• The nature of work (p. 292)
• Changing work patterns (p. 306)
• Structures that support individuals in the workplace (p. 316)
• Maintaining work and life balance (p. 327)
• Youth employment (p. 332)
A student:
• H2.2 evaluates strategies to contribute to positive relationships and the
wellbeing of individuals, groups, families and communities
• H2.3 critically examines how individual rights and responsibilities in
various environments contribute to wellbeing
• H3.3 critically analyses the role of policy and community structures in
supporting diversity
• H3.4 critically evaluates the impact of social, legal and technological
change on individuals, groups, families and communities
• H5.2 develops strategies for managing multiple roles and demands of
family, work and other environments
• H6.1 analyses how the empowerment of women and men influences the
way they function in society
• H6.2 formulates strategic plans that preserve rights, promote
responsibilities and establish roles leading to the creation of positive
social environments.
Is it possible that these two people are working? One person is a personal trainer who is receiving money for the
expenditure of their energy; the other person is expending energy in the hope that they will increase fitness (a goal).
(continued )
Workers who need/want
more working hours to
fulfil their own or their
family’s basic needs
Health needs
Health includes both the physical and mental condition of a person.
Health needs can be met in both paid and unpaid work through the creation of a social atmosphere and the formation
of relationships. Friendships and feelings of connection can increase self-worth as well as create opportunities for
physical health improvements; for example, through lunchtime fitness groups or after-work sporting teams. Many
workers, both paid and unpaid (volunteers), especially those in major cities, can use public transport to access their
workplace, thus increasing their heart rate by riding their bike, or walking to and from bus stops or train stations.
Paid work Unpaid work
There are some paid jobs that relate directly to physical Vacuuming, making beds and carrying laundry are
health, such as a personal trainer, lifeguard and those in activities that can regularly allow an individual to
the armed forces or emergency teams. increase their heart rate for 30 minutes or more.
Work is valued for two major reasons.
• On an individual basis (where the individual benefits), work is valued because it provides economic
resources to fulfil the need for an adequate standard of living; that is, physical needs, such as food,
clothing and shelter. Individuals may also value work for the satisfaction and self-esteem they gain from
it and/or the lifestyle they are able to create.
• As people earn money and pay taxes, governments are able to provide infrastructure and services, such
as roads and hospitals that contribute to the wellbeing of society (the community benefits).
Status is a societal-based rank of an individual’s importance derived from their work, occupation or
profession. Status can be perceived by:
• whether an individual is employed or unemployed
• the industry in which an individual works – occupations with integrity, such as firefighter or schoolteacher,
will give an individual status compared with those that are seen to lack integrity, such as the paparazzi,
tabloid journalists or used-car salesmen
• the level of employment, such as CEO, manager or assistant
• the level of the decisions made on behalf of others – occupations that are required to make decisions
that might be life-threatening (doctors), or will affect large numbers of people (prime minister), will have
a higher status
• the work pattern
• how many years of study or education that are required to perform this occupation – for example,
doctors and surgeons study for seven years, in comparison to a check-out operator in a supermarket
who has on-the-job training
• how much an individual earns (the level of remuneration).
This is one of the major reasons why people work. Economic gain or monetary rewards are given for
University lecturers, labour, either through direct or indirect payments. Direct payments for work are usually in the form of a
crane operators and wage, salary or fee for service, which often includes compulsory superannuation. Indirect payments are
train drivers earn well non-monetary payments in return for a service, such as a company car, bonuses, stock options, shares,
above the Australian corporate boxes or mobile phones.
average wage of Both direct and indirect payments enable workers to create a lifestyle and satisfy needs and wants. The
$34.70 an hour amount of financial comfort will depend on the work pattern and occupation, as different work patterns
(ABS, 2012).
and occupations attract different wages.
Employed Unemployed
Concept Definition
Labour force All people who are working or are able to work
Employed All persons aged 15 or over who during the working week:
• worked one hour or more per week for either direct or indirect payment in a job, business or on
a farm
• worked one hour or more per week without pay either in a family business or on a farm
• were employees who did not work due to being away, on strike or on workers compensation.
Unemployed All persons aged 15 and over who were not employed but were actively looking for work and were
available for work
Employed part time Those working fewer than 35 hours per working week
Employed full time Those working 35 hours or more per working week
Participation rate The labour force expressed as a percentage of the entire population
Simple flowcharts can be extended to distinguish participation rates according to age and gender. The
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) releases labour force statistics each month. The graph on the next
page represents the labour force by gender from 1982 to 2013. A benefit of looking at participation over
a long period of time is that it can identify trends.
1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013
1960 First Labour Force Survey 1979 12 months maternity leave for women
1961 The Pill – oral contraceptives go on sale 1984 Sex Discrimination Act
Unemployment rate (%)
• Choosing to retire
Different individuals in these situations will have their own reasons
for choosing to work full time, part time or not at all. For further
analysis of this concept, see the ‘Patterns of work’ section of this Work patterns may have to change following a life event
chapter (below). such as having a baby.
Think it through
1 Access the Australian Bureau of Statistics website (link to this directly via http://cafs.nelsonnet.com.au) and
collect current information, including graphs, flowcharts and statistics, that relate to:
a the age and sex of the labour force.
b full-time and part-time employment and unemployment. Australian Bureau
of Statistics
2 Explore the data, paying particular attention to:
a increases or decreases in participation for each age group (take special notice of younger and older employees).
b increases or decreases in participation for each gender.
c which sex has a higher participation rate in full-time work, part-time work and unemployment.
d which age group has a higher participation rate in full-time work, part-time work and unemployment.
3 Analyse the data you have found. Why might these trends have occurred?
Patterns of work
Throughout the life span individuals will need to make judgements on the work pattern that will best suit
their needs. An adolescent will have different work needs to those going through adulthood. As people
reach the age of 65 and are considered ‘aged’, their reasons for working will differ, and they will also place
different demands on their workplace. This will impact on the type of work pattern they choose.
Full-time work
In most forms of employment, a worker who consistently works more than 35 hours per week is considered
a full-time employee. This type of employment entitles employees to a minimum of four weeks of annual
leave per year, sick leave, long-service leave and parental leave.
