Math Lesson
Math Lesson
Math Lesson
(Revised 2020)
The teacher will ask students what kind of The teacher will display the reteach 12.5 The teacher will then go around and check
math we have been working with last week. worksheet on the board. The teacher will students independent practice of practice 12.5
The teacher will display basic subtractions discuss with students how place value comes as they finish and raise their hands.
problems without regrouping which will lead into effect with regrouping. The teacher will
into introducing the new topic of subtraction model and then allow students to practice Rationale: This assessment is conducted as
with regrouping. subtraction with regrouping with guided independent practice and provide the teacher
practice. with concrete data on students understanding
Rationale: this was chosen to get students of subtraction with regrouping.
minds in subtraction mode in order to know Rationale: this was chosen as an informal
which operation we will be working with. assessment for the teacher to see if students are How will this inform instruction? The
understanding the concept of regrouping. teacher will be able to identify whether more
How will this inform instruction? This will instruction and/or practice in this skill is
inform instruction because the teacher will get How will this inform instruction? This will needed.
immediate feedback on the students knowledge inform instruction because the teacher will get
of subtraction. to visually see what students understand or not.
Number lines
Document camera
White board and markers
Math worksheets
Management of Classroom Environment and Teaching Strategies Utilized (Integrated throughout the teacher’s step-by-step plan):
(NAEYC 4b)
Physical arrangement:
Students will be working in whole group and independently throughout the lesson. While the teacher will walk throughout the classroom to closely
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)
Expectation include: 1) to share in whole group by raising their hands and waiting to be called on; 2) to work quietly and to complete individual
work; 3) to try their best and ask questions. The rules for whole group and individual work had been established in the beginning of the school year
and are enforced throughout the school day. The teacher will consistently move around classroom keeping students on task and reminding them of
Process Steps
guided by the Teacher Students
5 E’s
Engage The teacher will review with students some basic subtraction Students are to partipate in giving verbal answers to basic
“the opening” problems and then introduce a helpful poem. “More on top? subtraction problems. Students will verbally echo the math
No need to stop. More on the floor? Go next store! Get ten poem aloud after the teacher.
more.” The teacher will display a subtraction problem on the
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)
All students will need to know how to subtract in life. Whether it is a basic skill like figuring if they have enough money to buy things or trying to
take off an amount from a total. This is a necessary base skill students need to learn to continue in their mathematical lives.
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)
200-Level Education Courses: In addition to the questions listed I differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all my students. Through
above for 100-level Education courses, respond to the following the use of number lines and a poem for students to remember the steps. I
questions: also took it step by step and when students were set free to complete
● How did I differentiate instruction to meet the needs of independent practice, I offered one-on-one support to the students who
my students? were struggling. If I were to teach this lesson again, I would better
● If I were to teach this lesson again, how could I further differentiate the needs of my students by providing hands on
differentiate to better meet the needs of the students? manipulatives.
300-Level Education Courses: In addition to questions listed above
for 100- and 200-level Education courses, respond to the following Classroom management strategies I used were clear expectations, guided
question: practice, and independent practice. These strategies and techniques kept
● What classroom management strategies and techniques students on task the entire lesson and helped them complete the necessary
did I implement? Were they effective? work for the lesson.