Suma Dify MSDS
Suma Dify MSDS
Suma Dify MSDS
Product Code
Clearance Code SUMA DIFY MA1
R61304 Professional kitchen hygiene product MSDS5509
TO :
Corrosive - causes burns.
Irritant - irritating to respiratory system.
Contact with acids liberates toxic gas.
Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
This product contains a material with an WEL published in HSE document EH40.
Wear suitable protective clothing including gloves and eye/face protection. Sweep up and dispose of safely as solid waste. Hose down area
with plenty of water, diluting to at least 2.5% w/w (25 g/litre)
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection. Do not mix with any other chemicals other than as
advised by your JohnsonDiversey representative.
Store in original closed containers in a cool, dry place. Keep away from acids. Keep dry.
Keep away from acids. Contact with acids liberates toxic gas (chlorine). Under extreme conditions hazardous decomposition products may
include chlorine.
Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.. The classification of the product is due to the
component(s) listed in section 2 with an environmental classification (R50-R53). Based on the environmental classification, the toxicity for
aquatic organisms (as defined in 67/548/EEC, Annex V) is estimated to be 10-100mg/L. The information in this section refers to the undiluted
Handle and apply only as recommended, for full information see product information sheet.
Internal Reference:- MSDS5509-02(04-Apr-2006), FABLN06W10