Exam Question: Core 2: The Body in Motion
Exam Question: Core 2: The Body in Motion
Exam Question: Core 2: The Body in Motion
Exam Question
Core 2: The Body in Motion
Question (10 marks)
Compare the tness components of muscular strength and muscular endurance and describe ONE test for
Marking guidelines
Shows similarities and differences between muscular strength and muscular endurance 810
Provides an accurate description of each test
Uses relevant examples to illustrate and support answer
Presents ideas in a clear and logical way
Outlines the need for consent in intimate relationships with some reference to legal and/or 47
moral responsibilities
Uses examples to support answer
Some evidence of example use
Identifies to some degree the idea of consent and the need for responsibility in intimate 13
NOTE: The following student response is not intended to be an exemplar response, but represents
a range within band 6. The response can be used by teachers and students as a discussion point for
constructing responses to exam style questions.
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