SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 802D SL Manual Machine Plus Turning
SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 802D SL Manual Machine Plus Turning
SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 802D SL Manual Machine Plus Turning
SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 802D sl Manual Machine Plus Turning
Software interface
SINUMERIK Turning On, Reference Point
Manual Machine Plus Turning ______________
Programming and Operating Manual
Manual machining
Valid for
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SINUMERIK documentation
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This publication is intended for programmers, planning engineers, machine operators and
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It also contains the information required for the target group to operate the hardware and
software of a product/system (generally a machine).
Standard scope
This documentation only describes the functionality of the standard version. Additions or
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Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control.
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Foreword ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Description................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Control and display elements.........................................................................................................9
1.2 Error and status displays .............................................................................................................10
1.3 Key definition of the full CNC keyboard (vertical format).............................................................11
1.4 Key definition of the machine control panel .................................................................................13
2 Software interface.................................................................................................................................... 15
3 Turning On, Reference Point Approach ................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Entry to the "Manual Machine Plus" operating area ....................................................................17
3.2 Reference point approach............................................................................................................19
4 Setting-up ................................................................................................................................................ 23
4.1 Measuring tools............................................................................................................................23
4.2 Limit stops ....................................................................................................................................26
4.2.1 Setting and activating/deactivating limit stops .............................................................................26
4.2.2 Turning against a stop .................................................................................................................29
4.3 Setting the workpiece zero...........................................................................................................31
5 Manual machining.................................................................................................................................... 33
5.1 Fundamentals of manual machining............................................................................................33
5.2 Display and operator control optios in the main screen for "Manual Machine Plus" ...................34
5.2.1 Toggling the display .....................................................................................................................38
5.2.2 Machining with the handwheels ...................................................................................................39
5.2.3 Setting the increment weighting for the handwheel .....................................................................39
5.2.4 Machining with axis direction switch ............................................................................................39
5.2.5 Spindle advance/reverse .............................................................................................................40
5.2.6 Tool change .................................................................................................................................41
5.2.7 Changing the feedrate/spindle value ...........................................................................................43
5.2.8 Changing the feedrate/spindle type .............................................................................................44
5.2.9 Change the speed limitation for constant cutting rate .................................................................46
5.3 Manual machining with machining types .....................................................................................47
5.3.1 Axis-parallel traversal...................................................................................................................47
5.3.2 Manual taper turning ....................................................................................................................48
5.3.3 Manual radius turning ..................................................................................................................49 Radius turning type A...................................................................................................................52 Radius turning type B...................................................................................................................52 Radius turning type C ..................................................................................................................53
5.4 Manual machining using cycles (functions) .................................................................................54
5.4.1 Principle operating sequence.......................................................................................................54
5.4.2 General parameters .....................................................................................................................58
5.4.3 Manual drilling centered...............................................................................................................60
5.4.4 Manual thread tapping .................................................................................................................62
A Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 125
A.1 Feedback on the documentation............................................................................................... 125
A.2 Overview of documentation....................................................................................................... 127
Index...................................................................................................................................................... 129
The individual LEDs and their functions are described in the table below.
LED Meaning
ERR (red) Serious error, remedy through power OFF/ON
RDY (green) Ready for operation
NC (yellow) Signoflife monitoring
CF (yellow) Reading from/writing to CF card
You can find information on error description in SINUMERIK 802D sl, Diagnostics Manual
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Hot keys
In the part program editor and in the input fields of the HMI, the following functions can be
carried out with certain key combinations on the full CNC keyboard:
= =
; ; ;D[LV
= = =D[LV
This documentation assumes an 802D standard machine control panel (MCP). Should you
use a different MCP, the operation may be other than described herein.
Operating sequences
The operating area "Manual Machine Plus" runs only in Siemens mode, and not in ISO
If the controller has already been preconfigured to "Manual Machine Plus" by the machine
manufacturer, items 1 to 3 can be ignored in the following description. The operating area
"Manual Machine Plus" is activated once the controller has been started up.
If you have not yet executed a reference point approach, you will be in the operating mode
Reference point approach (see Fig. Reference point approach) after start-up.
1. The NC boots into the JOG REF operating mode of the NC basic machine.
2. Select the JOG operating mode.
The interface can be seen in the screenshot below:
3. You can access the "Manual Machine Plus" area by clicking on softkey "Manual":
If you have not yet executed a reference point approach, the JOG REF operating mode
will be reselected automatically when you press the "Manual" softkey.
4. The operating area "Manual Machine Plus" can be exited with the "CNC" softkey, after
which the operating area of the NC basic machine is active again.
The manual machine cannot be exited in the "Execute cycles" and "Execution window"
screen forms of the stepping program.
The pictures in the parameterization screenforms depend on the setting of the machine data
by the machine manufacturer, i.e. display of the tool position before or behind the center of
rotation with regards to the turret head.
The axes have not yet approached their reference points (see screenshot below).
The meanings of the symbols in the axis display are as follows:
-> Axis still needs to be referenced.
-> Axis is referenced.
The following requirements must be fulfilled:
● There must be no NC alarms pending!
-> Clear any that are pending by pressing the "Reset" softkey.
● All machine axes must be in a position from which the reference point can be reached in
a positive traversing direction.
-> In manual mode, use the handwheels to move the axes to the appropriate position in
front of the reference point.
Before starting the reference point approach or switching off the machine, be sure to
move the machine slide to a position from which the reference point can be approached
in a positive axis direction.
If the machine manufacturer has not fitted an axis limit switch, there is a risk of a
mechanical collision if the axis is on the wrong side of the reference cam before the start
of the reference point approach.
Operating sequence
The current setting will appear on the top left of the screen (e.g.: 100 INC).
3. Then use the handwheel to move the axes to a position from which they can approach
the reference point in a positive direction.
In this operating state, the axes can be moved only by means of the handwheel.
Traversing the axes using the axis traversing switch is inhibited. The spindle cannot be
started in this operating state.
; 5. Using the axis direction key, start the X axis in the positive direction (X+).
The reference point for the X axis is then approached automatically.
The axis stops automatically when it has completed this process.
The axes must be referenced in this sequence, i.e., the X axis first, followed by the Z
axis. No other sequence will be accepted by the controller.
You can measure tools manually in the "Manual Machine Plus" operating area. In this case,
the manual tool measurement function accesses the tool list data.
You can access the tool list by pressing the operating area key <OFFSET/PARAM> and
softkey "Tool list".
Further methods of handling tools and tool offsets are described in the "SINUMERIK 802D sl
Turning Programming and Operating Manual".
Notice: An uncalibrated or incorrectly calibrated tool can lead to dimensional errors or to
incorrect cutting values. If the values entered are very different from the actual tool values,
there is a risk that the tool may break or the mechanism or workpiece may be damaged.
Load the tool beforehand or enter the tool number in the "T" field. After confirming the input,
a dialog will prompt you to press the <NC Start> key. If the <NC Start> key is pressed, the
tool will be changed.
First approach a machine position where the tool change can be performed without danger.
Operating sequences
Proceed as follows to measure the tool for the X axis of the loaded turning tool.
WRRO 1. Press the "Meas. tool" softkey. The following screen appears:
2. Press the "X" softkey.
The screen for measuring the X axis (L1) appears.
3. Check that the current tool number appears in the display field for the tool, since the
calibration operation will relate to this tool.
4. Carefully "scratch" a workpiece by an X handwheel infeed when the spindle is turning.
5. Move the slide slightly (without changing the X position) along the Z axis (longitudinal
turning) with the handwheel.
6. Switch the spindle off.
7. Enter the diameter measured on the workpiece in entry field "d1".
8. Accept the value by pressing the <INPUT> key.
The controller then automatically calculates the corresponding tool offset (in the radius)
and displays this as value "L1" in the screen form.
If you exit the screen form at this point, the new offset will not take effect.
10.Press the "Z" softkey.
The screen for measuring the Z axis appears.
The Z axis can be measured in the same way as the X axis.
When measuring the tool in the Z axis, you may define a distance between the workpiece
and the turning tool tip in input field "a1" to avoid surface damage on the workpiece.
$ERUW 11.To return to the main screen for "Manual Machine Plus", select softkey "Abort".
Limit stops are used to stop the axes in a specific position.
If an axis stops in the limit stop position, it cannot be moved again until the triggering limit
stop is reset.
By setting the limit stops, in the "Manual Machine Plus" operating area, it is possible to turn
simple shoulders (including tapers) without the need for any further cycle parameterization.
Supplementary conditions
● The limit stop position is always an absolute dimension, which in turn always corresponds
to the position in the absolute actual value display on the "Manual Machine Plus"
interface. A relative limit stop position is not possible.
● A limit stop position can be entered/accepted only when the axes are stationary.
Otherwise, an error message appears.
In the main screen "Manual Machine Plus" limit stops can be entered into the input fields "-
In the following screen, the cursor (the field has a dark background) is located in the input
field "Endstop of axis X+".
Parameter Description
ON The limit stop is activated.
OFF The limit stop is deactivated.
-X Negative absolute position of the limit stop of the X axis.
The axis stops automatically if:
• The limit stop is active.
• The specified axis traverses in the negative direction and reaches the absolute limit stop position.
