Pkg-IV - Completion Certificate - 13.04.2022
Pkg-IV - Completion Certificate - 13.04.2022
Pkg-IV - Completion Certificate - 13.04.2022
The Chief Executive Officer
Uttar Pradesh Expressway Industrial Development Authority
C-13, 2nd Floor, Paryatan Bhawan
VipinKhand, Gomtinagar,
Lucknow – 226 010.
Sub:- Development of Purvanchal Expressway (Package-IV) from Sidhi Ganeshpur to (Distt. Sultanpur)
to Sanspur (Distt. Sultanpur from Km 121+600 to 164+300) in the State of Uttar Pradesh on EPC
Basis; (PKG-IV); - Issuance of Completion Certificate - Reg.
This is in reference to the request of EPC Contractor, M/s GR Infraprojects Limited vide letter no.
F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/2021-22/1700 dated 05.03.2022, for issuance of Completion Certificate for
Package-IV under Article 12.4 of the Contract Agreement. In this regard, the proposal has been examined
as under:
2. The Contractor vide letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/2021-22/1596 dated 03.11.2021 applied for
issuance of Provisional Completion Certificate pursuant to Article 12.2 of EPC Contract Agreement for
the entire stretch (Km 121+600 to 164+300) under Package-IV. After examination of Contractor’s
request for issuance of Provisional Certificate along with Punch List for the balanced work, the
Authority’s Engineer vide letter no. EI/HO/PE/PKG-IV/20673/2021 dated 08.11.2021 & EI/HO/PE/PKG-
IV/20709/2021 dated 23.11.2021 sought prior consent/approval from the Competent Authority for
issuance of Provisional Certificate. After having the approval from the Authority vide letter no.
7424/UPEIDA/18/651-IX/Tech dated 03.12.2021, Provisional Certificate was issued to the EPC
Contractor vide our letter no. EI/HO/PE/PKG-IV/20736/2021 dated 07.12.2021. As per Clause 12.3 of
EGIS International S.A. in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Page 1 of 7
An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 Certified Company
Regd. Office: T-305, TF, Tirupati Plaza, Sector-XI, (MLU) PKT-4, Plot No. 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, India Tel.: +91 11 4570 4300
Project Office: Plot No. 1/597, Sector-1, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow – 226 010, Email ID:
Project: Consultancy Services for Authority’s Engineer for Supervision of Package-1 to Package IV of Purvanchal Expressway
in the state of Uttar Pradesh on EPC Basis
contract agreement “all items in the Punch list shall be completed by the EPC Contractor in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement. For any delay in their completion other than for the reasons
solely attributable to the Authority or due to force majeure, the Authority shall be entitled to recover
non-refundable damages from the contractor in accordance with the provisions of Clause 10.3.2 of
Contract Agreement of EPC Agreement.”
3. The Contractor vide letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/2021-22/1700 dated 05.03.2022 and letter no.
F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/1737 dated 11.04.2022, in compliance of observations conveyed vide letter’s at and 11, stated that all the works listed in the Punch list including missed out items have been
completed as per Contract provisions in the presence of Authority Engineer’s Representatives in
accordance with Clause 12.3 of the Contract Agreement except Construction of viaduct at entry/exit
(km.121+838) of Expressway with NH-330 under COS as land not handed over and minimum 12
month required for construction from date of handing over. The Contractor submitted his formal
request for issuance of Completion Certificate pursuant to Article 12.4 of EPC Contract Agreement as
all the tests are successful and the completed works can be safely and reliably placed in service of the
4. The status of compliance of revised Punch list A & B is enclosed as Annexure-A. Further, it is to
intimate that the Contractor vide letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/2021-22/1665 dated 06.01.2022 has
informed that land for Construction of viaduct under COS has not handed over to the Contractor and a
period of minimum 12 months required for construction from date of handing over. The Contractor
requested to either withdraw the said COS work or consider for entering into Supplementary
Agreement for execution of the viaduct during the maintenance period after handing over of
encumbrance free land to the Contractor. In this regard, AE vide letter no. EGIS/TL/CEO/UPEIDA/1034
dated 08.01.2022 has recommended to Authority for execution of Supplementary Agreement for
construction of aforesaid work in 12 months period from handing over of land. The approval/decision
on the subject matter from Authority is awaited.
