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Chapter Title: The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling on Sino-

Philippine Relations and Regional Stability

Chapter Author(s): Hsiao-Chi Hsu

Book Title: Asian Yearbook of International Law

Book Subtitle: Volume 21 (2015)
Book Editor(s): Seokwoo Lee, Hee Eun Lee and Lowell Bautista
Published by: Brill

Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1163/j.ctvbqs7d3.5

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The Political Implications of the South China
Sea Ruling on Sino-Philippine Relations and
Regional Stability
Hsiao-Chi Hsu1

i Introduction

On 12 July 2016, the Arbitral Tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration

(pca) in The Hague released its ruling on the South China Sea (scs) arbitra-
tion case brought by the Philippines against China, indicating that the latter’s
expansive maritime claims in this area have no “legal basis.” This decision trig-
gered complex responses from a variety of countries. China immediately is-
sued its rejection of the ruling, calling it “null and void.”2 The United States
(u.s.), a major ally of the Philippines, called on both parties to abide by the
ruling, arguing that the panel’s decision is “legal and binding.”3 However, while
it was successful in this legal battle, the Philippines issued a complicated re-
sponse. Immediately following the pca’s press release, Philippine Secretary of
Foreign Affairs Perfecto Yasay Jr. responded by expressing Manila’s welcome of
the ruling. He also noted the Philippines’ strong “respect for this milestone de-
cision as an important contribution to ongoing efforts in addressing disputes
in the South China Sea.” Unlike the u.s., Yasay did not urge China to comply
with the ruling. Rather, he called on “all those concerned to exercise restraint
and sobriety.”4 The Philippine Presidential Communications Office then an-
nounced the government’s plan to study the decision and release “a complete
and thorough interpretation” of it in five days, while Presidential Spokesperson

1 Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Political Science, National Taiwan Normal Univer-
sity, Taipei.
2 Associated Press, China rejects ruling on South China Sea as “null and void”, Inquirer.net
(Manila, 13 July 2016), available at http://globalnation.inquirer.net/141037/china-rejects
3 Agence France-Presse, US: South China Sea ruling “legal and binding”, Inquirer.
net (Manila, 13 July 2016), available at http://globalnation.inquirer.net/141051/us-south
4 Full Text: dfa Secretary Yasay Statement on West ph Sea Ruling, Inquirer.net (Manila, 12
July 2016), available at http://globalnation.inquirer.net/140968/full-text-dfa-foreign-affairs
-perfecto-yasay-west-philippine-sea. Emphasis added by the author.

© hsiao-chi hsu, ���8 | doi 10.1163/9789004344556_003

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the cc-by-nc License.

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 17

Ernesto Abella reiterated Manila’s promise to “exercise restraint and sobriety.”5

The government’s prudent response was in stark contrast to the Filipino pub-
lic’s excitement over the arbitration result, but consistent with the newly
inaugurated President Rodrigo Duterte’s desire to seek improvements in his
country’s relations with China. In fact, just days before the decision, Duterte
had stated that he did not want to “taunt” Beijing or “flaunt” the scs ruling.6
However, the Philippines’ arbitration victory has resulted in an increasing un-
certainty over the future of Sino-Philippine relations and regional stability. On
the one hand, the ruling infuriated the Chinese government and instigated
nationalist sentiment in both countries, making foreign policy concession on
the scs issues more difficult and costly. On the other hand, the ruling might
further increase scs stakeholders’ desire to participate actively in maritime
competition. These factors make the situation in the scs more complicated
and difficult to predict. To explore the impact of the arbitration, this paper
offers a preliminary analysis of its political implications on Philippine foreign
policy orientation and on regional stability in the scs area.

ii The Background of the South China Sea Arbitration

The reason prompting the Philippines to file the scs arbitration was the ongo-
ing dispute over the Spratly/Nansha Islands. There are indications of potentially
rich reserves of natural resources such as oil and natural gas in the scs. As
such, territorial disputes—especially those between China and Vietnam and
China and the Philippines—have become increasingly contentious over the
past decade. Being a country highly dependent on energy imports, the Philip-
pines has been eager to secure the sources and reduce the costs of its energy
supply by controlling more oil and gas resources in the scs. This was especially
apparent after the country’s economic losses due to the 2008 global financial
crisis and since the rapid oil price surge in 2010. The conflict of interests be-
tween Manila’s desire for natural resources in the scs and China’s maritime ex-
pansion, thus, further exacerbated their bilateral frictions. Besides economic
and energy considerations, former President Benigno Aquino iii (2010–2016)

5 Nestor Corrales, ph gov’t to release interpretation of un ruling in 5 days, Inquirer.net

(Manila, 13 July 2016), available at http://globalnation.inquirer.net/141065/ph-govt-to-release
6 Raul Dancel, Filipinos Cheer Hague Ruling On South China Sea With Funny Memes, The
Strait Times (Singapore, 13 July 2016), available at http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/