Part-time work
Part-time work is permanent employment. Part-time employees work less than 35 hours per week and
receive all the entitlements of full-time employees on a proportional or pro-rata basis.
Casual work
Casual employees are those who are engaged to work on an hourly or daily basis for which they are paid
an extra loading on top of the normal rate to compensate for the lack of usual benefits, such as sick leave
or annual leave.
A self-employed worker is an individual who owns and operates their own business. A self-employed
individual may be someone like Donald Trump or Mark Zuckerberg, who operate large-scale businesses,
a tradesman who works for himself or the owner of a corner store. Those who are self-employed generate
an income directly from their service or product, not as a salary from an employer.
Characteristics of self-employment
Voluntary work
Voluntary work involves performing a task or choosing to give your time to a not-for-profit organisation or project.
Characteristics of voluntary work
Seasonal work
Work that is available at certain times of the year, each year, is known as seasonal work. It may be in part due to the
weather (such as in fruit picking) or cultural celebrations (such as working as an in-store Santa Claus).
Characteristics of seasonal work
Think it through
Copy the table headings below into your notebook. For each stage of the life span, create a job bank of suitable
Stage of the life span Suitable occupations
Infancy (parents with infants)
Childhood (parents with children aged 2–11)
Young adulthood
Adulthood (either pre- or post-dependants)
The aged
To answer the example question above, you would use PEEL in the following way.
Think it through
1 Use the internet to find the lyrics to the chorus of Dolly Parton’s 1980 hit song ‘9 to 5’.
a What pattern of work does this song reflect?
b Compare and contrast the words to this song to today’s workforce.
2 Find the lyrics to other songs about work. In a table, compile information about when these songs were written
and compare the lyrics with today’s workforce.
3 Write the chorus to your own song/rap that reflects the modern workforce.
In the past, education was viewed differently: the workforce was not as competitive. Many students
completed the compulsory years of schooling and continued on to apprenticeships, traineeships or gained
low-skilled employment.
Since then, we have seen a trend in more young people – especially women – staying on at school to
complete their Year 10 Record of School Achievement, their Year 11 Preliminary Certificate and their final
Year 12 Higher School Certificate. The number of people with post-school qualifications, including from
TAFE, private colleges and universities, has also increased; correspondingly, the number of people without
post-school qualifications has declined.
The Australian Government has impacted on the level of education of young people. Laws now state
that no student can leave school until the age of 17, unless they are in full-time employment, full-time
study or a combination of both for up to 25 hours per week.
The job market is now aimed at those with a higher education, and is consequently pushing those
without degrees down the job queue. This makes it harder for the unskilled to gain employment.
Today, we are seeing more women completing their tertiary studies. It is becoming harder for the unskilled to obtain employment.
The growth in the service industry (for example, child care, aged care and hospitality), coupled with
Australia’s current skills shortage, has meant education within secondary schools is adapting to help
reduce the shortfall of employees in these areas and create options for those students who choose not
to go to university. Schools across New South Wales are offering practical training in VET courses, such
as hospitality, children services, automotive services, business services, construction, entertainment,
information technology, metal works and engineering, primary industries, retail and tourism.
Growth in the hospitality industry has increased the number of shiftwork jobs available.
The technological advancement in robotics and automation
has displaced both skilled and unskilled workers. Within
the food industry, for example, many foods can be made in
totally automated factories, with the assistance of unskilled
‘quality control’ workers. However, in the same factories,
skilled computer technicians, electricians and machine
maintenance workers are required 24 hours a day to
ensure any computer-operated machinery is kept in good
An area in which robotics has brought about improved
job satisfaction is the medical industry. For instance, hand-
held robotic devices are used to operate on delicate areas,
like the brain, thereby helping to minimise human error
that may cause death or permanent injury to patients.
Robotics has also been used for jobs considered too
dangerous for employees, such as in mining, rescue
Computers have the power to connect with operations and bomb detonation. By safeguarding
anyone, anywhere, at any time. employees, a specialised industry has emerged.
Special operations police squads can send in robots to investigate potentially life-threatening situations.
Employment has changed from the regular 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. working day to more irregular working hours.
For example, some employees work at night or on the weekend. Such irregular hours can encroach
on family time, which results in families needing to work harder to maintain a balance. However, some
changes to the 9–5 format have benefited families, with parents using their bargaining power to create
these changes.
The casualisation of the workforce involves the shift from predominantly full-time and permanent
positions to higher levels of casual and contract positions. It is important to focus on the percentage
of casual, contract and part-time employees who are underemployed, rather than the unemployed.
The underemployed are those workers who need more working hours to fulfil their own and their family’s
basic needs.
Perceptions of gender
Traditionally, men and women entered the paid workforce at the age of 15. Men usually continued in the
workforce until their eventual death, disability or retirement. Their work life may have been interrupted by
job changes, military service or unemployment. In contrast, women continued to work until marriage or
perhaps until the birth of their first child, at which point they gave up their career to take up caring full-time.
Girls outshine boys at school and are more likely to graduate from university – but are still paid less to do
the same work as men, a damning new report reveals.
The Council of Australian Governments Reform Council report, shows that young male dentists earn
$14 000 more than women in their first job, while male architect graduates earn $9000 more and male
lawyers $4300 more.
Women even earn 12 per cent less for non-managerial roles – $31 an hour compared to $35 for men.
In total, a woman working 40 hours a week in a non-managerial job will earn $8736 less than a man in a
similar role.
Women earn 17.5 per cent less than men, on average – adding up to $266 per week.
And they retire $87 000 poorer, because women accumulate less superannuation over their working lives.
‘Financial disadvantage starts as soon as women enter the workforce,’ the official report says.
‘Graduate starting salaries are overall significantly lower for women than men.
‘Lower pay and workforce participation means women are retiring with an average of 36 per cent less
superannuation than men.’
COAG Reform Council chairman John Brumby said ... ‘We have to ask ourselves why it is that girls do
well in the education system, but once out in the employment market they have to fight to have their value
‘The highly competitive global environment means we simply cannot afford to waste the talents and
perspective of half our population.’
News.com.au. (2013). Women paid less than men for same job. News.com.au, November 19.