5. We have reviewed the Contractor’s proposal for issuance of Completion Certificate in the form set forth
in Schedule-L (the “Completion Certificate”) of Package-IV of Purvanchal Expressway as per the terms
and conditions of EPC Contract Agreement and our recommendation is as under:
(i) The Appointed Date for the subject Project was declared as 10.10.2018 and the Scheduled completion
date was 08.10.2021 (1095thday from Appointed Date).
(ii) The Competent Authority, UPEIDA approved for Extension of Time as shown in table below. The
relevant documents in respect of approval of Milestone are appended as Annexure-I. The status of
Milestone Achievement is tabulated below:
Date of Amended Actual date
Project Achievemen Achievement Date of of
Delay in Achievement
Milestone t Value in % as per the Achievement, Achievemen
EPC Contract if any t
F = E-C (or D if
A B C D E approved) including 30
days grace period
1 10% 17.05.2019 NA 31.05.2019 Nil
2 35% 11.04.2020 NA 09.05.2020 Nil
3 65% 12.11.2020 NA 11.12.2020 Nil
4 100% 08.10.2021 07.03.2022 07.03.2022 Nil
EGIS International S.A. in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Page 2 of 7
An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 Certified Company
Regd. Office: T-305, TF, Tirupati Plaza, Sector-XI, (MLU) PKT-4, Plot No. 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, India Tel.: +91 11 4570 4300
Project Office: Plot No. 1/597, Sector-1, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow – 226 010, Email ID:
Project: Consultancy Services for Authority’s Engineer for Supervision of Package-1 to Package IV of Purvanchal Expressway
in the state of Uttar Pradesh on EPC Basis
Provisional Certificate was issued w.e.f 08.11.2021
(iii) Since the Project Milestones have been achieved in line with the amended timelines as shown in Table
above, no damages on the part of Contractor are due to the Authority as per provisions under Article
10.3.2 of the Contract Agreement.
(iv) Grant of EOT-I for 90 days by the Authority was notified to the Contractor vide AE’s letter no.
EI/HO/PE/Pkg-IV/20106 dt. 27.01.2021 and EOT-II for 60 days was notified vide letter no.
EI/HO/PE/Pkg-IV/20541 dt. 14.09.2021 i.e., total of 150 days i.e. up to 07.03.2022 due to Force
Majeure Event i.e., COVID-19 1st wave and 2nd wave.
(v) As per SPS-32 for the period upto 26 th October 2021, the Authority’s Engineer has already certified
90.51% of work done (value of work done Rs.1354,95,58,473/-) of the Contract Price
(Rs.1497,00,00,000/-) for payment to Authority which fulfils the criteria of more than 80% payment
having been released to the Contractor stipulated under Cl. 12.2.5 of the Contract Agreement. The
updated payment statement is appended as Annexure-II.
It is verified that the Project Expressway has been constructed as specified in the Schedule-B and
Schedule-C and in conformity with the Specifications and Standards set forth in Schedule-D of the
Contract Agreement with minor deviations as per the ground requirement/site condition with prior
approval of Competent Authority of UPEIDA and the Project Expressway can be safely and reliably
placed in operation. Comparison of Schedule-B & Schedule-C (Inventory) is enclosed as an
Details of the tests conducted in accordance with the Article 12, Sub Clause 12.1.1 and Schedule-K
of the EPC Contract Agreement are as follows.
