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The Lipa Grace Academy, Inc.: Curriculum Map SY 2020-2021 Second Quarter

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Curriculum Map
SY 2020-2021
Second Quarter
Subject: Science
Grade Level: Grade 9
Teacher: Emmanuel Kenneth C. Potoy
Strand/s: N/A

Content Content Performance Learning Assessment Tasks Learning Resources Time Frame Institutional Core
Standards Standards Competencies Written Performance Activities Values
Works Tasks
Electronic The learners *Explain how the Worksheet Activity: Lesson Video: Evangelista, E., October 19 – Accountable
Structure demonstrate Quantum Predicting the et.al.(2018). 24, 2020
of Matter understanding Mechanical Model Quiz Probable Quantum Science in
Today’s World 9
of… of the atom Location of an Mechanical
(2nd ed).
The describes the Chapter Test Electron Model Quezon City:
development of energies and (Google Form) Sibs Publishing
atomic models positions of the Activity: House, Inc.pp.
that led to the electrons Quantum
description of Theory and
the behavior of Atom
electrons within
atoms Activity:

Chemical  How atoms The learners Explain the Worksheet Activity: Lewis Lesson Video: Evangelista, E., October 26 – Excellent
Bonding combine should be able to… formation of ionic Symbol et.al.(2018). 31, 2020
 Ionic with other Analyze the and covalent Quick Quiz 5- Chemical Science in
Today’s World 9
and atoms by percentage bonds; 1,2 p. 95 – 96 Bonding
(2nd ed).
Covalent transferring composition of Recognize Quick Quiz 5-3 Activity: Quezon City:
Bonding or by sharing different brands different types of p. 98 Bonding by Sibs Publishing
Metallic electrons of two food compounds (ionic Sharing of House, Inc.pp
Bonding Forces that hold products and or covalent) Concept Electrons 94 – 98.
metals together decide on the based on their Mastery p. 107
products’ properties such - 108 Activity:
appropriate as melting point, Bonding
percentage hardness, Among Metals
composition polarity, and
electrical and

Explain how ions Concept Activity:

are formed Mastery p. 123 Bonding by
- 124 Transfer of

Evangelista, E., November 3-6,

Lesson Video: Excellent
et.al.(2018). 2020
Science in
Intermolecular Today’s World 9
Forces (2nd ed).
Quezon City:
Sibs Publishing
House, Inc.pp
99 - 104
The Variety The learners The learners *Explain how the Quiz Activity: Lesson Video: Evangelista, E., November 9 – Excellent
of Carbon demonstrate should be able to… structure of the Hydrocarbons et.al.(2018). 14, 2020
Compound understanding Analyze the carbon atom Concept Carbon Science in
Today’s World 9
s of… percentage affects the type of Mastery p. 161 Compounds
(2nd ed).
 Carbon The type of composition of bonds it forms; - 162 Quezon City:
Atoms bonds that different brands Sibs Publishing
Organic carbon forms of two food House, Inc.pp
Compounds that result in the products and 142 – 144
diversity of decide on the
carbon products’
compounds appropriate
* Recognize the Quiz Activity: Lesson Video: Evangelista, E., November 16 – Excellent
general classes Alkanes et.al.(2018). 21, 2020
and uses of Carbon Science in
organic Activity: Compounds Today’s World 9
compounds Alkenes (2nd ed).
Quezon City:
Sibs Publishing
House, Inc.pp
Alkynes 144 - 152

Mole The learners *Use the mole Quick Quiz 7-2 Lesson Video: Evangelista, E., November 23 – Accountable
Concept demonstrate concept to p. 129 et.al.(2018). 28, 2020
 Mass understanding express mass of Mole Concept Science in
Today’s World 9
 Moles of… substances; Quick Quiz 7-3
Activity: The (2nd ed).
Percentage The unit, mole, p. 131 Quezon City:
Mass of One
Composition that Sibs Publishing
of a quantitatively Concept House, Inc.pp
Compound measures the Mastery 126 - 132
number of very
small particles of
*Determine the Worksheet Activity: Lesson Video: Evangelista, E., December 1- 5, Accountable
percentage Percentage et.al.(2018). 2020
composition of a Quiz computation of Interconversions Science in
Today’s World 9
compound given Products among Mass and
(2nd ed).
its chemical Concept Moles Quezon City:
formula and vice Mastery p. 139 Sibs Publishing
versa. - 140 House, Inc.pp
133 – 136.

Curriculum Map
SY 2020-2021
Second Quarter
Subject: Science
Grade Level: Grade 9
Teacher: Emmanuel Kenneth C. Potoy
Strand/s: N/A

