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14 Electricity

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Years 9-10

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“Mind-Map” Outline of Topic

This topic belongs to Physics, the study of energy, force and motion.
In this topic you will study the Physics of one vitally important type of energy...

& Units &
Insulators Measurement Ohm’s
Electric Law
Charges Electrical

Concepts Voltage, Current

Electricity of

Electricity Circuits
and Society

Impacts on &
How Society Society & the D.C.
Influences Environment

Years 9-10 Topic 14 Electricity

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Make your own “Mind-Map” TITLE PAGE.

Cut out the boxes. Sort them into an appropriate lay-out on a page of your
workbook, then glue them down. Add connecting arrows and colour in.

Basic Conversion Electrical

Electricity Concepts of

Ohm’s Energy Conductors

Law &
Voltage, Current Electrical
& Electric
Units &
A.C. Impacts on Series
& Society & the &
Electricity D.C. Environment Parallel
and Society
How Society

Make your own “Mind-Map” TITLE PAGE.

Cut out the boxes. Sort them into an appropriate lay-out on a page of your
workbook, then glue them down. Add connecting arrows and colour in.

Basic Conversion Electrical

Electricity Concepts of

Ohm’s Energy Conductors

Law &
Voltage, Current Electrical

& Electric
Units &

A.C. Impacts on Series
& Society & the &
Electricity D.C. Environment Parallel
and Society
How Society
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Electrical Charge
You are reminded of the basic facts about atoms and electric charge.
This knowledge is essential for an understanding of Electricity.

Atoms & Charged Particles

You already know that every substance The little electrons are whizzing around
is made up of tiny units of matter called the central nucleus, like miniature
atoms. planets around the Sun.
(Note: this is NOT a gravitational orbit, )
Each atom often acts as if it was a tiny
solid ball, but in fact it is composed of Each electron, and each proton in the
smaller particles arranged as shown in nucleus, carries a field-force which we
call electrical charge.
this diagram.
Structure There are 2 opposite types of electrical
of an - charge which have been called simply
electron (-)) “positive” (+ve) and “negative” (-ve).

Electrons carry negative charge.

Nucleus contains
PROTONS (+) and
NEUTRONS (0) Protons carry positive charge.

Forces Between Electrical Charges

+ +
+ Force pulls
Same Charges Repel.
them together

How Things Get an Electrical Charge

Normally, the number of However, it is very easy to upset this
electrons and the number electron balance by transferring electrons
of protons in each atom rubbed off
from the atoms of one
one atom,
is exactly the same. onto substance onto the atoms of
another a different substance.
The +ve charges and the
-ve charges “cancel This atom still has all its This atom still has all its
Gentle friction is enough.
(+ve) protons, but has
out” and no electrical (+ve) protons, but has
lost a (-v
ve) electron. Just rubbing 2 different
gained a (-v ve) electron.
effects are apparent. Overall, it now has a Overall, it now has a
substances together can
(+ve) charge. (-v
ve) charge.
transfer electrons
If these substances are electrical insulators, the charges cannot flow away, from one to the
so the substance stays charged, at least for a while. other.
The charges can push or pull each other (FORCE!)
because each has a force-field.

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Electrical Conductors and Insulators

Conductors Insulators
Electrons can be removed from atoms Some substances will not allow
and will jump from one atom to another. electrons to flow through them easily.

If this happens easily, it means that These are insulators.

electrons will readily flow through the
Insulators can be charged with static
substance. This is a conductor. electricity, but won’t allow a flow of
electrons through them.
Good Conductors An Electrical Wire. Good
Conducting metal inside. Insulators
Metals Insulating plastic outside.

(esp. copper) Plastic

Graphite Glass
(a form of carbon) Wood
Salty water Air
Pure water

Conductor or Insulator?

This equipment set-up is suitable to test the

Power Pack electrical conductivity of a variety of objects or
off substances.
on AC
- + The alligator clips are attached to the test object,
then the power is turned on.
Light Bulb

If the bulb lights up, it means that electricity is

with flowing through the entire circuit. Therefore, the
alligator test object is a conductor.

If the bulb does not light, then electricity is not

Substance to be tested getting through. Therefore, the test object is not a
for conductivity
conductor... it is an insulator.

This also demonstrates an important point about electrical circuits...

Electricity will only flow around a circuit if every part of it
is a conductor.

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An Electrical Circuit
An electrical circuit always contains 3 parts:
• A power source, such as a battery, “power pack” or mains power point.
• One or more energy converters, such as light bulbs, heaters or motors.
• Electrical wires (good conductors) which connect the parts.

