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Teacher Generation

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Teachers Generation Z and their Digital Skills

Article  in  Comunicar · January 2016

DOI: 10.3916/C46-2016-10


69 3,327

2 authors:

Francisco José Fernández-Cruz María José Fernández Díaz

Complutense University of Madrid Complutense University of Madrid


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ICT Teacher Competencies. View project

Evaluación del Impacto de la Implantación del Modelo de Excelencia Europeo (EFQM) en el Sistema de Gestión de Centros Educativos View project

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Comunicar, nº 46, v. XXIV, 2016 | Media Education Journal | ISSN: 1134-3478; e-ISSN: 1988-3293
www.revistacomunicar.com | www.comunicarjournal.com


Los docentes de la Generación Z y sus competencias digitales

Dr. Francisco-José Fernández-Cruz is Assistant Professor at University Francisco de Vitoria of Madrid (Spain)
(f.fernandez.prof@ufv.es) (http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6103-5272)
Dr. Mª-José Fernández-Díaz is Dean of the Faculty of Education and Professor at Department of Methods of
Research and Diagnosis in Education at University Complutense of Madrid (Spain) (mjfdiaz@ucm.es)

The presence of technological resources in schools and the high performance of so-called «Technology Generation» or
«Generation Z» students are not enough to develop students’ digital competence. The primary key is determined by the techno-
logical and pedagogical skills of teachers. In this paper, we intend to analyze the level of ICT skills of teachers in primary and
secondary establishing a competency framework adapted to the Spanish educational environment, using as a basis the standards
established by UNESCO in 2008 and reformulated in the year 2011. For this purpose, a questionnaire was done to show the
profile of ICT teacher training faculty of the sample (80 schools and 1,433 teachers in the Community of Madrid) to study the
characteristics of better training for the development of teachers was conducted under the digital jurisdiction of the Ministry of
Education of Spain. The study results show a significant difference between optimal ICT skills and the low skills that teachers
really have to develop learning activities with technological tools for their students. Teachers’ digital skills are very important in
the development of learning processes to introduce technologies as tools in the service of education, and this study will allow us
to make decisions in policy formation and throughout early career teachers.

La mera presencia de recursos tecnológicos en los centros y las altas capacidades de los alumnos de la «Generación Tecnológica»
o «Generación Z», no son suficientes para desarrollar en los alumnos la competencia digital. La clave fundamental viene deter-
minada por las competencias tecnológicas y pedagógicas de los docentes. En este trabajo, se pretende analizar el nivel de com-
petencias en TIC de los profesores de Primaria y Secundaria estableciendo un marco competencial de referencia adaptado al
ámbito educativo español, utilizando como base los estándares establecidos por la UNESCO en el año 2008 y reformulados en
el año 2011. Para ello, se realizó un cuestionario que permitió establecer el perfil de formación docente en TIC del profesorado
de la muestra (80 colegios y 1.433 profesores de la Comunidad de Madrid), para estudiar las características del profesorado mejor
formado para el desarrollo de la competencia digital que establece el Ministerio de Educación de España. Los resultados mues-
tran una alarmante diferencia entre las competencias que debieran tener los profesores para desarrollar la competencia digital en
sus alumnos y la que verdaderamente tienen. Las competencias digitales del profesorado son muy relevantes en el desarrollo de
procedimientos de aprendizaje que introduzcan las tecnologías como herramientas al servicio de la educación y este estudio nos
permitirá tomar decisiones en política de formación inicial y a lo largo de la carrera profesional del profesorado.


Digital competence, ICT standards, learning management, teacher, curriculum, training, professional career.
Competencia digital, estándares TIC, gestión del aprendizaje, profesorado, currículum, formación, carrera profesional.