1 Outline the social factors that the article can be linked to.
2 Identify three occupations where young males earn more than their female counterparts for the same job.
3 Why do women retire $87 000 poorer than males?
4 What factors of a woman’s life would lead her to earn less superannuation? Explain the implications of
this for women in later life or in marriage breakdown.
5 ‘We have to ask ourselves why it is that girls do well in the education system, but once out in the
employment market they have to fight to have their value realised.’ Imagine you are a politician. Describe
the value that women bring to the employment market (labour force) and analyse the steps you would
take to improve on this situation.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. Births, Australia, 2012 (Cat. No. 3301.0).
1932 1942 1952 1962 1972 1982 1992 2002 2012
The higher rate of divorce and the change in social attitudes towards single parents have left sole
parents responsible for the paid and domestic work responsibilities. Some sole parents may have no other
choice but to take on more than one job to provide financially for their family. In other family structures,
such as nuclear and de-facto families, job losses and retrenchments may provoke family members to
change their working patterns or non-working members to find employment.
As parents age, they may choose to reduce their working hours as the financial demands of their
children lessen. They may seek phased retirement or, if their mobility is limited, choose to work from home
or telecommute. If they have totally retired, they may use their time to give back to the community.
The high costs and difficulties associated with finding child care have meant that many mothers are not
entering full-time work – and, in some cases, any pattern of work. Average fees for child care in New South
Wales are $81.50 per day, with some as expensive as $111 per day in affluent and high-demand areas
(Marszalek & Gothe-Snape, 2013).
Government policy
Women have benefited much more than men from legislative changes in recent decades. This has resulted
in double the number of women in the paid workforce. Employers have therefore had to change previously
accepted working patterns and hours to suit the needs of women and their families.
Government policy will change with each new government, but past policies have created support for
workers, enabling them to establish themselves within the labour market and influence patterns of work.
Examples of government policy that affect patterns of work are listed below.
• The Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) allows people to be treated equally regardless of gender,
sexuality, disability, age or carer’s responsibility.
• The Industrial Relation Act 1996 (NSW) introduced enterprise agreements.
• The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) replaced affirmative action policies. The basic aims of
this act are to improve gender equality, including equal pay, and eliminate discrimination on the basis
of gender in relation to family and caring responsibilities.
• The introduction of parental leave includes maternity and paternity leave.
The Liberal Government, which came into power in 2013, plans to review child care systems to ensure
working parents have a clear understanding of and access to child care. The government will also access
the independent Productivity Commission to review the Fair Work awards systems, and seek to overhaul
the parental leave scheme, under which ‘mothers will be provided with 26 weeks of paid parental leave, at
their actual wage or the national minimum wage (whichever is greater, up to a maximum of $75 000), plus
superannuation’ (Coalition of Australia, 2013).
While Australia has one of the highest rates of educated women, it has one of the lowest rates of
educated women in the workforce (Ernst & Young Australia, 2013); this means we are investing an enormous
amount of time and money educating women for little economic return. Therefore, unless more legislation is
implemented to support women in the workplace, Australia’s economy and the labour force will not benefit.
The state of the economy and the move towards a global market (globalisation) have had a significant
influence on the relationship between employees and their work patterns.
• The time difference between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres has meant that companies need
to trade 24 hours a day if they want to remain competitive. Efficient technological advances, such as
electronic banking, have also enhanced the communication power between the two hemispheres.
• Traditionally, the bargaining power of employees fluctuates according to economic growth and inflation
C: Recovery
A: Decline/contraction
B: Recession
Looking at the economy over a period of time allows us to see trends occurring. The economic cycle
(above) shows strengths and weaknesses in the economy that impact on working patterns.
In simple terms, during periods of prosperity (when consumer demand for products and services rises),
businesses expand by borrowing money. This causes interest rates to increase. To counteract that,
businesses increase their prices. In response, consumers gradually reduce their spending and businesses
are forced to cut their expenses. Wages are one of the largest expenses for businesses, so, to retain their
profits, businesses tend to make full-time employees redundant and employ less expensive casual workers
in their place. Contract workers are retained. As more people lose their jobs, spending decreases further
and the economy sinks into recession.
A recession is the lowest point in the economic cycle. Employment and incomes are low, and employees
have little or no bargaining power. If the recession is severe, families may be forced to sell their homes and
some small (e.g. sole-trader) businesses may fail completely. Production will also be at a definitive low.
During this time, factories may reduce the number of available working hours for employees, or even shut
down altogether.
Fortunately, the cycle continues: while spending is low, the demand to borrow money is also low. This
will reduce interest rates – and therefore mortgage repayments – and prices of goods will drop. While
prices are low, some people will benefit from the affordability of previously unaffordable items; others will
benefit from the low interest rates and borrow money. As the spending and borrowing slowly increase, the
economy recovers.
During economic recovery, people take advantage of low prices and interest rates. This results in money
being injected into the economy. More resources become available and there is increased demand for
products. Businesses will earn more money and, because there is more demand, employers will increase
the working hours of their employees, who will similarly earn more money. Having more money encourages
consumers to increase their spending. As this continues to happen across all sectors, the economy will
experience an economic boom.
Think it through
1 Hypothesise about work in the future. Will current trends continue to move away from traditional forms of
2 Analyse the impact of these predictions on an individual’s ability to manage their multiple-role expectations.
3 The following two questions are from past HSC papers. Create your own questions from this section of the syllabus.
They can include a range of marks, and should use various key terms from the Board of Studies glossary of key words.
• Critically discuss the impact of social factors on changing work patterns. (12 marks)
• Evaluate the impacts that social, legal and technological change have had on current trends in patterns of
work. (15 marks)
Part time
Job share
➞ ➞
1 What conclusions about full-time and permanent working patterns can you draw from the table?
2 The service industry is one of the fastest growing industries. Outline changes to working patterns caused
by this.
Child aged 0–3 Child aged 4–6 Child aged 7–12 Child aged 13–23
months(1): 59 400 months(1): 57 800 months(1): 69 600 months(1): 18 700
Transitions, Australia, Nov 2011 (Cat. No. 4913.0).
