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The Status of The Implementation of The E-Learning Classroom in Selected Higher Education Institutions in Region Iv-A Amidst The Covid-19 Crisis

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Journal of Critical Reviews

ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 11, 2020


Ethel Reyes-Chua1, Brandon G. Sibbaluca 2, Rebecca D. Miranda3, Georgina B. Palmario4, Ramil P.
Moreno5, John Paul T. Solon6
1,2,3,4,5,6 Emilio Aguinaldo College – Cavite

Received: 14.03.2020 Revised: 20.04.2020 Accepted: 13.05.2020

Because of the COVID-19 crisis, Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) have resorted to online classes or E-Learning Classrooms to
deliver the content of their curriculum in various platforms. This action research examines the status of the implementation of the E-
Learning classroom in selected HEI’s in Region IV-A by conducting a qualitative approach using a survey questionnaire to a small group
of professionals who have been teaching various courses in the tertiary level. This study utilized the descriptive method of research to
bring out the current status of the implementation of the e-learning classroom in selected HEI’s. An online survey data were collected and
analyzed using the descriptive and documentary analysis. Findings indicate that the respondents had good experiences in introducing
the E-learning classroom as an immediate response to the country's enhanced quarantine situation. Although all the E-learning platforms
used by the respondents are free of charge, still, students have encountered problems like lack of resources, difficulty of Wi-Fi
connection, and lack of training among the students and faculty members. this study recommends professional development workshops
for both faculty members and students and preparation of advanced lessons, slide presentations, and examinations per unit to cope with
the prescribed number of hours set by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). It is also expected that this action research would
serve as a future guide for conducting an in-depth study using a structured interview to validate its findings.

Keywords – COVID-19, E-Learning Classrooms, Platforms, Experiences, Professional Development, Training, Workshops

© 2020 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.11.41

INTRODUCTION McHaney, Reiter, and Reychay [4] confirm that simulation-based

Due to the threat of the COVID-19, many educational institutions online when combined with good pedagogical approaches,
in Region IV-A have suspended their academic activities and appropriate technology and educational technology, and the
classes. All the non-teaching personnel had to stop working and presence of experts will provide a better experience in
advised by the President of the Philippines to stay at home. simulations. Simulations could be so motivating tool for e-
COVID-19 is a disease that could easily infect the immune system learning classroom. Bekmurat[5] mentions that because
that can cause greater harm to individuals who are infected. computer technology and the Internet are both boundless even a
Many countries have declared a national emergency just like the small boy has already been equipped with a device or a cell
Philippines and the United States of America. De Guzman and phone. It's no surprise that new innovations have been part of
Pastor [1] opines that the COVID-19 has no positive impact on the cycle of teaching and learning.
the world most especially on academic institutions like that of a
Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) of learning. Most of the Thus, they recommend that teachers should make use of
cities around the Philippines are empty. All types of vehicles are simulations to integrate this effectively into their teaching
few. Important business establishments are open. Conferences approaches.
and meetings are strictly prohibited. Flights to and fro are
affected and they have been grounded. Some grocery stores and The administrators, Deans, Heads, professors may work together
drug stores are being emptied of masks, hand sanitizers, and to come up with the best E-learning solutions as an immediate
disinfecting medications. Students are advised to stay home and intervention in these times of crisis.
study by their own selves. Everyone is in doubt as to when this
crisis would end [2]. The researchers of this study initiated a survey to find out the
status of the E-Learning Classrooms in various HEI’s in the
There were no empirical studies related to the E-learning country. To learn their status means to provide the best
Classroom as an intervention in times of crisis, or studies related alternative learning mode for the students and faculty members
to determine the status of E-Learning Classrooms in HEI’s; and to discover the best recommendations from them while
however, there are several researches that discuss E-Learning as currently experiencing the E-learning Classrooms amidst the
an effective tool or strategy in teaching. Chua, Sibbaluca, Mack, COVID-19.
et.al[3] suggested using the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
as a technical tool for promoting the process of teaching and Research Objective
learning. According to them, teachers should be innovative in The main objective of this study was to find out the status of the
developing such an analytical learning atmosphere that will best implementation of selected Higher Educational Institutions
fit the needs of today's generation of students. (HEIs) in Region IV-A in the conduct of their E-Learning
Classrooms. Specifically, it determined the experiences of faculty
members in using the E-learning classroom; identified whether