+X Positive absolute position of the limit stop of the X axis.
The axis stops automatically if:
• The limit stop is active.
• The specified axis traverses in the positive direction and reaches the absolute limit stop position.
-Z Negative absolute position of the limit stop of the Z axis.
The axis stops automatically if:
• The limit stop is active.
• The specified axis traverses in the negative direction and reaches the absolute limit stop position.
+Z Positive absolute position of the limit stop of the Z axis.
The axis stops automatically if:
• The limit stop is active.
• The specified axis traverses in the positive direction and reaches the absolute limit stop position.
Operating sequences
You can use the following methods to enter a limit stop position:
● Direct position entry:
– Select the input field of the relevant limit stop with the <Cursor keys>.
– Now use the <Numeric keys> to enter the absolute position you require.
– Press the <INPUT> key to accept the value.
● Accepting the current actual position:
– Select the input field of the relevant limit stop with the <Cursor keys>.
– Traverse to the required position using the axis direction switch (e.g. <-Z> or <+X/-
= X/+Z>).
6HW – Press the "Set limit stop" softkey.
The current actual position of the relevant axis is transferred to the input field.
The limit stops are activated/de-activated individually using the <SELECT> key.
You can select between ON and OFF.
The following example explains the operating principle of limit stops using the axis direction
You can also use the handwheel to perform the machining operation.
The following shoulder with a finishing allowance of 0.2 mm must be turned:
● 100 mm in the Z direction
● 50 mm final diameter in the X direction
The end face starts at 0 mm int he Z direction. The blank diameter is 70 mm.
12.Using the handwheel, infeed to the next depth of cut in the X direction.
13.Start machining in the Z axis in the negative direction using the axis direction switch.
Repeat the procedure until the depth of rough cut is reached.
The message "Limit stop -X reached" is displayed as the tool is fed in.
Once this cut has been completed, adjust the limit stops to the finished dimension,
provided that the axes are positioned in front of the workpiece.
The “Set the workpiece zero" function can be used to specify the reference point for
machining the workpiece.
Typical application/procedure:
1. Parameterize all the machining steps (cycles) for the workpiece in relation to a “virtual
zero point” (e.g., an end face).
2. Clamping the blank
3. Scratch the relevant surface which corresponds to the "virtual zero point".
4. Use the "Set WO" function, adapt the workpiece coordinate system to the parameterized
machining operation.
Make sure that the axis does not exit from the approached position.
Additional information
The following operations are performed automatically when you select softkey "Set WO":
● The work offset is automatically calculated according to the current axis position in the
longitudinal axis (Z), entered in the NC memory for the basis offset and activated.
● This will also set the position displayed for the longitudinal axis (Z) to 0.000, as this
always corresponds to the workpiece coordinate system.
● If the workpiece zero is reset, the value “0.000” will automatically be entered in the NC
memory for the basic offset. The workpiece coordinate system display will change to
reflect this.
Notice: Setting the "workpiece zero" affects the absolute machining position of all
machining steps that have been parameterized in the controller!! -> All machining steps
will now be performed in relation to the zero point that has just been set!!
Setting/resetting the workpiece zero without due care and attention can result in serious
damage to the tool, workpiece or machine!!
Operating sequences
:2 Press the "Set WO" softkey in the main screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
This screen displays the currently programmed Z value of the basic work offset.
The setting options in this screen are selected with softkeys. The softkey meanings are as
= This function is used to set the “workpiece zero”.
The workpiece coordinate system of the longitudinal axis (Z) displays the value "0.000".
The required work offset is computed automatically and stored in the appropriate place in the
'HOHWH This function resets the work offset that is currently stored on the NC. -> The value “0.000” is
entered in the basic offset memory location. However, all other offsets and the active tool
offset remain unchanged.
Please refer to the SINUMERIK 802D sl operating instructions for a description of the
relevant commissioning requirements.
You can perform the following machining operations manually:
● Axis-parallel traversal
● Taper turning
● Radius turning
● Drilling - centered
● Tapping
● Groove cycles/Parting
● Thread cutting
● Rough turning of contours
The following operations must be performed before manual machining can proceed:
● Axes referenced
● Tools measured
● Limit stops set
● Set workpiece zero point
5.2 Display and operator control optios in the main screen for "Manual
Machine Plus"
If the controller has already been preconfigured to "Manual Machine Plus" by the machine
manufacturer, the operating area "Manual Machine Plus" is activated once the controller has
been started up. If you have not yet executed a reference point approach, you will be in the
operating mode Reference point approach after start-up.
You can reference the axes in the Siemens standard user interface as well as in the
operating area "Manual Machine Plus".
You have referenced the axes and pressed the "Manual" softkey in the "Position" operating
area. The following screen represents the main screen of the "Manual Machine Plus"
operating area.
Figure 5-1 Main screen for "Manual Machine Plus", position display absolute
Note about the position display in the main screen for "Manual Machine Plus"
● Absolute position display active:
The position value displayed in the large-size font is the absolute position. No additional
value is shown.
● Relative position display active (see following diagram):
The position value displayed in the large-size font is the relative position. The position
value displayed next to it in the small-size font is the absolute position.
Figure 5-2 Main screen for "Manual Machine Plus", position display relative
Figure 5-3 Display box from main screen "Manual Machine Plus", entry of machining technology
Parameter Description
T Tool number of the used tool (only for use of a manual tool-changer system)
F Feedrate with choice of units mm/min (time feed) and mm/rev (revolutional feed),
S Spindle type with choice of units rev/min (constant spindle speed) and m/min
(constant cutting rate),
MR Speed limitation for constant cutting rate
-X Positions of the limit stops, the limit stops can be activated using the toggle field
Generally speaking, the relevant machining technology data must be entered before
starting manual machining.
Notice: When constant cutting rate (G96) is selected, the maximum permissible spindle
speed, corresponding to the fitted tool chucking device must be entered in the input field
MR (spindle speed limitation)!
Failure to pay sufficient attention to this point can lead to serious damage as a result of the
chucking device speed being exceeded.
In the position display screen you can edit the displayed values using the vertical softkeys.
; Change the display to "relative position display" and "reset" the display in the X axis.
= Change the display to "relative position display" and "reset" the display in the Z axis.
DEVUHO Toggle the display between "absolute position display" and "relative position display" in the X
DEVUHO Toggle the display between "absolute position display" and "relative position display" in the Z
W\SH Switching between the following operating modes:
● Traversing the axes parallel to the axis
● Taper turning
● Radius turning
The parameters for the machining type are displayed in the main screen of the "Manual
Machine Plus".
OLPLWVWRS The current actual position of the relevant axis is transferred to the selected input field (-X/-
The handwheels for the X and Z axis are not mechanically connected to the feed screws.
Electronic pulse generators mounted on the handwheels generate the information needed by
the controller to execute the required traversing movement.
The handwheels are only active when the axis direction switch is in the zero position or the
individual axis control keys are disabled.
The distance traversed per handwheel pulse depends on the increment weighting setting.
If the handwheel increment weighting is set to "0" or if the feedrate override weighting is in
the "0" position, the handwheels are disabled.
Set the increment weighting from the Increment weighting machine control panel.
If you are unable to adjust the increment weighing, it will be because the controller's internal
mode is incompatible with this process.
Press the <JOG> key once to resolve the problem.
Notice: An incorrect increment weighting setting can result in damage to the workpiece, tool
and machine!
You can move the axes in the desired direction by changing over the axis direction switch.
The feedrate at which the axis is traversed depends on the settings in the “Machining
Technology Data” screen form.
The axis feedrate is also influenced by the feedrate override weighting setting and,
depending on the option selected in the machining technology screen (revolutional
feed/cutting speed), by the spindle override weighting.
If the <Rapid traverse override> key is also pressed, the axis is moved at the maximum
possible speed, unless the feedrate override weighting setting is used to specify a different
If the feedrate override weighting is set to "0", any type of axis movement is blocked.
With the "Revolutional feed" and "cutting speed" settings, the feed is blocked until the
spindle reaches the setpoint speed.
Start spindle
The spindle value should be checked before starting the spindle (e.g. when changing the
The last value set is active (this depends on the machinery construction OEM).
You start the spindle in the appropriate direction (spindle advance / reverse) by changing
over the spindle direction switch:
The spindle cannot be started, unless the chuck guard switch is enabled. -> Close the
chuck guard!
Notice: Do not alter or adjust the chuck guard/chuck guard switch.
When the spindle is switched off, it brakes and comes to a halt. If a spindle brake is fitted, it
is applied. If there is no spindle brake or it is switched off, the spindle can be rotated freely
once it has stopped.
The programmed spindle speed can be controlled by means of an appropriate spindle
override switch setting (e.g., 50 %).
A basic differentiation must be made between a manual and an automatic tool-changer
For an automatic system, the tool change is controlled by the PLC user program. The
currently loaded tool is displayed in the "Manual Machine Plus" main screen.
For a manual system, the required tool number is manually entered from an input screen
Figure 5-5 Extract from main screen "Manual Machine Plus", entry of tool number
Operating sequences
Follow the sequence of operations below to enter the required tool number:
1. Move the cursor onto the input field for the T value.
2. Enter the tool number using the numeric keys
(the tool you wish to select must be set up in the tool list!).