Workplace structures
The following structures have been implemented in workplaces to meet the rights of employers and
employees: legislation, work conditions, trade unions, flexible work patterns and practices, workplace
culture and leave entitlements. How employers and employees respond to their responsibilities will
impact on the overall achievement of wellbeing for both parties. There is likely to be greater efficiency in
the workplace if employer and employee wellbeing is achieved.
Workplace structures
• Legislation
• Work conditions
• Trade unions
• Flexible work patterns
and practices
• Workplace culture
• Leave entitlements
Health and safety
Despite media messages and education programs, a large number of work-related illnesses and injuries
still occur. The Australian Government is responsible for reducing the number of injuries, illnesses and
fatalities in Australian workplaces and, in 2011, updated previous laws to form the Work Health and Safety
Act 2011 (Cth) (WHS). This legislation seeks to not only act as a safety net to prevent injury and illness, but
also to reduce the costs associated with work-related injury, such as legal, rehabilitation and medical costs.
The major aim of the WHS Act is to protect the health and safety of workers. This primary duty of care is
imposed on a ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (known as a PCBU) (Work Health and Safety Act
2011 (Cth) Part 2) – this is basically the same role as an ‘employer’ under the outdated Occupational Health and
reasonably practicable Safety Act 2004 (Cth). It is their duty to ensure (if it is reasonably practicable) that risk is minimised for themselves,
That which is, or was workers (including contractors and volunteers) and others, including customers or visitors to the workplace.
at a particular time,
The PCBU must ensure the provision and maintenance of (WorkCover NSW, 2013):
reasonably able to be
• a work environment without risks to health and safety
done to ensure health
and safety, taking into • a safe plant and structures
account and weighing • safe systems of work.
up all relevant matters To achieve this:
including: a) the • anyone at risk must receive any information, training or supervision that is necessary for their protection
likelihood of the hazard
• there must be adequate access to facilities/equipment to reduce the risk
or the risk concerned
occurring, b) the • health and conditions must be monitored for the purpose of preventing illness or injury.
degree of harm that The PCBU must modify the environment and remove all hazards at their source rather than relying on
might result from the employees to modify their behaviour.
hazard or the risk, and
c) what the person The responsibilities of the PCBU to provide a safe working environment
concerned knows, or
ought reasonably to The hazard Modifying the workplace to make it safer Safer than relying on employees
know, about the hazard Amputation of fingers The machine must have a guide or emergency Much safer than just training people to
or risk, and ways of and deep lacerations mechanism that stops it from moving if any body be careful
eliminating or minimising while cutting meat with parts are in danger; it will not let you make a
the risk (Safe Work
an electric slicer mistake
Australia, 2011)
Risk of sunburn from Suitable work gear (clothing) and overhead shade Better than simply providing sunscreen
working outdoors cloth; for example, shade cloth over public outdoor and relying on employees to use it
swimming pools for swimming teachers, and
school playgrounds for teachers
Workers also maintain responsibilities in the workplace – they must take responsibility for their own
health and safety and ensure they do not impact on the health and safety of others. They also must
conform to any reasonable instructions set out by the WHS policies and procedures.
ISBN: 9780170347990
Check for understanding
2 Copy the table into your notebook. Complete the table by analysing two work health and safety hazards that
can be prevented in the workplace.
The hazard Modifying the workplace to Safer than relying on
make it safer employees
Employee/customer slipping over on a
wet floor
Employee straining their back lifting a
patient in a nursing home or hospital
Think it through
1 Why was it important for the Australian Government to streamline the different workplace safety laws to create
the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth)?
2 Explain how work health and safety laws meet the rights of the employee.
3 Explain the relationship between work health and safety and the efficiency of a workplace.
Think it through
Discuss the capacity for Equal Employment Opportunity to create efficiency in the workplace.
The general entitlements covered by each government’s award systems between 1983 and the present day
are outlined below.
Hawke–Keating Labor Government award system: 1983–96
• Minimum wage
• Set number or spread of working hours an individual can work (standard hours)
• Sick leave and annual leave (could not be cashed out)
• Parental leave, carers’ leave and long-service leave
• Superannuation entitlements
• Public holiday leave
• Overtime pay
• Allowances
• Weekend and shiftwork rates of pay
• Redundancy pay
• Rest breaks
• Incentive-based pay (including indirect payments)
Howard Coalition Government award system: 1996–2007
• Minimum wage based on job classification, starting at $484 a week (before tax)
• Four weeks’ paid annual leave, of which two weeks could be cashed out at the request of an employee
• Paid personal/carers’ leave, including sick leave, of 10 days a year, plus a further 2 days of unpaid carers’
leave if all paid leave has been used up
• Parental leave of up to 52 weeks, unpaid, after the birth or adoption of a child for the primary caregiver
• A standard working week of 38 hours, averaged over a year, but not tightly enforced
Gillard/Rudd Labor Government award system: 2010–2013
• Minimum wage (as at July 2013) for adults was $622.10 per week (before tax)
• Facilitation of flexible work arrangements (e.g. permanent or casual) for type of work performed
• Penalty rates for employees working unsocial, irregular or unpredictable hours on weekends and public
holidays, and for shift workers
• Overtime rates
• Minimum annualised wage or salary for each industry
• Allowances (e.g. work-related and expense-related allowances)
• Leave entitlements:
› 20 days of paid annual leave (25 days for some shift workers)
› 10 days of paid personal/carers’ leave
› 2 days of unpaid carers leave
› 2 days of paid compassionate leave
› 12 months of unpaid parental leave
• Superannuation
• Dispute resolution processes
• Unfair dismissal laws
• Paid Parental Leave (for children born or adopted from 1 Jan 2011): Primary carer eligible if they have
an income of $150 000 or less and have worked at least one day a week for at least 10 of the 13 months
before the birth or adoption of the child. Entitlement is pay for 18 weeks at the National Minimum Wage
($622.10 a week before tax). Recipient’s employer pays. PPL is taxable income and does not include
superannuation contributions.
