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TFN Course Outline For STUDENTS 2020

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F. Ramos Street, Cebu City

College of Nursing

Nursing Care Management (NCM) 100

Vision: A globally recognized institution of academic excellence imbued with a high level of
competence and integrity anchored on a strong culture of service and research.
Mission: To develop competent professionals who are socially responsible, and morally fit productive
citizens of the world with a passion for service and lifelong learning.

Course Code: 1157

Course Title: Theoretical Foundations in Nursing (TFN)
Course Description: This course deals with the various nursing and non-nursing theories on which
professional nursing practice is anchored. As explained by Western and Philippine-based academics,
the four metaparadigms on person, health, environment, and nursing will be examined and
differentiated. It further deals with health as a multifactorial phenomenon and the necessary core
competencies that the nurse need to develop. The learners are expected to identify various theories
and its applicability to various nursing scenarios as a guide to future nursing practice.
Course Credit: 3 lecture units (52 hours)
Placement: First Year First Semester
Pre-requisites: None
Program Educational Outcomes:
1. Competent and compassionate nurse clinician able to work in any healthcare setting serving
individuals, family, population groups and communities.
2. Driven nurse researcher able to critically think, generate new knowledge, and utilize evidence-based
practice in the nursing profession.
3. Effective and efficient nurse managers equipped with admirable leadership skills in various health
and health-related teams, programs, and services.

Program Outcomes
BSN_PO1 Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural, and health sciences and humanities in the
practice of nursing.
BSN_PO2 Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups and
community utilizing nursing process.
BSN_PO3 Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
BSN_PO4 Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles.
BSN_PO5 Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting culturally-appropriate language.
BSN_PO6 Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively.
BSN_PO7 Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural
BSN_PO8 Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care using a
systems approach.
BSN_PO9 Conduct research with an experienced researcher.
BSN_PO10 Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global
developments in general, and nursing and health developments in particular.
BSN_PO11 Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino.
BSN_PO12 Apply technointelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
BSN_PO13 Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.
BSN_PO14 Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care.
Level Outcomes: At the end of the first year, given simulated situation in selected settings, the
learners demonstrate basic nursing skills in rendering safe and appropriate care utilizing the nursing

1. Written
a. Unit Exams ✓ ✓
b. Term Exams ✓ ✓
2. Project
a. Video Presentation (Infomercial) ✓ ✓
b. Portfolio ✓ ✓


Course Learning Outcomes Content/ Topic


Orientation: Week 1
➢ Course
➢ Course Outline
➢ House Rules

CO1. Apply LO1. . Integrate I. History of Nursing Week 2 LO1. Online Quiz
knowledge of relevant principles of (Advance Reading) August 31 Journal Entry
physical, social, biology, health science, – Sept 2
natural, health humanities in the study II. Theory
sciences and of Theoretical • Definition
humanities and Foundations in • Components
principles of Nursing. • Types
evidence-based • Purposes
practice in the Overview of Theory
study of Development Process
Theoretical Collage Making
Foundations in Metaparadigms of Week 3 Journal Entry
Nursing. Nursing September
• Person 7-9
• Health
• Environment
• Nursing
Philosophies of Nursing
Nursing Knowledge and
Its Sources
Analysis of Nursing
Significance of Theory to
Nursing as a Profession
Evidence-Based Practice
Graded Group Written
LO2. Apply appropriate Week 4 Output
Nursing Philosophies September
nursing theory in a Journal Entry
a. Florence Nightingale 14-16
given nursing situation.
b. Jean Watson
c. Patricia Benner
d. Katie Eriksson
1st Long Exam (Wk 2-4)
Week 5 Written Output from Case
Nursing Conceptual September
LO3. Give examples of Study Analysis
Models 21-23
evidence-based Journal Entry
a. Myra Estrin Levine
nursing practice guided
b. Martha E. Rogers
by nursing theories.
c. Dorothea E. Orem
Online Test
d. Imogene M. King Week 6 Written Output from Case
e. Betty Neuman September Study Analysis
f. Sister Callista Roy 28-30 Journal Entry
g. Dorothy E. Johnson



Graded Group Written

Nursing Theories Week 8 Output
a. Anne Boykin & Savina October Journal Entry
O. Schoenhofer 12-14
b. Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
c. Nola J. Pender
d. Madeleine M.

e. Margaret Newman Week 9 Graded TV Broadcasting

f. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse October
g. Helen C. Erickson, 19-21 Journal Entry
Evelyn M. Tomlin, Mary
Ann P. Swain
h. Hildegard Peplau

Middle-Range Theories Week 10 Creative Presentation

a. Ramona T. Mercer October Journal Entry
b. Merle H. Mishel 26-28
c. Phil Barker

d. Katherine Kolcaba Week 11 Graded Group Written

e. Cornelia M. Ruland and November Output
Shirley M. Moore 2-4 Journal Entry
f. Marilyn E. Parker,
Charlotte D. Barry, and
Beth M. King

Philippine Nursing Week 12 2nd Long Exam(Wk8-11)

Conceptual Models: November Online Test
a. Sister Letty G. Kuan 9-11 Journal Entry
b. Carmencita M. Abaquin
c. Irma Bustamante
d. Elsie Antiporta-Tee
e. Maria Imelda T.