We have conducted the visual and physical check of Project Expressway and it has been
determined that all works and equipment forming part thereof conform to the provisions of this
The safety and durability of the Project Expressway in conformity to the requirements of Contract
Agreement has been verified by conducting appropriate physical tests. We have conducted Cross
Sectional Test and Crust Thickness test to ascertain the safety and durability of the Project
Expressway. The test reports have been submitted vide Contractor’s letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-
313/2021-22/1596 dated 03.11.2021.
The cross sections of the Project Expressway were checked at every 1 Km. of the Carriageway and
for all the Structures. The measurements of the cross sections were found to be complying with
the standard design requirements and in conformity to reviewed TCS. The test results are
enclosed as Annexure IV.
b) Crust Thickness Test Including Density, Bitumen Content, Gradation etc. at Every
5.0 Km in Staggered Manner:
EGIS International S.A. in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Page 3 of 7
An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 Certified Company
Regd. Office: T-305, TF, Tirupati Plaza, Sector-XI, (MLU) PKT-4, Plot No. 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, India Tel.: +91 11 4570 4300
Project Office: Plot No. 1/597, Sector-1, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow – 226 010, Email ID:
Project: Consultancy Services for Authority’s Engineer for Supervision of Package-1 to Package IV of Purvanchal Expressway
in the state of Uttar Pradesh on EPC Basis
The thickness and composition of the pavement layers were checked by digging pits at shoulders
in every km in each direction of travel randomly selected on the Project Expressway. The crust
thickness at test locations was found as per the design requirement. The test results are enclosed
as Annexure V.
II. Riding Quality Test:
Riding quality of each lane of the carriageway was conducted with Laser Profilometer. The
unevenness index of the Pavement was found to be within the Allowable Tolerance Limit
(1800mm/km). The test reports have been submitted vide Contractor’s letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-
IV/R-313/2021-22/1596 dated 03.11.2021. The results of the tests are enclosed as Annexure VI.
All major and minor Bridges were tested for Rebound Hammer test and Ultrasonic Pulse
velocity tests, in accordance with the procedure described in Special Report No. 17:1996
of the, IRC Highway Research Board on Non-destructive Testing Techniques, at two spots
in every span, chosen at random by the Authority Engineer. The results were found to be
complying with the standard design requirements. Test reports have been submitted vide
contractor letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/2021-22/1596 dated 03.11.2021. The results
are enclosed as Annexure-VII.
Load test on bridges of span more than 15 m were conducted. The results were found to
be complying with the standard design requirement. Test reports have been submitted
vide contractor letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/2021-22/1596 dated 03.11.2021. The test
results are enclosed as Annexure VIII.
a) Reflectivity of Signages:
Reflectivity test on randomly selected sign boards was conducted in presence of the
concerned representatives of PIU, AE, PMC cum ETA and EPC Contractor. The results were
found to be complying with the required specifications and the same is appended as
Luminaries Test Reports from the supplier “Wipro” for LED Floodlights for various wattage
were scrutinized. The results were found to be complying with the required specifications
and the same is appended as Annexure-XI.
6. Environmental Audit:
EGIS International S.A. in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Page 4 of 7
An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 Certified Company
Regd. Office: T-305, TF, Tirupati Plaza, Sector-XI, (MLU) PKT-4, Plot No. 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, India Tel.: +91 11 4570 4300
Project Office: Plot No. 1/597, Sector-1, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow – 226 010, Email ID:
Project: Consultancy Services for Authority’s Engineer for Supervision of Package-1 to Package IV of Purvanchal Expressway
in the state of Uttar Pradesh on EPC Basis
The Environmental Audit has been undertaken by the AE and EPC Contractor in accordance with the
Clause 2.5 of Schedule K. The compliance of the observations raised in the Audit has been submitted
by the Contractor vide letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/2021-22/1596 dated 03.11.2021, enclosed as
Annexure-XX and is found as per the requirements set forth in the Applicable Laws and Applicable
Permits of provisions of the EPC Contract Agreement.
