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Type of sample Sample volume W1 – W2 (g) TSS (mg/L)

Blank 50.00 0.0004 8.00
QC Standard 50.00 0.0051 102.00
Sample 1 50.00 0.0455 910.00
Sample 2 50.00 0.0058 116.00

Aluminum dish and filter paper was pre-weighed and filtration apparatus was set up.

The dish was labelled with sample number and liquid volume.

The reservoir was opened and filter was placed on filtration apparatus using tweezers.

Then, the reservoir was closed and the vacuum was turned on.

The sample was agitated to ensure it is well mixed. 50ml of sample water was pipetted and distributed evenly onto filter.

The reservoir was rinsed with DI water and all liquid was let to drain. The vacuum was turned off after all liquid drained.

Next, the filter was removed and placed back onto dish using tweezers.

The dish was placed into oven at 103 -105°C for 1 hour.

After 1 hour, the filter was removed from oven using tweezers and placed in dessicator for 30 minutes to cool down.

After 30 minutes, the filter was removed and moved to balance.

The balance was zero by pressing the zero button with closed door. The door was opened and the dish was placed on the scale using

The door was closed and the scale was allowed to stabilize. The reading was recorded and the dish was removed.


To determine the concentration of total suspended solid in water samples.


Particles that larger than 2 microns found in water samples are called Total Suspended Solids (TSS) while
particles that smaller than 2 microns are consider as dissolved solids. TSS concentration usually
contribute by inorganic materials such as gravel, sand and clay, and organic materials such as bacteria,
algae, and decomposition plants or animals. Sometimes, TSS concentration will be increases because of
chemical precipitates which suspended in water.

TSS analysis is a standard in the wastewater industry for both domestic and industrial because the TSS
analysis are use to assess the performance of conventional treatment and for regulatory purposes. It is
an indicator of water quality for aquatic ecosystem because Environmental Protection Agency has point
out that sediment can cause deterioration of natural water sources. Water clarity and total suspended
solids are a significant because higher concentration of suspended solids will make water less clear.


Caltest Analytical Laboratory. (2020, January 23). TSS Analysis & SSC Analysis. Retrieved October 23,
2020, from https://caltestlabs.com/analytical-services/priority-pollutants/inorganic-methods/tssandssc/

Fondriest Environmental, I. (2019, January 23). Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids & Water Clarity.
Retrieved October 23, 2020, from https://www.fondriest.com/environmental-


The objective is achieved. The concentration of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) in Blank is 8 mg/L while 102
mg/L in QC Standard. TSS concentration in Sample 1 and Sample 2 are 910 mg/L and 116 mg/L


The concentration of Total Suspended Solid in Blank, QC Standard, Sample 1 and Sample 2 are 8mg/L,
102 mg/L, 910 mg/L and 116 mg/L respectively. Deionized water is used as a Blank while QC Standard is
parameter of TSS for treated wastewater. Based on the result, Sample 1 has highest TSS than other
water samples which can be concluded as the dirties water sample. The water clarity maybe caused by
the source of water samples. For instance, Sample 1 maybe a wastewater or runoff from industries,
livestock farms and leachate. While, Sample 2 has lower TSS which maybe come from houses, hotels and
restaurants. Both samples need to be treated before channeled out to rivers, lakes or reservoirs because
has higher TSS than QC Standard and stated in National Water Quality Standards For Malaysia (NWQS).
By referring NWQS, Sample 1 not fulfills qualification for all water classes since the TSS concentration
over 300 mg/L. It also not suitable to be used directly without any treatment because contain many
suspended solid. It needs to be treated before channeled to agriculture crops for irrigation which is
water source in Class IV. Sample 1 need an extensive treatment if needed to be used in higher classes to
fulfill the standard limits in NWQS. On the other hand, Sample 2 fits the qualification for Class III which
has TSS concentration below than 150 mg/L. This class usually provide water for water supply III which
needs an extensive treatment before distribute to users. While, the water can be used directly as
drinking water for livestock. Sample 2 also can be used for higher classes by treating the water first. The
TSS limit for Class I, Class IIA and Class IIB are 25 mg/L, 50 mg/L and 50 mg/L respectively. Blank fits the
limit of Class I which no need any treatment because the water sample are clean. Water in Class I usually
used as water supply I which no treatment is needed before distribute to users. It also can be used in
fishery I which the water source for very sensitive aquatic species. Discharging untreated water with
high concentration of suspended solid into rivers, lakes or reservoirs can pollute the sources of clean
water. In order to conserve the water sources, water treatment for Sample 1 is compulsory and it
cannot be channeled directly into rivers lakes or reservoirs. In different circumstance, Sample 2 can be
discharge directly for livestock drinking purpose. Those samples need special treatment for their own
purposes to ensure users safety.


Determination of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) in Water Samples

Aluminium dish and filter paper was pre-weighed and filtration apparatus was set up. Then, the sample
tray was labelled with sample number and liquid volume. The reservoir was opened and filter paper was
placed on filtration apparatus using tweezers. After that, the reservoir was closed and the vacuum was
turned on. The sample was agitated to ensure it is well mixed. 50ml of sample water was pipetted and
distributed evenly onto filter paper. The reservoir was rinsed with DI water and all liquid was let to
drain. The vacuum was turned off after all liquid drained. Next, the filter paper was removed and placed
back onto dish using tweezers. The dish was placed into oven at 103 -105°C for 1 hour. After an hour,
the filter paper was removed from oven using tweezers and placed in desiccator for 30 minutes to cool
down in moisture free surrounding. After 30 minutes, the filter paper and dry sample was removed from
desiccator and moved to balance. The balance was zero by pressing the zero button with closed door.
The door was opened and the dish was placed on the scale using tweezers. The door was closed and the
scale was allowed to stabilize. The reading was recorded and the dish was removed.

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