Content Content Performance Learning Assessment Tasks Learning Resources Time Institutional
Standards Standards Competencies Written Works Performance Activities Frame Core Values
Earth processes The learners The learners *Describe how Ask the students to get Make a simple map Lesson Video: Teaching Guide  October 19 – Accountable
 Exogenic demonstrate should be able rocks undergo together in pairs and showing places for Senior High 24, 2020
Exogenic School: Earth
Processes understanding to… weathering answer the following where erosion and
 Endogenic of…  Make a questions: landslides may Processes
Processes  Geologic simple pose risks in the
 Deformation processes that map Which rock is more community
of the Crust occur on the showing susceptible to chemical
Plate Tectonics surface of the places weathering in humid
Earth such as where environment, granite or
weathering, erosion gabbro? Explain.
erosion, mass and
wasting, and landslides Why does groundwater
sedimentation may pose in arid regions tend to
 Geologic risks in the be alkaline whereas in
processes that community humid regions it tends
occur within  Using to be acidic?
the Earth maps,
 Folding and diagrams,
faulting of or models,
rocks predict
 The internal what could
structure of happen in
the Earth the future
 Continental as the
drift tectonic
 Seafloor plates
spreading continue to

*Explain why Quiz Draw a schematic Lesson Video: Teaching Guide  October 19 – Accountable
the Earth’s cross section of the for Senior High 24, 2020
Endogenic School: Earth
interior is hot Evaluation earth, showing the
Summary questions different layers of Processes
related to the lessons. the earth. Include
and label (when
necessary) the
following in the
1.different tectonic
settings where
magma is
2.type of melting
that is usually
associated with the
settings identified
in # 1
3.heat transfer
mechanisms and
the direction of
heat transfer (thru

*Describe what Quiz Enrichment Lesson Video: Teaching Guide  October 26 – Accountable
happens after for Senior High 31, 2020
Magma School: Earth
magma is Evaluation Explain the role of
formed Summary questions magmatic
related to the lessons. differentiation in
plate tectonics.
Summary Questions: October 26 –
Describe the Prepare a simple Lesson Video: 31, 2020
changes in report explaining Teaching Guide 
mineral the relationship of Metamorphis for Senior High
components and metamorphism and m School: Earth
texture of rocks plate tectonics (i.e. Science.
due to changes expected S11ES-IIc-d-26
in pressure and metamorphic grade
temperature in a specific
(metamorphism) tectonic setting).
The report has to
be submitted after
three days (or over
the weekend).
*Describe how Evaluation Lesson Video: Teaching Guide  November Accountable
rocks behave Have the students for Senior High 3-6, 2020
Plate tectonic School: Earth
under different research areas in
types of stress the Philippines
Earth’s Layer S11ES-IId-27
such as where faulting
compression, and/or folding is
pulling apart, present. The
and shearing students should
submit a short
written report
identifying the kind
of deformation and
describing how the
deformation has
contributed to the
topography of the

*Explain how Enrichment Teaching Guide 

seafloor spreads for Senior High
Idealized Plate School: Earth
Boundary Map and
Cross Section
*Describe the Evaluation Lesson Video: Teaching Guide  November 9 Excellent
structure and Have each student for Senior High – 14, 2020
evolution of formulate 3 review Continental School: Earth
ocean basins questions that drift Science.
cover the content S11ES-IIf-33
of the lesson. Break
the class into pairs
Explain how the and instruct Teaching Guide 
movement of students that they for Senior High
plates leads to will quiz their School: Earth
formation of partners with the Science.
folds, faults, questions they S11ES-IIg-h-34
trenches, have prepared and
volcanoes, rift discuss between
valleys, and them the answers.
mountain ranges Each pair should
submit their
questions and
History of the The learners The learners *Describe how Exercises in Relative Enrichment Lesson Video: Teaching Guide  November Accountable
earth demonstrate should be able layers of rocks Dating Have the learners for Senior High 16 – 21,
Earths Major School: Earth
Major Events in understanding to… (stratified rocks) explain how graded 2020
Earth’s Past of… Describe the are formed bedding would help Past Events
 Relative and possible events in determining the
absolute that occurred in Describe the correct sequence
dating a certain area different of layers (which is Teaching Guide 
 The major based on the methods the top and which for Senior High
subdivisions rock layers (relative and is the bottom?). School: Earth
of geologic found therein absolute dating)
time of determining Enrichment
(including the age of Archaeologists use
index fossils) stratifies rocks techniques
How the planet developed in
Earth evolved in geology to
the last 4.6 billion determine the age
years (relative and
absolute) of
artifacts unearthed
from the ground.
Research and write
a short report (200
to 300 words) on
this topic
Explain how Perform the following Enrichment Lesson Video: Teaching Guide  November Accountable
relative and activity (adapted from Ask the learners to Geologic Time for Senior High 23 – 28,
Scale School: Earth
absolute dating http://www.cpalms.org/ do research on the 2020
were used to uploads/ index fossils of the
determine the Resources/final/ Philippines. Name
subdivisions of 43470/Document/ at least one index
geologic time 18185/Geologic fossil. Indicate
scale what division of the
geologic time scale
Teaching Guide 
Describe how the index fossil
for Senior High
index fossils represents and School: Earth
(also known as where the index Science.
guide fossils) are fossil has been S11ES-Ii-j-38
used to define reported.
and identify
subdivisions of
the geologic
time scale
Describe the Enrichment Geologic time scale Lesson Video: Teaching Guide  December 1- Accountable
history of the Ask the learners to and life form Earths History for Senior High 5, 2020
School: Earth
Earth through write a report (200 to exercises
geologic time 300 words) on one of
the following topics:
 Theories on the
origin of life
 Possible causes of
mass extinction
 How mankind is
driving the next
mass extinction
How the ozone layer
was formed

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