7. Safety Audit:
The Safety audit of the Project Expressway has been undertaken by the approved agency
M/s M. E. Testing Labs Pvt. Ltd. jointly with the concerned representatives of AE and EPC Contractor in
accordance with the Clause 2.6 of Schedule-K. The final safety audit report by EPC Contractor has
been submitted vide letter F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/2021-22/1596 dated 03.11.2021 is found as per the
safety requirements and Good Industry Practice and enclosed as Annexure-XII.
8. The tests conducted by us as per the requirement of Schedule-K and detailed above were found to be
complying with the requirements of the EPC Contract Agreement. The contractor has also conducted
all relevant and necessary tests during the construction of the Project Expressway as per requirement
and frequency of MORTH specifications and relevant standards.
9. All lapses, defects or deficiencies observed by Authority’s Engineer in the construction of the Project
Expressway have been rectified in accordance with the provision of the EPC Contract Agreement and
all NCR’s issued there for have been closed. In addition to that, all the observations of External
Technical Auditor (ETA) have been complied with and submitted vide our following letters for
verification by ETA cum PMC/RITES.
10. Change of Scope–Approval of Competent Authority for change of Scope proposals (positive/negative)
relating to the safe and reliable placing of the Project Expressway in operation have been obtained.
11. Clause 10 of TOR of the Consultancy Agreement states that “The Authority Engineer shall appoint its
authorized representative, who shall issue on behalf of the AE, the Provisional Completion Certificate
and Completion Certificate along with the Team Leader and shall carry out any such task as may be
decided by Employer. The AE shall take prior approval of Employer before issuing Provisional
Completion Certificate and Completion Certificate.”
I, Pankaj Vatsa, acting as the Authority’s Engineer along with Sh.Rajan Kumar, Acting Team Leader for
the subject Project, have inspected the site for issuance of Completion Certificate, under and in
accordance with the Agreement dated 03.08.2018 (the “Agreement”), Development of Purvanchal
Expressway From Sidhi Ganeshpur (Dist. Sultanpur) to Sansarpur (Dist. Sultanpur) (Km 121+600 to
Km 164+300) in the State of Uttar Pradesh; (the “ Project Expressway”) on Engineering, Procurement
and Construction (EPC) basis through M/s G R Infraprojects Limited, hereby certify that the Tests in
accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement have been successfully undertaken to determine
compliance of the Project Expressway with the provisions of the Agreement/Supplementary
Agreement, and I am satisfied that the Project Expressway can be safely and reliably placed in the
service of the Users thereof.
It is certified that in terms of the aforesaid Agreements all works forming part of Project Expressway
have been completed, and the Project Expressway is hereby declared fit for entry into operation.
12. We are also enclosing various certificates against the requirements set forth in the EPC Contract
Agreement and the Environment Clearance of the Project.
13. The Contractor has fulfilled all the requirements for issuance of Completion Certificate for the Project
Expressway and the Authority’s Engineer intends to issue the Completion Certificate for Package-IV of
EGIS International S.A. in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Page 5 of 7
An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 Certified Company
Regd. Office: T-305, TF, Tirupati Plaza, Sector-XI, (MLU) PKT-4, Plot No. 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, India Tel.: +91 11 4570 4300
Project Office: Plot No. 1/597, Sector-1, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow – 226 010, Email ID:
Project: Consultancy Services for Authority’s Engineer for Supervision of Package-1 to Package IV of Purvanchal Expressway
in the state of Uttar Pradesh on EPC Basis
Purvanchal Expressway Project to the Contractor, M/s G R Infraprojects Limited, w.e.f. 07/03/2022, as
the Project Expressway is completed in all respects as per provisions of CA.