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18 Hsu

considered the modernization of the Philippine air force and navy a policy
priority to better protect national interests. To achieve this goal, Aquino saw
a closer relationship with the u.s. necessary for enhancing military support
from Washington.7 The u.s. policy of seeking “strategic rebalance” in Asia since
2010 further complicated the regional situation by encouraging the Philippine
president to take a tougher stance toward China. As a result, Sino-Philippine
relations have significantly deteriorated and territorial conflicts between the
two sides have escalated in recent years.
The conflict between China and the Philippines reached a dangerous point
when the two countries engaged in a series of military confrontations over the
Scarborough Shoal/Huangyan Island in 2012. On 8 April 2012, a Philippine sur-
veillance plane detected eight Chinese fishing vessels entering the disputed
waters. The Philippine naval vessel brp Gregorio del Pilar attempted to ar-
rest the Chinese fishing crews two days later, but was blocked by two Chinese
maritime surveillance ships.8 The tensions quickly escalated, as both sides
continued to send more ships into the disputed area in order to protect their
­territorial claims. The military standoff finally came to an end in June 2012,
when the Philippines withdrew its military forces from the area. China, howev-
er, has retained its presence on and control over the island. The Aquino admin-
istration strongly criticized this result, but finally admitted that a return to the
shoal was impossible by the end of the year. It then turned to the International
Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (itlos) under the United Nations Convention
of the Law of the Sea (unclos), Annex vii, to address the scs disputes.
The Philippines initiated the arbitration by sending the “Notification and
Statement of Claim on West Philippine Sea” to the Chinese government
in J­anuary 2013. China responded with a “note verbale”, which rejected the
­Philippine claims and returned its notification. China insisted on settling their
scs disputes through bilateral negotiation, but the Philippines continued its
legal pursuit. A five-member Arbitral Tribunal was later formed to hear the
case with the pca acting as the registry in the proceedings.9 In response, ­China
reiterated its rejection to accept the arbitration and to participate in the pro-
ceedings. As the deadline to submit its counter-memorial to the P ­ hilippines’

7 Kaicheng Lin, Changes in the Philippines’ South China Sea Policy, 3 Forum of World
­E conomics & Politics 60, 62 (2015) (in Chinese).
8 Ely Ratner, Learning the Lessons of Scarborough Shoal Reef, The National Interest (21
November 2013), available at http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/learning-the-lessons
9 Permanent Court of Arbitration, Arbitration between the Republic of the Philippines and the
People’s Republic of China: Arbitral Tribunal Establishes Rules of Procedure and Initial Time-
table, 27 August 2013, available at http://www.pcacases.com/web/sendAttach/227.

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 19

approached, China issued a “Position Paper of the Government of the People’s

Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China Sea Arbitra-
tion Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines”. The document argues that
the pca lacks jurisdiction in the scs case since “[t]he essence of the subject-
matter of the ­arbitration is the territorial sovereignty over several maritime
features in the South China Sea, which is beyond the scope of the Convention
and does not concern the interpretation or application of the Convention.”10
However, on 29 October 2015, the Tribunal released its “Award on Jurisdiction
and ­Admissibility” regarding the scs case. The panel decided that “it does
have jurisdiction with respect to the matters raised in seven of the Philippines’
Submissions” and thus would “convene a further hearing on the Philippines’
claims.” The other eight submissions in the claims would also be considered
further in the following proceedings.11 The final decision of the arbitration
came out on 12 July 2016, which was in favor of almost all the claims made by
the Philippines. It not only rejected China’s nine-dashed line claim and his-
torical rights in the scs, but also supported the Philippines’ claim that none of
the features in the scs qualifies as an island entitled to an exclusive economic
zone (eez) of 200 nautical miles. Its conclusion that the Taiwan-governed
Taiping Island (Itu Aba) does not fulfill the requirements of an “island” accord-
ing to Article 121(3) of unclos was especially controversial and thus was met
with strong criticisms from both Taipei and Beijing. Due to the high level of
sensitivity of the scs disputes, the ruling immediately attracted heated dis-
cussions about its legitimacy and legality, as well as its political and security
implications in the scs region.

iii Political Implications of the South China Sea Arbitration

on Philippine Foreign Policy

When considering the domestic political implications on the Philippines of

the scs ruling, several factors should be taken into consideration: the current
administration’s foreign policy position, rising nationalist sentiment in the

10 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Position Paper of the Govern-
ment of the People’s Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China Sea
­Arbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines, 7 December 2014, available at http://
11 Permanent Court of Arbitration, The South China Sea Arbitration (The Republic of the
Philippines v. The Republic of China), 29 October 2015, available at http://www.pcacases

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20 Hsu

country, China’s response to the ruling, and the u.s. policy position in the East
and South China Seas. These factors will influence the direction of Manila’s
China and u.s. policies in general, and its scs policy in particular.