Complete Circuit
For electricity to flow at all, there must be on AC
a complete circuit (an unbroken chain of - +
conductors) from the negative (-ve) DC
terminal to the positive (+ve) terminal.
Electrons come from the
If there is any break in the circuit negative terminal and flow
(e.g. a wire not connected properly) the around the circuit to the
electrons cannot get through and the +ve terminal
whole circuit stops working.

What Makes the Electrons Flow?

If you could see the atomic world inside a copper wire, you’d see that the atoms of
copper can lose electrons so easily that there are billions of “loose electrons”
hanging around between the atoms.

These electrons are not going anywhere, but can easily jump from atom to atom.

Copper atom

Loose electron

Every battery or other power source has an electric field. The field of a battery is
produced by chemical reactions. The “mains” power is produced by
magnetic effects in a generator at a power station.

When the wire becomes part of a circuit, the electric field instantly reaches through
the wire and exerts a force on every electric charge. The charged particles within
the copper atoms cannot move, but the “loose” electrons immediately
gain energy from the field and begin flowing in the wire.

This flow of electrons is the electric current.

The amount of “push” that the electric field can give the electrons is called “voltage”.

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Voltage & Current

One way to get an understanding of electrical voltage and current is to use an
analogy; a comparison to a more familiar substance... water.

Imagine a water tank supplying water to

a garden fountain.
Water Tank
Notice how much water is spraying from
the fountain, and how high it squirts into
the air. Fountain

Now imagine exactly the same water

tank, same fountain, same size pipes,
but the tank has been raised onto a
tower. More Pressure = More Flow
Raising the water tank higher creates
Water Tank
more water pressure. More pressure
forces more water to flow... there is a
greater current of water in the pipe.

The combination of higher pressure and

greater water flow means more energy
is carried by the water. There’s more of
it, and it squirts higher into the air.

The analogy to electricity is simple:
The water pressure is like VOLTAGE. Higher voltage = more push.
The water flow is like CURRENT of electricity. More current = more electrons flowing.

If the voltage is higher, it pushes more electrical current through the circuit.
The combination of voltage and current determines the energy delivered.

Another Factor... Resistance to Flow

Larger pipe, more
Continuing the water analogy, imagine 2 less resistance to flow... current
Same Pressure

water pipes of different diameter.

They are connected to the same water

supply and the pressure in the pipes is
Narrow pipe, less
exactly the same. Will the same amount more resistance to flow... current
of water flow?
Different wires, different light bulbs, etc in an electrical circuit have different
amounts of electrical resistance. If there is more resistance, less current can flow.
If there is less resistance, more current can flow.
(For the same amount of voltage “push”.)
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Measuring Voltage & Current

Current Voltage
The flow of electrical current can be The “push” in an electrical circuit can
measured by a special device called an be measured by a “voltmeter”.

Sketch Sketch

Symbol used in a Symbol used in a
circuit diagram circuit diagram

The unit of current is an ampere, often The unit of voltage is a volt, symbol “V”.
abbreviated to “amp”, symbol “A”.
1 volt is a rather small “push” for the
1 amp of electrical current actually current. A car battery supplies 12 V and
means there are billions and billions of mains electricity is 240 V. This is a very
electrons flowing in a circuit. dangerous level.

Building a Circuit
When you put together an electrical circuit, it needs to be done correctly.
This circuit simply
contains a light bulb,
with an ammeter and Sketch of Circuit
voltmeter to measure and Explanation of Correct
the current and voltage.
Electrons must
flow into the
off meters at their
on AC (-v
ve) terminal and
out from their
DC (+ve) terminal.

Main Circuit.
Electricity flows through ammeter
and bulb.
Circuit Diagram
must be
A placed in a
Ammeter measures current flow
V circuit.
through the main circuit.
V Voltmeter measures the “push”
through the light bulb.

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Worksheet 1
Electrical Charge & Circuits Student Name.............................................

Fill in the blank spaces. Some substances allow k).......................

to easily flow through them. These are
Every atom contains small particles called l) “.........................................”.
which have a property we call electrical Most m).......................... are like this.
charge. In the nucleus, the a).................... n) “.................................” are substances
have b)................... charge. In orbit which do NOT allow electrons to easily
around the nucleus the c)......................... flow through. Common examples are
carry d)...................... charge. o)....................... and ..........................