Received: 25-03-2015 | Reviewed: 10-04-2015 | Accepted: 16-07-2015 | Preprint: 01-11-2015 | Published: 01-01-2016
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.3916/C46-2016-10 | Pages: 97-105

1. Introduction and state of the question to study and which are summarised below (Geck,
Comunicar, 46, XXIV, 2016

The concern throughout the education commu- 2007; Hoffman, 2003; Posnick-Goodwin, 2010; Lay-
nity (parents, teachers, students and society as a Arellano, 2013; Aparici, 2010; Bennett, 2008): 1)
whole) triggered by the development and implementa- Expert understanding of technology; 2) Multi-taskers;
tion in 2014 of the 2nd Education Act (Organic Law 3) Socially open through the use of technologies; 4)
8/2013), which establishes further measures to Fast and impatient; 5) Interactive; and 6) Resilient.
address core competencies, highlights the importance According to a Spanish Ministry of Education,
of reflecting on the learning processes and educational Culture and Sport (MECD) report (2014), there are
needs of the generations currently attending our scho- 8,081,972 students enrolled in general non-university
ols. Such reflection must be based on a thorough education, from the 1st cycle of pre-school education
understanding of what has come to be known as to initial vocational qualification programmes. These
Generation Z. Other names have also been used to belong to Generation Z, and are in our schools today.
refer to this population group, such as Generation V The MECD (2013) has also published data on the
(for virtual), Generation C (for community or content), number of teachers working in non-university educa-
the Silent Generation, the Internet Generation or even tion. From a total of 664,325 teachers, 10.8% are
the Google Generation, but they all have a common under 30 years old, 30% are between 30 and 39,
denominator, information and communication techno- 28.9% are between 40 and 49, 26.3% are between 50
logies (ICTs). to 59 and 4% are over 60 years old. Thus, about 40%
Generation Z (Schroer, 2008) encompasses chil- belong to Generation Y (1977-1994), 30% to
dren or teenagers who were born between 1995 and Generation X (1966-1976) and another 30% to the
2012, as opposed to Generation Y (1977-94), also 1st generation of post War II World (1945-1965)
called the 2nd «Baby Boomer» Generation, and «Baby Boomers». This generational divide between
Generation X (1966-76), or the lost generation. Other teachers and students, combined with the need to
authors (Mascó, 2012) have been even more specific, develop core competencies in compulsory education
identifying the Z1 generation, born between late 1990 (especially digital competence), adapt to new social
and 2000, and the Z2 generation, those born after skills related to the use of technologies and address the
2005. A new generation has been proposed for those new learning needs of a changing society, raise ques-
born after 2010, namely Generation α or «Google tions about the preparation of current teachers for lea-
Kids» (Grail Research, 2011), defined to be the first ding the teaching-learning processes that Generation Z
generation of the 21st century, the most numerous to students will use.
date, to be early adopters of technology, to start sooner
and stay longer in school and to be focused on techno- 1.1. Teachers’ ICT teaching competencies,
logy (figure 1). according to UNESCO
However, in order to determine what the future Teachers’ information and communication tech-
of Generation α will be like, the Generation Z nology competencies remain a crucial element for
currently attending school presents a number of cha- educational development. These can be understood
racteristics that authors such as Dolors Reig (Blog «El as the suite of necessary skills and knowledge that tea-
Caparazón»: http://goo.gl/VSEQ52) have attempted chers must possess in order to make more integrated

Figure 1. Generation Terminology by Birth Year (Grail Research, 2011).

© ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293• Páginas 97-105


use of these technological tools as educational resour- led study of «standards for teacher technology compe-

