Buying Time Promotes Happiness: SI Appendix
Buying Time Promotes Happiness: SI Appendix
Buying Time Promotes Happiness: SI Appendix
Ashley V. Whillansa,1, Elizabeth W. Dunnb, Paul Smeetsc, Rene Bekkersd, and Michael I. Nortona
Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02163; bDepartment of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6T 1Z4; cDepartment of Finance, Maastricht University, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands; and dCenter for Philanthropic Studies, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Edited by Susan T. Fiske, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and approved June 13, 2017 (received for review April 19, 2017)
Around the world, increases in wealth have produced an unin- sample of working Americans living in the United States (n =
tended consequence: a rising sense of time scarcity. We provide 1,260), adults in Denmark (n = 467), and Canada (n = 326), and
evidence that using money to buy time can provide a buffer both a nationally representative sample (n = 1,232) and a sample
against this time famine, thereby promoting happiness. Using of millionaires (n = 818) in The Netherlands. See Table 1 for
large, diverse samples from the United States, Canada, Denmark, sample demographics. In all samples, respondents completed two
and The Netherlands (n = 6,271), we show that individuals who questions about whether—and how much—money they spent
spend money on time-saving services report greater life satisfac- each month to increase their free time by paying someone else to
tion. A field experiment provides causal evidence that working complete unenjoyable daily tasks. In addition, respondents rated
adults report greater happiness after spending money on a time- their satisfaction with life (SWL) and reported their annual
saving purchase than on a material purchase. Together, these results household income, the number of hours they work each week, age,
suggest that using money to buy time can protect people from the marital status, and the number of children living at home (SI
detrimental effects of time pressure on life satisfaction. Appendix). In the Canadian and Dutch surveys (n = 2,376), re-
spondents also completed a measure of time stress (4), allowing us
time | money | happiness | well-being to test the prediction that buying time mitigates the negative ef-
fects of time stress on life satisfaction.
Here we report the meta-analytic effects across samples (16);
I n recent decades, incomes have risen in many countries (1, 2),
potentially exacerbating a new form of poverty: from Germany
to Korea to the United States, people with higher incomes report
results for individual samples are provided in Fig. 1 and SI Ap-
pendix. Across samples (n = 4,469), 28.2% of respondents spent
greater time scarcity (3). Feelings of time stress are in turn linked money to buy themselves time each month [meanamount =
to lower well-being, including reduced happiness, increased anxi- $147.95 US dollars (USD) for respondents who reported buying
ety, and insomnia (4–6). Time stress is also a critical factor un- time]. Respondents who spent money in this way reported
derlying rising rates of obesity: lacking time is a primary reason greater life satisfaction, d = 0.24, P < 0.001, 95% CI (0.18, 0.31).
that people report failing to eat healthy foods or exercise regularly This relationship was positive within each sample and reached
(7, 8). In theory, rising incomes could offer a way out of the “time statistical significance for the nationally representative sample of
famine” of modern life (9), because wealth offers the opportunity working Americans, adults in Canada and Denmark, and mil-
to have more free time, such as by paying more to live closer to lionaires in The Netherlands (Fig. 1). This effect held controlling
work. However, some evidence suggests that wealthier people for our key set of covariates (n = 3,983), d = 0.22, P < 0.001, 95%
spend more time engaging in stressful activities, such as shopping CI (0.15, 0.29) and was not moderated by income or wealth,
and commuting (10). Experimental research shows that simply Z = −0.35, P = 0.729, 95% CI (−0.08, 0.06): people from across
leading people to feel that their time is economically valuable the income spectrum benefitted from buying time. These results
induces them to feel that they do not have enough of it (11). also held when we controlled for an alternative set of covariates
A great deal of attention has been devoted to reducing financial where we replaced household income with log income and added
scarcity, but there is relatively little rigorous research examining an age-squared variable (SI Appendix, Tables S6–S23b). These
how to reduce feelings of time scarcity, which in fact may offer a results provide initial evidence for a robust link between buying
particularly difficult challenge given that time, unlike money, is time and life satisfaction across diverse samples.
