Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.: READING REPORT in - Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.: READING REPORT in - Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, Inc.: READING REPORT in - Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
Founded 1993
Area E, Fatima 1, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Recognized by the Government: DepEd, TESDA and CHED
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
Telefax No. (044) 7600-301 / 0915-810-5686
The title of the book/ article I have read is: Activities Discovered for some Inactive Drug
It seems to me to be quite a tour de force,” says epidemiologist Mady Hornig of Columbia University who was
not involved in the study. “We’ve been quite data-starved in this area in general,” she continues, “and this
represents an important leap forward in terms of a strategy for identifying candidate [excipients] of concern.”
She adds, however, that “it is so important to emphasize, these are candidates for concern, not definitive agents
of concern
STUDENT’S LOGIC: Provides learners with an opportunity to reflect and think about how they actually solve problems and how
a particular set of problem solving strategies is appropriate for achieving their goal. What is to be accomplished/learned?
Example: In support of the Supermarket “Green” initiatives, I bring my own shopping bags for grocery shopping and
say no to plastic bags.
The success of a drug often depends not simply on the active ingredients it contains, but on how it is
formulated, explains Thomas Hartung, a pharmacologist at Johns Hopkins University who also did not
participate in the research. The inactive components may stabilize the drug, prevent contamination, control the
drug’s metabolism, or improve its taste or identification. But, Hartung continues, there is a sort of “toxicological
ignorance” about these substances in part because they are largely considered safe and because to screen them is
an “enormous burden” and costly.
VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique
Gabrielian Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly
Individuals and reaching the marginalized to thrive in the global community.
In aligning to the Vision and Mission of the College, I can apply what I have learned from my readings by:
Example: Being more aware about eco-friendly practices you can adopt at home so that we can make a positive difference as socially
responsible graduates.
In aligning to the Vision and Mission of the college, I can apply what I have learned from my readings by
becoming functionally productive and just stay curious for more learnings.
I learned in our prayer that the Lord is always here for us and I know that apart from Him
We can do nothing.
My action today is to become functionally productive and independent specially here on
online class in our course subject Microbiology and Parasitology so I will be able to
pass my learning activity sheet and other activities on time.
The lessons that I’ve learned about Pharmaceutical Biochemistry semis is that I learned
The functions of nucleic acids, the structural features of the bases, nucleosides and nucleotides, the processes
related to replication, transcription and translation of genetic
Information, the mechanism of genetic disorders based on the processes related
to nucleic acids. Also the metabolic pathways of biomolecules, defining metabolism
distinguishing anabolic from catabolic metabolism, identifying the parts of the cell
where the metabolic reaction occurs, the important intermediate compounds involved, the different metabolic
pathways, the molecular level of all chemical processes. And the importance of the different processes of
metabolism in homeostasis.
I will memorize the above learning points, explain them in my own words, and apply them in our activities.
VISION: MAN OF GOD – VIR ENIM DEI. “A leading transformational leadership institution with a unique
Gabrielian Culture of Discipline, Socially Responsible, Interdependent, Functionally Productive, Godly
Individuals and reaching the marginalized to thrive in the global community.
I can connect my learning today with the vision and mission of our school by:
I can connect my learning today in semis with the vision and mission of our school by being
Responsible on our surroundings and apply every lessons that we will learn in this course subject .