3. Accept the tool number by pressing the <INPUT> key.
The following information text with the corresponding tool number is displayed:
A new tool number may be selected only if all axes and the spindle are stationary.
Notice: The tool number entered in the T value field must correspond to the tool loaded
into the machine! Otherwise, the tool will have to be recalibrated (see also section
"Measuring tools"). An uncalibrated or incorrectly calibrated tool can lead to dimensional
errors or to incorrect cutting values.
Changing the operating sequence, feed rate "F"/ spindle value "S"
Follow the sequence of operations below to enter the required feedrate or spindle value:
1. Position the cursor on the input field for the value (see screenshot below) in the main
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
Figure 5-7 Extract from main screen "Manual Machine Plus", entry of feedrate value "F"
The F value (feed rate) or the S value (spindle) can only be changed if all axes and the
spindle are stationary.
By pressing the toggle key <SELECT>, you can choose one of the following feedrate types:
● Time feed (mm/min)
If time feed is selected, the axes are moved at the speed entered in this field (mm/min)
(unless rapid traverse override is activated). It can be influenced by the feedrate override
switch setting.
The time feed is only possible for a constant spindle speed.
● Rotary feedrate (mm/rev)
In "Spindle speed + revolutional feedrate" or "Const. cutting speed + revolutional
feedrate" mode, the value entered in this field determines the axis speed (unless rapid
traverse override is activated). It is influenced directly by the feedrate override weighting
setting and indirectly by the spindle override weighting setting.
By pressing the toggle key <SELECT>, you can choose one of the following spindle types:
● Constant spindle speed (rpm)
This value defines the programmed spindle speed for machining with "Spindle speed +
Time feed" or "Spindle speed + Revolutional feedrate".
The constant spindle speed is achieved only if no speed reduction is programmed by
means of spindle override weighting or with spindle setting data.
● Constant cutting rate (m/min)
Cutting speed input value for machining with "Cutting speed + revolutional feedrate". The
spindle speed is adjusted to the machining diameter of the workpiece so that uniform
cutting conditions are achieved.
Since the spindle would (in simple mathematical terms) have to rotate at an "infinitely
high" speed at the rotational center point in this mode, this speed is limited in the spindle
setting data by the input value "MR".
The constant cutting speed can also be influenced by means of the feedrate and spindle
override weighting settings.
The feedrate or spindle type can only be changed if all axes and the spindle are
Spindle speed limitation
Failure to pay sufficient attention to this point can lead to serious damage as a result of the
chucking device speed being exceeded.
1. Position the cursor on the input field for the value in the "Manual Machine Plus" main
The value may be changed only when all axes and the spindle are stationary.
The axis-parallel traversal is used for the simple cutting on the workpiece or for positioning
the axes.
If you move the axis direction switch, the control then moves the X and Z axes accordingly.
Operating sequences
1. You can access the "Parallel traversing of axes" function via the main screen "Manual
Machine Plus".
0DFKLQHG 2. If a different machining mode is active, press the "Machining mode" softkey until "Parallel
W\SH traversing of axes" is displayed.
The "Manual taper turning" function is intended for the simple production of tapered
For the machining type "Taper turning" you need to enter an angle (taper angle α). The angle
input rotates the controller’s internal coordinate system according to the angle value.
When you move the axis direction switch, the controller then uses the angle input to
interpolate (and simultaneously traverses) the X and Z axes accordingly.
The programmed axis feed then applies to the path being traversed and not to the
corresponding axis.
If tapers with defined end points are to be turned, the use of limit stops is a helpful addition to
this function.
The desired taper is traversed only by means of an axis direction switch or axis direction
keys of the machine control panel depending on the machine equipment.
A traversal using the handwheels is not possible!
Operating sequences
1. You can access the "Manual taper turning" function in the main screen for "Manual
Machine Plus".
0DFKLQHG 2. Press the "Machining mode" softkey until "Taper turning" is displayed.
3. The input field for the taper angle "α" is immediately displayed on a dark background
when the machining mode is selected. You must enter the angle using the <Numeric
A positive angle value rotates the coordinate system in traverse direction X+.
A negative angle value rotates the coordinate system in traverse direction X-.
4. The entered value is immediately accepted using the <INPUT> key.
The taper angle remains active until you exit the "Taper turning" by pressing the "Machining
mode" softkey.
The "Manual radius turning" function is designed to simplify the machining of inside and
outside radii.
The positions of the axes at the time that machining is selected form the starting point for the
radii to be traversed.
When you move the axis direction switch, the control then uses the input values to
interpolate (and simultaneously traverse) the X and Z axes accordingly.
The programmed axis feed then applies to the path being traversed and not to the
corresponding axis.
The desired radius is traversed only by means of an axis direction switch or axis direction
keys of the machine control panel depending on the machine equipment.
A traversal using the handwheels is not possible!
Operating sequences
1. You can access the "Manual radius turning" function in the main screen for "Manual
Machine Plus".
0DFKLQHG 2. Press the "Machining mode" softkey until "Taper turning" is displayed.
The "Radius turning" can be exited by pressing the "Machining mode" softkey.
The three types available for radius turning differ in the specification of the values for
specifying the radius.
– Type A
– Type B
– Type C
3. By pressing the <Cursor keys> you can go to the display field which contains the active
radius type (on dark background).
4. By pressing the toggle key <SELECT>, you can select the radius type.
Notice: Omitting or using the wrong sign for the input values or entering the wrong arc
direction can lead to a collision and may destroy the tool or the workpiece.
Any limit stops that are activated should be disabled before starting radius turning or set
to a value outside the traversing range needed for radius turning. Otherwise an error
message is transmitted by the controller which prevents the "Manual radius turning"
function being started.
Parameter Description
Xf This input value describes the position of the circle end point in the X axis. The input
value is evaluated as absolute position (in the diameter).
Zf This input value describes the position of the circle end point in the Z axis. The input
value is evaluated as absolute position.
R This input value describes the radius to be traversed.
Counterclockwise/Clockwise This toggle field selects whether a circle must be traversed in the clockwise or
counterclockwise direction.
Parameter Description
Xc This input value describes the position of the circle center in the X axis. The input
value is evaluated as absolute position (in the diameter).
Zc This input value describes the position of the circle center in the Z axis. The input
value is evaluated as absolute position.
R This input value describes the radius to be traversed.
α This input value describes the opening angle of the radius to be traversed.
Counterclockwise/Clockwise This toggle field selects whether a circle must be traversed in the clockwise or
counterclockwise direction.
Parameter Description
Xf This input value describes the position of the circle end point in the X axis. The input
value is evaluated as absolute position (in the diameter).
Zf This input value describes the position of the circle end point in the Z axis. The input
value is evaluated as absolute position.
Xc This input value describes the position of the circle center in the X axis. The input
value is evaluated as absolute position (in the diameter).
Zc This input value describes the position of the circle center in the Z axis. The input
value is evaluated as absolute position.
Counterclockwise/Clockwise This toggle field selects whether a circle must be traversed in the clockwise or
counterclockwise direction.
You can perform the following functions manually:
● Drilling centric
● Tapping
● Groove cycles/Parting
● Thread cutting
● Rough turning of contours
When manually machining these functions, the operating sequence is essentially executed in
the same way.
The following requirements must be fulfilled before you can execute the functions:
● The spindle is rotating in the correct direction.
Parts can be machined manually only by a spindle started in the correct rotational
direction. An error message is otherwise displayed.
Notice: In machining operations, a spindle rotating in the wrong direction can cause
serious damage to the tool, workpiece or machine!
-> Check the direction of rotation of the spindle before pressing NC start!
● Any axis position from which the workpiece position to be machined can be approached
without risk of collision.
● All parameters for the cycles are correctly assigned.
Operating sequences
7DSSLQJ 1. Select the function (e.g. "Drilling " > "Tapping") in the main screen of the "Manual
Machine Plus".
2. Parameterizing the function.
A detailed parameter description of each function can be found in the relevant sections.
The following softkeys will support you with the parameterization and execution of
D[LVSRV The actual position value of the relevant axis is transferred to the parameter input fields
when you press this softkey. The input field must be selected with the cursor keys,
otherwise the error message "This value cannot be accepted" is displayed when
accepting the axis position.
Your inputs are accepted when you press the "OK" softkey.
Your inputs are discarded when you press the "Abort" softkey.
3. The function was parameterized (e.g. thread tapping).
Activate the function using the "OK" softkey.
The following execute screen appears:
The current machining status is displayed in the center of the execute screen. This status
could be one of the following:
– Machining not started
– Machining active
– Machining aborted
– Machining interrupted
– Machining finished
In the example, the text "Machining not started" is displayed.
4. Start machining using the <NC-Start> key.
The machining operation on the workpiece is executed.
Press the <NC-Stop> key if you want to interrupt the machining operation. The selected
direction of the spindle rotation continues to be activated.
By pressing the key <NC stop>, the operating mode JOG is automatically changed, i.e.
you can traverse the axes manually. By continuing the execution with <NC start>, the
interruption point is approached again and execution of the program is continued.
$ERUW 5. If machining was terminated (e.g. "Machining completed"), then the execution screen can
be exited using the "Cancel" softkey.