• Dad and Partner Pay (from January 2013): A 2-week payment, paid at the National Minimum Wage, made
available to working fathers or partners
Grievance procedures
A grievance is a formal communication of dissatisfaction about a work situation or incident. It can be made grievance
by an employee or, in some cases, a group of employees. A grievance procedure is a formal process A formal communication
of dissatisfaction about a
that employees may follow to resolve a grievance. It may be either set out in the award and therefore
work situation or incident
used by entire industries, or developed by individual employers. An example of a grievance procedure is
shown below.
When a dispute cannot be resolved, it may be referred to a third party, such as the Australian Industrial grievance procedure
A formal process that
Relations Commission or the Antidiscrimination Board. A commissioner will be employed to hear both
employees may follow to
sides of the complaint. To resolve the conflict, the commissioner will either require both sides to negotiate resolve a grievance
on some issues or develop strategies that can be put in place to resolve the complaint.
Experience of
Avoid the
Exit the workplace Voice the conflict
Think it through
1 Explain how the modern award system and grievance procedures meet the rights of and create responsibilities for
employers and employees.
2 ‘Awards and grievance procedures create greater efficiency in the workplace.’ Evaluate the accuracy of this
Trade unions
The first organised industrial action in Australia occurred in 1791, when convicts in Sydney demanded daily
instead of weekly rations. However, it wasn’t until the rise of unionism in 1860 that New South Wales’ first
trade union trade unions commenced, forming and recruiting members.
An organisation that Trade unions are organisations that have been created by workers for the purpose of protecting and
has been created by
advancing their interests and wellbeing. They will fight on behalf of employees to:
workers for the purpose
of protecting and
• maximise the wages and salaries of their members
advancing their interests • preserve and protect awards
and wellbeing • provide job security – they will challenge redundancies, negotiate consent packages and ensure correct
termination payments
• create a safe and healthy workplace
• ensure equality between men and women
• ensure equal employment opportunity is enforced by representing an employee with, for example,
sexual harassment or discrimination claims.
Over the years, trade unions have played a large role in the creation of fairer working conditions.
A womens liberation group demonstrating for equal opportunities for Trade unionists lobbying for citizenship for Indigenous
women outside the Sydney Town Hall, 11 November 1972 Australians, Brisbane May Day procession, 1966
Flexible work patterns and practices (e.g. job share, flexible work
Businesses need to use flexible work patterns and practices to maintain and attract new skilled staff.
Flexible working practices include:
• flexible start and finishing times (including staggered start and finishing times)
• flexible rostering
• leave arrangements that are flexible and negotiable
• rostered days off
• regular but quality part-time work (work pattern)
• working remotely (work pattern)
• job sharing (work pattern)
• career breaks
• the ability to make up work hours in case of emergency.
There are various benefits to be gained from flexible working arrangements.
• Employing someone part time or two people in a job-sharing situation will generally increase
productivity. This may be because there is a shorter time period to achieve working goals, which can
motivate employees. However, if communication between colleagues is not clear, productivity may
diminish through jobs being completed twice or not at all. Incomplete tasks and frustrations would
impact negatively upon the wellbeing of employees and the employer.
• Having the option to job share or undertake part-time work gives new parents, those recovering from
illness or injury (physical wellbeing) and those caring for someone else the choice to continue to work
while also meeting the needs of others (emotional wellbeing). Being able to work allows for economic
wellbeing (through wages and the accumulation of superannuation), social contact with other adults
and the maintenance of skills. Working part time also allows young people to build the skills required
for their career while fulfilling study obligations.
• Working from home can save time and money. Time is saved by not having to travel to work, and money
is saved on public transport and/or petrol costs, car maintenance and work clothes. Childcare costs may
also be saved as work may be structured around children’s sleeping patterns.
Think it through
1 ‘Flexible work practices benefit employee and employer wellbeing equally.’ Discuss.
2 Analyse how employee wellbeing equates to efficiency in the workplace. Reference flexible work patterns and
workplace culture
practices to support your argument.
The feelings or
atmosphere and
environment created
by a business for Workplace culture (e.g. childcare, prayer room, kitchen)
employees, employers
Have you ever walked into a business and felt an emotional response or had a reaction to it based on first
and the wider public
impressions? If the answer is ‘yes’, those feelings or first impressions are more than likely a reflection of
the workplace culture. The music, the colours or the way the staff
interacted with each other may have contributed to your emotional
Workplace culture can be dictated by such things as the size of
the workplace, the hierarchy of employees, the employees’ attire
and the level of interaction between staff.
Child care
A workplace that provides access to child care is said to have a
family-friendly culture.
• If a childcare centre is located in the workplace building, parents
may even be able to spend lunchtimes with their child. This is also
extremely convenient for breastfeeding mothers.
• Having referral services or reserved places takes the ‘guess work’
Fairfax Syndication
out of finding a safe and suitable childcare centre. This is now one
of the biggest inhibitors for women returning to the workforce.
By creating a family-friendly culture, employers will benefit by
having skilled women return to work after having children. This
Businesses can create a ‘family friendly’ culture by allowing their will reduce retraining costs and increase productivity, as their
employees flexible working hours or providing on-site childcare previous training will allow them to fit straight back into the working
centres such as this centre at MLC in North Sydney. environment.
Prayer rooms
To create an environment free from discrimination and vilification,
employers should ensure that their workplaces are welcoming to
people of all faiths. While it is not yet required by law, employers can
create a space that fosters greater inclusivity at work. Having a multi-
faith prayer room acknowledges that some religions are required to
observe ceremonial activities during working hours.
Have you ever heard the saying ‘around the water cooler’? It refers
to the informal discussions of a workplace, in which people can trade
gossip, discuss sporting teams or make after-work or weekend plans.
Kitchens create a space where relationships between employees and
employers can be fostered and developed. By encouraging these
relationships, employers can hope to reduce conflict and increase
Water-cooler conversations often centre around sporting teams.
Think it through
1 Create links between social wellbeing and workplace culture.
2 Explain how the creation of a positive workplace culture can lead to greater workplace efficiency.
The regulations and entitlements surrounding each type of leave are discussed next.
Carers’ leave
Carers’ leave is paid leave that enables individuals to care for a:
• spouse, de-facto spouse or same-sex partner
• child, including adopted, foster, ex-nuptial or stepchild
• parent, including foster parent or legal guardian
• grandparent, grandchild or sibling.
