15 Atoms
15 Atoms
15 Atoms
Years 9-10
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Protons, Number The
Electrons, Elements
Mass Numbers
Structure How
History of Models are
Atomic Tested
& Patterns of the
Elements Periodic Table
Introduction to Electrons in
Chemical Bonding their Orbits
Filling the
Names &
of a Full
Formulas of
Outer Orbit
Simple Ionic
Compounds Electrons Electron
& the Configuration
Formation Periodic
of Ions Table
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Make your own “Mind-Map” TITLE PAGE.
Cut out the boxes. Sort them into an appropriate lay-out on a page of your
workbook, then glue them down. Add connecting arrows and colour in.
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However, this rather artistic image is The electrons have a lot of energy and
wildly inaccurate in size proportions, move rapidly. They would instantly fly
and in the numbers of smaller particles off in all directions except for their
shown. electrical attraction to the protons in the
Here is another “model” atom. Its
proportions are wrong as well, but it So, the orbit of an electron is the
does show electrons in different orbits, “balance” between its fast movement
which we believe to be accurate. and the electrical attraction pulling it
Structure towards the nucleus.
of an -
ATOM Protons in the nucleus repel each other
electron (-))
electrically, so why doesn’t the nucleus
fly apart?
Nucleus contains
PROTONS (+) and The protons and neutrons in the
nucleus are held together by an even
more powerful force called simply the
We use various “models” to depict “strong nuclear force”. This force easily
atoms... none of the models is perfect! overpowers electrical repulsion.
13 protons 29 protons
13 electrons 29 electrons
14 neutrons 34 neutrons
(not all shown here)
Every atom
Every atom of of copper
aluminium is the same. is the same.
Remember it is the protons (+ve) and If you are told that a certain atom has
the electrons (-ve) which carry an (say) 8 protons, then you know it must
electrical charge. (Neutrons have no charge.) have 8 electrons and its “Atomic
Number” = 8.
Since the numbers of electrons and
protons are always equal, they cancel This is enough to identify it as an atom
out and so atoms have no overall of oxygen with the characteristic
electrical charge. properties of that element.
Actually, it isn’t quite true that every atom of an element is exactly the same.
The number of neutrons can vary. However, the number of protons & electrons
is always equal, and is a fixed number for each chemical element.
For simplicity (K.I.S.S. Principle!) we will continue to use the
concept that atoms of any given element are identical.
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uranium gold
You may find many
more that you have
heard of. Here are
just a few that are 92
commonly known. U
13 “Atomic Number”
The elements are numbered, in order, across and then down the table.
This puts the elements in a numerical order, but it also tells you how
many electrons & protons in each atom.
Al Chemical Symbol
Each element has a short-h hand symbol. It is always one capital letter,
OR if 2 letters, always a capital followed by a lower case letter.
Worksheet 1
Atoms & Elements Student Name.............................................
Fill in the blank spaces. The atoms of one element are
k)................. to atoms of another element
Everything is made up of a).................... because they have different numbers of
Each atom is made of smaller particles. l)....................., ....................... and
b)...................... (carry a +ve charge) and ............................
c)....................... (no charge) are in the
central d)............................. In orbit The number of m)...................................
around this are the e)............................, or ........................ in an atom is called the
which carry f)....................... electrical n) “.....................” Number. The elements
charge. are arranged in order of this number in
the o).............................. Table.
The number of g)...................... is always
equal to the number of h)........................., The relative mass of an atom depends
so electrical charges are i)....................... on how many p)........................ plus
......................... it contains. (The
An element is a substance made up q).......................... are not counted
entirely of j).......................... .................. because their mass is insignificant).
He decided that matter was probably He reasoned that each element must have
made of ultimate “units” of matter. He unique atoms which react and combine
called them “atomus”, which means with each other in simple ratios.
something that cannot be cut or
divided. Atomic Model H
Unbreakable Cu
Atomic Model spheres. Each
Unbreakable element has different
atoms with different Pb
particles; a
different particle for each weights and properties.
different substance.
For about 90 years during the 19th century, there was little progress on the
knowledge of atoms. Chemical Science made progress: many new elements were
discovered, the Periodic Table was invented, new processes and
new substances were discovered, but nothing new about atoms.
The key to progress was electricity...
Niels Bohr, Danish 1913 In the 1920’s it became clear that protons and
electrons could NOT account for all the mass of
Bohr worked out mathematically that atoms. There must be another type of particle,
the electrons in Rutherford’s model probably with no electrical charge... neutrons.
must be in precise, layered orbits.
James Chadwick, English 1932
This arrangement instantly explained
the mystery of “spectral lines” which Chadwick devised a clever experiment
are observed when atoms absorb or to prove the existence of the
emit energy. It also explained the hypothetical “neutrons”.
“valency” of different elements and Sure enough, he found them!
how chemical bonds can form.
Atomic Model
Atomic Model Atomic nucleus contains
Electrons are in precise protons and neutrons.
orbits which have
an exact amount of Electrons orbit the
energy. nucleus in “Bohr”
energy levels.
