy
is a group of PM’s with a parent-child relationships and you use a PM Hierarchy to schedule
the group of work orders.
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Following is the snippet of PM Hierarchy Processing Rules in MAXIMO 7.6.0:
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Following is snippet of the Parent PM created in MAXIMO 7.6.0:
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9. Go to Frequency tab.
10. Enter the details as in Parent PM.
11. Go to PM Hierarchy tab.
12. In the Parent field enter Parent PM name (pmh-prnt).
13. Similarly create other child by using Duplicate PM option in more actions.
14. Save
15. Change the status of Parent PM to Active and select Roll New Status To All Child
PM’s check-box.
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Inventory Management tracks materials needed for maintenance related work, it allows to
track items in Stock, Replenish, Balances, Procurement and Transactions. This all helps to
identify when item fails below user-defined reorder points, perform cycle counts and make
balance adjustment, create purchase requisitions and purchase orders to restock needed items.
Inventory Management helps balancing two opposing objectives:
● Maximize the availability of items for future work tasks and reduce excess inventory
balances with their relative carrying cost.
● To find a balance of inventory stock that lets the maintenance work be performed
with minimum delays due to unavailable materials and still keep unnecessary or
seldom used items of the shelf.
Following is the snippet depicting Inventory relationship with other modules in MAXIMO
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Inventory application in Inventory module is used to manage and store information about all
aspects of inventory. It enables one to keep track of inventory items, it is also used to enter,
display and update information for a specific item at a specific storeroom location.
Organizations consume the items in inventory storerooms in different ways like Issues,
Transfers and Returns. Different costing methods available in the Inventory application are:
● LIFO (Last In First Out)- This costing methods uses the receipt cost of the items
that were most recently purchased and are newest in the storeroom.
● FIFO (First In First Out)- This costing method uses the receipt cost of the oldest
items in the storeroom.
● Standard Cost- It is the estimated cost of the material, labor, overhead and other
costs for each unit of production or purchase in a given accounting period.
Inventory Locations are used to issue items and tools, transfer items and tools and stock
control. There are 4 types of inventory locations in MAXIMO 7.6.0:
● Storeroom- Each storeroom can be broken into bin system, a bin represents a specific
location within a storeroom and is broken into three parts: a row, rack and shelf such
as AA-22-BC. A storeroom is used a place to reorganize stock levels held within a
specific location.
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● Vendor- These locations are used when the rotable items are sent off site repair, this
again for total life tracking and accumulating repair cost.
● Labor- These locations are used to record an internal issue of specialized tools or
personal protective Equipment (PPE) rather than consumables from a storeroom.
● Courier- These locations are generally used for transiting items from one storeroom
to another, where it is then received in. This allows for total tracking of all the items
throughout its life.
● Holding- These locations are used to similar to a bond store where an item has been
received, but can’t go into its final location until it has been inspected and/or
serialized into an asset.
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Steps to create a New Storeroom:
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4.2 Stock Tools in Inventory
Tools are devices or can referred as to equipment’s that are used to carry out a certain tasks
or functions. Tools range from hammers to vehicles, they can be required to open, examine,
clear and test. In Maximo tools are non-consumables and can be assigned a qualification. All
tools are charges at hourly usage rate that is set at organizational level. There is a difference
between Tool and Stock Tool in Maximo and they are as follows:
● Tools are in Item Master application while Stock Tools are in Inventory application or
in Items in Storerooms.
● Tools are at set level can be used by one or more organization while Stock Tools are
at site level.
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Steps to create a New Tool:
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Steps to Issue the tool to a Person or Work Order:
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4.3 Inventory Cycle Counts
Cycle Counts is a process of continually validating the accuracy of the inventory in the
system on a daily or weekly basis. There are some principles to perform a Cycle Count and
that are as follows:
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b) Update the physical count.
3. Review Discrepancies.
a) Recount where necessary.
b) Investigate further if needed.
4. Reconcile Balances.
a) Confirm the cycle count.
b) Maximo update current balance.
Cycle Counts in Maximo may use ABC concept, it is a method in which we categorize
inventory items into three groups: fast moving, average and low moving. This concept also
identifies the items that represent the greatest investment for the company in terms of
monetary value and turnover rate. Breakpoints percentage based on type are as follows:
A type has the highest valued items and lowest turnover while C type has the lowest valued
item and highest turnover.