1 Duterte’s Foreign Policy Position

The current administration’s foreign policy orientation plays the most im-
portant role in shaping the country’s scs policies. Unlike Aquino’s pro-u.s.
­orientation, Duterte sees a friendly relationship with China as a priority for
his country’s foreign policy. In early 2016 during the presidential campaign,
when most candidates were reluctant to provide details of their China policy
positions in front of rising anti-China sentiment among the public, Duterte
was one of just two candidates who publicly expressed a willingness to
“explor[e] joint development agreements with China.”12 After winning the
election, Duterte has continued to emphasize the importance of economic co-
operation with China and has on several occasions expressed his intention to
­“reevaluate his country’s close ties with Washington.”13 Against this backdrop,
the ­Philippine victory in the scs ruling seemed to create a diplomatic inconve-
nience as opposed to being an asset for the new president. This can be clearly
demonstrated by the administration’s cautious response to the scs ruling right
after its announcement—so noticeable that it immediately drew close atten-
tion on domestic social media. For instance, Foreign Affairs Secretary Yasay’s
lukewarm responses to the ruling during his press conference were strongly
criticized and mocked. A picture of his “gloomy face”, posing a striking con-
trast to his country’s legal victory, became broadly circulated and discussed
on the internet.14 The foreign secretary’s somber reaction reflects the Duterte
administration’s dilemma regarding the scs ruling. On the one hand, Duterte
wants to maximize his country’s economic and trade benefits by reestablishing
good relations with China as soon as possible. To pursue this goal, he has tried
to de-escalate the scs disputes since taking office. On the other hand, how-
ever, the Philippines’ sweeping victory in the scs arbitration will most likely

12 Richard Javad Heydarian, Tale of Two Nations: How Philippines Election Will
­Impact Manila’s China Policy, Asia Times (Hong Kong, 11 April 2016), a­vailable at
13 Eric Baculinao, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, Asia’s ‘Trump,’ Eyes Closer China
Ties, nbc News (New York, 30 June 2016), available at http://www.nbcnews.com/news/
14 Janvic Mateo, Netizens ask: Why So Sad, Yasay?, The Philippine Star (Manila, 14 July
2016), available at http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2016/07/14/1602694/netizens-

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 21

create greater political hurdles for Duterte to make significant c­ oncessions

over the disputes c­ onsidering the public’s strong support of the ruling and the
possibility that his political enemies might use the issue to attack him. There-
fore, how to break the country’s diplomatic stalemate with China without giv-
ing up its victory in the scs arbitration poses a difficult challenge to the new
Duterte’s strategy to cope with this dilemma was to seek direct talks with
China first. His decision to designate former president Fidel V. Ramos as
special envoy to China paid off. Ramos’ meetings with “old friends” in Hong
Kong successfully broke the bilateral stalemate and eventually led to Duterte’s
­official visit to Beijing.15 This was an important foreign policy success for
the president, for he was able to obtain significant economic benefits from
China during his trip. To demonstrate its welcome of the president, China
lifted its restrictions on the importation of Philippine fruits that had been in
place since the 2012 conflict over the Scarborough Shoal/Huangyan Island.
It also expressed interest in increasing its imports of Philippine agricultural
and aquaculture products.16 After the restoration of bilateral relations, the
Duterte administration became more open to expressing its willingness to set
aside the scs for the sake of good relations with China.17 While this p ­ olicy
attitude has resulted in a gradual increase of domestic criticism, there is
no sign that the current government might consider a different path at this

2 Rising Domestic Nationalism

A second factor that might shape the scs ruling’s political impact is the grow-
ing anti-China sentiment among Filipinos. According to a survey conducted by
the Social Weather Stations, Filipinos have expressed a decline in trust of ­China
during the past five years: the net trust (% of much trust minus % of little trust)

15 Cris Larano, Philippines’ Duterte Asks Ex-President to Begin Talks in South China Sea Dis-
pute, The Wall Street Journal (New York, 15 July 2016), available at http://www
-on-maritime-dispute-1468520651; Associated Press, ‘Ramos arrives in Hong Kong, talks
China ties’, the Philippine Star (Manila, 9 August 2016), available at http://www.philstar
16 Louise Maureen Simeon, China Lifts Import Ban on Philippine Bananas, The Philippine
Star (Manila, 7 October 2016), available at http://www.philstar.com/business/2016/10/07/
17 Jim Gomez, Duterte Says He’ll Set Aside Sea Feud Ruling against China, The Philip-
pine Star (Manila, 17 December 2016), available at http://www.philstar.com:8080/

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22 Hsu

dropped from +17 in June 2010 to −45 in June 2015.18 Along with ongoing territo-
rial disputes, such anti-China sentiment made foreign policy one of the impor-
tant issues during the 2016 presidential campaign. The ­Philippines’ victory in
the scs arbitration might once again stir anti-China sentiment. For instance,
according to news reports, the word “Chexit”, an abbreviation of “­China exit”
which was similar to “Brexit” for the British exit from the e.u., quickly became
a popular topic on Twitter in the Philippines.19 This development suggests that
anti-China sentiment might become a factor that the Duterte administration
has to take into consideration when handling the scs disputes in particular,
and its relations with China in general.
Domestic support for the scs ruling might play a role in explaining the fluc-
tuations in the Duterte administration’s early responses to it. Two days after
the release of the ruling, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs issued
a statement on the eve of the biennial Asia-Europe Meeting (asem) Summit
on 15–16 July, indicating that Yasay would discuss “the Philippines’ peaceful
and rules-based approach on the South China Sea and the need for parties to
respect the recent decision of the Arbitral Tribunal” in the summit.20 ­Although
Yasay still did not urge China to respect the ruling, the fact that he raised the
scs issues in his speech displayed a firmer stance by the Philippines compared
to its initial somber reaction on 12 July. Then, however, on 22 July in a speech
in Buluan, Maguindanao, Duterte hinted that the Philippines could set aside
the scs ruling as Ramos suggested in exchange for the resumption of bilat-
eral talks with China. He emphasized that the restoration of bilateral relations
would benefit the southern island economically. “It’s China that has money,
not America. America doesn’t have money”, the president said.21 L­ ater on,
­Yasay again brought up the scs disputes in the 2016 asean ­Ministers’ Meeting