CO2: Develop LO4: Identify qualities The Professional Filipino Week 13 Journal Entry
attitudes of professional Nurse: Qualities and November
towards lifelong behaviors of a Filipino Attributes 16-18
learning, Nurse Nursing Core Values
responsible Advocacy in Nursing
citizenship, and . LO5: Photo Journal
nursing core Presentation of Interview Week 14 Rubric of the Interview
values in the with a Professional Nurse November done to a Professional
application of 23-25 Nurse
Theories in a
given simulated LO5: List advocacy Infomercial Making Week 15 Journal Entry
situation. activities that influence November
health, social care 30- Dec 2
service policies and
access to service.
Video Presentation of Week 16 Rubric for Informercial
Infomercials November



Week 17



Classes End December


Course Requirements:
Collage making output, Reflective journal, Photo Journal, Portfolio, Infomercial

Grading System:
Midterm and Post Midterm Grade: Final Grade:
Quizzes……………….. 15% Project……………….….. 20%
Long Exam…………… 20% Midterm Grade…………. 30%
Activities/Output……… 30% Post Midterm Grade…… 50%
Midterm/Final Exam…. 35% 100%
Alligood, M. (2018). Nursing theorists and their work. 9th ed. Elsevier, Singapore.
Butts, J. & Rich, K. (2018). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice. 3rd ed. Jones &
Bartlett Learning. Burlington, MA
Masters, K. (2012). Nursing theories. A framework for professional practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning,
McEwen, M. & Wills, E. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing. 5th ed. Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia.
Octaviano, E. & Balita, C. (2008). Theoretical foundations of nursing: The Philippine perspective.
Ultimate Learning Series, Philippines.
Peterson, S. & Bredow, T. (2017). Middle range theories: applications to nursing research and practice.
4th ed. Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia.
Smith, M. & Marilyn, P. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice. 4th ed. F.A. Davis Company,
Venzon, Lydia M. (2016). Professional nursing in the Philippines. 12th ed. C&E Publication. Quezon
City, Philippines.

Making A Collage : Nursing Metaparadigms

Teacher Name: Mrs. Estoy
Student Name: ________________________________________
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Attention to Theme The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student\'s
reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations are
explanation of how explanation of how explanation of how weak and illustrate
every item in the most items in the most items in the difficulty
collage is related to collage are related to collage are related to understanding how
the assigned theme. the assigned theme. the assigned theme. to relate items to the
For most items, the For many of the assigned theme.
relationship is clear items, the
without explanation.
relationship is clear
without explanation.

Design Graphics are Graphics are Graphics have been Graphics are
trimmed to an trimmed to an trimmed to an untrimmed OR of
appropriate size and appropriate size and appropriate size and inappropriate size
interesting shape and interesting shape and shape, but the and/or shape. It
are arranged well, are arranged with arrangement of appears little
some in front and some items in front items is not very attention was given
some behind. Care and others behind. attractive. It appears to designing the
has been taken to The canvas, however there was not a lot of collage.
balance the pictures does not appear planning of the item
across the canvas. balanced. placement.
Quality of The collage shows The collage shows The collage shows The collage was put
Construction considerable attention to some attention to together sloppily.
attention to construction. The construction. Most Items appear to be
construction. The items are neatly items are neatly just \"slapped on\".
items are neatly trimmed. All items trimmed. All items Pieces may be loose
trimmed. All items are carefully and are securely attached or hanging over the
are carefully and securely attached to to the backing. A few edges. Smudges,
securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stains, rips, uneven
the backing. There barely noticeable stray marks, smudges edges, and/or stray
are no stray marks, stray marks, smudges or glue stains are marks are evident.
smudges or glue or glue stains are present. Nothing is
stains. Nothing is present. Nothing is hanging over the
hanging over the hanging over the edges.
edges. edges.
Creativity Several of the One or two of the One or two graphics The student did not
graphics or objects graphics or objects or objects were make or customize
used in the collage used in the collage made or customized any of the items on
reflect an exceptional reflect student by the student, but the collage.
degree of student creativity in their the ideas were
creativity in their creation and/or typical rather than
creation and/or display. creative (.e.g, apply
display the emboss filter to a
drawing in
Time and Effort Class time was used Class time was used Class time was not Class time was not
wisely. Much time wisely. Student could always used wisely, used wisely and the
and effort went into have put in more but student did do student put in no
the planning and time and effort at some additional work additional effort.
design of the collage. home. at home.
It is clear the student
worked at home as
well as at school.