inherently finite. Could allocating discretionary income to buy free
time—such as by paying to delegate common household chores, Significance
like cleaning, shopping, and cooking— reduce the negative effects
of the modern time famine, thereby promoting well-being? The Despite rising incomes, people around the world are feeling in-
growth of the sharing economy has made time-saving services in- creasingly pressed for time, undermining well-being. We show
creasingly accessible, but no empirical research has tested whether that the time famine of modern life can be reduced by using
using such services enhances happiness. money to buy time. Surveys of large, diverse samples from four
From our theoretical perspective, buying time should protect countries reveal that spending money on time-saving services is
people from the negative impact of time stress on life satisfaction. linked to greater life satisfaction. To establish causality, we show
This conceptualization draws on the social support literature, in that working adults report greater happiness after spending
which research on the “buffering hypothesis” has demonstrated that money on a time-saving purchase than on a material purchase.
receiving social support can protect people from experiencing the This research reveals a previously unexamined route from
negative consequences of stress (12). That is, the typical relationship wealth to well-being: spending money to buy free time.
between stress and reduced well-being is attenuated for individuals
who are able to access social support (13–15). We suggest that Author contributions: A.V.W., E.W.D., and M.I.N. designed research; P.S. contributed to
buying time may provide an alternate mechanism to receiving the the design of studies 5 and 6; P.S. and R.B. collected data for studies 5 and 6; A.V.W.
support needed to cope with daily demands, such that the re- analyzed the data; and A.V.W., E.W.D., and M.I.N. wrote the paper.
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lationship between time stress and reduced life satisfaction should The authors declare no conflict of interest.
be attenuated among people who use money to access more time. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.
Results 1
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
As an initial test of this hypothesis, we surveyed Mechanical Turk This article contains supporting information online at
workers in the United States (n = 366), a nationally representative 1073/pnas.1706541114/-/DCSupplemental.
All money reported in USD. We used a currency converter tool (OANDA) to estimate the amount in USD based on March 2017 exchange rates. Thus, the
USD values for the Denmark and The Netherlands samples are estimates that are subject to historical fluctuations.
*This study used a broader definition.
This represents median money spent for respondents who buy time.
Based on the buffering hypothesis, we predicted that buying assessed respondents’ spending on groceries as an index of
time would protect people from the negative impact of time stress nondurable spending (17) and we assessed respondents’ spend-
on life satisfaction. To examine this hypothesis, we entered time- ing on material and experiential purchases (18). If respondents
saving purchases, time stress, and a Purchase × Time Stress in- who spend money on time-saving purchases are happier only
teraction into a regression predicting life satisfaction. Across because they have more discretionary income, then controlling
samples, there was a significant interaction between time-saving for these other spending indicators should eliminate the bene-
purchases and time stress, Z = 3.85, P < 0.001, 95% CI (0.06, ficial effect of time-saving purchases.
0.20). Deconstructing this interaction, time stress was associated Faced with our broader definition of time-saving purchases,
with lower life satisfaction among respondents who did not spend 50% of respondents reported spending money in this way each
money on time-saving purchases (n = 1,504), B = −0.18, Z = 8.93, month (meanamount = $80–$99 USD for respondents who
P < 0.001, 95% CI (−0.22, −0.14). In contrast, for respondents who reported buying time). In this study, the majority of respondents
spent money on time-saving purchases (n = 804), the negative reported spending money to buy themselves out of cooking,
effect of time pressure on life satisfaction was relatively weak, shopping, and household maintenance.
B = −0.03, Z = 1.46, P = 0.144, 95% CI (−0.08, 0.01). These results Next, we tested our main hypotheses, which we preregistered
suggest that using money to buy time indeed buffers people from through the Open Science Framework (OSF;
the negative effects of time stress on well-being. Consistent with our previous findings, respondents who spent
Presenting all respondents with identical spending questions money on time-saving purchases reported greater life satisfaction,
allowed us to document comparable results across diverse sam- β = 0.24, P < 0.001. These results were unchanged, controlling for
ples. However, a limitation of this approach is that our results our predetermined set of covariates, β = 0.23, P < 0.001. These
may depend on the wording of this specific question. To over- results also held controlling for how much money respondents
come this limitation, we presented a new sample of working spent on nondurable expenses (groceries), material goods, and
adults in the United States (n = 1,802) with a broader definition experiential purchases, β = 0.15, P < 0.001.