Charges can exert forces on each other. An electrical circuit must have an
Charges of the same type e).................... unbroken chain of p).................................
each other. Opposite charges will for the electrons to flow through.
f).......................... each other.
Electrons are forced to flow by an
“Static electricity” occurs when electrical q).................... produced by a
g)...................... from atoms in one battery or generator. A conductor (like a
substance are h)............................. to copper wire) contains many “loose”
another substance. The substance electrons. When “pushed” by a field, the
which lost electrons now has a electrons r)...................... along the wire.
i)....................... charge, while the This flow of electrons is an electrical s)
substance gaining electrons now has a “................................”. The “push” given
j)........................... charge. by the field is called t)..............................

Worksheet 2 Student Name.............................................

Current & Voltage The more h).......................... (push) in a
Fill in the blank spaces. circuit, the greater the i)..........................
which flows.
The flow of a)........................ in a wire can
be compared to the flow of water in a The degree to which the flow of current
pipe. If there is more “push” or water is opposed is called j) “..........................”.
pressure, then more water flows in a If a circuit has a higher resistance then
k)...................... current will flow, for a
given voltage. Less resistance will allow
l)................. current to flow.
With electricity the “pressure” is called
b) “.................................”. The unit of The total energy in a circuit depends on
measurement is called the c) “...............” both m)......................... and .....................
and it can be measured by a
d).................................. (type of meter). When constructing a circuit you must
place an ammeter n)..................................
The amount of electrons flowing is ................................., but the voltmeter
called the e) “................................”. The must be placed o)......................................
unit of measurement is the f) “..............” ................................. In both cases the
and it can be measured by an electrons must flow into the p)................
g).......................................... terminal of the meter and out of the
q)................... terminal.
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The Relationship of Voltage, Resistance & Current

You have probably already figured out that there is a simple relationship between

• the amount of “push”, or voltage, in a circuit, and

• the amount of resistance in the wires and components, and
• the amount of electrical current which flows.

What happens to the CURRENT if you...

Increase the Voltage? Increase the Resistance?

(and the Resistance stays the same) (and the Voltage stays the same)

Set up a simple circuit as shown and Start with the same circuit as at the left,
then watch what happens as the voltage then increase the resistance by adding
is increased by adjusting the power another light bulb as shown. Leave the
pack voltage setting. power pack setting as it was.

off off
on AC on AC



Watch what happens Watch what happens

to the current flow to the current flow
and bulb brightness. and bulb brightness.

If the voltage is increased, If the resistance is increased,

the current increases. the current decreases.
(For the same resistance.) (For the same voltage.)

Light Bulbs as Resistors

It’s always handy to use light bulbs in a From here on, when we show a light
circuit because you can see clearly bulb in a circuit it means that the values
when the circuit is working. Also, the don’t matter and we’re only looking at
more current that flows, the brighter the general trends (as we did above).
bulb glows.
When actual values are important, you
However, when working mathematically, need to use fixed-value resistance coils
light bulbs are useless because their or “solid-state” resistors.
resistance values are never constant.
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Ohm’s Law
The relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance can be decribed
mathematically as well as in a general, descriptive way.
This mathematical relationship was first discovered in the 1830’s by a German
called George Ohm. It is known as “Ohm’s Law” in his honour.
Mathematically, Ohm’s Law is often
written this way:
Written in the form I = V/R, The Ohm’s
Voltage = Current x Resistance, V = IR Law equation tells you that the amount
of current flowing in a circuit depends
but it is more meaningful if written as: on both the voltage “pushing” and on
the amount of resistance trying to stop
Current = Voltage the electricity.
More voltage more current.
I= V More resistance less current.

I = electrical current, in amps (A). Example Calculation

V = voltage, in volts (V). An electrical circuit has a resistance of

Ω. What current would flow if
R= resistance, in ohms (Ω connected to a 12V car battery?

The “ohm” unit is named in honour of Solution: I = V = 12 = 2.0 A.

George Ohm. The symbol “Ω Ω” is a Greek R 6.0
letter for “O”. It is used because symbol
“O” or “o” could be confusing.

Ohm’s Law by Experiment

Ohm’s Law can be “re-discovered” and tested by making your own measurements
on an electrical circuit similar to that shown below.
For each combination of voltage and
resistance, you can measure the current
on AC flow on the ammeter and check if it
agrees with Ohm’s Law.
DC (Use Voltmeter readings for voltage, NOT power
pack settings.) by Ohm’s Ammeter
Law reading
state resistor, Typical Results:
or resistance coil.
Voltage Resistance Current Actual
(V) Ω)
(Ω Calculated Current
7.8 10 0.78 A 0.8 A
A 12.0 6 2.0 A 1.9 A

Different resistors, of known You will find that the results agree with
resistance value, can be used. V
Ohm’s Law, with some experimental
For each one, you can vary
the voltage setting. error.