Employees are able to use their sick leave as carers’ leave, as they are likely to have accrued more sick
leave over time.
Effect on efficiency
When employees have paid time off to care for their dependants, spouses or parents, they can return
to work and remain productive without worrying about their home situation. There will be less animosity
and conflict between employers and employees, as there will be open communication and therefore
understanding; employees will not have to be sneaky or lie about why they are not attending work.
Workers who continually take time off to care for others may cause frustration for their fellow employees.
This may impact on their workloads, which will lead to a reduction in productivity and lower staff morale.
Think it through
Discuss how the wellbeing of parents who access carers’ leave may or may not be met.
Long-service leave
Long-service leave is 2 months of paid leave after 10 years of service with the same employer and 1 month
of paid leave for each additional 5 years of service.
Think it through
Discuss how the wellbeing of parents who access long-service leave may be affected.
Annual leave
Employees under the Annual Holidays Act 1944 (NSW) are entitled to 4 weeks annual holidays each year.
It can be used in one, two, three or four separate blocks if agreed to by both employer and employee, and
can only be taken after the 1-year anniversary of employment.
Effect on efficiency
Annual leave gives workers time off to recuperate or rejuvenate away from work. This time off enables
workers to return to work happier and healthier, which increases staff morale and productivity. Where
employers dictate when annual leave must be taken, efficiency may be reduced as a result of employees
being unhappy about having to meet their employer’s requirements rather than their own.
Think it through
Discuss how the wellbeing of parents who access annual leave may be affected.
Parental leave
The NES has established a set of minimums for unpaid parental leave and covers all situations relating
to birth-related leave (including stillbirth), adoption leave and leave for those in de facto same-sex
Parental leave can be taken as a new mother, a new father or as a same-sex partner (either through
birth or adoption). Continuous unpaid leave can be taken for up to 52 weeks (12 months). Employees
can request a further 52 weeks of continuous leave in writing; this may be refused if there are reasonable
business grounds to do so. An employee couple (both partners are in paid employment) are not entitled
to more than 24 months between them. This means a mother can take 52 weeks of leave and then she or
her partner can request a further 52 weeks.
Generally, parents will take their leave separately over the agreed period of time, though both parents
in an employee couple may take unpaid leave at the same time for a maximum of eight weeks.
Effect on efficiency
By giving employees time off (whether paid or unpaid) and the right to return to work, employers are
enabling skilled parents to return to the workplace. These skilled workers are invaluable to the workplace
as they are associated with less training costs, increased staff morale and productivity (as these trained
employees understand the expectations set for them). Organisational efficiency is also improved through
long-service leave and the associated employee loyalty.
For males, there may be an unspoken pressure or workplace culture that questions masculinity and
discourages them from taking time off after the birth of their child. While this will retain productivity for the
present, in the future there may be built-up frustration or disgruntlement that leads to an early resignation.
Think it through
1 Discuss how the wellbeing of parents who access parental leave may be affected.
Department of Human 2 Refer to the Department of Human Services Centrelink website to see what the current parental leave payments
Services – Centrelink are. You can link to this directly via http://cafs.nelsonnet.com.au.
Think it through
1 Can males and females both access carers’ leave, long-service leave, annual leave and parental leave?
2 Examine why males may have greater access to long-service leave.
3 Perceptions of gender may influence access to carers’ and parental leave. How relevant is this for males and
females in the labour force?
4 Discuss the rights males and females have when accessing leave entitlements.
5 Evaluate the following statement. ‘There are inequalities for males and females accessing leave entitlements.’
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Devising strategies will enable all workers to meet their individual needs and the needs of their employer.
Think it through
1 Outline the work patterns and occupations that may make it difficult to maintain a work–life balance.
2 Choose a work pattern or an occupation and devise strategies an employee could implement to ensure they have
work–life balance.
Leadership roles generally mean more responsibility, and the expenditure of more time and energy.
Individuals may take on leadership roles in many areas, including employment, parenting, volunteering,
recreation and religion.
Unfortunately, leadership positions come with drawbacks. With responsibility, there is accountability.
In times of failure or success, the leader must show what decisions were made and why they were made.
High stress, or even elation, may impact on the leader’s emotional wellbeing. When hard decisions must be
made, which the group or team do not understand, the leader may experience separation. In these cases,
the leader must employ strategies, such as accessing support, to maintain their own and the group’s morale.
Parenting is a role with no time boundaries. Parenting is a 24/7 job with
limitless responsibilities.
Children’s needs will differ depending on their age. Younger, more
dependent children will need support in all aspects of their lives. During this
time, parents may maintain work–life balance by accessing technology (such
as internet shopping) and informal support (for example, grandparents).
As children get older, they will rely on their parents less. This will increase
the time parents have for other roles, such as employment, or hobbies and
Parenting can be costly, and the high costs of child care may influence
the number of other roles a parent may take on; for example, a parent may
choose to stay at home and look after their children rather than taking on paid
Kate Rayner
There are many areas in which an individual may
volunteer their time. Where they volunteer will usually
relate to their values. For example, individuals may
volunteer in legal aid, toy libraries and hospitals, or they
may volunteer as gardeners, Telecross phone operators,
language interpreters, drivers for the disabled, PCYC
sport coordinators or Little Athletics coaches.
As volunteering is in the not-for-profit-sector, there is
no financial benefit, which means financial employment
is usually required to fulfil basic needs. This can make it
difficult to maintain a work–life balance. To manage their
Kate Rayner
Think it through
1 Create a list of technologies that could assist a volunteer to maintain their work–life balance.
Recognising a higher power in your life is a commitment. The level of commitment will dictate the time
spent and the roles an individual will adopt. An individual may have to adopt a set of behaviours or meet
expectations set out by the religious practice, such as prayer, baptism, confession, meditation, fasting,
pilgrimage or the observance of special days. Belief systems may dictate when these practices must be
observed, thus impacting on other roles such as work, parenting or study.
A recreational activity is a non-work activity done for relaxation, enjoyment, or entertainment. Recreation
or leisure activities may create some responsibilities, though they are usually outweighed by the actual
activity. Therefore, this personal commitment can help create a work–life balance.