18 Social Weather Stations, Second Quarter 2015 Social Weather Survey, available at https://
19 Voltaire Tupaz, #CHexit: Filipinos Celebrate ph Victory over China, The Rappler ­(Manila,
12 July 2016), available at http://www.rappler.com/move-ph/139492-chexit-filipinos-
20 Agence France-Presse, Philippines Urges Beijing to ‘respect’ Sea Ruling, The Star (Manila, 14
July 2016), available at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/regional/2016/07/14/­philippines-
urges-beijing-to-respect-sea-ruling/; Agence France-Presse, ‘Beijing F­ aces S. C ­ hina Sea
­Rebuke At Europe-Asia Summit’, abc News (New York, 15 July 2016), available at http://
21 Paterno Esmaquel ii, Duterte Hints He Can Set Aside Hague Ruling For China Talks, The
Rappler (Manila, 23 July 2016), available at http://www.rappler.com/nation/140660

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 23

(amm) on July 25, saying that he hoped a joint communique ­after the ­meeting
would a­ ddress the issue. He stressed that the ruling is “final and binding to all
parties concerned, a clearly established fact…[with] significant implications
for the entire region, not just the coastal States bordering the South China
Sea.”22 Duterte also once told the press that “[w]hen the time comes for nego-
tiations, we will not go out of the arbitral award”.23 The above incidents show a
high ­degree of inconsistency in the Duterte administration’s attitudes toward
the scs ruling, which seem to reflect the government’s d­ ifficulty in reconciling
its China policy position with its scs arbitration victory. However, as the two
countries began to restore their diplomatic relationship, the Duterte admin-
istration ­became more clear and consistent in its scs position—to downplay
the disputes for the sake of better bilateral relations unless further conflict
emerges. This policy principle can be further demonstrated by the ­Philippine’s
low-profile response to a u.s. report finding China’s installation of “anti-­
aircraft and anti-missile weapons” on its artificial islands in the South China
Sea in early January 2017.24
Domestic public opinion continues to disagree with Duterte’s current ap-
proach of handling the scs disputes. According to a survey conducted by the
Pulse Asia Research Institute from 6 to 11 December, 84 percent of the Filipinos
agree (with 44 percent saying ‘very much agree’ and 40 percent ‘agree’) with
the statement that “the government should assert its right on the West Philip-
pine Sea as stipulated in the decision of Permanent Court of Arbitration.”25
Although the government has been aware of the public’s sentiment toward
the scs disputes, it nonetheless has not been affected by it. Two reasons
might have contributed to this. First, foreign policy has not been considered
a ­prioritized national issue by most Filipinos, as Philippine law scholar Jay

22 Recto Mercene, Yasay Hammers on pca Decision on South China Sea in Rallying asean
vs China, Business Mirror (Manila, 25 July 2016), available at http://www.business-
23 Alexis Romero, Pia Lee-Brago, and Marvin Sy, fvr’s China Mission: No Hard Proposals, Just
Dialogue, The Philippine Star (Manila, 4 August 2016), available at http://www.philstar
24 Associated Press, Philippines protests China’s weapons installation on islands, The
­P hilippine Inquirer (Manila, 16 January 2017), available at https://globalnation
25 Kristen Angeli Sabillo, 8 in 10 Filipinos Want ph to Assert Rights in South China Sea—Pulse
Asia, The Philippine Inquirer (Manila, 27 January 2017), available at https://globalna

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24 Hsu

­Batongbacal observes.26 Therefore, while the public has strong support for the
scs ruling, it is less likely that they will act on it unless the issue becomes criti-
cal to their well-being. Second, the public might have concerns about Duterte’s
handling of the scs disputes, but the president’s popularity remains sound—
over 80 percent during the last quarter of 2016.27 Under these circumstances,
the Duterte administration remains less influenced by the public’s enthusiasm
with the scs victory. However, the extent to which this situation will endure
will depend on future development of Sino-Philippine relations. If talks with
China fail to generate substantial economic and political benefits to its coun-
try, the Duterte administration might have to face growing domestic dissatis-
faction and be forced to answer to the public’s anti-Chinese sentiment. The
president’s domestic opponents might also try to exploit such nationalism as a
political weapon by that time. But currently, public opinion seems to play only
a limited role.

3 The China Factor

The third factor that shapes the scs ruling’s political impact on the Philip-
pines is China’s future approach to the scs disputes. Beijing has responded
negatively to the scs ruling, despite continuing to emphasize a ­willingness for
negotiations and joint development. It released a number of statements and
documents to refute the decision and to clarify China’s position on the scs.28
These materials shed some light on how China would handle the scs disputes
after the arbitration. On the one hand, political statements made by Chinese
officials display a strong resentment towards the scs ruling. For example,
China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (mfa) issued a statement calling the award
“null and void” and as having “no binding force” and further emphasized that
“China neither accepts nor recognizes it.”29 mfa Spokesperson Lu Kang also