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Worksheet 3 Student Name.............................................

Graphing Skills Construct a line graph of the results on this grid.
The equipment shown was used to
measure the voltage and current

through the resistor, which has a fixed


Voltage (V)
on AC



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Current (A)
Results Q1. Calculate the gradient of the graph line.

Voltage Current Ohm’s Law Gradient = rise = = ..................

(V) (A) calculation V/I run
5.0 0.2 Q2. Use Ohm’s Law to complete the final column
of the data table. Use R = V/I to calculate the
10.0 0.4 resistance for each line of data.
20.0 0.8 Q3. Can you explain why the graph gradient is
25.0 1.0 equal to the resistance value?

Worksheet 4
Student Name.............................................
Ohm’s Law Calculations
4. What is the resistance of a light bulb
Use the Ohm’s Law equation to solve
these problems. which allows 1.5 A of current to flow
when connected to a 12 V battery?
1. A toy electric motor with resistance of (R = V/I)
12ΩΩ is connected to a 6.0 V battery.
What current would flow?

I= V = = .............. A
R 5. What is the resistance of a 240V
toaster if 4.0A of current flows when it is
2. A 240 V jug element has a resistance connected to the mains?
Ω. What current would flow?
of 80Ω

3. How much current flows in the same 6. What voltage is needed to force 15A
jug element (from Q2) if connected to a of current to flow through a 6.0Ω Ω
12V car battery? resistor?

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Converting Electrical Energy

The great value of electricity in our society is that it can be easily converted into
other forms of energy such as light, sound, heat or movement (kinetic energy).

Examples of Energy Changes

Light Bulb
Electricity Light energy Toaster
Electricity Heat
Fan Power Tools
Electricity Movement (K.E.) Electricity

Kinetic Energy

Microwave Oven
Electricity Light Energy + Sound Energy

Power and Efficiency

The amount of electrical energy converted per second is called “power”.
Electrical power is measured in “watts” (W).
For example, a light bulb rated at 100W uses five times more
energy (per second) compared to a bulb rated at 20W.

How Much Power? Efficiency

The higher the “wattage” of any We use electricity to produce other
electrical appliance, the more electrical forms of energy we want, such as light
energy it uses per second. or heat. However, some electrical
appliances are very inefficient at
The amount of power used depends converting the energy.
on both voltage and current. Voltage
A light bulb only converts
(remember?) refers to the “push” or about 10% of the electrical
energy given to each electron. energy used into light. The
Current is related to the number of rest is wasted as heat.
electrons flowing.
Compact fluorescent lights
The total energy is related to both are much better, and L.E.D.
voltage and current together. lights are better still.

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Designing Practical Electrical Circuits

In a home, office or school, electrical circuits are designed to have a number
of items in one circuit. For example, there may be 10 separate lights
in one circuit, but each one can be switched on or off separately.

How is this done?

It turns out there are 2 different ways to arrange items in an electrical circuit.

Series Circuits Parallel Circuits

The diagram shows 3 light bulbs In the circuit below, the current can
arranged “in series” in a simple circuit. divide into 3 parts. Some current flows
through each bulb, but a particular
electron only goes through one of the
off bulbs, not all 3.
on AC
These bulbs
DC off
are arranged
on AC
“in parallel”.

Imagine you are

an electron
flowing out of the
power pack. You
In this circuit the can go to any
electricity must light bulb and
Circuit Diagram flow through it,
flow through all then return to the
the bulbs, one power pack.
after the other. You can only go
through one bulb.
light bulbs

An Experiment You Might Do

Build the series circuit shown above. Now build the parallel circuit shown
above. Use exactly the same bulbs and
Turn on the power and note the the same power pack setting.
brightness of the bulbs.
Turn on the power and note the
Turn power off and remove one bulb brightness of the bulbs.
from its socket. Turn power back on.
Turn power off and remove one bulb
Do the other 2 bulbs work if one is from its socket. Turn power back on.
missing or “burned-out”?
Experiment with one or more switches
Add one or more switches to the circuit. in various locations.
Is it possible to switch one light on,
while the others stay off? Get the picture?
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Advantages of Parallel Circuits

Parallel electrical circuits offer many advantages compared to series circuits.

