Course Contents:
RPA TOOL INTRUDUCTION AND BASICS: RPA Development Life Cycle, How does
RPA Work, Challenges in RPA, Variables and Types of Variables, Variables vs. Arguments,
Namespaces, and Importing New Namespace.
CONTROL FLOW ACTIVITY: Sequences, Control Flow and its types, Decision
control-IF, Switch, IF vs Switch, Loops-Do While, While, For each, Other control flow
activities - Delay, Break, Assign, Continue and Parallel
Data Manipulation and Its Importance, String Manipulations, Data Table Manipulations,
Collection, Its Types and Manipulations.
UI AUTOMATION & SELECTORS: UI interactions, Input actions and Input methods,
Containers, Recording & its types, Selectors, Types of Selectors- Full and Partial, Containers
and Partial Selectors, Dynamic Selectors
Unit V
ERROR AND EXCEPTION HANDLING: Errors, Error handling approach, Try Catch,
Retry Scope, Exception Handling, Types of Exceptions, Global Exception Handler, Best
Practice for Error Handling
ORCHESTRATOR: Overview, Orchestrator Functionalities, Orchestrator User Interface-
Automations, Management and Monitoring
Text Books:
1. Alok Mani Tripathi, Learning Robotic Process Automation, Publisher: Packt Publishing
Release Date: March 2018 ISBN: 9781788470940.
Reference Book:
1. Frank Casale (Author), Rebecca Dilla (Author), Heidi Jaynes (Author), Lauren
Livingston (Author), Introduction to Robotic Process Automation: a Primer, Institute
of Robotic Process Automation.
2. Richard Murdoch, Robotic Process Automation: Guide To Building Software Robots,
Automate Repetitive Tasks & Become An RPA Consultant
3. Srikanth Merianda,Robotic Process Automation Tools, Process Automation and their
benefits: Understanding RPA and Intelligent Automation
4. https://www.uipath.com/rpa/robotic-process-automation