26 Kristen Angeli Sabillo, Disconnect? Duterte Admin Foreign Policy vs. Public Sentiment,
The Philippine Inquirer (Manila, 27 January 2017), available at https://globalnation
27 Kristen Angeli Sabillo, Duterte Approval Rating at 83%—Pulse Asia, The Philippine
Inquirer (Manila, 6 January 2017), available at http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/859906/
28 Feng Zhang, South China Sea Arbitration Award: Breathtaking (But Counterproductive),
The National Interests (16 July 2016), available at http://nationalinterest.org/blog/
29 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Statement of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China on the Award of 12 July 2016 of the Arbitral
Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration Established at the Request of the ­Republic of the
Philippines, 12 July 2016, available at http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/2649

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 25

questioned the Arbitral Tribunal’s lawfulness and again emphasized China’s

“steadfast position of not accepting nor participating in the arbitration case
and not accepting nor recognizing the so-called award.”30 This position was
also reiterated by President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Wang
made a strong statement criticizing the scs ruling as “completely a political
farce staged under legal pretext.”31 Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin further
indicated that the precondition to resume bilateral negotiations is for the Phil-
ippines to give up the ruling.32 On the other hand, however, in the two policy
documents, “Statement of the Government of the People’s Republic of China
on China’s Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interests in the
South China Sea” and “China Adheres to the Position of Settling Through Nego-
tiation the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South
China Sea”, the Chinese government did not consider a hawkish approach a
priority in handling the scs disputes.33 On the contrary, besides emphasizing
Beijing’s willingness to settle the scs disputes through negotiation and avoid
confrontation, these two documents also only briefly mention the term of
“nine-dashed line”. This might indicate the Chinese government’s “intention to

30 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Foreign Ministry Spokesper-
son Lu Kang’s Remarks on Japanese Foreign Minister’s Statement on the Award of South
China Sea Arbitration initiated by the Philippines, 12 July 2016, available at http://www
31 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Remarks by Chinese For-
eign Minister Wang Yi on the Award of the So-called Arbitral Tribunal in the South China
Sea Arbitration, 12 July 2016, available at http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/
32 In response to a question raised by a cnn reporter regarding whether there would be
a precondition for resuming bilateral talks between Beijing and Manila, Liu said that
“China expects the new Filipino government to cooperate and recognize that the ruling
is nothing more than a piece of waste paper and cannot be enforced. China hopes that the
Filipino side will set aside the award and return to the negotiation table”. See Paterno Es-
maquel ii, China Rejects Talks With Ph If “Based On Ruling”, The Rappler (Manila, 13 July
2016), available at http://www.rappler.com/nation/139724-china-philippines-bilateral
33 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Statement of the Govern-
ment of the People’s Republic of China on China’s Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime
Rights and Interests in the South China Sea, 12 July 2016, http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/
mfa_eng/wjdt_665385/2649_665393/t1379493.shtml; China Adheres to the Position of
Settling Through Negotiation the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines
in the South China Sea, 13 July 2016, available at http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/

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26 Hsu

seek regional peace and stability”.34 This suggests that although Beijing strong-
ly rejected the arbitration result, an escalation of bilateral confrontation is not
of its best interests.
Nonetheless, China’s prudence in handling the scs disputes faces two chal-
lenges: one from the external environment and another from its domestic poli-
tics. Externally, the scs ruling undermines the moral prestige and legality of
China’s maritime claims and thus might encourage other claimant States to
take similar legal action. Vietnam is one of those countries likely to do so, con-
sidering that Sino-Vietnam relations have also experienced serious deteriora-
tion since 2011. Anti-China sentiment is much higher in Vietnam than in the
Philippines, as demonstrated by the disastrous anti-China protests over China’s
oil rig in 2014. Against this backdrop, Vietnam has been very supportive of and
has closely followed the Philippines’ arbitration case against China. Moreover,
like the Philippines, Vietnam has cultivated close military ties with the u.s.
After the scs ruling came out, Vietnam was one of the few asean States that
immediately welcomed it. Manila’s victory opens a window of opportunity for
Hanoi to address its maritime disputes with China via international law. Other
stakeholders in this region or even in the East China Sea (ecs) might also want
to do the same. The fact that Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Japan
all sent observers to the arbitration hearings demonstrates these States’ strong
interest in the case. Thus, there is a distinct likelihood of an increase in the
legal battles in this region.
Internally, just like the Philippines, the Chinese government also faces
­public pressure when addressing the scs disputes. As a result of rising na-
tionalism over the past decade, the public has become more interested in and
sensitive about their country’s foreign policy behavior and international situ-
ation. ­Protests against foreign enterprises and threats to boycott or boycotts
of foreign products can often be seen when other countries are considered
misbehaving diplomatically toward China.35 The 2012 Chinese boycott against
­Japanese products was especially influential, and caused significant damage to
the latter’s economy. A similar case can also be found in the Sino-­Philippine
conflict over the Scarborough Shoal/Huangyan Island in the same year.
­However, while strong nationalist sentiment could sometimes increase the

34 Feng Zhang, South China Sea Arbitration Award: Breathtaking (But Counterproductive),
The National Interests (16 July 2016), available at http://nationalinterest.org/blog/
35 Two earlier examples of this include cnn’s negative reports on and French President
Jacques R. Chirac’s criticism of the Chinese government’s handling of the 2008 Tibet riots,
as well as Japan’s nationalization of the disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in 2012.

