Rubrics For Video Presentation
Rubrics For Video Presentation
Rubrics For Video Presentation
CATEGORY Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Does Not Meet
(10) (8) Standard (6) Standard (4)
PURPOSE Establishes a purpose Establishes a purpose There are few lapses in It is difficult to figure out
early on and maintains early on and focus, but the purpose the purpose of the
a clear focus maintains focus for is fairly clear. presentation.
throughout most of the
VIDEO Video component is Effective presentation Presentation adequate Presentation
COMPONENT professional, clear and with information but moments of unsuccessful in
polished. Actors presented in a awkward pauses and/ presenting ideas clearly;
present information in straight forward or disruptions actors distracting on
engaging manner. manner camera and take away
from the presentation.
VOICE PACING The pace (rhythm and Occasionally speaks Tries to use pacing No attempt to match the
voice punctuation) fits too fast or too slowly (rhythm and voice pace of the storytelling
the story line and helps for the story line. The punctuation), but it is to the story line or the
in the audience really pacing (rhythm and often noticeable that audience.
get into the story. voice punctuation) is the pacing does not fit
relatively engaging the story line. Audience
for the audience. is not consistently
TIME The group uses time The group uses time The group uses time The group uses time
effectively. The video less effectively. The ineffectively. The video ineffectively. The video
does not exceed 5 video is less than 3 exceeded 5 minutes but exceeded 7 minutes.
minutes and not less minutes. less than 7 minutes.
than 3 minutes.
PROPS AND Students use several Students use props Students use props and No props or costumes
COSTUMES props and costumes and costumes that costumes during the were used.
that show considerable make the presentation, which are
work/creativity and presentation better. somewhat effective.
enhance the
COLLABORATION The members showed The members get The members need Only half of the
respect for one along well and share constant reminders to members does most of
another, get along equally in stay in task to complete the presentation. They
especially well and responsibilities. the presentation. do not share
work together in all responsibilities and
aspect of the argue in creating the
presentation. presentation.