See also
Messages (Page 123)
General parameters
When parameterizing the particular functions, among others, the following general
parameters are available:
Parameter Description
Function name Number of the selected function
Tool T Tool number
Compensation D Tool offset number
Direction of spindle rotation Toggle field for spindle direction of rotation (clockwise/counterclockwise)
Feed value F Feed value
Type of feedrate Toggle field for feed type (mm/min or mm/rev)
Spindle speed S Spindle speed value
Spindle type Toggle field for spindle type (rev/min or m/min)
Spindle speed MR Speed limitation for constant cutting rate
Coolant Toogle field for coolant function
(coolant OFF/coolant ON)
Machining The type of machining operation can be selected in this toggle field. The following options
are available: “Complete machining” -> “Roughing only” -> “Finishing only”
Position The machining direction can be selected with the first toggle field.
The following options are available: "Outside right" -> "Inside right" -> "Outside left". The
diagram displayed on the screen changes to indicate which option is selected.
The cutting direction can be selected with the second toggle field.
Available selection: infeed in the longitudinal axis and roughing cut in the transverse axis
(face), or roughing cut in the longitudinal axis and infeed in the transverse axis (long.). The
current selection is shown in the form of a diagram on the screen.
Reference z0 Contour start position in the longitudinal axis (absolute position of the Z axis).
Additional parameter descriptions for the individual functions are provided in the
corresponding chapters.
If a gear unit is installed on the machine, you can select the gear stage using the <SELECT>
The "Manual drilling centered" function is designed to produce deep-hole drill holes in the
turning center. Before you start the cycle, you must position the tool in such a way that it can
approach the programmed Z initial position without risk of collision. The function itself will
position the tool on the center of rotation.
Operating sequences
'ULOOLQJ You can access the drilling cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Drilling" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
'ULOOLQJ You can access the "Manual center drilling" function by pressing the softkey "Center drilling"
FHQWULF in the drilling cycle overview.
Alternatively, you can select "Center drilling" with <Cursor keys> and activate with the input
Parameter Description
Reference z0 Start position for the drill hole in the longitudinal axis
(absolute position of Z axis)
Drilling depth l Enter the depth of the drill hole to be created, taking the start position for the drill hole
("Refer. z0") as the starting point. The drilling direction is always towards the chuck and
cannot be reversed.
Max. infeed Max Maximum infeed value for the first infeed in the longitudinal axis
Min. infeed Min Minimum infeed value in the longitudinal axis, which must be observed for the final infeed.
Degression factor f Degression factor: the value by which the second and all subsequent infeeds in the
longitudinal axis are multiplied. The following general rule applies: An input value greater
than 1 increases the infeed depth with each infeed, an input value of less than 1 reduces it
with each infeed. To switch off degression, enter 1 (or 0) here.
Dwell time t Dwell time on reaching the drilling depth
Return travel R Return travel distance in the longitudinal axis for chip breaking. This parameter is not
distance displayed if "deswarfing" is selected.
Chip breaking / Deswarfing With this toggle field you can select between machining with "chip breaking" or
"deswarfing". With "chip breaking", on reaching the corresponding infeed depth the tool is
retracted in the longitudinal axis by a defined value (chip breaking) before the next infeed.
With "deswarfing" on the other hand, the tool is withdrawn from the drill hole on reaching the
corresponding infeed depth. The next infeed then continues as usual. The current selection
is shown as a graphic in the left-hand section of the screen. If "deswarfing" is selected, no
value is shown for the "return travel".
The machining sequence is as follows:
1. Starting from the current axis position, the tool is traversed to the cycle start point in the
longitudinal axis. This is calculated internally from the value for the "Reference z0"
parameter (taking into account the clearance distance).
2. The transverse axis is positioned to the center of rotation.
3. The first infeed in the axial axis (as defined in the "Infeed Max." parameter) is then
4. The subsequent traversing movement in the axial axis depends on whether "chip
breaking" or "deswarfing" has been selected. With "chip breaking" the tool is retracted in
the longitudinal axis by the value set in the "return travel" parameter; with "deswarfing"
the longitudinal axis is positioned at the cycle start point.
5. The subsequent infeeds in the longitudinal axis are always calculated in the same way:
new infeed value = last infeed value x factor + return travel value The new infeed value is
monitored to ensure that it complies with the value for the "Infeed Min." parameter. If the
infeed value is below the minimum infeed, this value is imposed, provided that the drilling
depth allows it. The calculation is followed by the infeed in the longitudinal axis.
6. Infeed motion and "chip breaking/deswarfing" then alternate until the drilling depth
specified in the "Length I" parameter is reached.
7. Once the required drilling depth is reached, the waiting time specified in the "Dwell t"
parameter begins.
8. At the end of this waiting time, the tool is traversed to the cycle start point in the
longitudinal axis.
See also
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
General parameters (Page 58)
The "Manual thread tapping" function is designed to produce internal threads in the turning
center, either with a compensating chuck or in a rigid tapping operation.
Before you start the cycle, you must position the tool in such a way that it can approach the
programmed Z initial position without risk of collision. The function itself will position the tool
on the center of rotation.
The machining feedrate is calculated from the programmed spindle speed and the thread
pitch. This feedrate might not be the same as the programmed feedrate!
If you have selected "cutting rate" as the spindle type, the value set for the maximum spindle
speed with G96 or the value for the maximum spindle speed is applied for thread tapping.
(because the thread is tapped in the turning center, i.e. X=0)
Notice: If "Time feed" is selected in the “Machining technology data” screen, in order for the
pitch to be calculated correctly, the spindle override weighting must be set to "100%".
Otherwise, the tapping tool or workpiece may be damaged!!
->Prior to NC start, check that the spindle override weighting is set to 100%!
Operating sequences
'ULOOLQJ You can access the drilling cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Drilling" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
7DSSLQJ You can access the "Manual tapping" function by pressing the softkey "Tapping" in the
drilling cycle overview.
Alternatively, you can select "Tapping" with <Cursor keys> and activate with the input key.
Parameter Description
Reference z0 Start position for the drill hole in the longitudinal axis
(absolute position of Z axis)
Drilling depth l Enter the thread length here. The tapping direction is always towards the chuck and cannot
be reversed. The choice of "left-hand or right-hand thread" depends on the direction of
rotation of the spindle and the thread tapping tool.
Lead s Enter the thread pitch here.
With compensating chuck / Depending on the manufacturer, you can select as to whether the machining is carried-out
Rigid tapping with or without compensating chuck.
Tapping operation
The machining sequence is as follows:
1. Starting from the current axis position, the tool is traversed to the cycle start point in the
longitudinal axis. This is calculated internally from the value for the "Reference z0"
parameter (taking into account the clearance distance).
2. The transverse axis is positioned to the center of rotation.
3. The controller then waits (at the cycle start point) for the next zero mark of the spindle
encoder in order to start the axis movement in the longitudinal axis (defined thread start
4. When the thread length (end point) is reached, the spindle and longitudinal axis change
direction and withdraw the tapping tool from the drill hole again.
5. The longitudinal axis then stops at the cycle start point and the spindle changes direction
again. The spindle is now running in the direction in which it was originally started.
See also
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
General parameters (Page 58)
The "Manual grooving" function is suitable for producing grooves on the peripheral surface
and face end and for tapping turned parts. Groove cycles can be used to produce filleted
corners or beveled edges on surfaces.
In addition, the "Multiple execution" function can be used to produce multiple tappings and
multiple grooves with a uniform offset.
Operating sequences
*URRYH You can access the grooving cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Grooving" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
F\FOH You can access the "Manual grooving" function by pressing the softkey "Grooving cycle" in
the grooving cycle overview.
Alternatively, you can select "Grooving cycle" with <Cursor keys> and activate with the input
Parameter Description
Reference z0 Starting position for the groove. The edge of the groove facing the chuck is always
specified here. The value to be entered is the absolute position in the longitudinal axis
(Z axis).
Groove width l1 This value is the groove width, which together with the value for "Reference z0"
specifies the absolute position of the edge of the groove on the side of the groove
facing away from the spindle. If the groove width setting is the same as the tool width,
and "0" is assigned to the parameters "Edge F1" and "Edge F2" (selection between
"Chamfer CHF" and "Radius RND), the tapping function is activated.
Diameter d Starting diameter for the groove. The value to be entered is the absolute position in the
transverse axis (X axis).
Parameter Description
Groove depth t This value is the groove depth which together with the value for "Diameter d" specifies
the absolute position of the base of the groove.
Chamfer/radius F1 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either an input radius (display
"Radius RND") or an input chamfer (display "Chamfer CHF") of less than 450 on both
sides of the groove. You can toggle between RND / CHF using the toggle key. An input
value of 0.0 switches this function off.
Chamfer/radius F2 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a radius (display "Radius
RND") or a chamfer (display "Chamfer CHF") of less than 450 on both sides of the
groove as the transition to the base of the groove. You can toggle between RND / CHF
using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0 switches this function off.
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing during grooving. The cycle’s internal
infeed calculation ensures that this input value is not exceeded during machining.
Finishing allowance m2 Finishing allowance perpendicular to the contour.