Journal of critical reviews 253


the intervention was appropriate to each course; and discovered had a negative experience. Most of the respondents feel great,
the various types of free platforms online. Finally, the happy, and convenient with this transition. The learning will
researchers were able to find out some problems concerning the never get interrupted. Some of them believe that this was the
use of the E-learning classrooms and possible solutions to best solution for this kind of situation. Some of the professors
improve this type of intervention. also mentioned that they enjoy the use of the E-learning
Classroom even if it was their first time to use this platform.
Scope and Delimitation Students were also responding as they point out that they also
The study is limited to identifying the status of the want to learn while staying in their own homes. It was indeed a
implementation of the E-learning Classrooms in selected HEI’s in nice experience for most of the participants and because E-
Region IV-A and in determining the problems encountered with learning is new, there was difficulty at the beginning; however, as
some possible solutions to improve this intervention process. they were exploring how to utilize the platform, this becomes
easy to utilize. One professor also points out that this idea is not
The Significance of the Study so encouraging. Students who have no means to do the E-
This action research will serve as a step-by-step guide to develop learning Classroom would be receiving the lowest marks in the
an in-depth analysis of the E-learning implementation in HEIs in classroom.
times of emergencies such as the COVID-19. This is also
applicable to all types of urgencies when class suspensions have It is evident that teachers who have been positive in the use of
been declared by the institution or the whole country. the E-Learning classrooms are those who are motivated to teach
and to learn the new technology. Teacher’s motivation plays a
Conceptual Framework of the Study vital role in providing the best strategies for students, whether
The research paradigm used in this study is an action research online or traditional classrooms. In a Blog posted by UNESCO in
which is generally common to qualitative research paradigm. It the Learning Portal, in order to improve the motivation level and
includes documentary collection and analysis, participant status of teachers, there is a need to uplift their status to retain
observation using the online survey. The findings of the study high-quality teachers who are vital to improving education [7]. In
will serve as future work in conducting a structured interview to this blog, they stressed that when there is full support from the
further improve the decisions in this study. work environment, it would create a positive working
relationships among people and these may reduce and improve
METHODS AND PROCEDURE teachers’ motivation and effectiveness.
The work was carried out in three (3) stages. The first step was
searching online academic journals for the appropriate research Although it was fun and easy, teachers may be able to learn more
papers. The second step was the online survey of 15 professors how to conduct it with the students. Overall, the professors who
teaching at different courses in Philippine Area IV-A. These were teaching in various courses have positive feelings and
courses include: Math, English, History, Social Sciences, NSTP, experience in using the E-Learning Classroom.
Marketing, Business, Computer Science and Courses in
Professional Education. These professionals were sent the survey Q2: Is the E-learning Classroom applicable to your course?
link, and they answered open-ended questions. The third process Why?
used the descriptive and documentary analysis to collect and Table 1: Reasons for E-learning Classroom to be Applicable
analyze all the findings. or Not
Applicable Course/s Reasons
The massive action on E-learning classroom was the decision of Applicable
almost all the HEI’s in the Philippines amidst this crisis. Yes English Materials are accessible.
However, the Commission on Higher Education has declared for (Grammar) Assessments can be
leniency to all HEIs so that students could cope with the conducted easily.
requirements set by their professors. The researchers have English Activities can easily be done
distributed an online survey called survey monkey [6] to find out (Literature) online. The links are all
the status of implementation of their E-learning Classroom and available online.
as an immediate intervention in these times of crisis. Social Studies Both traditional and
When asked about the professors’ experiences in the modern approaches are
implementation of the E-Learning Classroom in the Philippines, important in Social Studies
majority had the positive remarks as shown below: field.
Business Best alternative mode of
learning in times of crisis.
Computer Easy to communicate with
Science students and the lessons
can easily be transferred to
them via E-learning
Professional PowerPoint presentations
Education can be done. Interactions
Courses are similar to the Face-to-
Face classroom. Students
can be seen on video and
they speak naturally when
Figure 1: Experience in the Implementation of the E- questions are asked.
Learning Classroom Our students are future
educators and they need to
The 15 professionals who are all from Cavite, Philippines in experience this type of
Region IV-A, who responded to this question, 93.33% had transition. They should get
positive experiences in the E-learning Classroom while 6.66% used to it and apply this in