of time-saving purchases to encompass any way in which re- In addition, we found evidence for our preregistered buffering
spondents could spend money that would provide more free time hypothesis: entering time-saving purchases, time stress, and their
(SI Appendix). Although the results above suggest that total in- interaction into a regression predicting life satisfaction revealed
come does not drive our results, it is possible that the decision to a significant Purchase × Time Stress interaction, B = 0.22, P <
spend money on time-saving purchases might reflect, in part, 0.001. Deconstructing this interaction, time stress was associated
respondents’ level of discretionary income. As a result, we also with lower life satisfaction among respondents who did not spend
money on time-saving purchases (n = 901), B = −0.17, P < 0.001,
95% CI (−0.25, −0.10). For respondents who spent money on
time-saving purchases (n = 901), the negative effect of time
pressure on life satisfaction was not significant, B = 0.05, P =
d score of outsourcing predicting SWL
-0.1 time stress that such purchases provide. To document this causal
pathway, we conducted a 2-wk within-subjects experiment, exam-
United States United States Denmark Canadian Netherlands Netherlands ining whether spending money on time-saving services caused
Mturk Representative Panel Adults Representative Millionaires
reductions in time pressure and improvements in daily mood.
Fig. 1. The effect of time-saving purchases on life satisfaction across Using a within-subjects design, we recruited working adults
studies 1–6. from Vancouver, Canada to spend two payments of $40 on two
95% CI (−0.45, −0.09), d = 0.33 and lower feelings of time stress, day. According to the broaden-and-build theory (20), improve-
t(59) = −2.76, P = 0.004, 95% CI (−1.18, −0.29), d = 0.36 (Table 2). ments in daily mood should promote greater life satisfaction over
Moreover, these results could not be explained by other purchase time. Consistent with this idea, our correlational studies show that
characteristics, such as the extent to which the purchases were ex- people who spend money on time-saving purchases report greater
ceptional, useful, or high in status (SI Appendix, Table S26). life satisfaction. Importantly, time pressure had little or no nega-
We also predicted that the beneficial effects of time-saving tive effect on life satisfaction for individuals who used money to
purchases on daily mood would be mediated by reduced feelings buy time. Taken together, our findings suggest that using money to
of time stress on that day. Our preregistered within-subjects buy time may reduce feelings of time pressure on a given day and
mediational analyses (19) showed that the relationship between provide a cumulative benefit by serving as a buffer against the
time-saving purchases and daily mood was indeed explained by deleterious effects of time pressure on overall life satisfaction.
reductions in perceived time stress (Fig. 2). That is, participants At first glance, it may seem surprising that there was no direct
reported higher positive affect after making time-saving pur- relationship between buying time and feelings of time pressure in
chases, B = 0.29, SE = 0.11, P = 0.013, 95% CI (0.06, 0.52), and our survey studies. Although we detected this link in our experi-
significantly lower feelings of time pressure after making time- mental study, this direct relationship should be difficult to observe
saving purchases, B = −0.74, SE = 0.27, P = 0.008, 95% CI in correlational designs: buying time should reduce time stress, but
individuals with higher levels of preexisting time stress should also
(−1.27, −0.20). After controlling for time stress, time-saving
be more likely to buy time, potentially cancelling out the overall
purchases were no longer a significant predictor of positive af-
relationship between these variables. The identical pattern has
fect, B = 0.18, SE = 0.11, P = 0.108, 95% CI (−0.04, 0.41). Upon
been observed in research on social support: social support re-
testing the significance of the indirect effect using bootstrap
duces feelings of stress, but individuals experiencing higher levels
estimation with 10,000 samples, the indirect coefficient was sig-
of stress are more likely to seek out social support (12). Fur-
nificant, B = 0.11, SE = 0.06, 95% CI (0.02, 0.24). In sum, time- thermore, in correlational research, there has been substantial
saving compared with material purchases increased positive support for the buffering hypothesis: social support has been
affect by reducing feelings of time stress; the same pattern of found to moderate the association between stress and well-being.
