Filtration PDF
Filtration PDF
Filtration PDF
It is the mechanical or physical operation which is used for the separation of solids from fluids (liquids or gases) by
interposing a medium through which only the fluid can pass. The medium can be a permeable fabric or porous bed of
Conventional filtration processes are normally preceded by coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation. Direct
filtration processes are preceded by coagulation and flocculation only; the floc is removed directly by the filters.
1) Straining
▪ This is the most intuitive mechanism of filtration. The floc cannot fit through the gaps between the sand particles
(pores), so the flocs are captured. The water can flow through the sand, leaving the floc particles behind.
2) Adsorption
▪ The second, and in many cases the most important mechanism of filtration, is adsorption. Adsorption is the gathering
of gas, liquid, or dissolved solids onto the surface of another material
▪ Coagulation takes advantage of the mechanism of adsorption when small floc particles are pulled together by van der
Waal's forces. In filtration, adsorption involves particles becoming attracted to and "sticking" to the sand
particles. Adsorption can remove even very small particles from water.
3) Biological Action
▪ The third mechanism of filtration is biological action, which involves any sort of breakdown of the particles in water
by biological processes. This may involve decomposition of organic particles by algae, plankton, diatoms, and
bacteria or it may involve microorganisms eating each other.
▪ Although biological action is an important part of filtration in slow sand filters, in most other filters the water passes
through the filter too quickly for much biological action to occur.
4) Absorption
▪ The final mechanism of filtration is absorption, the soaking up of one substance into the body of another
substance. In a filter, absorption involves liquids being soaked up into the sand grains
1) Slow Sand Filtration
▪ The filter consists of a bed of fine sand approximately 3 to 4 feet deep supported by a 1-foot layer of gravel and an
underdrain system.
3) Direct Filtration
▪ Direct filtration systems are like conventional systems but omit sedimentation.
4) Cartridge Filtration
▪ Cartridge filters are considered an emerging technology suitable for removing microbes and turbidity in small
5) Packaged Filtration
▪ Packaged filtration is simply all the features of filtration—chemical addition, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration—
mounted as a unit on a frame for simple hookup of pipes and services. It is most widely used to treat surface water
supplies for removal of turbidity, color, and coliform organisms with filtration processes. Packaged filtration is often
used to treat small community water supplies, as well as supplies in recreational areas, state parks, construction sites,
ski areas, and military installations, among others.
ChE 513: Industrial Waste Management & Control
Engr. MMM Boado, MS EnE
6) Membrane Filtration
▪ A membrane is a thin layer of material capable of separating substances when a driving force is applied across the
• Settled water turbidity is generally in the range from 1 to 10 NTU with a typical value being 2 NTU. Because these
levels of turbidity interfere with the subsequent disinfection processes, the turbidity must be reduced.
• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that the treated water turbidity level be 0.3 NTU with no sample
to exceed 1 NTU.
• The most common filtration process is granular filtration where the suspended or colloidal impurities are separated
from water by passage through a porous medium. Usually called depth filters.
• The medium is usually a bed of sand or other media such as coal, activated carbon, or garnet.
Continuous Filtration
▪ The filtering and cleaning phases take place simultaneously.
▪ It should be noted that with filters that operate continuously, there is no turbidity breakthrough or terminal headloss.
When pretreatment of the water is by coagulant addition, flocculation, and clarification, the filter is classified as
conventional filtration. If pretreatment consists of coagulation and flocculation but not clarification, the filtration process is
called direct filtration. The process is called in-line or contact filtration when coagulant addition but only incidental
flocculation is used. In some processes, coagulation is followed by two filtration steps: a roughing filter followed by another
The membrane used in membrane filtration is a synthetic material that is semipermeable; that is, it is highly
permeable to some constituents and less permeable to others. To remove a constituent from the water, the water is pumped
against the surface of a membrane, resulting in a separation of product and waste streams.
Membrane criteria:
• Membrane pore size,
• Molecular weight cutoff (MWCO),
• Membrane material and geometry,
• Targeted materials to be removed,
• Type of water quality to be treated, and/or
• Treated water quality
Screening - particles are removed by simple mechanical screening because the particle is larger than the smallest opening
through which the water flows. This is dominant for membrane filters.
Adsorption - natural organic matter adsorbs onto membrane surfaces. In the early stages of filtration with a clean membrane
this may be an important mechanism for removing soluble and insoluble materials that have dimensions that are much
smaller than the membrane pore size. Although the adsorption capacity is quickly exhausted, the adsorbed material can
reduce the size of the pores and thus, increase the ability of membrane to capture particles smaller than the nominal pore size.
Cake formation
- particles that are removed by straining build up a cake on the membrane surface
- cake acts as a filtration medium
- improves the efficiency of the filter because it collects particles smaller than the nominal pore size of the membrane
A major difference between MF and loose UF is membrane pore size; the pores of 0.1 μm or greater are
approximately an order of magnitude greater than those of UF. The primary application for this process is particulate and
microbial removal.
Provides extremely low turbidity (<0.05 NTU) and can remove 99.99% to 99.9999% of bacteria and protozoans
UF membranes cover a wide range of molecular weight cut offs and pore sizes. Operational range from 70 to 700 kPa,
depending on the application.