Only a certain maximum number of
electrons can fit in each orbit. Much more has been learned about
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (1915)
atoms since the 1930’s.
gave a possible explanation for the “nuclear force” However, the atomic model above is
which might hold the nucleus together. still useful for you to learn Chemistry.
The first “atom bomb” proved the theory correct. This is the model we will use here.
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Worksheet 3
History of Atomic Theory Student Name.............................................
Fill in the blank spaces. Ernest h).............................. tried to test
this model in 1911. His famous
The earliest known theory of atoms was experiment with i)...................-particles
put forward by a).............................., an led to the idea that atoms must have a
ancient Greek. tiny j)............................., with the
electrons k)........................... around it.
The first modern atomic theory was
proposed by b)............................. in 1808. Neils l).......................... (1913) showed
He suggested that each chemical mathematically that the orbits must
c).............................. was made up of have exact amounts of m).........................
identical, unbreakable spheres. and each can hold a maximum number
of n)..................................
Almost 100 years later, the d)...................
was discovered by e)......................... His The positive charge was found to be
model was called the f) “................ carried by o).........................., but the
Pudding Model”, because it involved known particles could not account for
each atom being a g)..........................- all the p)...................... of atoms. The
charged sphere with electrons discovery of the q)....................... by
embedded in it. r)................................ (1932) gave us the
model still useful for Chemistry.
P .......................................
Q .......................................
R .......................................
S .......................................
1. T .......................................
Use the letters P,Q,R,S & T to list the
models in correct time order. 3. List the 3 atomic particles in the order
in which they were discovered.
.......... ............ .............. ............ .............. ..................... ....................... .....................
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Only when he was convinced that the Importantly, his mathematics also
unexpected results were valid did he explained perfectly a strange
realise the truth... Thomson’s model phenomenon called “spectral lines”
was wrong! which had been known in detail for over
30 years, but could never be explained.
This doesn’t mean Thomson had failed.
His model was a good one for what was Bohr’s orbits also explained perfectly
known in 1904. When Rutherford found the observed details of chemical
out more facts, the Thomson model had “valency” which governs how atoms
to be discarded and replaced. join together when compounds are
Thomson would have been pleased that
his model led to the Rutherford When a theoretical mathematical analysis
experiment which brought Science a leads to a perfect description of an
step closer to the whole truth. observed set of facts like this, scientists
know that the model must contain some
We are still learning. truth, no matter how weird it might be.
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Transition Metals
Active Metals
Transition Metals
Li Be Active Metals
Na Mg
K Ca
Rb Sr
Cs Ba
Fr Ra
They are relatively soft and low density. These are “typical” metals. Most are
hard and shiny and many have very high
More importantly, they are chemically melting points.
very active and will ignite and burn
violently in air. Included here are metals we use for
tools and machinery, electrical elements
Some will even explode if dropped into and appliances. We use these metals to
water. These have to be stored in build bridges, ships and skyscrapers.
containers filled with oil to keep air and
moisture away. Except for lead, tin and aluminium, all of
our most useful metals are here.
The far right column The Inert Gases “Inert” means “to not
of elements are move or do
all gases. anything”.
Inert Gases He
Their most important Here it refers to
property is that they Kr being chemically
do NOT react Xe inactive. These
chemically with Rn elements will not
anything, so they interact with others.
never form chemical
compounds. Soon you will
find out why.
Practical Uses for Inert Gases
Helium has such low density that it is “lighter than air” and will lift a balloon. It cannot
burn, so it is much safer than hydrogen. Argon is used in welding. A cloud of inert gas
blankets the hot metal and prevents corrosion in air. Neon fills the tubes of “neon lights”.
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Electron Orbits
It is the electrons which control Chemistry.
How an atom interacts with others to form compounds and undergo chemical
reactions, all depends on the number of electrons and how they are arranged.
4+ 6+ 8+ 10+
Li B N F
Be C O Ne
3+ 5+ 7+ 9+
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 2.8.6 2.8.7 2.8.8
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Worksheet 5
Periodic Table Student Name.............................................
Answer the following questions.
For some write numbers or letters on
the blank Periodic Table, as instructed.
Worksheet 6
Electron Arrangements Student Name.............................................
Answer these questions from “first 2. Use the letters A,B,C, etc from Q1 to
principles”, without referring to the answer the following.
Periodic Table.
a) Which element(s) is/are inert gases?
1. Complete this table.
Element Total Electron b) Which element occurs on the
electrons Arrangement
Periodic Table in the same column as
example 11 2.8.1 element “E”?
A 7
B 15 c) Which element occurs on the Periodic
Table in the same column as element
D 18
E 9 d) Which element(s) is/are “Active
F 10 Metals” which occur in the 2 left-hand
columns of the Periodic Table?
G 17
H 20
I 16 e) Which elements have an incomplete
2nd orbit of electrons?
J 12
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on Cl-
Na+ lectr
e The sodium atom loses its outer electron.
(Atoms with an electrical charge) Chloride
2.8 The sodium atom has The chlorine atom has
lost an electron. gained an electron. 2.8.8
It now has 10 electrons (e-), but it has 11 It now has 18 electrons (e-), but it still has 17
protons (p+) in the nucleus. protons (p+) in the nucleus.