Outer groove/inner In this toggle field you can select whether an internal or an external groove is required.
groove The selection is indicated by a diagram on the screen.
See also
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
General parameters (Page 58)
The "Multiple groove" function supplements the "Single groove" option. This function can be
used only if all the parameters for the "Groove cycle - single" function have been assigned!
As soon as you position the cursor in any of the input fields in the multiple grooves area of
the screen, the display changes from single groove to multiple grooves:
Parameter Description
Distance l3 Groove offset in the longitudinal axis (Z axis): This input value determines the offset
between several identical grooves during production. The direction of the groove offset
between the individual grooves is always towards the chuck.
Number n Number of grooves to be produced. Entering "0" or "1" here has the same effect: A single
groove is produced. When you enter a value of ">1", the appropriate number of grooves is
machined. The input value in parameter "Length I3" defines the necessary offset.
Notice:When you are machining multiple grooves, make sure that there is sufficient
clearance from the spindle as measured from starting position "Reference z0" to allow all
parameterized grooves to be machined. There is otherwise a risk of collision between the
tool and the chuck!
-> Check the plausibility of the input values before pressing NC start!
Multiple grooves
The machining sequence is as follows:
1. Starting from the current axis position, the first groove is produced as described under
"Groove cycle - single".
2. The starting point for the next groove is then approached in the longitudinal axis (X axis),
taking into account the clearance distance. The offset is always in the direction of the
spindle (chuck).
3. Another complete groove is then machined (as described under "Groove cycle - single").
4. Groove machining and offset in the axial axis then alternate until the number of grooves
specified in the "Number n" parameter has been produced.
5. On completion of the final groove, the original position of the axes before the start of
machining is approached diagonally.
See also
General parameters (Page 58)
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
The "Single parting" function is a subfunction of the "Groove cycle - single" function
Operating sequences
You activate the "Single parting" function by assigning the following parameters in the screen
for "Groove cycle - single":
Parameter Description
Groove width l1 Groove width "I1" must be identical to the tool width for the parting function.
Chamfer/radius F1 This value must be deactivated with a setting of 0.0 for parting.
Chamfer/radius F2 This value must be deactivated with a setting of 0.0 for parting.
The chamfer/radius parameters must be set to "0", otherwise the cycle cannot calculate the
contour and displays an error message ("Groove form not defined correctly").
The machining sequence is as follows:
1. Starting from the current axis position, the first calculated parting position is approached
(diagonally) in both axes, taking into account the clearance distance.
2. Execute the depth infeeds as a roughing motion in the transverse axis (X axis): each
infeed depth is calculated internally so that firstly the setting "m1" is not exceeded and
secondly the infeed distance is kept uniform until the base of the groove (parting depth) is
reached. After each infeed, the tool is retracted by the clearance distance for chip
3. When the base of the groove is reached, the tool is withdrawn from the material at the
programmed feedrate.
4. Finally, the original position of the axes before the start of machining is approached
The "Multiple parting" function is a subfunction of the "Groove cycle - multiple" function.
Operating sequences
You activate the "Multiple parting" function by assigning the following parameters in the
screen for "Groove cycle - multiple":
Parameter Description
Groove width l1 Groove width "I1" must be identical to the tool width for the "multiple parting" function.
Chamfer/radius F1 This value must be deactivated with a setting of 0.0 for "multiple parting".
Chamfer/radius F2 This value must be deactivated with a setting of 0.0 for "multiple parting".
The chamfer/radius (CHF/RND) parameters must be set to "0", otherwise the cycle cannot
calculate the contour and displays an error message ("Groove form not defined correctly").
Multiple tapping
Notice: When multiple parting is selected, make sure that there is sufficient clearance from
the spindle as measured from starting position "Reference z0" to allow all parameterized
parting operations to be performed. There is otherwise a risk of collision between the tool
and the chuck!
-> Check the plausibility of the input values before pressing NC start!
Operating sequences
*URRYH You can access the grooving cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Grooving" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
([WHQGHG You can access the "Extended grooving" function by pressing the softkey "Extended groove"
5HFHVV in the grooving cycle overview.
Alternatively, you can select "Extended groove" with <Cursor keys> and activate with the
input key.
Parameter Description
Reference z0 Starting position for the groove. The edge of the groove facing the chuck is always
specified here. The value to be entered is the absolute position in the longitudinal axis
(Z axis).
Groove width l1 This value is the groove width, which together with the value for "Reference z0"
specifies the absolute position of the edge of the groove on the side of the groove
facing away from the spindle. If the groove width setting is the same as the tool width,
and "0" is assigned to the parameters "Edge F1" and "Edge F2" (selection between
"Chamfer CHF" and "Radius RND), the tapping function is activated.
Diameter d Starting diameter for the groove. The value to be entered is the absolute position in the
transverse axis (X axis).
Groove depth t This value is the groove depth which together with the value for "Diameter d" specifies
the absolute position of the base of the groove.
Chamfer/radius F1 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either an input radius (display
"Radius RND") or an input chamfer (display "Chamfer CHF") on the first side of the
groove. You can toggle between RND / CHF using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0
switches this function off.
Chamfer/radius F2 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a radius (display "Radius
RND") or a chamfer (display "Chamfer CHF") on the first side of the groove as the
transition to the base of the groove. You can toggle between RND / CHF using the
toggle key. An input value of 0.0 switches this function off.
Chamfer/radius F3 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a radius (display "Radius
RND") or a chamfer (display "Chamfer CHF") on the second side of the groove as the
transition to the base of the groove. You can toggle between RND / CHF using the
toggle key. An input value of 0.0 switches this function off.
Chamfer/radius F4 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either an input radius (display
"Radius RND") or an input chamfer (display "Chamfer CHF") on the second side of the
groove. You can toggle between RND / CHF using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0
switches this function off.
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing during grooving. The cycle’s internal
infeed calculation ensures that this input value is not exceeded during machining.
Parameter Description
Finishing allowance m2 Finishing allowance perpendicular to the contour.
External In this toggle field you can select the type of groove machining required whereby the
groove/internal respective selection is displayed in a diagram on the screen.
groove/planar to
chuck/planar from
Contour angle A0 This input value specifies the angle of the incline where the groove is to be executed.
Flank angle 1 A1 This input value determines the inclination of the first groove flank.
Flank angle 2 A2 This input value determines the inclination of the second groove flank.
Dwell time at recess dt Here you can enter the dwell time of the tool on the groove base.
Extended grooving
The machining sequence is as follows:
1. Starting from the current axis position, the first calculated groove position is approached
(diagonally) in both axes, taking into account the clearance distance and finishing
2. Executing the depth infeeds in the form of a roughing movement: each infeed depth is
calculated internally so that firstly the setting "m1" is not exceeded and secondly the
infeed distance is kept uniform until the base of the groove is reached (taking into
account the final machining allowance). After each infeed, the tool is retracted by the
clearance distance for chip breaking.
3. When the base of the groove is reached for the first time, the tool is withdrawn from the
material at the programmed feedrate.
4. Now the width infeed is executed: the width offset is calculated cycle-internally, taking
into account the tool width and the groove width (length "l1") so that the machining is as
uniform as possible.
5. Depth infeeds are then alternated as roughing motion and width offset until the entire
groove contour has been cleared. The only difference between the first depth infeed and
the others is that when the base of the groove is reached, the tool is retracted by the
clearance distance and then moved out of the groove in rapid traverse.
6. Finishing is started immediately after the roughing operation. The entire contour is
traversed from both sides to the center of the base of the groove at the feedrate specified
in the “Technology Data” screen before the start of the cycle.
7. Finally, the original position of the axes before the start of machining is approached
The "Multiple extended grooving" function supplements the "Extended grooving" option. This
function can be used only if all the parameters for the "Extended grooving" function have
been assigned!
As soon as you position the cursor in any of the input fields in the multiple grooves area of
the screen, the display changes from single groove to multiple grooves:
Parameter Description
Distance l3 Groove offset: This input value determines the offset between several identical grooves
during production.
Number n Number of grooves to be produced. Entering "0" or "1" here has the same effect: A single
groove is produced. When you enter a value of ">1", the appropriate number of grooves is
machined. The input value in parameter "Length I3" defines the necessary offset.
Multiple grooves
The machining sequence is as follows:
1. Starting from the current axis position, the first groove is produced as described under
"Extended grooving".
2. The starting point for the next groove is then approached taking into account the
clearance distance.
3. Another complete grooving cycle is then executed (as described under "Extended
4. Groove machining and offset then alternate until the number of grooves specified in the
"Number n" parameter has been executed.
5. On completion of the final groove, the original position of the axes before the start of
machining is approached diagonally.
The "Manual thread cutting" function provides a wide range of options for producing,
remachining and recutting longitudinal, tapered and face threads.
They can be single-start or multiple-start threads.
Any limit stops that are activated should be disabled before starting thread cutting or set to a
value outside the traversing range needed for thread cutting.
Operating sequences
7KUHDG You can access the "Manual thread cutting" function by pressing the softkey "Thread" in the
main screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
Parameter Description
Reference z0 Start position for the thread in the longitudinal axis (absolute position of the Z axis).