Tight UF membranes (MWCO = 1,000 daltons) may be employed for removal of some organic materials from freshwater,
while the objective of loose membranes is primarily for liquid/solid separation, that is, particle and microbial removal.
Can remove up to 99.99% viruses
The system will reach equilibrium when the hydrostatic pressure on the saline water side balances the force moving
the water through the membrane. This is noted as the osmotic pressure
If pressure is exerted to overcome the osmotic pressure, the solvent (pure water) will flow from the saline side to the
fresh water side.
The semipermeable membrane will not allow the passage of molecules other than water and gases. This is noted as
reverse osmosis
The most common MF and UF membrane materials in practice are organic polymers
Most synthetic membranes are hydrophobic. They must be stored wet or be filled with a wetting agent. If allowed to
dry, they will experience a change in structure that will result in a reduction in potential flux.
Polyethersulfone (PES) and polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) are also common
one of the most widely used in practice because of their high tolerance to pH and resistance to oxidants
they can withstand temperatures up to about 75°C
The spiral-wound configuration is the most common for the production of drinking water from groundwater and
surface water.
The hollow-fiber configuration is used extensively for desalinization of seawater in the Middle East
After filtration for a set duration, the accumulated solids are removed by backwashing with air and/or water. Once
clean, the filter is put back into service.
positive pressure driven systems are configured in pressure vessels
vacuum pressure driven systems are submerged in basins containing the feed water
Temperature affects water viscosity and the membrane material
In general, the permeate flow increases as the temperature rises and the viscosity decreases.
Membrane fouling generally occurs by one of the following mechanisms:
• Deposition of silt or other suspended solids.
• Inorganic scale deposits.
• Biological fouling.
• Interaction of organic constituents with the membrane.
Membrane element - the smallest physical unit of production capacity enclosed in pressure vessels
Stage - group of pressure vessels operating in parallel
Array - the arrangement of one or more stages
The first pretreatment is to prevent scaling by silica (SiO2) and sparingly soluble salts such as calcium carbonate and
calcium sulfate (pH adjustment and/or addition of an anti-scalant)
the second pretreatment process is filtration to remove particulate matter that will clog the feed channels or
accumulate on the membrane surface (unlike ion exchange columns, RO/NF systems are not backwashed)
disinfection may also be required to prevent biological fouling
if the raw water turbidity and/or NOM concentration is high, pretreatment will include coagulation, flocculation, and
where iron and manganese are prevalent in the raw water, oxidation may be performed to form a precipitate that can
be removed before the membrane treatment step
Because the RO/NF membranes do not remove gases, these are stripped after the RO/NF unit.
The primary gases of concern are hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.
The removal of H2S is to prevent odor complaints.
CO2 is removed because it forms carbonic acid.
under high pressure as it leaves the RO/NF unit and extremely high in total dissolved solids (TDS)
The primary concern in disposing the concentrate stream is suspended solids.
Energy recovery systems are often used in reducing the pressure
disposal methods include discharge to the municipal sewer system, ocean discharge, and deep well injection; in warm,
dry climates evaporation ponds may be appropriate
Disposal methods include land application, discharge to the municipal sewer system, ocean discharge, and deep well
The volumetric flow rate of water across a single pore can be modeled using Poiseuille’s Law:
𝜋𝑟 4 ∆𝑃
𝑄𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑒 =
8𝜇 Ϯ ∆ɀ
Qpore = volumetric flow rate of pure water across a single pore, m 3/h
r = radius of pore, m
ΔP = transmembrane pressure, kPa
μ = dynamic viscosity of water, Pa.s
Δɀ = pore length, m
ρpore = pore density per unit area, number/m2
Ϯ = tortuosity factor, dimensionless
Because pores in commercial water treatment membranes are not perfectly cylindrical, a dimensionless tortuosity
factor is added;
𝜋𝑟 4 ∆𝑃
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠, 𝑁 = 𝐴 𝜌𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑒 =
8𝜇 Ϯ ∆ɀ
8𝜇 Ϯ ∆ɀ N
𝑅𝑚 =
𝜋𝑟 4
Fouling of MF/UF may be defined as the gradual reduction in filtrate flow rate at constant pressure or an increase in
transmembrane pressure to maintain a constant flux. Fouling is said to be irreversible if the loss in flux cannot be
recovered by backwashing and cleaning.
Causes of fouling: particulate matter, dissolved organic matter, biological growth
1. Estimate the percent change in permeate flux that will result from the temperature change from 15 OC to 20OC if the
TMP remains constant.
@ 15OC, μ = 1.777 – 0.052T + 6.25 x 10-4 (15)2
μ = 1.14 mPa.s
@ 20OC, μ = 1.777 – 0.052T + 6.25 x 10-4 (20)2
μ = 0.987 mPa.s
2. Determine the number of modules per rack and the number of racks to provide uninterrupted flow for the following
design conditions:
Qmax = 10,000 m3/d Backwash interval = 60 min
J = 0.100 m3/h.m2 Backwash time = 8 min
Membrane area per module = 50 m2