• Full delivery of power to each device in the circuit. (e.g. brighter lights)
• Each device can be switched on or off independently.
• If one device “burns-out” all others continue to operate.

A series circuit has a much higher resistance so less current flows and less power
can be delivered to each device. Multiple devices in series cannot be
independently switched on or off... one off, all off.

Parallel Circuits are always used in practice.

If all the parts are available, you could build this circuit.
off It demonstrates the features and advantages of
on AC
connecting multiple devices in parallel.
DC Circuit

Switch closed - light on

The parallel circuit gives total

flexibitity to switch any combination
of lights on or off.
Switch open - light off
Each light receives full power and
achieves maximum brightness.

Switch closed - light on

Direct Current (D.C.) Alternating Current (A.C.)
The electrical current
produced by a battery Large-scale production of electricity in
flows steadily from the power stations relies on electrical
generators, not batteries.
-ve terminal to the +ve
terminal. This is Because of the way generators work,
described as “direct the electrical field they produce
current” or D.C. fluctuates back-and-forth very rapidly.

The electrical field of a battery (which The electrons do not flow steadily, but
provides the voltage “push”) is jump back-and-forth under the
constant and always points in the same influence of the field. The current is
direction. called “alternating current” (A.C.).

The electrons are always pushed in the Our “mains” electricity alternates 50
same direction so the current flows times per second (frequency = 50 Hz),
steadily. so it is described as “240 V, 50 Hz A.C.”
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Worksheet 5
Energy and Circuits Student Name.............................................
Answer the practice questions. 4. This electrical circuit P
contains 3 lights (A,B,C)
1. What is the main energy conversion and 4 switches
occurring in: (P,Q,R,S). A
a) an electric stove? Q

a) Which switch(es) must

be turned on to make R
b) an electric “loud-speaker”? bulb “C” only light up?
c) a power drill? S

b) Which switch(es) must be turned

d) an electric lawn mower? on to light up bulbs “A” and “B” only?

e) A TV set? c) If all the bulbs were lit up, which

single switch can turn them all off?

2. d) If all the switches were on, but bulb

a) What is meant by electrical “power”? “B” suddenly burned out, what would
happen to “A” & “C”?
b) Which two measurements are both
involved in determining the amount of
power in an electrical circuit?
5. List 3 advantages of arranging
.......................... and ........................... multiple appliances “in parallel”.
c) If an electrical appliance is said to be
“inefficient”, what does this mean in ...................................................................
terms of energy?

3. a) Identify these 2 circuits as either 6.
“series” or “parallel”. a) What is the difference between “AC”
and “DC” electricity?

b) Which type is produced by a:

b) If all the parts of each
circuit are identical, in which i) battery? .................
circuit would you expect the light
bulbs to glow brighter? ii) generator? .................

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Impacts of Electricity...
Our widespread use of electricity has resulted in some huge benefits to people,
and some terrible damage to the environment.
... on Society ... on the Environment
The scientific While the impacts of electrical
understanding of technologies on people have been
electricity has led to the beneficial, the impacts on the natural
invention of thousands of environment have all been negative.
types of electrical
appliances, devices and • Most
technologies. The impacts electricity is
of these on humans has generated
been hugely beneficial. from
• Electrical lights, heating, air-con, coal, which
refrigerators, washers, etc. make our releases
lives more comfortable, easy and huge
convenient. amounts of
CO2 into the atmosphere.
• Electrical tools and machinery save
time and make our jobs easier. We now believe this is a major cause of
the “Greenhouse Effect” causing
• Electricity powers our phones and “Global Warming” and climate change.
computers and make possible our
communications (e.g. TV, internet), • Even “greenhouse-friendly” power
financial and trade systems and production can cause problems:
entertainment. - Dams for hydro-electricity can
destroy ecosystems.
Electricity - Wind generator turbines kill
thousands of birds every year.
Has it become - Nuclear power involves the risk
a necessary of accidents (e.g. Chernobyl, 1986) and
evil? the serious problem of nuclear waste

How Society Influences Science

Not only does scientific development have an impact on human society,
but the reverse is sometimes true... social factors can influence the
development and acceptance of scientific ideas.
Development of Electric Cars Now, society’s attitudes have changed.
In the early history of motor cars there More people are concerned about
were several attempts to make and sell environmental damage & climate change.
electrically powered cars.
Although expensive and less powerful,
more and more electrically-powered
At a time when petrol was cheap and cars (and “hybrids” with petrol engines
people didn’t know about environmental and batteries) are now being developed
damage, the electric cars did not and sold. These new technologies are
survive commercially because petrol now welcome in our greenhouse-
engines were cheap and powerful. conscious world.
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Topic Test Student Name............................................. Score = /21