This means that it has a surplus This means that it has a surplus
electrical charge of 1+. electrical charge of 1-.
This is now called a “sodium ion”, and it This is now called a “chloride ion”, and it
behaves differently to a sodium atom. behaves differently to a chlorine atom.
These ions now become stuck together These ions are “chemically bonded”
because of their electrical attraction for
each other. (There’s never just 2; Na+ Cl- together. They form the compound
billions of Na+ and Cl- ions join.) sodium chloride, formula NaCl
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Ionic Compounds
When atoms become ions and stick together, they form a new substance.
This is a chemical compound, with different properties to the original elements.
Ionic compounds form crystals, made of billions of ions stuck together.
The diagram represents part of a crystal
of salt. Salt is the ionic compound Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+
It can do so by
reacting with 2
chlorine atoms. 17+
Each chlorine Magnesium atom (Mg) 2 chlorine atoms (Cl)
becomes a become
gains 1 electron to magnesium ion (Mg2+). 2 chloride ions
fill its outer orbit. Notice the charge is 2+ (2 x Cl-).
because 2 electrons Notice the change
are lost. of name.
That’s why the compound formula is
Mg2+ Cl-
(Of course, there will actually be billions
of ions in the crystal lattice)
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The “valency” of an element refers to its “combining ratio”
when it forms compounds with other elements.
For simple ionic compounds, the valency of each element is the same as the
electrical charge that the ion gets when it achieves a full outer orbit of electrons.
3 electrons in 6 electrons in
5 electrons in These all have
outer orbit. outer orbit.
outer orbit. 7 electrons in
Lose 3. Gain 2.
Gain 3. their outer orbit.
Ion charge 3+. Ion charge 2-.
Ion charge 3-. They gain 1
electron, so the
Active Metals ion has charge 1-.
all have either
1 or 2 electrons in
their outer orbit. 1+ Inert Gases
Charge on Ion. 0
full outer orbits.
2+ 3+ 4 3- 2- 1-
They lose the
outer electron(s) They do not gain
and form an ion or lose electrons.
with charge se c They do not form
(Mo Lea ot b ions. They do not
re rrn in ep
1+ or 2+ st a
are div red
and idu icte form compounds.
can ally d.
be .
ore This is why they
are “inert”.
Those lower down (e.g. tin, lead) are metals and lose electrons. Valency 4+.
Aluminium Al 3 3+ Nitrogen N 5 3-
Phosphorus P 5 3-
All these can be easily predicted
from the Periodic Table.
Carbon C 4 4-
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Compound of sodium + chlorine = “sodium chloride”
Compound of barium + oxygen = “barium oxide”
Compound of sulfur + aluminium = “aluminium sulfide”
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Worksheet 7
Atoms Form Ions Student Name.............................................
Fill in the table from “first principles”, without referring to the Periodic Table.
Element Total Electron Gain or How Ion Valency Metal or
electr. Arrange. Lose e-? many? Charge? Non-met?
example 3 2.1 lose 1 1+ 1+ metal
example2 8 2.6 gain 2 2- 2- non-met.
A 13
B 17
C 10
D 19
E 11
F 16
G 12
H 2
I 7
J 18
K 9
L 20
Worksheet 8
Student Name.............................................
Names and Formulas
1. What is the name of the 2. What is the formula of 3. What is the name of a
compound made from the each compound in Q1? compound if its formula is:
a) KBr
a) barium and fluorine? a)
.............................................. .............................................. b) Al2S3
b) sodium and iodine? b)
.............................................. .............................................. c) BaO
c) hydrogen and sulfur? c)
.............................................. .............................................. d) Na3N
d) chlorine & aluminium? d)
.............................................. .............................................. e) MgI2
e) oxygen & calcium? e)
.............................................. .............................................. f) H2O
f) sulfur and barium? f)
.............................................. ..............................................
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outer orbit?
........................................................................ Which of the indicated elements (P,Q,R,etc):
g) What is this element’s valency? a) is/are metal(s)?
................. ..............................
h) Would you expect this element to b) is an inert gas? .................
conduct electricity? Explain your answer. c) would form an ion by losing 1 electron?..............
d) has a valency of 2-?
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Worksheet 7
Element Total Electron Gain or How Ion Valency Metal or
electr. Arrange. Lose e-? many? Charge? Non-met?
example 3 2.1 lose 1 1+ 1+ metal
example2 8 2.6 gain 2 2- 2- non-met.
A 13 2.8.3 lose 3 3+ 3+ metal
B 17 2.8.7 gain 1 1- 1- non-met.
C 10 2.8 neither 0 no ion 0 non-met.
D 19 lose 1 1+ 1+ metal
E 11 2.8.1 lose 1 1+ 1+ metal
F 16 2.8.6 gain 2 2- 2- non-met.
G 12 2.8.2 lose 2 2+ 2+ metal
H 2 2 neither 0 no ion 0 non-met.
I 7 2.5 gain 3 3- 3- non-met.
J 18 2.8.8 neither 0 no ion 0 non-met.
K 9 2.7 gain 1 1- 1- non-met.
L 20 lose 2 2+ 2+ metal
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