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Steps to perform Cycle Count on a rotating item:
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4.4 Inventory Transactions
Inventory Transactions are the transactions that are related to the incoming or outgoing of the
items to and from inventory. There are three types of transactions in inventory and they are as
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● Receipts and Transfers- These transactions are about recording purchase receipts
and shipments receipts i.e. receiving an item into a storeroom or transferring from one
storeroom to another. It is instant for transfer type or intermediate for stage transfer.
● Issues and Returns- These transactions deal with items that have been issued from a
storeroom or returned to a storeroom.
● Adjustments- these transactions come from adding a new item into the storeroom or
entering a cycle count value i.e. physical count or have been adjusting the current
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There are four types of Adjustments and that are as follows:
4.5 Reservations
Reservations are made in Maximo to ensure that inventory items and tools can be replenished
in the inventory stock on time. There are three types of reservation in Maximo:
● Hard Reservation- It is a request for materials that is defined by the need for an item
within a specific time frame, this type of reservation remains unless manually
changed by the requester. Backorder Reservations indicates that an inventory item
can have only hard reservation, in-order to use Backorder Reservation, organization
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must disallow negative availability. Backorder Reservation can be set manually or
● Soft Reservation- It is a request for material that is not time sensitive and remains
until manually changed by the requester.
● Automatic Reservations- It is used for the system to decide whether it needs Soft or
Hard Reservation based on the date on which that material is needed.
Following is the snippet depicting types of Reservations and their information in MAXIMO
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Steps to set Hard Reservation for an item:
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Following is the snippet of Item and corresponding Work Order set to Hard Reservation in
MAXIMO 7.6.0:
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4.6 Internal Shipments
Internal Shipments in Maximo allows one to transfer inventory items or tools between
storerooms within the same site or across sites and organization and track their delivery
through use of shipment records. When the status of a usage record is changed to Shipped, a
Shipment is created along with financial transaction for the deduction from the supplying
room. There are three Shipment Receipt status and they are as follows:
● WINSP- Waiting for Inspection indicates that the item is in the process of being
received but is not entered in inventory.
● WASSET- Waiting for Serialization indicates that the item is rotating item and that
the review and acceptance of the asset number in the receipt is required.
● COMP- Complete indicates that the item has been received and if necessary
inspection and serialization of the item has occurred.
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Steps to create a Shipment:
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4.7 Inventory Reorder Theory
A store when replenishing its stock or to meet its forecast demand, places an order with an
external vendor or to an internal storeroom. The central storeroom and satellite storeroom
maintain their own reorder points. This creates a demand when their items balance falls
below their Reorder Point (ROP). Consignment items are considered in reorder process if the
reorder check-box is selected in inventory. The vendor is required for each consignment item
in each storeroom. The Maximo Reorder Point is the balance level that is set for an item
below which Reorder Process takes place.
Following is the snippet depicting the factors for Reorder Point (ROP) for an item in
MAXIMO 7.6.0:
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Maximo Asset Management has a wide scope in the industry as it provides very efficient
and effective solution to the client from ground level to the very top, it is a software that
will continue to provide new advancements to the user in different and easy ways,
moreover in latest seminar held to modernize user experience, the upcoming Maximo
updates include:
● Refreshed Look and Feel- A global approach will be used to refresh all
Maximo interfaces and work centers will be aligned to new updated style sheet.
● Machine Learning and Analytics- IBM plans to use machine learning and
analytics for operational data to build predictive maintenance models and to
manage reliability risks.
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1. Zientara, Robert (18 April 2016). IBM Maximo Asset Management The Consultant's
Guide (1.8 ed.). ISBN 978-8394419226.
2. "The IBM Maximo roadmap: What it means for Enterprise Asset Management" (PDF).
2006. Archived (PDF) from the original on 1 April 2018. Retrieved 1 April 2018.
3. IBM, Maximo Preview Site 7.6.0, Maximo, Oct 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www-
4. Sawyer, William J. (26 May 2010). "End of Support (EOS) Announcement for Maximo
6.0 and 6.1". IBM. Archived from the original on 1 April 2018. Retrieved 1 April 2018.
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