Dry Beef
Dry Beef
Dry Beef
Final draft
Prepared by:
GSO Technical Committee for sector standards of food and agriculture products
Gulf standard GSO …/2008
2. Complimentary references:
2.1 GSO (9): "Labelling of prepackaged food stuffs".
2.2 GSO (21): "Hygienic regulations in food plants and their personnel "
2.3 GSO (149): "Unbolted drinking water".
2.4 GSO (123): "General requirements for fresh fruits and vegetables".
2.5 GSO (150): "Expiration dates for food products".
2.6 GSO (168): "Requirements of storage facilities for dry and canned food
stuffs ".
2.7 GSO (323): "General requirements for transportation and storage of chilled
and frozen foods".
2.8 GSO (815): "Code of hygienic practice for preparation, transportation,
handling and storing of fresh meat".
2.9 GSO (1002): "Chicken eggs".
2.10 GSO (1026): "Code of hygienic practice for preparation, transportation,
handling and storing of fresh fish".
2.10 3. Definitions:
3.1 Ready – to – eat food:
Any food (including beverages) which is normally consumed in its raw
state or any food handled, processed, cooked or other wise prepared into a
form in which it is normally consumed without further processing".
3.2 Perishable food:
Food that consists wholly or partly of milk, milk products, eggs, meat,
poultry, fish or shell fish, or ingredient that are capable of supporting the
progressive growth of microorganisms that can cause food spoilage or food
poisoning and other food borne illness.
3.3 Street foods:
Ready to eat foods and beverages, prepare and/ or sold in streets and other
similar public places.
3.4 Food handler:
Any person who directly touches packaged or unpackaged food, food
equipments, utensils or food contact surfaces.
Gulf standard GSO …/2008
3.5 Contaminant:
Any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter, or other substances not
intentionally added to food which may comprise food safety or suitability.
3.6 Contamination:
The introduction or occurrence of a contamination in food or food
3.7 Disinfection:
The reduction, by means of chemical agents and/or physical methods, of the
number of microorganisms in the environment, to a level that does not
comprise food safety or suitability.
3.8 Food hygiene:
All conditions necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of food at all
stage of the food chain.
3.9 Mobile vender:
Any person with/without a vehicle going from place to place for the
purpose of preparing, serving, distributing or delivering street foods.
3.10 Food poisoning:
A case strucked person or more with the same illness symptoms as a result
to consumed the same food, and produced from the arrival of food which
contain microbe or its secreted poison or some poison chemical matters to
the human.
3.11 Food spoilage:
Undesire change in food appear in physical characteristics as color, taste,
odour and texture or which caused with the affect of microorganisms or by
chemical composition of food product.
3.12 Food containers:
Any food grade containers such as cans hermetically sealed containers.
sealed jars, milk bottles or cans and similar containers with seals.
3.13 Street food center:
Any public place designated by the relevant authority for the preparation
and sale of street foods.
3.14 Water container:
Any form of food grade container which is used for the purpose of storing
and has not been previously for any other purpose which could caused
contamination of the water stored in it.
Gulf standard GSO …/2008
4. Requirements:
4.1 General requirements:
4.1.1 The places for preparation, handling and sale of ready to eat foods shall be
comply with Gulf standard mentioned in item (2.2).
4.1.2 Raw materials used in ready to eat foods shall be comply with Gulf
standards specification each.
4.1.3 Ready to eat foods shall be free from pig products and alcohols.
4.1.4 Water used in the washing and preparation of ready to eat foods shall be
comply with Gulf standard mentioned in item (2.4).
4.1.5 Persons for the processes of purchasing and preparing these foods shall be
free from ills and pestilences according to Gulf standard mentioned in item
4.1.6 Food storing process used in the preparation of the product shall be
comply to what has mentioned in Gulf standard stated in item (2.2).
4.2 Requirements for inputs and ingredients:
4.2.1 Purchase of inputs and ingredients: Purchase input and ingredients from authorized retailers or approved
source, under adequate storage conditions, with refrigeration / freezing
(perishable items), stored on shelves or boxes and protected from
contamination. Purchase packaged inputs and ingredients that bear a manufactures
name, and do not purchase food products that are unlabelled and/or without a
clearly stated shelf life, and the labels shall be comply with Gulf standard
mentioned in item (2.1). Only purchase inputs and ingredients whose orgaroleptic properties are
correspond to the specific characteristics or nature of the fresh food are raw
material and that do not show signs of any kind of alteration and/or
adulteration. Only purchase perishable inputs and ingredients maintained at adequate
temperature. Only purchase food products in quantities that correspond to adequate
storage / preservation capacity.