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 27

Chinese g­ overnment’s credibility to signal its resolve to stay firm when han-
dling diplomatic disputes, they also constrain the government’s policy choic-
es by increasing the costs of compromises.36 Aware of this, Beijing has been
cautious in handling domestic frustration over the scs ruling. Hours before
the ruling came out, the Beijing municipal government issued an emergency
­notice stating that the city is in a “state of alert” and asking law enforcement
to increase its security forces to prepare for “unexpected events” for a week.37
This appears to be an effort to prevent the recurrence of incidents like the 2012
anti-Japanese riots. To avoid an outburst of extreme nationalism, the central
government also closely monitored internet discussions and took action to de-
lete internet posts “calling for military action against the u.s. or the Philippines
to defend China’s territorial claims”.38 While these measures demonstrate the
government’s capability in containing public discourses and behavior, they
also reveal the growing importance of nationalism in Chinese foreign policy.
Considering the international and domestic pressures discussed above, it
would be risky for the Chinese government to make too many compromises
over the scs issues, since a softer position might encourage more legal chal-
lenges from other stakeholders in maritime disputes and make the government
look weak in front of the its people. As a result, although Beijing and ­Manila
have the incentive to build closer ties, substantial progress on a­ ddressing the
territorial disputes will remain difficult and the scs ruling will continue to
complicate their bilateral relationship.

4 The u.s. Factor

The last factor is Washington’s attitude toward the scs disputes and Sino-u.s.
competition in the area. Although the u.s. strongly supports the scs ruling,
the Duterte administration’s eagerness to rebuild diplomatic ties with China
makes it more difficult for Washington to seek further Philippine coopera-
tion on this issue in the short run. Future u.s.-Philippine relations might also
become more dynamic than they were during the Aquino administration.

36 Jessica C. Weiss, Powerful Patriots: Nationalist Protest in China’s For-

eign Relations (2014) 4. Also see James Reilly, Strong Society, Smart State:
The Rise of Public Opinion in China’s Japan Policy (2011).
37 J. Michael Cole, Beijing in “State of Alert” Ahead of Key Ruling on South China Sea, The
News Lens (Taipei, 12 July 2016), available at http://international.thenewslens.com/
38 Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, After South China Sea Ruling, China Censors Online Calls for
War, Foreign Policy (12 July 2016), available at http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/12/

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28 Hsu

­However, despite Duterte’s desire for economic benefits from China, maintain-
ing its ties to the u.s. remains necessary for his country’s security interests.
But currently, Duterte’s top priorities are economic development and a war on
drugs. Therefore, improvements of Sino-Philippine relations would be more
urgent for the president than strengthening military cooperation with the u.s.
On the u.s. side, although Washington continues to insist that it does not
take sides on sovereignty disputes in the scs, its strong support of the ruling
and emphasis on the freedom of navigation shows a significant increase in its
interests in the region. This in evinced by an official document published by
the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
in 2014, which explicitly refutes China’s nine-dashed line claim and historic
rights in the scs.39 While it is not in Washington’s interests to encourage con-
frontation, ensuring the Arbitral Tribunal’s ruling is recognized and respected
by concerned parties is strategically important for it contain China’s maritime
expansion. Therefore, during then Secretary of State John Kerry’s first visit to
the Duterte administration in July 2016, Washington tried to push Manila to
base its future negotiations with Beijing on the scs ruling.40 Further compli-
cating the u.s. influence on the Philippine’s scs policy is the conflict between
the Obama and the Duterte administrations regarding the latter’s radical anti-
drugs policy. Duterte made several verbal attacks against Obama publicly and
threatened to sever Manila’s close ties with Washington.41 It is still unclear how
the new president, Donald Trump, will handle u.s.-Philippine relations. Unlike
Obama, Trump does not see a problem with Duterte’s violent anti-drugs cam-
paign. This different attitude seems to create an opportunity for the two old
allies to amend their deteriorated relations since Duterte took office. However,
as the Trump administration considers scs policy a strategic priority, it will
be risky to get too optimistic about the future developments of the relation-
ship between the two sides in the short term. In other words, while bilateral
disagreements over moral issues between Washington and Manila are likely to

39 Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Af-

fairs, Limits in the Seas: China’s Maritime Claims in the South China Sea
(2014), available at http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/234936.pdf.
40 Estrella Torres, Leila B. Salaverria, Duterte: ph-China Talks to Be Based on Int’l Law, The
Philippine Daily Inquirer (Manila, 25 July 2016), available at http://globalnation.
inquirer.net/142080/duterte-ph-china-talks-to-be- based-on-intl-law.
41 Richard C. Paddock, Rodrigo Duterte, Pushing Split With u.s., Counters Philippines’
Deep Ties, The New York Times (Manila, 26 October 2016), available at https://www