Continuing education either at TAFE, university or another educational facility is a commitment with
external deadlines. Educational courses have a set timeline in which a planned set of outcomes must be
achieved. This requires individuals to spend time researching and absorbing information, attending classes
(either online or face-to-face), and completing assignments.
Some individuals may take on study directly after the HSC and balance their study with other roles, such
as part-time work. Others may study at night to further their career while fulfilling full-time employment
responsibilities during the day. Some new mothers may take on study while on parental leave, allowing
them to maintain and increase their skills – and perhaps their earning capacity – for when they return to
work full time.
Managing resources
Resources can be interchanged or substituted. Their intelligent use can assist individuals to effectively
manage their multiple commitments. By using sustainable resources, individuals are able to reduce
spending and support the environment as well.
Interchangeability of resources
The tasks that parents prioritise will be influenced by financial resources, family values and goals. Strategies
that could be used to save time include:
• using labour-saving devices, such as microwaves and rice cookers
• car pooling (this usually takes more time, but can save on petrol and toll costs)
• interchanging finance; for example, paying for electricity but saving time by using a dryer instead of
hanging out clothes (however, this is not a sustainable use of resources)
• paying for cleaners, rather than using time and energy
• shopping over the internet
• cooking at home rather than buying takeaway (to save money).
To remain sustainable, a resource needs to be able to replenish itself at an equal or faster rate than that at
which it is consumed – therefore it is not likely to run out. In some cases, sustainable living may take more
time and energy, but can save on money. In many cases, there is an initial economic outlay, followed by
significant savings. Examples of sustainable practices include:
• using solar energy rather than electricity
• reading the newspaper on a tablet rather than in printed form
• using a smart phone to take a photo rather than printing out information
• having a compost bin for kitchen and bathroom scraps (such as hair and tissues) that can later be used
in the garden
• refilling and reusing ink cartridges
• having chickens in the yard; chickens are a natural fertiliser, they produce organic eggs daily and
consume all the bugs and weeds; they can also be fed on food scraps and provide activities for children.
Many of these sustainable behaviours not only help the environment, but can contribute to a more
‘simple’ life for individuals. Simplicity can support work–life balance.
Alamy/BWAC Images
driers have eliminated the need for ironing.
• The fast-food industry has become a multi-billion-
dollar one. In dual-income families and single-parent
homes, parents may have less time to prepare
and cook healthy meals that adhere to the dietary Busy workers can save time but still prepare healthy and fresh meals
guidelines. This may result in a higher frequency of by using pre-prepared salads and vegetables.
going to fast-food outlets or buying takeaway.
• Supermarkets also have many fresh foods that could be considered labour saving. Chopped up fruits
and salads, marinated meats and pre-cooked meals requiring only reheating all save on preparation
and cooking time.
• Technology in cooking appliances (for example, blenders and dicers) has reduced preparation time and
cleaning time. For example, non-stick teflon has eliminated the harsh scrubbing of pots and pans.
Accessing support
In Australia, many formal support networks, such as child care, are available to
employees; however, many of these supports come at a cost and require parents
to budget and allocate resources to use them. For those who may not have the
extra income, informal support networks are a useful alternative. Relying on
friends, relatives and neighbours can give busy parents a more cost-effective
substitute to a paid service. Other advantages of using informal support networks
over a structured service include:
• access on short notice as no appointment is necessary
• family, friends or relatives can be trusted
• the favour can often be reciprocated
• bonds that can be created
• informal support networks may be physically closer.
Think it through
1 An individual may not ask for help because they feel like a burden or do not know
who to ask. Describe the steps you would put in place to resolve these issues.
Kate Rayner
2 Create a table of formal and informal support networks that individuals could access
in a range of situations. Use the column headings given in the sample table below.
Support network Formal/informal Role of the Aspect of wellbeing One of the major benefits of accessing an informal
support network it supports support is the bond that is created.
Think it through
1 Explain why work–life balance can be difficult for some people to achieve.
2 Discuss the implications for individuals when they take on more than one of the roles on pages 328–30.
3 Examine situations where each of the following strategies can be used.
• Negotiating and sharing roles
• Managing resources
• Technology
• Accessing formal support
• Accessing informal support
• Utilising workplace structures
4 Evaluate the accessibility of the above strategies for a range of workers.
Issues that impact on youth employment
The United Nations defines youth as those aged between 15–24 years (United Nations Department
of Economic and Social Affairs, 2013). Youth is usually a time of transition between formal education
(schooling and tertiary education) and employment. For young people, this is a significant time of change.
Youth need to learn the skills to adapt from a financially dependent teen to an independent working adult.
Many of these skills cannot be learned in a classroom; they are instead built on life experiences and hands-
on experiences within a workplace.
occupations and roles within a workplace will begin the process of developing a career plan. Starting this Australia’s Careers
process later in schooling creates pressure and may lead to poor decisions.
Jiig-cal Australia
The process of preparing and planning for a career can be broken down into three main areas:
Australian JobSearch
1 study
2 training and hands-on experience Career FAQs
3 marketing yourself.
See the mind map below to further understand the process. Aspects of this process will change
depending on the chosen career, but ‘marketing yourself’ will apply no matter what your choices are. By
acknowledging each of these areas and applying them, a young person can optimise their employment
prospects. For a detailed understanding of how to plan for a career, see the case study below.
Steps taken to
University/ TVET/VET
Study prepare and plan
TAFE courses
for a career
Planning for a career involves studying and/or on-the-job training in a particular field. Regardless of the
method chosen to plan for a career, it is important to gain skills in ‘marketing yourself’ to optimise your
employment prospects.
School is the most important place to begin your career development. There are many subject choices
available to help you create an idea of your likes and dislikes; whether you might prefer to work indoors or
Once you have studied and/or undertaken training, you need to present yourself in a marketable way to
prospective employers. Marketing yourself is important whether you are applying for a retail entry-level job,
a managerial job at a volunteer agency or for your first job in your chosen career.
Marketing yourself on paper is the first step in getting your foot in the door, so your résumé must present
you in the best possible way, and clearly outline your studies and experience, as well as your finest
achievements. Reading others successful résumés and looking at different ways of formatting a résumé can
help you to create something that is clear and easily read. There are many online and computer programs
that are step-by-step résumé builders.