Journal of critical reviews 254


the future. Most of the professors find the Facebook Messenger to be one of
Marketing This is very convenient the most convenient mode of alternative learning. This is most
because it relates to online especially when the students could not afford to be connected
marketing with Wi-Fi. In FB messenger, if the students have free data, they
Psychology This is very relevant. I could could easily see the instruction of their professors including the
easily provide links to my tasks they need to do. The Google Classroom is one of the best
students. They could raise platforms which could be accessed for free by an institution or an
questions immediately. individual faculty member. In this platform, the professor could
Yes and NO NSTP Our course is purely create a class, assignments, tasks, announcements, or chats with
community-based project, his/her students. Edmodo is another popular E-learning
so its usefulness is less platform that has a similar feature like the Google Classroom.
advantageous Edmodo is a user-friendly platform that could create a class,
NO Math It is difficult to explain the submit assignment, post a message or announcement, and could
formula online. Face to face upload and share materials for the students. Zoom is a free video
is still the best way for call meeting where a teacher can share his/her slide presentation
them to learn. that everyone could see. Students could interact and raise
questions to their professors. They could also see each other
During this COVID-19 crisis, many private companies and online and ask questions during the lecture. For those who have
business corporations have provided the HEI’s temporary online slow connections, the professor could even write the important
materials or platforms to address the immediate need of messages on chat boards. With this platform, students feel
institutions most especially the teachers and students. These comfortable and easy to learn the topic. Just like Google
online classrooms are extremely beneficial for the students when Classroom and Edmodo, Schoology allows the teachers to create
using E-learning, it is not only considered add-on, it has become a class and uploads resources and materials online. This is
part of the educational setting. For example, in the field of IT, something new to them and would continue to explore its
having intensive hands on helps prepare students for their future usefulness. Google Meet has similar features with Zoom.
job rather than using the traditional textbooks [7]. If the Students could be seen online and interact with their teacher.
institutions combine hands on activities, lecture, and E-learning, Moodle has also a similar feature with Edmodo and Google
students have higher retention rates and greater productivity. Classroom while we chat is used for chatting and uploading
materials to students. Although these E-learning platforms are
Another example of a business company that has just recently free, the availability of resources could be the hindrance why
established their customized learning experience platform is the students or teachers could not fully utilize them. However,
Odilo. It is intended for all levels, for every user, and learning teachers and students alike should be grateful that these E-
profile (skills, interest, age, aspirational job, level, etc.). They learning platforms could be available without charge from the
design the platform to match the brand and unique values and institution or individual. They make the academic life easier
culture of individuals or institutions. They adapt the learning most especially during these COVID-19 crises.
experience and its content to meet the needs of every learner [8].
As Kamenez[9] is of the opinion that involving teaching, self- The E-learning platforms the professors have been using are the
learning and self-control of knowledge and teachers in most popular ones. However, there are other platforms which
information technology can have greater advantages over this have not been explored yet like: Lark, Odilo, Big Marker, and
technical knowledge. many others. This means that e-Learning Classrooms are very
popular around the world, most especially during crisis or
The issue of applicability depends on the creativity of the emergency. The COVId-19 has revealed vulnerabilities in colleges
professor teaching the course and the availability of resources and universities around the globe. It is clear that society needs
the students may have. However, now that many companies flexible and resilient education systems while facing the
have offered their free products and services, HEI’s should grab unpredictable futures [10].
the opportunity to make use of these available resources for their
students. These could be a great aid in their studies while Q4: How do your students respond to your alternative mode
making themselves safe and secure in their homes. of learning?

Q3: Which learning platforms are you currently using for

your students to learn at these times of crisis? Table 2: Students’ Response to Alternative Learning Mode
N Students’ Response
1 Enjoyable, easy to use, it interests the students.
2 The students were active in the beginning, but they have
started to be passive when they heard some
announcements about ONLINE suspension.
3 Enthusiastic. Some are not happy.
4 Positive
5 They could easily communicate during their preferred
6 Responsive. They are interested to learn.
7 Happy. Sometimes they are confused due to many
8 Extremely happy. They prefer this mode of learning to be
with their loved ones.
9 Positive and Negative responses because not all of them
have the Internet connections.
Figure 2: Learning Platforms Used by the Professors 10 Protesting. Many want to go on vacation.
N Students’ Response
11 They are interested to learn even if they only have free