Comunicar, 46, XXIV, 2016

ces in their daily practice (Suárez-Rodríguez, tency».
Almerich, & al., 2012). In general, the UNESCO ICT Competency
As a result of the educational importance and Standards for Teachers project (UNESCO, 2008;
value given to digital competencies in present day edu- 2011) is aimed at improving teachers’ practice in all
cation systems over the last decade, various legislative areas of their professional work, combining ICT com-
measures have been implemented, establishing the petencies with innovations in teaching, the curriculum
need to include ICT competencies in the curriculum and organisation of the teaching institution. A further
as an essential learning tool (Organic Law 2/2006, objective is to ensure that teachers use ICT competen-
Organic Law 8/2013). Likewise, government institu- cies and resources to improve their teaching, cooperate
tions and NGOs have developed various models of with colleagues and ultimately to become innovation
ICT competency standards for teachers (Department leaders within their institutions. The overall goal of this
of Education of Victoria –
Australia; International Society
for Technology in Education –
USA / Canada; the Enlaces
(learning networks) Project of
This generational divide between teachers and students,
the Chilean Ministry of Edu- combined with the need to develop core competencies in
cation –Chile; North Carolina
Department of Public Ins- compulsory education (especially digital competence), adapt
truction – USA; ICT Compe-
tency Framework for Teachers to new social skills related to the use of technologies and
–UNESCO; PROFORTIC of address the new learning needs of a changing society, raise
Almerich, Suárez, Orellana,
Belloch, Bo & Gastaldo – questions about the preparation of current teachers for
Spain). Each of these studies
has examined the importance leading the teaching-learning processes that Generation Z
of teachers’ digital competen- students will use.
cies for the satisfactory develop-
ment of ICT competencies in
their students.
Several studies have explored teachers’ lack of con- project is not only to improve teaching practice but also
fidence and inadequate competence in the field of to do so in ways that contribute to improving the quality
ICTs from both a technological and a pedagogical of an education system so that it furthers the economic
perspective (Banlankast & Blamire, 2007; Hew & and social development of the country (UNESCO,
Brush, 2007; Mueller, Wood, Willoughby, Ross & 2008). To this end, UNESCO has defined three levels
Specht, 2008; Ramboll Management, 2006). The of ICT competencies for teacher education:
conclusions drawn in most of these studies raise ques- • Understanding the technologies and integrating
tions about the adequacy of both initial and continuing technological competencies in the curriculum (1st
teacher training as regards reducing the «digital divide» level: Technology Literacy).
between teachers and students, between «digital nati- • Use of these competencies in order to add value
ve» students and «digital immigrant» teachers (Prensky, to society and the economy, and applying this know-
2001). ledge to solve complex and real problems (2nd level:
In 2008, UNESCO (2008; 2011) produced and Knowledge Deepening).
published an extremely important document for states • Production and subsequent leverage of new
such as Spain, and education institutions that had not knowledge (3rd level: Knowledge creation).
yet created any specific recommendations about what These three approaches (UNESCO, 2008)
their teachers should know regarding the use of ICTs correspond to alternative visions and goals for national
in education. The guidelines for teacher training in policies on the future of education. However, each
ICTs given in the «Planning guide» of «Information level possesses different characteristics according to
and communications technologies in teacher educa- the dimension analysed: 1) Policy and vision: aspects
tion» published by UNESCO in 2004 include a detai- of ICTs in the curriculum; 2) Curriculum and assess-

© ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293• Páginas 97-105


ment: planning and assess-

Comunicar, 46, XXIV, 2016

ment of ICTs; 3)
Pedagogy: ICT methodo-
logy issues; 4) ICTs: use
and management of the
technologies; 5) Organi-
sation and administration:
management of ICT re-
sources; 6) Teachers’ pro-
fessional learning: conti-
nuing education in ICTs.
The goal of UNES-
CO’s ICT-CST project
has been to produce the
petency Standards for
Teachers (ICT-CST) fra-
mework shown in figure Figure 2. Modules of the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (UNESCO, 2008).
A study of the stan-
dards defined by UNESCO (2008; 2011) raises a in primary and secondary schools in the Community of
number of questions which we aimed to answer in the Madrid; 80 primary schools and secondary schools
present study: What ICT training have today’s participated, of which 43.75% were public schools,
Generation Z teachers received? Are they equipped to 11.25% were private and 45% were state-funded pri-
help our students achieve digital competence? What vate schools. The establishment of the core competen-
characteristics do «digital immigrant» teachers possess? cies defined in the 2006 Education Act and in the
What aspects of teacher training should be improved 2014 Organic Law for the Improvement of Educa-
in order to produce teachers with satisfactory digital tional Quality has meant that all schools in the
competence? Are we are meeting our students’ educa- Community of Madrid are required to include the
tional needs regarding the use of technological tools development of digital competencies in the curricu-
for independent learning? lum.
The overall objective of this study was to analyse A total of 1,433 teachers participated, of whom
the level of ICT competencies among primary and 66.57% were female and 33.43% male. Participants
secondary education teachers in the Community of were selected by means of incidental non-probability
Madrid in order to identify teacher training needs, sampling (Kerlinger & Lee, 2002; Bisquerra, 2004);
based on a theoretical study using UNESCO’s ICT 70% of the study participants were aged between 26
competency standards for teachers and the design of and 45 years old (Generation X), 81.09% were tea-
an instrument which made it possible to conduct the chers (the rest were members of the management
pertinent analyses and identify the factors associated team or ICT coordinators) and 35.05% had between
with differences in the ICT teacher training profile. 0 and 5 years of teaching experience. A total of
53.73% of the teachers who participated in the study
2. Material and methods taught in primary education, 42.78% taught in secon-
This was a non-experimental study, since it was dary schools and 3.49% taught at both educational
not possible to manipulate the variables or randomly levels.
assign participants or treatment (Kerlinger & Lee,
2002). It therefore comprised an «ex-post-facto» study 2.2. Design of the instrument
in which it was necessary for the phenomenon to To carry out this study, a questionnaire was deve-
occur naturally and conduct subsequent analyses, as loped as a tool for collecting information to assess the
the independent variables could not be manipulated. ICT teacher training profile of teaching staff in the
Community of Madrid, and identify the underlying
2.1. Sample and observable relationships between the dimensions
The study was conducted with teachers working and variables studied.

© ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293• Páginas 97-105


The questionnaire consisted of a series of items training in education. The 20, 40, 60 and 80 percen-

Comunicar, 46, XXIV, 2016

referring to the ICT teacher training profile according tiles were used for these assessments, enabling us to
to UNESCO. Subjects responded to each item by identify a «Very poor profile» with scores below 1.6, a
indicating their score, situation, knowledge or attitude «Poor profile» with scores between 1.7 and 2.5, an
using a 5-point Likert-type scale where 1 was the «Average profile» with scores between 2.6 and 3.4, a
lowest score and 5 was the highest score. «Good profile» with scores between 3.5 and 4.3, and
The variable studied (the dependent variable) was a «Very good profile» with scores between 4.4 and 5.
the ICT teacher training profile (UNESCO), establis- Table 2 summarises the differential analyses con-
hing three different profiles: Profile 1: Technology lite- ducted to identify the variables influencing the ICT
racy; Profile 2: Knowledge deepening; Profile 3: teacher training profile according to the UNESCO
Knowledge generation. standards in each of the sub-dimensions. Two statisti-
To better define the dependent variable, and in cal tests were used for this, the Student’s t-test and
accordance with the standards established by UNES- one-way ANOVA, both for independent groups
CO, this was divided into the following sub-dimen- (together with subsequent Scheffé contrasts). In the
sions, which were subsequently operationalised in the differential analyses, the value of statistical power (P)
questionnaire items: curricular aspects of ICTs, plan- was added to determine the rejection or acceptance of
ning and assessment of ICTs, methodological aspects the hypothesis with a higher degree of certainty and
of ICTs, use of ICTs, management of ICT resources, significance. Therefore, when significance was high
continuing education in ICTs. and power was close to 0.8, the values were conside-
red significant Cohen, 1992).
2.3. Instrument reliability The differential analyses performed (ANOVA -
The SPSS statistical package was used to study the p≤0.01) according to the «Post» variable (Teacher,
reliability of the instrument (George & Mallery, 1995), ICT Coordinator and Management and Coordina-
employing Cronbach’s α. This is the most widely used tion) clearly indicated significant and important diffe-
coefficient in this kind of analysis, and it indicates the rences in all sub-dimensions (CA, PA, MA, ICT, MR
internal consistency of a scale. An analysis of the ove- and CE) and in the questionnaire in general (0.000 sig.
rall α obtained for the instrument yielded the results and 23.819 F), and as was to be expected, those who
shown in table 1. were ICT coordinators presented a higher level in the
Homogeneity indices (corrected item-total correla- ICT teacher training profile.
tion) were within what could be termed «Excellent», When the Student’s t-test was applied to the
as they were all above 0.3. In conclusion, the instru- «Sex» variable (with an alpha of 0.05), no statistically
ment employed to study the ICT teacher training pro- significant differences were observed in any of the
file presented excellent reliability, obtaining a sub-dimensions or in the questionnaire in general
Cronbach’s α of .973 (George & Mallery, 1995). (0.158 sig.), and no differences were obtained betwe-
en men and women in relation to their ICT teacher
3. Analysis and results training profile.
3.1. Descriptive and differential analysis However, an analysis of the «Age» and «Teaching
The overall score obtained was 2.78 on an assess- Experience» variables (ANOVA - p≤0.01 = 0.000
ment scale of 1 to 5, indicating that the ICT training sig. /9.826 F for Age and 0.000 sig. /9.942 F for
profile of schools in the sample was medium-low. Experience) indicated that teachers who were older
Almost 39.71% of the teachers possessed an (56 - 66 years old) and had more teaching experience
«Average» ICT trai-
ning profile (UNES-
CO), although it
should be noted that
36.85% had a «Poor»
profile and 9.56% had
a «Very poor» profile.
In other words, a total
of 46.31% of teachers
presented a negative
profile in terms of ICT

© ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293• Páginas 97-105


presented a
Comunicar, 46, XXIV, 2016

much lower
level of ICT
teacher training
profile than tea-
chers who
were younger
and had less
and teachers
aged between
20 and 25
years old had
the best profile.
As regards
the variable
«Degree» held
by teachers
p<.01), the
analyses only
revealed statis-
tically signifi-
cant differen-
ces in some
(PA, ICT and
CE), while for
the question-
naire in general
(0.014 sig. and
4.248 F) there
was lack of sig-
nificance in the
difference of
variation bet-
ween groups (teaching and undergraduate degrees). sample for the «Subject Taught» variable, whereby
The mean differences in all sub-dimensions presented teachers in the fields of Technology and the Ex-
very low levels of statistical significance and were not perimental Sciences presented a better ICT teacher
considered relevant in the ICT teacher training profile training profile.
in relation to the degree held. Lastly, the final differential analyses (ANOVA -
The «Educational Stage» variable was also analy- p<.01) revealed important and statistically significant
sed (ANOVA - p<.01), revealing statistically signifi- differences regarding the «Technologies at Home»,
cant differences in almost all sub-dimensions (except «Usefulness of ICTs», «Attitude towards ICTs»,
CA and MR) and in the questionnaire in general «Level of ICT training» and «ICT training received»
(0.000 sig. and 8.614 F), and an important difference variables. The data obtained indicated that teachers
of means, whereby teachers working in secondary who had a computer and Internet access at home
education presented a better profile than those wor- were convinced of the usefulness of ICTs for impro-
king in primary education. ving the teaching-learning process, presented a good
Similarly, important significant differences (ANO- attitude, had a good level of training in ICTs, had
VA - p<.01) (questionnaire 0.000 sig. and 6.972 F) received both technical and teacher training on the use
were observed between teachers forming the study of ICTs, and had a better ICT teacher training profile

© ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293• Páginas 97-105


according to the UNESCO standards. These data ned for the sub-dimension «Continuing teacher educa-