4. (5 marks)
Answer all questions The diagram shows an
in the spaces provided. electrical circuit
containing 3 lights
1. (5 marks) (A,B,C) and 2 switches A B
(P&Q). P
Match each description to an item from the
list. To answer, write the letter (A,B,C, etc)
of the list item beside the description. a) Name 2 lights which Q C
are arranged “in series”.
Description matches with List Item

a) Substance which allows b) Name 2 lights which are “in parallel”.

electricity to flow through it. .............
b) Part of an atom with a
negative electrical charge. ............. c) Which light(s) would come on if you
c) A measure of the “push” given closed switch “P” only?
by an electrical field. .............
d) A circuit which is “one off, all off”. d) Which light(s) would come on if you
............. closed switch “Q” only?
e) A measure of the number of
electrons flowing. ............. e) Which light(s) would come on if you
closed both switches “P”&”Q”?
List Items Not all will be used.
Some may be used more than once.
A. voltage D. current 5. (5 marks)
B. series E. conductor The circuit contains
C. electron F. proton a resistance coil of
unknown resistance.
2. (2 marks)
a) Show clearly on Resistor
In an electrical circuit, what happens to the
current if: the diagram the
positions in which
a) the voltage is increased? (same resist.) you would place an
ammeter and voltmeter
in order to measure
b) the resistance is increased? (same V) voltage and current
for the resistor.

3. (4 marks) b) Using these meters you obtain

a) What do the abbreviations “A.C.” and readings of 12V and 0.2A.
“D.C.” stand for?
Use Ohm’s Law (I = V/R, so R = V/I) to find
the value of the resistance. Show working.
b) Explain the difference between AC & DC.

Years 9-10 Topic 14 Electricity 19 Usage & copying is permitted according to the
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Answer Section Voltage Current Ohm’s Law

(V) (A) calculation V/I
Worksheet 1 5.0 0.2
a) protons b) positive 10.0 0.4
c) electrons d) negative 20.0 0.8
e) repel f) attract 25.0 1.0
g) electrons h) transferred
i) positive j) negative Worksheet 4
k) electrons l) conductors 1.
m) metals n) Insulators I = V/R = 6.0/12 = 0.5 A
o) plastic/glass/paper/air 2.
p) conductors q) field I = V/R = 240/80 = 3.0 A
r) flow / move s) current 3.
t) voltage I = V/R = 12/80 = 0.15 A
R = V/I = 12/1.5 = 8 Ω
Worksheet 2 5.
a) electrons b) voltage R = V/I = 240/4.0 = 60 Ω
c) volt d) voltmeter 6.
e) current f) amp / ampere V = IR = 15 x 6.0 = 90 V
g) ammeter h) voltage
i) current j) resistance Worksheet 5
k) less l) more 1.
m) voltage and current a) electricity heat
n) in series / in the main circuit b) electricity sound
o) in parallel / in a side branch circuit c) electricity kinetic energy
p) negative q) positive d) electricity kinetic energy
e) electricity light and heat
Worksheet 3 2.
a) Power is the amount of energy being
Voltage & Current
in Resistor converted (per second).

b) voltage and current

c) That some energy is being wasted and
not converted into the desired energy.

Voltage (V)

a) Left-hand diag. is series circuit, parallel


on the right.
b) parallel circuit

a) P & S

b) P,Q & R
c) P
d) They would remain on.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Current (A)
1. Max. power to each device.
2. Able to switch on/off independently.
Q1. Gradient = rise = 25 = 25 3. If one burns-out, other remain on.
run 1.0
Q2. in table.
a) DC = steady flow in one direction.
Q3. The gradient = voltage/current. AC = current flows back-and-forth.
Ohm’s Law says R = V / I b) i) DC ii) AC
Therefore, gradient = resistance.
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Topic Test 4.
a) A&B or A&C
1. b) B&C
a) E b) C c) A d) B e) D c) A&B
d) A&C
2. e) A,B&C
a) current increases.
b) current decreases. 5.
a) Ammeter must be
3. in series.
a) AC = Alternating current Voltmeter must be
DC = Direct current in parallel with Resistor
b) In DC the current flows steadily in one
direction. AC oscillates back-and-forth. b) R = V/I
= 12 / 0.2
= 60 Ω

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