14. Pursuant to EPC Contract Clause 12.4.2, upon receiving the Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall
remove its equipment, materials, debris and temporary works from the Site within a period of 30
(thirty) days thereof, failing which the Authority may remove or cause to be removed, such equipment,
materials, debris and temporary works and recover from the Contractor an amount equal to 120%
(one hundred and twenty per cent) of the actual cost of removal incurred by the Authority.
15. Without prejudice to the obligations of the Contractor specified in Articles 14 and 17, the property and
ownership of all the completed works forming part of the Project Expressway shall vest in the
Authority as per EPC Agreement Clause 12.4.3.
16. In anticipation of approval of our recommendation for issuance of Completion Certificate, we are
herewith enclosing Draft Completion Certificate (Annexure - XIII A) as per Schedule-L under
clause 12.4.1 by declaring the Project Expressway fit for entry into operation on 07 th day
of March 2022. The Authorisation Letter for AE is enclosed herewith for your information
(Annexure – XIII B).
17. Annexure-XIV to Annexure-XIX pertaining to Labour Certificate, Design and Drawings; Warranty
Certificates; Certificate for Flyash; Insurances and Third Party Test Reports respectively are enclosed
for reference and record please.
18. In view of above, the “Completion Certificate” of the Project Expressway (Package-IV of
Purvanchal Expressway) in terms of Clause 12.4 of the EPC Contract Agreement is hereby
recommended and submitted for approval of issuance of the same w.e.f. 07.03.2022 to the
Contractor, M/s G R Infraprojects Limited from the Competent Authority, UPEIDA.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Egis International S.A. in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd.,
(Pankaj Vatsa)
Authorized Representative
Encl: As above
Status of Punch list A & B
Annexure -I:
Letter for EOT (02-Pages)
Annexure -II:
Certified Payment Statement (01-Page)
Annexure –III:
Comparison of Schedule-B & Schedule-C (Inventory) (23-Pages)
Annexure –IV:
Cross Sectional Element Test (09 Pages)
Annexure –V:
Crust Thickness (134-Pages)
EGIS International S.A. in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Page 6 of 7
An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 Certified Company
Regd. Office: T-305, TF, Tirupati Plaza, Sector-XI, (MLU) PKT-4, Plot No. 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, India Tel.: +91 11 4570 4300
Project Office: Plot No. 1/597, Sector-1, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow – 226 010, Email ID:
Project: Consultancy Services for Authority’s Engineer for Supervision of Package-1 to Package IV of Purvanchal Expressway
in the state of Uttar Pradesh on EPC Basis
Annexure –VI:
Riding Quality Test (67-Pages)
Annexure –VII:
Rebound Hammer and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test (266-Pages)
Annexure -VIII:
Load Test (110-Pages)
Annexure –IX:
Reflectivity of Signages (314-Pages)
Annexure –X:
Thermoplastic Road Marking Reflectivity Test: (28-Pages)
Annexure –XI:
Luminaries Test Reports (39-Pages)
Annexure –XII:
Safety Audit Compliance (21-Pages)
Annexure-XIII A:
Draft Completion Certificate (01-Page)
Annexure-XIII B:
Authorization Letter (02-Pages)
Labour Certificate (01-Page)
Design and Drawings (01-Page)
Warranty Certificates (27-Pages)
Certificate for Flyash (02-Pages)
Annexure-XVIII :
Insurances (02-Pages)
Third Party Test Reports (863-Pages)
Annexure –XX :
Environmental Audit Compliance including Applicable Permits (134-Pages)
EGIS International S.A. in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Page 7 of 7
An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 Certified Company
Regd. Office: T-305, TF, Tirupati Plaza, Sector-XI, (MLU) PKT-4, Plot No. 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, India Tel.: +91 11 4570 4300
Project Office: Plot No. 1/597, Sector-1, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow – 226 010, Email ID:
Project: Consultancy Services for Authority’s Engineer for Supervision of Package-1 to Package IV of Purvanchal Expressway
in the state of Uttar Pradesh on EPC Basis