The rubric evaluates student group presentations on several criteria:
- Duration: Presentations should be 5-6 minutes long.
- Language and grammar: Presentations should have 3 or fewer grammar mistakes and be clearly comprehensible.
- Organization and cohesiveness: Elements of the video should flow logically into each other with few "bloopers".
- Vocabulary: Students should correctly use most vocabulary terms from class.
- Fluency: Students should speak clearly and confidently while engaging the audience.
- Preparedness: All group members should appear prepared having rehearsed.
- Creativity: Presentations should highlight information creatively using visual aids and interesting language.
The rubric evaluates student group presentations on several criteria:
- Duration: Presentations should be 5-6 minutes long.
- Language and grammar: Presentations should have 3 or fewer grammar mistakes and be clearly comprehensible.
- Organization and cohesiveness: Elements of the video should flow logically into each other with few "bloopers".
- Vocabulary: Students should correctly use most vocabulary terms from class.
- Fluency: Students should speak clearly and confidently while engaging the audience.
- Preparedness: All group members should appear prepared having rehearsed.
- Creativity: Presentations should highlight information creatively using visual aids and interesting language.
The rubric evaluates student group presentations on several criteria:
- Duration: Presentations should be 5-6 minutes long.
- Language and grammar: Presentations should have 3 or fewer grammar mistakes and be clearly comprehensible.
- Organization and cohesiveness: Elements of the video should flow logically into each other with few "bloopers".
- Vocabulary: Students should correctly use most vocabulary terms from class.
- Fluency: Students should speak clearly and confidently while engaging the audience.
- Preparedness: All group members should appear prepared having rehearsed.
- Creativity: Presentations should highlight information creatively using visual aids and interesting language.
The rubric evaluates student group presentations on several criteria:
- Duration: Presentations should be 5-6 minutes long.
- Language and grammar: Presentations should have 3 or fewer grammar mistakes and be clearly comprehensible.
- Organization and cohesiveness: Elements of the video should flow logically into each other with few "bloopers".
- Vocabulary: Students should correctly use most vocabulary terms from class.
- Fluency: Students should speak clearly and confidently while engaging the audience.
- Preparedness: All group members should appear prepared having rehearsed.
- Creativity: Presentations should highlight information creatively using visual aids and interesting language.
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Group Members: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Category 5 4 3 2 Score Earned
Presentation is 6 Presentation is 5 Presentation is 4 Presentation is 3 DURATION minutes long. minutes long. minutes long. minutes long. No grammar 3-4 grammar 5-6 grammar 7-8 grammar mistakes USE OF LANGUAGE: mistakes. mistakes but most of mistakes that create make it hard to GRAMMAR the information is some confusion. comprehend. clearly presented. Elements of the Video contains one Video contains 2-3 Video is poorly edited ORGANIZATION/ video flow "blooper" in final "bloopers" in the or COHESIVENESS cohesively into product. final product. contains several each other. "bloopers" Members use Members use Members use all the Members use a few VOCABULARY SEEN most of the some of the vocabulary terms vocabulary IN CLASS vocabulary terms vocabulary terms correctly. terms correctly. correctly. correctly. FLUENCY Student speaks Voice is adequate. Sometimes student Voice is too low. clearly and Good pronunciation. cannot be heard Student shows lack of correctly and shows Student shows well and shows little interest. high level of enthusiasm, keeps eye enthusiasm. enthusiasm and contact most of the Student reads all the confidence. time and sometimes The student reads time and does not Student generates reads from the notes. half of the time and keep eye contact. interest in the repeatedly reads audience and keeps from the notes. eye contact. PREPAREDNESS All group members Between 75% and Between 50% and Less than 50% of appear and are 90% of group 74% of group the group members completely members appear and members appear, appear and do not prepared and have seem pretty prepared and somewhat seem at all prepared obviously but might have prepared but it is to present. rehearsed. needed more clear that rehearsal rehearsals. was lacking. CREATIVITY Presentation Presentation is Presentation with Presentation is exceeds the creative and highlights little originality or uninteresting, requirements of information in an interpretation, no students read from the assignment interesting way. enough to add cue cards or paper the with nice visual aids interest to keep the whole time. and interesting listener engaged. language.
1 History 2 Cambridge English: First (FCE) For Schools 3 Format 4 Scoring 4.1 Scoring From January 2015 4.2 Scoring Pre-2015 5 Timing and Results 6 Usage 7 Preparation 8 Future 9 References