4.2.2 Transport, reception and storage of in puts and ingredients: Transport of all purchased product in adequate conditions, avoiding
hazard of chemical, physical or biological contamination and spoilage of the
goods, mentioning or adequate temperature, and isolating each item to
prevent cross-contamination, it should not be transported foods products
together with toxic and/or chemical substance (disinfectants, detergent,
pesticide. etc). For packaged product follow the manufacturers instructions
Gulf standard GSO …/2008
Gulf standard GSO …/2008
Gulf standard GSO …/2008 Utensils, dishes, glasses, water outlets and working surfaces. Should be
cleaned and disinfected after each instance of food preparation.
4.4 Requirements for food preparation:
4.4.1 Requirements for preliminary preparation: Fruits and vegetables:
a. only used fruits and vegetables that have been protected from contamination
and properly conserved.
b. Select sound and suitable fruit and vegetables and fit human consumption
and should be comply to what has been mentioned in Gulf standard stated in
c. Wash and disinfect fruit and vegetables before using then directly or as a
food ingredient.
d. Prepare each kind of fruit and vegetable in the appropriate manner and
according to its intended use.
e. Peel , Squeeze and/or cut, as appropriate, fruits and vegetables with
appropriate and hyienized equipments and utensils.
f. keep previously prepared fruits and vegetables in hygienized and properly
covered recipient at suitable temperature. Fresh meat and fish:
a. When necessary, thaw frozen meat and fish in refrigerator, a microwave can
be used to accelerate thawing, Avoid thawing at room temperature.
b. Handle fresh meat and fish in such away as to prevent direct as indirect cross
contamination of the working surfaces, utensils and other food product it
should be comply with what has been mentioned in Gulf standard stated in
item (2.6) when preparing handling and storage of fresh meat.
c. Clean the fresh meat and fish, removing undesirable parts, when necessary.
d. It should be comply with what has been intended in Gulf standard stated in
item (2.9) when preparing, transporting, handling and storage the fish. Other foods:
a. Cheeses, sausage, salami and similar foods:
a.1 Avoid content with hand, conduct all operations such as slicing, cutting,
grinding with appropriate instruments and avoid exposure at room
a.2 Prepare to amount necessary for a mutinous of four hours of work.
a.3 Food can talners and packaged foods should not present any alteration
(corrosion visual alteration, etc).
a.4 Grains flour , sugar , salt and similar products should not contain evident
humidity and should be kept in appropriate covered containers to prevent
alteration and contamination .
Gulf standard GSO …/2008
a.5 Do not use raw eggs in the preparation of foods and beverages intended for
direct consumption , that are not to be cooked afterwards, the egg shall be
comply with Gulf Standards mentioned in item (2.8) .
a.6 The manufacturer should be provided instructions on storage and use , which
would comply with rules of hygiene .
Gulf standard GSO …/2008
4.5.6 When the transportation time exceeds two hours, the food container should
be placed I thermal boxes .
4.5.7 Place prepared hot foods in thermal boxes separate from prepared cold or
chilled foods, use thermal different boxes of these two types of prepared
foods .
4.6.1 The sales stall (kiosk , barrow , mobile stall – etc ) should be built
of solid material and should be sufficiently high from the ground to
be easily sanitized .
4.6.2 The sales stall and its surrounding should be kept clean , free of
litter and in good condition .
4.6.3 When sales stall not in use , it should be kept under cover and be
kept in a clean place .
4.6.4 The outdoor sales area should not be used for any other purpose .
4.6.5 The outdoor sales area should be located in a zone determined by
the authorities so that is protected from contaminant sources and
from animals.
4.6.6 The sales area should be free from personal belongings , such as
clothes , foot wear , blankets , tobacco …etc.
4.6.7 Adornments ,such as vases with or without flowers or plants and
other items may be placed in such away that they do not represent a
source for food contamination .
Gulf standard GSO …/2008
4.7.8 Do not handle money and similar things when preparation of food ,
when necessary , wash and disinfect hand before preparing food .
4.7.9 If the outdoor point of sale is a vehicle , the driver
should be duly separate from the compartment used for final food
preparation , storage or sale .
5- Expiry dates for fresh foods and ready – to- eat foods :
Gulf standard GSO …/2008