Comunicar, 46, XXIV, 2016

were corroborated by the values of statistical power, tion in ICTs», which revealed a considerable need for
all above 0.8 (Cohen, 1992), indicating a high proba- teachers working in public and private schools to
bility of obtaining a statistically significant result. update their knowledge. Although there are many trai-
ning courses related to ICTs in education promoted by
4. Discussion and conclusions the different authorities, only a very small percentage
Teacher training in the application of ICTs in of teachers attend these courses, as described in Eu-
education has a long way to go, and requires identifi- ropean Union reports (Eurydice, 2011) which state
cation of the factors that can help improve the compe- that only 16% to 25% of primary education students
tencies that current and future teachers must acquire are taught by teachers who have participated in conti-
in order to implement digital literacy in our schools. nuing education programmes on the use of ICTs.
This study has revealed the existence of a signifi- Lastly, the sub-dimension «Management of ICT
cant deficit in teacher training in the use of ICTs and resources» obtained very low results, supporting the
their application in the classroom, an inherent aspect idea that an ICT coordinator is an indispensable mem-
of digital competence established by Organic Law ber in the school.
2/2006 and Organic Law 8/2013. Based on the structure suggested by UNESCO
According to the sub-dimensions established by regarding ICT teacher training profiles, it can be con-
UNESCO (2008; 2011), it can be concluded that the cluded that:
ICT teacher training profile corresponds to a medium- • Teachers who are older (56 - 66 years old) and
low level. As has been seen in the sub-dimension of have more teaching experience present a much lower
«General curricular aspects», most teachers do not ICT teacher training profile than teachers who are
know what is meant by digital competence in educa- younger and have less experience, and teachers aged
tion or how to achieve this in the classroom. Similarly, between 20 and 25 years old have the best profile.
the results for the «Planning and assessment» sub- • No large discrepancies exist between primary
dimension indicate that further work is required as and secondary school teacher profiles. Both obtained
regards planning activities and assessment of compe- a poor profile according to UNESCO indicators. This
tencies by means of rubrics with the incorporation of suggests that the initial training of both teaching profes-
ICT resources. Continuing in this pedagogical line, sionals (teaching degree or diploma for the former and
one of the most important sub-dimensions for the defi- a master’s degree in secondary education for the latter)
nition of the ICT teacher training profile is that of exerts no influence on the application of ICT tools in
«Methodological and instructional aspects». The education, and further reveals the limited training that
results of this study have revealed that teachers’ class- pre-service teachers receive in terms of digital compe-
room strategies regarding the use of ICT resources as tence in education faculties, as reported by Prendes
an avenue for complex and collaborative learning have and others (2010).
not yet been implemented as teaching methods in the • This study indicates that teachers working in
development of students’ digital competence. secondary education have a better profile than those tea-
The poor results obtained for teachers’ instructio- ching in primary education. As the above suggests, alt-
nal application of ICT resources may be explained by hough the initial qualification does not lead to a better or
the data provided by the sub-dimension «Use of worse teacher training profile, continuing professional
ICTs». This sub-dimension has made it possible to development (life-long learning) does endow secondary
assess teachers’ technical competencies regarding the education teachers with greater specialisation in digital
use of technologies, yielding a very low profile among competence throughout their professional careers.
teaching staff. This is one of the problems facing the • As corroborated by this study, science and tech-
incorporation of ICTs in education: if teachers do not nology teachers present better digital competencies;
possess technical knowledge about the use and appli- teachers in the fields of Technology and the
cation of digital tools, these are unlikely to be imple- Experimental Sciences possessed a better ICT teacher
mented in education. Teachers’ lack of knowledge training profile.
about the use of technological tools effectively pre- • Other studies (Tejedor, 2014) have shown that
vents them from applying these in educational activities teachers with ICT tools at home present a better atti-
with their students, as has been reported in other stu- tude and better training in the use of these resources in
dies (Suárez-Rodríguez, Almerich, & al., 2012). education. Likewise, in the present study, teachers
These conclusions are supported by the results obtai- who had a computer (PC, laptop, tablet or smartpho-

© ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293• Páginas 97-105


ne) and an Internet connection at home presented a vations and Issues in 2006-07. European Schoolnet. (http://goo.gl/-
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better ICT teacher training profile. FdDFYs) (05-11-2014).

Bennett, S., Maton, K., & Kervin, L. (2008). The Digital Natives
• As regards attitude and inclination towards ICTs, Debate: A Critical Review of the Evidence. British Journal of Edu-
the results also indicate that there is a better ICT teacher cational Technology, 39, 775-786. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/-
profile among teachers who believe in the usefulness of j.1467-8535.2007.00793.x
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and are convinced of their usefulness for improving the Madrid: Plaza.
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numerous studies (Alonso & al., 2014). org/10.1037/0033-2909.112.1.155
• This study has highlighted the need for teachers Colón, A.O., Moreno, L.A., León, M.P., & Zagalaz, J.C. (2014).
to be trained in the application of digital competence Formación en TIC de futuros maestros desde el análisis de la prác-
in the classroom. Thus, teachers who have received tica en la Universidad de Jaén. Píxel-Bit, 44, 127-142. (http://-
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and Reference. Belmont (CA): Wadsworth Publishing Company.
private education institutions that promote continuing Hew, K.F., & Brush, T. (2007). Integrating Technology into K-12
professional development in order to develop digital Teaching and Learning: Current Knowledge Gaps and Recommen-
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corresponding to students currently attending our pri- 006-9022-5
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mary and secondary schools (basic education in which (34), 41. (http://goo.gl/w6jIt9) (05-10-2014).
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