Rubrics for Portfolio Making

Meets criteria (10 Doesn't meet criteria (5

CATEGORY Exceptional (15 points) points) points)
Assignments The student has all The students is missing 1-2 The student is missing more than 3
assignments from the assignments in each subject assignments in each subject area
beginning of the year up until area from the beginning of the from the beginning of the year up
now included in portfolio. year up until now. until now.
Completion of The student has all completed The student has 2-3 The students has 3 or more
Assignments and graded assignments from incompleted assignments incompleted assignments
the beginning of the year up throughout the portfolio. (the throughout the portfolio. (the student
until now. student wasn't excused or wasn't absent or excused on that
absent on that day) day)

Organization The student shows exceptional The student shows somewhat The student shows little to no
organization skills in portfolio. of organizational skills in organization skills in portfolio. The
The assignments are portfolio. The assignments are assignments aren't in the correct
organized by subject area & in the correct subject area, but subject area or filed by date.
date when completed. not placed by date. Assignments are everywhere.

Effort The student shows exceptional The student shows little effort The student shows little to no effort
effort constructing their constructing their portfolio. constructing their portfolio. There
portfolio. The assignments are there are 1-2 missing are 3 or more missing or incomplete
complete and in the correct assignments and incomplete assignments. The student only
order. The student works on work. The student only works works on portfolio when asked.
portfolio at least 3 times a on portfolio 2 times a week.

Role Play Rubric

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Preparedness Student is extremely Student is extremely Student is Student is not
familiar with their familiar with their somewhat familiar familiar with their
role and uses role, and uses some with their role, but role, and provides no
specific evidence to evidence to support provides little or no evidence to support
support their their arguments. evidence to support any
arguments. their arguments. statements/arguments
they make.
Participation Student actively Student actively Student actively Student does not
participates in participates in participates in participate in
simulated meeting, simulated meeting, simulated meeting, simulated meeting.
speaking multiple speaking more than speaking more than
times, adding new once, adding new once, but repeats
information/evidence information/evidence information each
each time. each time. time.
Active Student Student Student Student provides no
Listening/Response demonstrates active demonstrates active demonstrates active indication they are
listening skills by listening skills by listening skills by listening to other
providing thoughtful providing thoughtful listening attentively students, by speaking
responses addressing responses to other while other students while others speak,
specific aspects of students’ statements, speak, but provides or repeating what
other students’ but asks few or no little or no response others have already
statements, including questions. to any statements. stated.
asking questions.
Etiquette Student acts as a Student acts Student Student occasionally
model meeting appropriately during occasionally speaks speaks out of turn or
participant, speaking the meeting, out of turn or interrupts another
only at appropriate typically speaking at interrupts another student, or otherwise
times, and showing appropriate times, student, but shows shows disrespect of
respect to all other and showing respect respect to other other participants.
participants. to other participants. participants.