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 29

reduce, escalating Sino-u.s. tensions in the South China Sea might nonethe-
less further complicate Duterte’s foreign policy choices. As a result, the trian-
gular relations among the three actors will become even more dynamic in the
future, and the scs arbitration will continue to play a role in it.
The four factors discussed above are crucial for understanding how the scs
ruling will influence the Philippines’ handling of its maritime disputes with
China and how Sino-Philippine relations might develop in the post-­arbitration
era. So far, President Duterte’s pro-China orientation seems to play the most
important role in shaping the Philippines’ responses to the arbitration result.
China’s rejection of the scs ruling and future policy behavior—also con-
strained by the scs ruling—in the region will also influence the extent to
which Duterte is willing to cooperate on the scs issue. Washington’s attempt
to pressure Duterte into firmly upholding the scs ruling might not be effec-
tive unless it can provide higher levels of substantial economic benefits to the
­Philippines. Domestic political opinion is currently the least influential fac-
tor by far. Its impact, however, might be more significant if Duterte’s power
position becomes unstable in the future. Under such circumstance, the presi-
dent might be more likely to turn to nationalist sentiment to consolidate his
­domestic support and defend himself from possible attacks by his political op-
ponents. As a result, a tougher scs policy position and firmer emphasis on the
scs ruling might emerge.

iv Regional Political Impact of the South China Sea Ruling

Other than influencing Sino-Philippine relations, the scs ruling might also
have significant regional impact by causing more diplomatic friction in the
scs. As mentioned earlier, the ruling might amplify other scs stakeholders’
ambition to seek more active participation in the maritime competition. For
instance, besides urging China to abide by the scs ruling, Australian Foreign
Minister Julie Bishop responded to the scs ruling by emphasizing that her
country would continue freedom of navigation exercises in the region. In re-
turn, Beijing issued a harsh warning to Canberra, urging it to “carefully talk and
cautiously behave.”42 This tough response reflects China’s anxiety about rising
challenges in the scs in the post-arbitration period. To deter potential chal-
lenges to its national interests in the region, the Chinese government might try

42 Matthew Carney, China Warns Australia: Stay out of the South China Sea or Risk Damage
to Bilateral Relations’, abc News (New York, 15 July 2016), available at http://www.abc.net

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30 Hsu

to demonstrate a strong resolve by accelerating its military buildup and increas-

ing its military activities. For instance, days before the ruling came out, China
conducted a series of military drills from 5 to 11 July. Later, in response to the
scs ruling, it has threatened to impose an scs air defense identification zone
(adiz). While these military actions signaled Beijing’s resolve to defend its na-
tional interests, they also increased the sense of insecurity among surrounding
States. Indonesia, for instance, has begun to take action in response to rising
regional tensions. After the scs ruling was announced, Indonesian Defense
Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said in an interview that Jakarta will “sharply
strengthen security around its South China Sea islands where there have been
clashes with Chinese vessels.”43 Ryacudu’s remark reflects an assertive change
in his country’s maritime policy regarding the escalating S­ino-Indonesian
conflict over fishing rights in the waters near the Natuna Islands. Indonesia’s
responses to the scs ruling might offer some insights for understanding fu-
ture Sino-Philippine relations in the long-term. Like the Philippines, Indonesia
is eager to obtain more trade opportunities and financial investments from
China to improve its infrastructure. Nonetheless, such economic needs do
not prevent it from pursuing a tougher position in the scs.44 This shows that
economic interests do not necessarily supersede security concerns, especially
when these two concerns are intertwined.
However, China’s biggest challenges come from two non-claimants in the
scs—the u.s. and Japan. Despite the u.s. efforts to reduce tensions by urg-
ing stakeholders in the region to exercise restraint,45 it is pushing for compli-
ance with the scs ruling, emphasis on freedom of navigation, and actions
to strengthen security cooperation with its East and Southeast Asian allies

43 Agence France-Presse, Indonesia Details Defense Plan after South China Sea Ruling,
The Rappler (Manila, 13 July 2016), available at http://www.rappler.com/world/regions/
44 Keith Johnson, Can Indonesia Afford a Fish War With China?, Foreign Policy (8 July
2016), http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/08/can-indonesia-afford-a-fish-war-with-china/.
45 Lesley Wroughton and John Walcott, u.s. Launches Quiet Diplomacy to Ease South
­ hina Sea Tensions, Reuters (London, 14 July 2016), available at http://www.reuters
.com/article/us-southchinasea-ruling-usa-idUSKCN0ZT2TY. The u.s. has also tried to
calm China by avoiding to discuss the ruling directly. Therefore, when National Security
Advisor Susan Rice visited China and met with Xi Jinping on July 25, their discussions
did not focus on the scs issues. Rather, she emphasized that it is in America’s interest to
see China succeed and that it is important for both powers to work together to ­address
major global issues. See Gillian Wong, Susan Rice Visits China, u.s. News (Washington,
25 July 2016), available at http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2016-07-25/

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 31

all continue to raise Beijing’s security concerns. The long-term hostility and
distrust by the Chinese government and people toward the u.s. only deep-
ened ­after the scs ruling. Complicating the situation is the announcement of
the location of u.s. deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
(thaad) system in South Korea,46 which further convinces China of America’s
intentions of containment.
Like the u.s., Japan also welcomed the ruling and called on both sides
to abide by it. Being a stakeholder in the disputes over the Diaoyu/Senkaku
­Islands in the East China Sea, Japan’s position on the scs issues is highly
sensitive to China. Beijing has considered Tokyo’s effort to enhance its secu-
rity linkages with Manila and Hanoi in recent years a strategic move aimed
at containing China’s maritime expansion. Therefore, as Japanese Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang discussed the scs rul-
ing during the asem summit in Mongolia, Li reiterated China’s rejection
and bluntly told Abe to “exercise caution in its own words and deeds, and
stop hyping up and interfering.”47 Nonetheless, for Japan, it would be im-
possible to give up the benefits of the ruling. Therefore, to increase its in-
fluence in the region, Japan announced a decision to increase its defense
attaches in the Philippines and Vietnam to boost its security relations with
these two countries.48 Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida also visited
President Duterte and Secretary Yasay to build closer ties with the Philippine
Drawing on the above analysis, it seems reasonable to argue that when
faced with more ambitious challengers in both the South and East China Seas,
China would have little choice but to pursue a military deterrence strategy.
The purposes are two-fold: externally, Beijing needs to demonstrate its capabil-
ity to protect its national interests in the South and East China Seas to deter