Journal of critical reviews 255


data. blamed because they had no means to do it even if they try all
12 Enjoyable and exciting their best.
13 At the beginning, it was difficult, but some of them go
online earlier than their professor. Q5: How was the preparation of the e-learning Classroom?
14 Fine and fun (This is on the part of the Professors in HEI’s)
15 Not everyone is interested due to lack of resources. The majority of the respondents say that the preparation was
easy. There were eight who gladly share their preparation
In general, students enjoy the E-learning platforms used by their experience. The platform is accessible and very comfortable to
professors. However, there were some who could not really get apply it while staying at home with their families. One professor
connected due to slow connection or they have no capacity to shared that providing tasks to students is easy, but the burden on
produce the resources. To some students, it is their first time to the part of the teacher is the checking of their work because
utilize these platforms and they have difficulty accessing them. when these will all be collected, it will entail time and efforts to
They have limited time to learn how to utilize them thus, correct them. Others do enjoy uploading of slide presentations
delaying the submission of their assignments online. To some or sending them links to follow. Some teachers say it was
students, they thought that this crisis is temporary and they difficult but rewarding most especially if you are the one making
prefer to go on vacation rather than to learn or to study, but they and editing the video. There were seven participants who
were also those who are eager to learn and stay positive that this declared difficult due to some reasons like: (1) no perfect Wi-Fi
crisis would not last long. They believe that the intervention connection, it was difficult to explain Math online, Social Studies
provided to them is just temporary and the first thing to do is to need an actual insight and opinion, so doing it online could be
obey or comply with their professors. Since the Commission on difficult to express oneself.
Higher Education has declared to be more lenient on E-learning
classroom issues, the professors become more humble to ask At the Royal Academy of Engineering in the United Kingdom [10],
their students first before implementing a new platform. This the researchers claim that it is never easy to prepare an e-
action makes the students delighted and become interested to Learning Classroom. Indeed, they come up with a study and a
study. book titled, “Development of e-learning resources.” Among their
In comparison with Q1, teachers have enjoyed using the E- recommendations, the researchers would like to adapt the
Learning classroom, however, students do have their positive as following:
well as negative experiences too. In an article online [10], the
authors brought out some positive as well as negative types of ✓ Commission Students: one way to start with the e-learning
student experiences. The shift from Face-to-Face classroom to courses is to get students involved in the process. They may
the e-learning sessions would mean an initial great increase in have bright ideas to start with the e-learning platforms in
the number of hours work both on the sides of students and an institution
teachers; however, these may result to a very promising result. ✓ Creative Brainstorm: Invite those who are knowledgeable
Other institutions have already resorted to using coursera, zoom, or those who have expertise in terms of e-learning
and other videoconferencing platforms just to make sure that the resources development, including the Management
teaching and learning process take place whether in an Information Systems’ Department to brainstorm with them
asynchronous or synchronous approach. The researchers would and listen to all their ideas.
conclude that those universities who utilized these approaches ✓ Put e-learning in accreditation: If we suggest that this e-
several years ago would benefit from these e-learning learning system is put in accreditation, the effective use of
classrooms because they have enough experience with these e-learning resources to support and enhance the
technological tools and they could deliver their own courses educational experience of students will become part of the
correctly and properly with the support of their institutions. accreditation process. According to this study by the Royal
Academy by making this a subject for explicit consideration
Nevertheless, in the Philippines setting, colleges and universities in the accreditation process, universities will focus on it and
have struggled with accommodating the abrupt change from F- improve [10].
to-F to online learning due to lack of technological resources of
faculty members and students. Undeniably, when the In the similar study, they also suggested the use of Facebook and
Commission on Higher Education declares to put leniency about other Social Media to begin with the e-learning classrooms. In
this online classroom issue, some institutions have totally many aspects, FB could be a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
suspended their E-Learning Classroom classes. However, some with much of similar functionality. As compared to other Social
of these Universities have continued and offer a simple type of Media Platforms, FB is so familiar to almost all students all over
learning on Facebook Messenger and simply sending messages the world. Somehow, everyone has a ready-made account to
via E-mails. This means that many of these HEIs have not been begin with the e-learning classroom. In the Philippines, students
ready to face the new challenge, but there is a need to provide an could utilize free data or they could buy a small amount of load to
urgent solution thus, E-Learning Classrooms have been created, access this tool. Teachers could even start preparing the e-
whether the institution is READY OR NOT? learning classroom by creating a page or blogs for their students
assuming that the English class should be able to communicate in
In some institutions in Australia, they also experienced difficulty English. Thus, their confidence and ability to become creative
of switching from F to F to online classes. Some professors and will be revealed.
their leaders are facing problems in this immediate transition.
Some of their concerns are students do not have access to Wi-Fi Q6: What problems have you encountered during the
or computers [11]. implementation of the E-Learning classroom?
Despite the declaration for leniency among the students
The whole world is experiencing similar experiences, although regarding the use of the E-Learning Classroom, not all students
students do enjoy learning online, they also struggle to find agree with this point. Indeed, in one university, students
solutions to their own problems in order to learn and receive approached their Dean to continue with the E-learning because
instructions from their professors online. Those who could do they do not want to be idle during these moments of crisis.
something even amidst this COVID-19, are those who are really However, many of them really could not access online, so the FB
willing to learn and continue to nourish their minds with messenger was used as an alternative mode of learning. From
knowledge. Those who could not do anything could not be then on, the students became happy and tried to participate in