Thread length l Enter the length of the thread to be created, taking the start position for the thread
("Reference z0") as the starting point. The thread cutting direction is selected by pressing
the "Feed direction" softkey and is indicated in the diagram by means of an arrow. The
choice of whether to produce a left-hand or a right-hand thread depends purely on the
starting direction for the spindle.
Diameter Start d1 Start position for the thread in the transverse axis (absolute position of the X axis in the
diameter). This value applies in the reference point.
Diameter End d2 End position for the thread in the transverse axis (absolute position of the X axis in the
Lead s Enter the required pitch in mm/rev.
Depth t This parameter is used to set the thread depth. The infeed direction and infeed depth
depend on other parameters ("Intern Extern." and "Linear Degres." softkeys; "Angle"
If the value of the displayed machine date 1108 equals 1 (requirement for automatically
calculating the thread depth) and the input field "t" equals 0, then the thread depth "t" will be
automatically calculated and entered when you enter the pitch value.
The following applies to all male threads:
• a thread pitch of 1 mm results in a thread depth of 0.613 mm
The following applies to all female threads:
• a thread pitch of 1 mm results in a thread depth of 0.541mm
The thread depth is adjusted according to an increase or reduction in the pitch value.
Infeed angle w Infeed angle; this specifies the angle of infeed during machining. A negative value causes
an alternating infeed.
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter here the maximum or minimum infeed depth for roughing. The cycle-internal infeed
Min. infeed depth calculation ensures that this entry value is not exceeded or falls short during thread cutting.
Input of a minimum infeed depth is possible only with degressive infeed.
The input field for the minimum infeed depth is displayed only if you have selected
"Degressive infeed".
Finishing m2 Finishing allowance
Longitudinal internal thread/ In this toggle field you can select whether an internal or an external thread is required. The
longitudinal external thread/ selection is indicated by a diagram on the screen.
face thread/
taper external thread/
taper internal thread
To chuck/ You can select the machining direction of the thread using this toggle field.
From chuck
Parameter Description
Linear infeed/ This function key is used to switch between "linear infeed" and "degressive infeed". "Linear
Degressive infeed infeed" means that roughing always takes place at a constant depth of cut, and the internal
infeed calculation is designed so that the value for the "max. infeed depth" (m1) is not
exceeded during the entire thread cutting operation. "Degressive infeed" on the other hand
means that the volume of cut is kept constant throughout the entire thread cutting operation.
In this case too, the value for "max. infeed depth" (m1) is observed throughout the entire
Number of thread starts The number of thread starts is defined here.
UHFXWWLQJ This softkey is used to select remachining or thread recutting (thread repair).
Thread cutting
The machining sequence is as follows:
1. Starting from the current axis position, the start position for the thread (d1/z0) is
approached in rapid traverse.
2. This is followed by infeed by the first depth of cut.
3. The controller then waits for the next zero mark from the spindle encoder in order to start
the axis movements (longitudinal axis and/or transverse axis) (depending on the thread
4. Once the end position for the thread has been reached in both axes, the tool is withdrawn
from the workpiece in rapid traverse.
5. The start position for the thread is then approached in the longitudinal and transverse
axis in rapid traverse, observing a clearance distance.
6. Infeed to the next depth of cut.
7. Wait for the next marker pulse from the spindle encoder to start the axes...
This process continues until all cuts have been completed. An additional finishing cut to
smooth the thread is then performed and the start position for the thread is approached in
the longitudinal and transverse axes.
8. There is now a choice of 2 options:
– Machining is now complete and the "Execute" screen can be closed with the "Abort"
– If you wish to continue machining the thread, e.g. if thread finishing is required, press
NC Start again.
See also
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
General parameters (Page 58)
The "Thread recutting" function is a subfunction of "Manual thread cutting". It can be used to
recut a thread or to continue machining the thread on a workpiece that has been unclamped
in between.
In order for "Thread recutting" to proceed correctly, the appropriate values have to be
entered in the "Thread Cutting" screen form.
Operating sequences
The "Thread recutting" function uses the entry values from the "Thread Cutting" screen form.
This screen form must therefore have been completed in order for thread cutting to proceed
UHFXWWLQJ You can call the thread recutting function with softkey "Thread repair".
The following screen form appears:
The values displayed for start of thread, end of thread and axis position relate to the type of
thread selected.
Longitudinal and taper thread ≤ 45° (Z axis)
Face and taper thread ≤ 45° (X axis)
All values displayed on this screen form are for information only; it is not, therefore, possible
to alter them directly.
The rest of the thread cutting process is exactly the same as that described for "Manual
thread cutting".
The only difference is that thread cutting is not started with the marker pulse from the spindle
encoder but with the angle that was calculated in the previous screen for "thread repair"
(thread recutting) as the "start angle offset".
At the end of each thread cutting operation, you can choose to continue machining the
thread, i.e., to perform shaving. Thread shaving can be performed either with or without an
additional infeed, in which case it is merely a "smoothing cut".
Operating sequences
The following query is displayed at the thread end:
"Should the threads be recut?"
If no thread recut is necessary, confirm the prompt with "Cancel".
After pressing the "With Feed" or "Without Feed" softkey, press NC Start to start machining
an additional cut.
If you do not wish to do this, exit the "Execute Thread" screen by selecting softkey "Abort"
without executing an NC start.
The roughing cycles (integrated in the control) are the easiest way of producing common
paraxial cutting contours. They are defined by setting particular input parameters in the
appropriate screen forms.
The contour can be machined using the following position of the contour:
● "Outside right"
● "Inside right"
● "Outside left"
Roughing either be "Longitudinal" or "Face".
Operating sequences
7XUQLQJ Starting from the main menu for "Manual Machine Plus" you can reach the roughing cycle
functions via softkey menu "Turning".
The following roughing cycles can be used via the vertical softkey bar or by selecting via
<Cursor keys>:
● Roughing cycle A - simple stepped contour
● Roughing cycle B - expanded stepped contour with beveled edges
● Roughing cycle C - expanded stepped contour with rounding
● Roughing cycle D - single radius
● Roughing cycle E - single taper
● Roughing cycle F - Face and longitudinal turning
● Roughing cycle - free contour
The function "Roughing A" is used to produce a simple stepped contour (step), with the
option of working the transitions to adjacent faces as a radius or chamfer.
Operating sequences
7XUQLQJ You can access the turning cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Turning" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
F\FOH$ In the softkey menu "Turning", press the softkey "Roughing cycle A".
Alternatively, you can select "Roughing cycle A" from the turning cycle overview with
<Cursor keys> and activate with the input key.
Input fields
The input fields in the "Roughing A" screen form have the following meanings:
Parameter Description
Length l Enter the length of the "step" to be produced, taking the contour start position
("Reference z0") in the axial axis (Z axis) as the starting point.
Diameter d1 Outside diameter of the "step" to be machined in the radial axis (absolute position
of the X axis in the diameter).
Diameter d2 Inside diameter of the "step" to be machined in the radial axis (absolute position of
the X axis in the diameter).
Parameter Description
Chamfer/radius F1 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a transition radius
(display "RND") or a transition chamfer (display "Chamfer CHR" or "Chamfer CHF")
of less than 450 between the end face and the inside diameter of the "step". You
can toggle between RND / CHR / CHF using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0
switches this function off.
Two types of dimensioning are possible with the chamfers:
• in the case of chamfer CHR, the value specifies the width of the chamfer in the
direction of the movement,
• in the case of chamfer CHF, the value corresponds with the length of the
Chamfer/radius F2 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a transition radius
(display "RND") or a transition chamfer (display "Chamfer CHR" or "Chamfer CHF")
of less than 450 between the end face and the inside diameter of the "step". You
can toggle between RND / CHR / CHF using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0
switches this function off.
Two types of dimensioning are possible with the chamfers:
• in the case of chamfer CHR, the value specifies the width of the chamfer in the
direction of the movement,
• in the case of chamfer CHF, the value corresponds with the length of the
Chamfer/radius F3 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a transition radius
(display "RND") or a transition chamfer (display "Chamfer CHR" or "Chamfer CHF")
of less than 450 between the end face and the inside diameter of the "step". You
can toggle between RND / CHR / CHF using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0
switches this function off.
Two types of dimensioning are possible with the chamfers:
• in the case of chamfer CHR, the value specifies the width of the chamfer in the
direction of the movement,
• in the case of chamfer CHF, the value corresponds with the length of the
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing. The internal infeed calculation
ensures that the infeed is as uniform as possible throughout the roughing operation.
This entry value represents the maximum value possible and is therefore not
Finishing allowance m2 Finishing allowance in the X axis (m2x)
Finishing allowance in the Z axis (m2z)
See also
General parameters (Page 58)
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
The function "Roughing B" is used to produce a simple cutting contour, with an additional
interpolation point allowing beveled or tapered contours. Transitions to adjacent faces can
again be worked as a radius or chamfer.
Operating sequences
7XUQLQJ You can access the turning cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Turning" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
F\FOH% In the softkey menu "Turning", press the softkey "Roughing cycle B".
Alternatively, you can select "Roughing cycle B" from the turning cycle overview with
<Cursor keys> and activate with the input key.
Input fields
The input fields in the "Roughing B" screen form have the following meanings:
Parameter Description
Length l1 Enter the length of the "step" to be produced, taking the contour start position ("Reference
z0") in the axial axis (Z axis) as the starting point.