Your résumé must include your contact details, including your email address. Therefore, ensure your
email address is suitable for a prospective employer. It should comprise of your first and last name or
initials, if possible, and should not include inappropriate words or anything suggestive. For example,
‘Princeofhearts_101@hotmail.com’ and ‘babe-a-licious@gmail.com’ send the wrong message.
Additionally, ensure that you remove any incriminating or compromising photos or posts from the internet
on social media sites such as Facebook. Employers may look at prospective employees’ Facebook and
Twitter accounts.
Core skills for work
The Core Skills for Work Framework (CSfW) (previously known as Employability Skills for the Future) was
produced in 2013 by the Australian Government. It describes a set of non-technical skills, knowledge and
understandings that underpin successful participation in work (p. 1). Ten skill areas are clustered into
three groups:
• Cluster 1: Navigate the world of work
› Manage career and work life
› Work with roles, rights and protocols
• Cluster 2: Interact with others
› Communicate for work
› Connect and work with others
› Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives
• Cluster 3: Get the work done
› Plan and organise
› Make decisions
› Identify and solve problems
› Create and innovate
› Work in a digital world
People who possess these skills display employability and are highly desired by employers. Personal
attributes that relate to these skills and increase the chances of employment include loyalty, commitment,
honesty, enthusiasm, reliability, common sense, humour, adaptability, confidence, ability to deal with
pressure and having a balanced attitude about work and home life. Demonstrating punctuality, initiative,
tech-savviness, and your ability to work within a team and self-manage will help you to market yourself
for your chosen job.
Time of year
The participation of young people in the labour force will depend of the time of year. There are certain
seasons within the year that create peaks in participation. From April to October there is usually a small
change in participation, and from November to March there are major increases in participation. These
increases coincide with school and university holidays, the completion of formal education for HSC leavers
and the Christmas/holiday period.
Job type
The type of job a young person takes on will usually dictate the working pattern. There is a large percentage
of young people working in the service industry (that is, in hospitality and retail. Many of these jobs are
demand-based so employers require workers during peak seasons such as the Christmas/holiday period).
Today there is also a 24-hour demand in places such as fast-food restaurants and large retail outlets.
Workers will generally be hired as casual employees.
Career choice
For young people who have left school and taken up traineeships (for example, in real estate or child care) or
apprenticeships (for example, in carpentry or hairdressing), working patterns will differ from those combining
work and study. These workers can be hired full time, part time, or as school-based apprentices (SBAT). The
number of hours an SBAT works, and when they work, differs between states and territories – some may
complete the paid work on weekends, while others will be required to work during the school week.
For individuals working towards careers that require university degrees or other tertiary studies, a
balance must be achieved. These young people will require flexibility within their work pattern.
Think it through
On 13 December 2013, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that Australians were projected to spend $18 billion
on Christmas, with a further $4.3 billion to be spent on entertainment and going out during the holiday period
(Business day, 2013).
1 What does this mean for employment during the Christmas period?
2 When minimum wages are based on age, who is most likely to benefit from this spending?
3 With the increase in online shopping over the Christmas period, propose what might happen to youth
employment during the Christmas period in the future.
4 Why is there a large proportion of young people in the hospitality and retail industries?
5 Examine why employers may choose to hire casual employees rather than full-time or part-time workers during
the Christmas period.
6 Explain the impacts (positive and negative) that working casual hours may have on the wellbeing of young workers.
Youth are at a disadvantage when it comes to employment. Their lack of skills, experience and work-related
connections make it difficult to access employment. The employment opportunities that are on offer are low
skilled and may be low paying. However, they are suitable for many young people who are balancing study
and other commitments.
Social factors such as technology may contribute to youth unemployment, as advancements in technology
can make redundant roles that were once suitable for young workers.
• The installation of self-service machines within supermarkets and shopping centres have limited the
demand for cashiers or ‘check-out chicks’. Workers in such roles are generally under 24 years.
• There has been a significant decrease in the demand for retail assistants with the continued rise of
internet shopping. Today we can shop online for anything, including groceries, clothes, electronics, books
and car parts. Many retail jobs were previously filled by unskilled workers under the age of 24 years.
Advancements in technology can also have positive effects. Young people are now able to access jobs
online, and benefit from email or SMS alerts. This means that when new jobs come up, young people can
see them and respond quickly.
Answer the following questions to gain a greater understanding of the issues youth face.
1 Create a list of roles a young person may commit to; for example, school, part-time job, sporting
commitments, music lessons.
2 Discuss the positives and negatives of young people having jobs.
3 Evaluate the statement ‘Work supports young people to manage multiple roles’.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2011). Pregnancy and employment transitions, Australia, Nov 2011 (Cat.
No. 4913.0). Canberra: ABS.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2012). Employee earnings and hours, Australia, May 2012 (Cat no. 6306.0).
Canberra: ABS.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Labour force, Australia, Oct 2013 (Cat. no. 6202.0). Canberra: ABS.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2014). Labour Force, Australia, Jan 2014 (Cat no. 6202.0). Canberra: ABS.
Business Day (2013). $18b in Christmas spending. The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 December. http://www.
Coalition of Australia. (2013). The Coalition’s policy to create jobs by boosting productivity. Canberra.
Commonwealth Government Departments of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research
and Tertiary Education; and Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2013). Core Skills for Work
Developmental Framework. Canberra: Commonwealth Government Australia.
Ernst & Young Australia. (2013). In his own words: The male perspective on gender diversity. http://www.
Marszaled, J. & Gothe-Snape, J. (2013). Childcare costs keep NSW mums out of the workforce. The
Telegraph, 21 July. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/childcare-costs-keep-nsw-mums-out-of-
Safe Work Australia. (2011). Interpretive guideline – model Work Health and Safety Act – the meaning
of ‘reasonably practicable’. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/
WorkCover NSW. (2013). Duties of a person conducting a business or undertaking. Sydney: New South
Wales government. http://workcover.nsw.gov.au/newlegislation2012/Employersandbusinesses/Pages/
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) (Austl.).
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2013). Definition of youth. Paris. http://www.