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3!T Oa'/Olo: Memono.L53L

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Govemment of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

Local Government Engineering Department

Office ofthe Executive Engineer
|. District: Manikganj
Memo No.46.02.s600.000. 14. I 82. I 9- 3!t Dalrci o7.. oa'\oLo
Purakaushal ProiuKi Ltd
Pro: Engt.Abu Obayed Khan
House # C-10, Road # 4 Banasree
Rampura, Dhaka-1219.

Subject: Letter of Commencement for Construction of 30m long PSC Ghder bridge on Joyra Majibari-Doutie Bazar
near Dautia Mosque road at ch.8.O0m under Ghigi Union Upazila Sadar District Manikganj Road lD No.
Ref: (i) PD, MemoNo.l53l Datet lll04/2019
(i) Your Submitting Tenders on date:06-l l'2019
(ii) tssue NOA Date: 07 /01/2020
(iii)ContractAgreement Date:02/02/2020
(iv) Tender Proposal ID No-339409

l. No.
Package : GDP-3/MA'31
2. Cost
Estimated : Tk.2,31,15,E85.00
3. Amount
Contract : Tk.2,46,43,761.09O
4. Qouted Rate : 6.61% Above
5. Last date ofCommencement | 08/02/2020.
6. Last Date ofcompletion fi8/0812021.

7. Pursuant to the above reference Contract Ageement this is to inform you that the Authority has completed all
arrangement for executing the work. You are requested to commence mobilization, take charge ofthe site and submit
work plan to the undersigned.
8. You are requested to start the Maintenance work as per approved Engineering Estimate, Drawing, Design and
Specification under tlte supervision of the concern authorities. No work will be accepted if there is any violation of
the approved design and specification ofworks.
9. You are requested to contract with undersigned for sampling of materials and make arrangemeflts for transportation
of the materials to the laboratory for testing as per direction of the undersigned. No unspecified and unapproved
materials will be allowed for the work. Any rejects materials from the site shall be removed soon after getting such
requesled by the undersigned or from designated staff
10. Time is ofthe essence in commencement and in completing the work. ln case offailure to commence or complete the
work within stipulated time, Contract agleement may be cancelled within 7(Seven) days notice where upon the
undersigned will be entitled !o make altemate arrangements to complete the work at the contractors cost besides
taking other legal action.
ll. Incase of violation of the TERMS and CONDITION as mentioned in the Contract Document this letter of
commencemenVContract agreement may be cancelled.

t/ 4t (Md. F?zle Habib)
$ oL' Executive Engineer
n?-' LGED. Manikganj
- Ph:+8802-771091 l. Fax:+8802-7710517
E.mail: xen.manikganj @lged.gov.bd
1. The ChiefEngineer, LCED, H/Q. Dhaka.
2. The Superintending Engineer, LGED, Dhaka Region, Dist: Dhaka.
3. The Project Director, GDP-3, LGED, H/Q. Dhaka.
4. The Senior Assistant Engineer, LGED, This OIIice.
5. The Upazila Engineer, LGED, Upazila: Sadar, District: Manikganj.
6. Assislant Engineer, LGED, This Offrce.
7. The Sub-Assistant Engineer, LGED, This Office
8. The Laboratory Technician/'lVlechanial Foreman, LGED, This Offic€.

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