Length l2 Interpolation point position, which defines the position of the additional contour interpolation
point in the longitudinal axis (Z axis).
Diameter d1 Outside diameter of the "step" to be machined in the radial axis (absolute position of the X
axis in the diameter).
Diameter d2 Interpolation point diameter, which together with the "Interpolation point position l2"
parameter defines the position of the interpolation point in the radial axis (absolute position
of the X axis in the diameter), allowing beveled faces to be produced within a "step".
Diameter d3 Inside diameter of the "step" to be machined in the radial axis (absolute position of the X
axis in the diameter).
Chamfer/radius F1 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a transition radius (display "RND")
or a transition chamfer (display "Chamfer CHR" or "Chamfer CHF") of less than 450
between the end face and the inside diameter of the "step". You can toggle between RND /
CHR / CHF using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0 switches this function off.
Two types of dimensioning are possible with the chamfers:
• in the case of chamfer CHR, the value specifies the width of the chamfer in the direction
of the movement,
• in the case of chamfer CHF, the value corresponds with the length of the chamfer.
Chamfer/radius F2 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a transition radius (display "RND")
or a transition chamfer (display "Chamfer CHR" or "Chamfer CHF") of less than 450
between the end face and the inside diameter of the "step". You can toggle between RND /
CHR / CHF using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0 switches this function off.
Two types of dimensioning are possible with the chamfers:
• in the case of chamfer CHR, the value specifies the width of the chamfer in the direction
of the movement,
• in the case of chamfer CHF, the value corresponds with the length of the chamfer.
Chamfer/radius F3 Depending on the option selected, this value forms either a transition radius (display "RND")
or a transition chamfer (display "Chamfer CHR" or "Chamfer CHF") of less than 450
between the end face and the inside diameter of the "step". You can toggle between RND /
CHR / CHF using the toggle key. An input value of 0.0 switches this function off.
Two types of dimensioning are possible with the chamfers:
• in the case of chamfer CHR, the value specifies the width of the chamfer in the direction
of the movement,
• in the case of chamfer CHF, the value corresponds with the length of the chamfer.
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing. The internal infeed calculation ensures that
the infeed is as uniform as possible throughout the roughing operation. This entry value
represents the maximum value possible and is therefore not exceeded.
Finishing m2 Finishing allowance in the X axis (m2x)
allowance Finishing allowance in the Z axis (m2z)
See also
General parameters (Page 58)
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
The function "Roughing C" is used to produce a special cutting contour, with a filleted
transition between the inside and outside diameter of the contour. Other chamfers or radii
cannot be included.
Operating sequences
7XUQLQJ You can access the turning cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Turning" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
F\FOH& In the softkey menu "Turning", press the softkey "Roughing cycle C".
Alternatively, you can select "Roughing cycle C" from the turning cycle overview with
<Cursor keys> and activate with the input key.
Input fields
The input fields in the "Roughing C" screen form have the following meanings:
Parameter Description
Length l1 Enter the end point of the contour in the axial axis here, taking the contour start position
("Reference z0") in the axial axis (Z axis) as the starting point.
Length l2 End point of filleting in the longitudinal axis (Z axis).
Length l3 Start point of filleting in the longitudinal axis (Z axis).
Diameter d1 Outside diameter of the "step" to be machined in the radial axis (absolute position of the X
axis in the diameter).
Diameter d2 Inside diameter of the "step" to be machined in the radial axis (absolute position of the X
axis in the diameter).
Radius r This entry value determines the size of the filleting, the center of the circle being calculated
internally. It is located on the imaginary line that is central and "normal" (90o) to the
imaginary connecting line between points "l2/d1" and "l3/d2". The choice of whether the
center point is on the side of the contour facing towards or away from the turning center is
determined by the "convex/concave" function key setting. If the radius entered is too small,
an error message will be displayed during machining (after NC start) since the contour
cannot be produced in this case.
Convex/concave This toggle key is used to specify on which side of the contour the circle center point should
be located. The circular machining direction, and hence the appearance of the finished
contour, is adjusted accordingly.
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing. The internal infeed calculation ensures that
the infeed is as uniform as possible throughout the roughing operation. This entry value
represents the maximum value possible and is therefore not exceeded.
Finishing m2 Finishing allowance in the X axis (m2x)
allowance Finishing allowance in the Z axis (m2z)
See also
General parameters (Page 58)
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
The function "Roughing D" allows a single radius contour to be machined, supported by
Operating sequences
7XUQLQJ You can access the turning cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Turning" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
F\FOH' In the softkey menu "Turning", press the softkey "Roughing cycle D".
Alternatively, you can select "Roughing cycle D" from the turning cycle overview with
<Cursor keys> and activate with the input key.
Input fields
The input fields in the "Roughing D" screen form have the following meanings:
Parameter Description
Length l1 Enter the end point of the contour in the axial axis here, taking the contour start position
("Reference z0") in the axial axis (Z axis) as the starting point.
Diameter d1 Outside diameter of the contour to be machined in the transverse axis (absolute position of
the X axis in the diameter).
Diameter d2 Inside diameter of the "radius" to be machined in the radial axis (absolute position of the X
axis in the diameter).
Radius R This input value determines the size of the radius, the center of the circle being calculated
internally. It is located on the imaginary line that is central and "normal" (900) to the
imaginary connecting line between points "(Z0-l1)/d1" and "Z0/d2". The choice of whether
the center point is on the side of the contour facing towards or away from the turning center
is determined by the "convex/concave" function key setting. If the radius entered is too
small, an error message will be displayed during machining (after NC start) since the
contour cannot be produced in this case.
Convex/concave This toggle key is used to specify on which side of the contour the circle center point should
be located. The circular machining direction, and hence the appearance of the finished
contour, is adjusted accordingly.
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing. The internal infeed calculation ensures that
the infeed is as uniform as possible throughout the roughing operation. This entry value
represents the maximum value possible and is therefore not exceeded.
Finishing m2 Finishing allowance in the X axis (m2x)
allowance Finishing allowance in the Z axis (m2z)
See also
General parameters (Page 58)
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
The function "Roughing E" allows a single taper contour to be machined, supported by
Operating sequences
7XUQLQJ You can access the turning cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Turning" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
F\FOH( In the softkey menu "Turning", press the softkey "Roughing cycle E".
Alternatively, you can select "Roughing cycle E" from the turning cycle overview with
<Cursor keys> and activate with the input key.
Input fields
The input fields in the "Roughing E" screen form have the following meanings:
Parameter Description
d1, d2,... The dimensioning type can be selected in this toggle field.
The following options are available:
"d1,d2,l1" -> "d1,l1,angle" -> "d2,l1,angle" -> "d1,d2,angle(d1)" -> "d1,d2,angle(d2)"
The selection is indicated in the diagram displayed on the screen.
Length l1 Enter the length of the taper to be produced, taking the contour start position ("Reference
z0") in the axial axis (Z axis) as the starting point.
Diameter d1 Outside diameter of the taper to be machined in the transverse axis (absolute position of the
X axis in the diameter).
Diameter d2 Inside diameter of the taper to be machined in the transverse axis (absolute position of the
X axis in the diameter).
Parameter Description
Angle α Angle of the taper to be machined.
The reference point is either d1 or d2 depending on which dimensioning type is selected.
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing. The internal infeed calculation ensures that
the infeed is as uniform as possible throughout the roughing operation. This entry value
represents the maximum value possible and is therefore not exceeded.
Finishing m2 Finishing allowance in the X axis (m2x)
allowance Finishing allowance in the Z axis (m2z)
See also
General parameters (Page 58)
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
The function "Roughing F" allows cycle-supported production of an end face (cutting
direction "Planar") or of a peripheral surface (cutting direction "Longitudinal").
Operating sequences
7XUQLQJ You can access the turning cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Turning" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
F\FOH) In the softkey menu "Turning", press the softkey "Roughing cycle F".
Alternatively, you can select "Roughing cycle F" from the turning cycle overview with <Cursor
keys> and activate with the input key.
Input fields
The input fields in the "Roughing F" screen form have the following meanings:
Parameter Description
Length l Enter here the length of the end face to be cut, taking the contour start position
("Reference z0") in the longitudinal axis (Z axis) as the starting point.
Diameter d1 External diameter of the end face to be cut (absolute position of the X axis in the
Diameter d2 Internal diameter of the end face to be cut (absolute position of the X axis in the
Max. infeed depth m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing. The internal infeed calculation
ensures that the infeed is as uniform as possible throughout the roughing operation.
This entry value represents the maximum value possible and is therefore not
Finishing allowance m2 Finishing allowance in the X axis (m2x)
Finishing allowance in the Z axis (m2z)
The cycle "Free contour" is used for the input and for the processing of an arbitrary contour
Operating sequences
7XUQLQJ You can access the turning cycle overview by pressing the softkey "Turning" in the basic
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
FRQWRXU In the softkey menu "Turning", press the softkey "Free contour".
Alternatively, you can select "Roughing free contour" from the turning cycle overview with
<Cursor keys> and activate with the input key.