Journal of critical reviews 256


this advocacy. In some universities, the professors found out that the same time. This will allow students to feel isolated and
the students are not thoroughly prepared to embrace the E- improves quality of interaction.
learning system in the classroom. They have requested that an
orientation or a training should be prepared by the E-Learning In the Webinar conducted by Enderun Colleges [12] worldwide
Department to meet the demands of their professors using the E- on e-Learning, one of the speakers some of the best strategies of
Learning Classrooms. Some of them enjoy the traditional mode e-learning in the Philippine setting most especially in giving
of learning and when this happened abruptly, some of them assessments. Teachers should consider the type of internet
could not believe that it was happening. They may need a series, access and device; academic load, and current level of digital
segmental, hands-on experience or seminar with a small group to proficiency. Also, teachers should provide more time, chances, or
orient the faculty members and students in the use of all these E- attempts for students to complete assessments, and give more
Learning platforms to be consistent with the academic focus on facilitation over control. In comparison, Ismailova, et.al.
requirements and balance the need for E-Learning and studying [13] discloses that the role of e-learning tools in higher education
their own books. Another important aspect the professors have provides students and teachers with solutions to tasks such as
raised was the uniformity of the E-learning platform for all providing internet access at all times and from various locations
faculty members and students that would fit the academic needs for each participant in the educational process, creating a
of the curriculum. Although all these free platforms are easy to common knowledge space and making efficient use of
use, the administration should look into the details of each educational resources.
platform and determine the most suitable one to prepare the
institution for future emergencies. Students and teachers also CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION
hoped that during this crisis, Advanced Lessons, Intended The E-Learning Classroom has been used and implemented in
Learning Outcomes, Quizzes, and Examinations are prepared per Higher Educational Institutions in the country amidst the COVID-
unit or chapter in order to cope with the lessons while having 19 crisis. In this study, the professors utilized mostly the free
this lockdown issue in every city. The professors also opine that platforms such as: Google Classroom, Edmodo, Zoom, FB
majority of the students had no capacity to provide the resources messenger, Google meet, We Chat, Schoology, and Moodle. The
like a laptop or computer in their homes, thus, E-learning could professors and the students could easily adapt to these new
be difficult for them. What others did was to load their mobile changes to align one selves in the 21st century skills of learning.
phones and get connected with the E-Learning platforms used by However, despite the presence of these platforms, there were
their professors. Poor Internet connection was evident in all concerns raised by this study. One major problem is the lack of
cases, thus producing poor interactions among the students. The training of the faculty members and students in using the e-
professors tried to understand the situations and gave them time Learning classroom. It is recommended that the HEI should
to read the uploaded materials. The submission of all the conduct a thorough training and workshop for all students and
exercises and quizzes were postponed to give them time to faculty in various platforms that could be appropriate to their
prepare their resources and to prioritize their safety. Finally, academic needs and to prepare the whole institution in times of
there were some professors who have not experienced any crisis like the COVID-19. The second major dilemma is the lack of
problems regarding the implementation of the E-learning resources that will lead to unsuccessful e-learning classes. It is
Classrooms may be because they have the enough experience to recommended that lessons, ILO’s, quizzes or examinations per
do all these tasks, they were already using the technology before unit may be prepared by the department concerned or an
the outbreak, they think positively that the situation will not get assessment department to make sure that the students have
worst, and they may be motivated to conduct their classes online. learned what they ought to learn. In brief, Higher Education
Finally, despite the encountered problems, teachers have become Institutions have made the intervention successful, but this could
creative in the delivery of their lessons with the help of the still be improved through the joint efforts of the administration,
management in guiding the whole institution in the conduct of deans, heads, and faculty members make the learning possible
their E-Learning Classrooms in their respective institutions. for all students via different e-learning solutions. Finally, this
action research is recommended to conduct an in-depth study
Given these problems encountered and some solutions using the structured interview to validate its findings.
provided by the respondents, the Royal Academy has suggested a
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