Journal Reflection Rubric

Criteria Unsatisfactory-Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total
Content 0-34 points 35-39 points 40-44 points 45-50 points /50
Reflection Reflection lacks critical Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates a
thinking. Superficial limited critical thinking some degree of critical high degree of critical
connections are made with in applying, analyzing, thinking in applying, thinking in applying,
key course concepts and and/or evaluating key analyzing, and/or analyzing, and evaluating
course materials, activities, course concepts and evaluating key course key course concepts and
and/or assignments theories from readings, concepts and theories theories from readings,
lectures, media, from readings, lectures, lectures, media, discussions
discussions, activities, media, discussions activities, and/or
and/or assignments activities, and/or assignments. Insightful and
Minimal connections assignments. Connections relevant connections made
made through made through through contextual
explanations, inferences, explanations, inferences, explanations, inferences,
and/or examples. and/or examples. and examples.
Personal 0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /30
Growth Conveys inadequate evidence Conveys limited Conveys evidence of Conveys strong evidence of
of reflection on own work in evidence of reflection on reflection on own work reflection on own work
response to the self- own work in response to with a personal response with a personal response to
assessment questions posed. the self-assessment to the self-assessment the self-assessment
Personal growth and questions posed. questions posed. questions posed.
awareness are not evident Demonstrates less than Demonstrates satisfactory Demonstrates significant
and/or demonstrates a adequate personal personal growth and personal growth and
neutral experience with growth and awareness awareness through some awareness of deeper
negligible personal impact. through few or simplistic inferences made, meaning through inferences
Lacks enough inferences, inferences made, examples, insights, and made, examples, well
examples, personal insights examples, insights, challenges. Some developed insights, and
and challenges, and/or future and/or challenges that thought of the future substantial depth in
implications are overlooked. are not well developed. implications of current perceptions and challenges.
Minimal thought of the experience. Synthesizes current
future implications of experience into future
current experience. implications.
Writing 0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20
Quality Poor writing style lacking in Average and/or casual Above average writing Well written and clearly
standard English, clarity, writing style that is style and logically organized using standard
language used, and/or sometimes unclear organized using standard English, characterized by
frequent errors in grammar, and/or with some errors English with minor errors elements of a strong writing
punctuation, usage, and in grammar, in grammar, punctuation, style and basically free from
spelling. Needs work. punctuation, usage, and usage, and spelling. grammar, punctuation,
spelling. usage, and spelling errors.
Timeliness Deduct 11 points-overall Deduct 6-10 points Deduct 1-5 points 0 points deducted /--
Journal reflection is Journal reflection is Journal reflection is Journal reflection is
submitted 2-3 days (49-72 submitted 1-2 days (25- submitted within 1 day submitted on or before
hours) after the deadline. 48 hours) after the (24 hours) after the deadline.
deadline. deadline.
TOTAL POINTS (sum of 4 Criteria) /100

Rubric for Infomercial

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Oral Presentation Interesting, well- Relatively interesting, Delivery not smooth, Delivery not smooth
rehearsed with rehearsed with a but able to hold and audience
smooth delivery that fairly smooth delivery audience attention attention lost.
holds audience that usually holds most of the time.
attention audience attention.
Content Covers topic in-depth Includes essential Includes essential Content is minimal
with details and knowledge about the information about the or there are several
examples. Subject topic. Subject topic but there are 1- factual errors.
knowledge is knowledge appears 2 factual errors.
excellent to be good.
Originality Product shows a Product shows some Uses other people’s Uses other people’s
large amount of original thought. ideas (giving them ideas, but does not
original thought. Works shows new credit), but there is give them credit.
Ideas are creative ideas and insights. little evidence of
and inventive original thinking.
Workload The workload is The workload is The workload was The workload was
divided and shared divided and shared divided, but one not divided or
equally by all team fairly by all team person in the group is several people in
members. members, though viewed as not doing the group are
workloads may vary his/her fair share of viewed as not doing
from person to work. their fair share of the
person work.

Photojournal Rubric
Category 4 3 2 1
Images Includes five Includes five Includes five Does not include
images with images with some images with five images nor
personalized personalized descriptions personalized
descriptions. descriptions descriptions.
Summary Includes a ½ to 1 Includes a ½ to 1 Includes a ½ to 1 Does not include a
page single page single- page single- ½ to 1 page single-
spaced, typed spaced, typed spaced, typed spaced, typed
summary of the summary of the summary of the summary of the
topic with citations. topic with few topic with no topics.
citations. citations.
Organization/ The project was The project was The project The project did not
Neatness typed using the typed using most of included some include appropriate
appropriate format. the appropriate appropriate formats. It
Grammar and formats. It formats. It contained many
spelling were contained a few contained many grammar and
excellent. The grammar and grammar and spelling errors. It is
project is neat, spelling errors. The spelling errors. It is extremely sloppy
creative, and project is fairly quite messy and and unprofessional.
professional in neat, creative and not professional in
appearance. professional in appearance.

Eubina Cordova Estoy, RN, MN


(Sgd)Eubina C. Estoy, RN, MN



(Sgd) Kachiri T. Salibio-Mercadal, RN, MN, MA(c)

Academic Coordinator

Approved by:

(Sgd) Dr. Carol R. Kangleon

Dean, College of Nursing



I hereby attest to have been explained about the course outline of the subject, Theoretical Foundations
in Nursing. I have been made aware that passing the subject is necessary to be eligible to enroll the
subsequent subjects in the next semester.

I have been given a copy of the course outline of Theoretical Foundations in Nursing including its
grading system. I have also been oriented of its requirements and commit to passing such requirements
on time. I have had the opportunity to ask questions during the orientation and any questions that I have
been answered by my instruction to my satisfaction.

________________________________ ____________ ___________ _________

Signature over Printed Name of Student Year & Section Student ID No. Date

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