Parameter Description
d0 Outside diameter of the shaft to be machined in the transverse axis (absolute position of the
X axis in the diameter).
m2x Finishing allowance horizontal to the contour.
m2z Finishing allowance perpendicular to the contour.
m1 Enter the maximum infeed depth for roughing. The internal infeed calculation ensures that
the infeed is as uniform as possible throughout the roughing operation. This entry value
represents the maximum value possible and is therefore not exceeded.
NAME If an external contour has been selected, the path to the contour program is shown here.
Specification for transverse The selected specification is displayed.
RYHUYLHZ The "Cycle overview" function lists all free contours contained in the machining step
To select, place the cursor on the appropriate line and press the "OK" softkey.
FRQWRXUV It is also possible to assign a contour of an external contour subroutine to the cycle.
The "External contours" function opens a dialog box with which the contour subroutine can
be selected. The "OK" softkey function links the selected program with the cycle.
Only contours listed in the cycle overview can be machined. External contours cannot be
The function "Machine contour" is described in detail in the SINUMERIK 802D sl Turning
Programming and Operating Manual in the chapter "Part programming; Free contour
programming, ... Define a start point".
YLHZ Rather than the auxiliary chart, the function displays the entered contour section.
Rough cutting
Starting from the current axis position, the rough cutting sequence is as follows:
1. Diagonal approach to the start position calculated in the cycle in both axes.
The safety clearance and finishing allowance are taken into account.
2. Infeed in the infeed axis (transverse axis or longitudinal axis, depending on whether
"Face" or "Longitudinal" was selected).
The infeed is calculated within the cycle as follows:
– The input value "m1" is not exceeded.
– The infeed quantity is guaranteed to remain constant until the unmachined contour is
reached (taking finishing allowance into account).
3. Execution of the paraxial roughing motion in the cutting axis until the unmachined contour
is reached.
The finishing allowance is taken into account.
4. Withdrawal from the material in the infeed axis by the infeed distance.
5. Retraction by the clearance distance below 450 in both axes.
6. Return in the cutting axis to the start position calculated in the cycle.
7. New infeed in the infeed axis by the infeed depth calculated in the cycle.
All roughing cuts are performed one after another, as described above.
Finish cutting
When the final rough cut is completed, the contour is finish cut with the following motions:
1. Traverse in the infeed axis to the finished dimension for the contour, corrected by the
clearance distance.
2. Infeed in both axes (below 450) to the contour start point.
3. Execution of the finishing motion along the parameterized contour.
4. Retraction by the clearance distance below 450 in both axes.
5. Return in the cutting axis to the start position calculated in the cycle.
6. Finally, the original position of the axes before the start of machining is approached
See also
Principle operating sequence (Page 54)
Operating sequences
You can access the screen for input into the list by pressing softkey "Work prog." in the main
screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
"Cursor up / down" With the cursor up/cursor down keys, you can move selected machining steps up and down within
the list. The selected step is displayed on an orange background.
"Cursor right"
If you have selected a machining cycle , the input screen for this cycle or the taught block
opens automatically when you press the cursor key on the right.
Other inputs in the screen are made with softkeys:
Opens the following dialog box:
2SHQ Displays a dialog used to open an existing machining step program or create a new
machining step program.
If the file is not located in drive N (NC storage), ensure that the external medium is not
removed during the machining.
XQGHU A save dialog appears.
%DFN Returns to the menu for the machining step program
D[LVSRV This function inserts a positioning block at the current machine axis position in the selected
machining step.
To interrupt the function "Machining step program" press "Cancel".
This softkey returns you to the main screen for "Manual Machine Plus".
If you have changed any values, a prompt window informs you accordingly.
Press "OK" to save the values
Press "Cancel" to discard the settings.
F\FOH Inserting a traversing block in the program.
ODWLRQ Change into the dialog box for machining simulation (Page 117).
By pressing the softkey "Exec. here" the function changes into the screen form in
whichMachining (Page 120) should be realized.
In this case, the machining step program is executed from the current cursor position in the
machining step program (marked step in the program).
Operating sequences
You have opened a machining step program.
1. Move the cursor to the machining step after which the tool should be changed.
The fields "T" and "D" contain the active tool and the active cutting edge number,
3. To select the tool, enter the tool number and the cutting edge number in the input fields
"T" and "D", respectively.
- OR -
Use the <Tab key> to change to the list and position the cursor on the appropriate tool
and press the <INPUT> key to confirm the selection.
The selected tool is copied into the "T" input field.
4. If the tick is set in the field "G75" (approach fixed point), the controller travels to a stored
fixed point before the tool change.
5. Press "OK".
Figure 6-7 Tool change in the machining step program, first prompt
With this prompt, you decide whether the tool should be used in all subsequent steps up
to the next tool change.
6. The following options are available:
7. If you press "Cancel", the tool change only takes place in this step, or
if you press "OK", the tool is also changed in all subsequent program steps.
If the tool change is to be performed without travelling to a fixed point, travel to a safe
machine position beforehand and save this point as work step in the step program.
6.2 Teach In
Using this function, an approached axis position can be directly entered into a specific
traversing block.
Operating sequences
1. You can reach the "Teach In" function in the machining step program by pressing the
"Teach In" softkey.
The controller switches to the manual machining screen forms of axis-parallel turning,
taper turning and radius turning.
7HDFK,Q 5. Exit the "Teach In" mode using the function "Finish Teach In".
The menu returns to the machining step program.
The cursor is at the last block that was entered (refer to the following screen shot).
You can use this function to graphically display the execution of the program on the screen,
in order to easily control the programming result without moving the machine axes.
Operating sequences
ODWLRQ The start screen is opened.
The simulation of the part program can be reproduced on the HMI using the following two
● Standard simulation
The execution of the part program is simulated on the HMI by considering the axis
feedrates. In the case of more extensive NC programs, the simulation may, therefore,
take more time.
● Contour simulation
Execution of the part program is simulated on the HMI. The simulation is based on pure
calculations and is, therefore, faster in the case of more extensive NC programs.
Standard simulation
VLPXODWLRQ The execution of the part program is simulated with this function on the HMI by considering
the axis feedrates.
Press <NC START> to start the standard simulation for the selected part program.
Contour simulation
VLPXODWLRQ Execution of the part program is simulated with this function on the HMI.
If the simulation is used to test a single cycle, the display area is divided into the traversing
movements and technology data columns. The technology data cannot be changed in
simulation mode.
A description of further operating options for a simulation can be found in the
"Programming and Operating Manual SINUMERIK 802D sl Turning".
In the "Machining step program" function, you can toggle between the horizontal softkey
functions "Execute" and "Exec. here" using the <ETC> key.
The two functions change from the "Machining step program" into that screen form in which
the actual machining step program is to be executed:
The complete machining step program is executed with "Execute".
With "Exec. here", the program is executed from the actual cursor position in the machining
step program (step that is marked in the program).
Press the <NC-Stop> key if you want to interrupt the machining operation.
$ERUW 2. If machining was terminated (e.g. "machining completed"), then the execution screen can
be exited using the "Cancel" softkey.
The individual machining steps are performed with the currently programmed direction of
spindle rotation! This need not coincide with the position of the spindle direction switch or
with the spindle direction selected with the spindle keys!
The meanings of the messages listed below differ from those given in the general
"SINUMERIK Diagnostics Guide":
PLC alarm messages are specially configured for the "Manual Machine Plus" system in the
shipped version of the "Manual Machine Plus" software.
The following list of PLC alarm messages applies, unless the machine manufacturer has
defined an alternative or additional list of errors.
700013 FEED OVERRIDE = 0%
This document will be continuously improved with regard to its quality and ease of use.
Please help us with this task by sending your comments and suggestions for improvement
via e-mail or fax to:
Axis direction switch, 39 LED displays on the CNC operator panel (PCU), 10
Axis-parallel traversal, 47 Limit stop position, 26
Limit stops, 26, 29
Contour list, 102
End face, 99 Machine contour, 104
Peripheral surface, 99 Machining step program, 107
cutting rate, 45 Simulation, 117
Teach In, 114
Tool change, 111
D Manual Machine Plus, operating area, 34
Manual softkey, 18
D value, 35
Multiple tapping, 70
Drilling centric, 60
Operator control and display elements, 9
Cutting F, 99
Error displays, 10
F Parting, 69
Cutting F, 99
F value/F type, 35
Position display, 34
Feedrate type, 44
Radius turning, 49
Gear stage preselection, 59
Radius turning type A, 52
Groove cycle - multiple, 68, 75
Radius turning type B, 52
Grooving, 65
Radius turning type C, 53
Reference point, 21
Reference point approach, 19
Revolutional feedrate, 44
Handwheels, 39 Roughing cycle A, 85
Hot keys, 12 Roughing cycle B, 88
Roughing cycle C, 91
Roughing cycle D, 94
I Roughing cycle E, 97
INC value, 35
S value/S type, 35
Spindle, 40
Spindle speed, 40, 45
Spindle speed limitation, 46
Spindle type, 44
Spindle value, 43
Status displays, 10
T value, 35
Taper turning, 48
Tapping, 62
Thread cutting, 76
Thread recutting, 81
Time feed, 44
Tool change, 42
Tool measurement, 23
Travel direction, 35
Traverse axes, 20