results held for negative affect (SI Appendix, Figs. S2 and S3). Among individuals with relatively little social support, stress tends
Discussion to show a negative association with well-being. Among those with
higher levels of social support, stress tends to have a weak or zero
Across several distinct samples, including adults from Canada, association with well-being (12–14). Our research therefore pro-
the United States, Denmark, The Netherlands, and a large vides evidence that a similar buffering process occurs in the con-
sample of Dutch millionaires, buying time was linked to greater text of support purchased through the market economy.
life satisfaction. These results held controlling for a wide range Buying time may serve as a buffer against the negative effects of
of demographics, as well as for the amount that respondents time stress in part by enhancing perceived control. People often
spent on groceries and material and experiential purchases each complain of being in a time bind not only because they are objectively
month. These results were not moderated by income, suggesting busy, but also because they perceive a lack of control over their time
that people from various socioeconomic backgrounds benefit from (21, 22). Ironically, spending too much money on time-saving services
making time-saving purchases. Furthermore, in a preregistered could undermine perceptions of personal control, by leading people
to infer that they are unable to handle any daily tasks, potentially
reducing well-being. Consistent with this possibility, we found ex-
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Strongly Disagree to 7, Strongly Agree. To capture this construct in our confir- were not part of our preregistered inclusion criteria, we used the full sample
matory studies, we included the top-three highest loading items from a more that met our preregistered inclusion criteria (n = 1,802). First, respondents
frequently used measure, the time affluence subscale of the Material Affluence completed the identical SWL items from studies 1–5 (α = 0.85). Respondents
and Time Affluence scale (MATAS) (11). On the same seven-point scale, participants also completed three measures assessing time stress (α = 0.74). As a measure of
rated their agreement with statements such as “There have not been enough discretionary income, respondents were asked to report how much money
minutes in the day.” See SI Appendix, Table S3 for the specific items used they spent on groceries each week. Respondents then reported whether they
across studies. spent any money in a typical month on material purchases for themselves, on
cruitment strategies as in study 8. We asked participants to report what they
time affluence, and their spending experience. We also asked participants to would purchase if they received a $40 windfall in the upcoming week. We
email their receipts to our study team to confirm that they had spent in a way also asked participants to report on the intention of this purchase and on
consistent with their spending guidelines. Participants were not allowed to the recipient of this purchase. Two of the authors used participants’ re-
complete week 2 of the study if they did not correctly follow the week sponses to code whether each purchase could be defined as a material
1 instructions: eight participants spent incorrectly in week 1 and were ex- purchase, a time-saving purchase, an experiential purchase, or a prosocial
cluded. Of these eight participants, six participants failed to spend any money
purchase (each purchase could be classified as more than one type of pur-
on their scheduled spending day (four of the six participants were assigned to
chase). For the full results of this study, see SI Appendix, Additional Results.
the time-saving purchase) and two participants spent incorrectly (one in the
We obtained informed consent from all respondents before their par-
time-saving and one in the material purchase condition).
ticipation. These studies were approved by the research ethics boards at the
Sample size considerations. Because of budgetary constraints, we could only
University of British Columbia and the Harvard Business School. All study data
collect a maximum of 90 completed observations. This sample size would provide
and study materials are available through the OSF (
95% power to detect a small effect (d = 0.30) of purchase type on well-being.
Because of the high cost of this research ($80 per participant), we performed
sequential analyses. This procedure is common in medical research and allows ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors thank Jessie Pow for her comments on
an earlier draft of this manuscript. The authors also thank Kjartan Sveistrup
researchers to examine the data as it is being collected, without inflating type
Andsbjerg and Meik Wiking at The Happiness Research Institute for providing
1 errors. We performed a one-sided interim analysis after collecting 60 partici- the data for study 3. A.V.W. received funding from the Public Scholar Initiative
pants. Using this approach, we collected 60 participants and assessed whether at the University of British Columbia, the Social Sciences and Humanities Re-
the key analyses fell below our preregistered boundary conditions of 0.0465/ search Council of Canada, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
1.6794. Our interim analyses met this predetermined threshold. We terminated Heritage Foundation, and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
data collection at n = 60, as per our preregistered stopping rule posted through Q&Pay Initiative.
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