46 Reuters, China Stands Ground on THAAD, Senkakus as It Advances toward Control of West
Pacific, The Japan Times (Tokyo, 10 August 2016), available at http://www.japantimes
47 Sue-Lin Wong and Terrence Edwards, China Tells Japan to Stop Interfering in South ­China
Sea, Reuters (London, 15 July 2016), available at http://www.reuters.com/article/
48 Jiji, Japan to increase defense attaches in Philippines, Vietnam, The Japan Times
(Tokyo, 11 August 2016), available at http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/08/11/
49 Minoru Satake, us, Japan Court Duterte over South China Sea Dispute, Nikkei (Tokyo,
11 August 2016), available at http://asia.nikkei.com/Politics-Economy/International

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32 Hsu

­ otential challengers; domestically, the Chinese leadership cannot afford to

look weak and incompetent in front of its own people when addressing the
scs disputes. Against these backdrops, China’s continuation of military build-
up and more frequent military operations in the two seas will be inevitable in
the post-scs-arbitration era, as demonstrated by the situations following the
announcement of the Arbitral Tribunal’s decision. On the same day of the rul-
ing, two Chinese civilian aircraft landed at Subi and Mischief Reefs. On August
2, Chinese navy conducted a live-fire military drill in the East China Sea. On
August 6, the Chinese air force flew bombers and fighter jets over the Sprat-
ly/Nansha Islands for “combat patrol” for a show of strength.50 On the same
day, Japan issued a protest against China after spotting a fleet of three armed
­Chinese coastguard vessels and 230 fishing boats sailing close to the disputed
Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands.51 Satellite photographs also reveal that China seems
to be constructing reinforced aircraft hangars on the disputed Fiery Cross, Subi
and Mischief Reefs.52 These military actions seem to suggest a deterrence in-
tention. However, for its neighbors, these actions could mean increased mili-
tary threats that need to be met with greater defense capability and maybe
stronger u.s. military support. The result will likely be a security dilemma in
the region, as all parties’ defensive intentions lead to an arms race and increas-
ing prospect of military conflict.

v Conclusion

The scs ruling creates opportunities and challenges for a variety of States, in-
cluding both claimants and non-claimants in the region. While it is difficult to
predict future development, this paper discusses some possible political in-
fluences of the ruling on Sino-Philippine relations and regional stability. The
ruling’s influence on the Philippines’ scs policy will be determined by four
important factors, although with varying degrees of influence: the Duterte
administration’s foreign policy orientation, the rising anti-China sentiment

50 Max Lewontin, Why Did China Fly “Combat Patrols” over The Spratly Islands?, The
Christian Science Monitor (Boston, 6 August 2016), available at http://www
51 Kiyoshi Takenaka and Osamu Tsukimori, Japan Protests after Chinese Coastguards and
Fishing Boats Sail near Disputed Islets, Reuters (London, 1 August 2016), available at
52 csis, Build It and They Will Come: China Preps Spratlys for Military Aircraft, (1 August
2016), available at https://amti.csis.org/build-it-and-they-will-come/.

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The Political Implications of the South China Sea Ruling 33

among Filipinos, China’s responses to the ruling, and Sino-u.s. competition

in the scs. Manila’s mixed responses to the ruling during the first few days
after its announcement suggest that although Duterte prefers better ties with
­China, the public’s anti-China sentiment might have stopped him from mak-
ing ­substantial compromises to his Chinese counterpart too fast. Eventually,
however, Duterte chose to cope with the ruling’s challenge by prioritizing the
economic benefit of restoring Sino-Philippine relations over the scs issue. His
determination to pursue close ties with China has to a great extent reduced the
scs ruling’s direct impact on Philippine foreign policy. But the degree to which
the Sino-Philippine reconciliation will go will have to depend on China’s future
policy moves in the South China Sea. As the scs ruling might increase Beijing’s
sense of insecurity and its cost to make compromises, the room for mutual
cooperation on the scs disputes between China and the Philippines is rather
limited. This limitation would in turn raise the uncertainty of their bilateral
relations in the long term. Continuous Sino-u.s. competition is also key to the
Philippines’ scs policy, as it will define the extent to which the Philippines has
to strike a balance between its economic interests and security needs. At the re-
gional level, the scs ruling put China on the defensive and thus might increase
the instability in the scs as the regional hegemon now sees a heightened need
to demonstrate its military capabilities and resolve. As tensions continue to
intensify, risks of armed confrontation will also increase. Therefore, the scs
ruling’s political impact might be most significant and ­dynamic at this level.

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