840Dsl SD
840Dsl SD
840Dsl SD
Introduction 1
System overview 2
CNC operation in manual
mode (JOG) 3
Tool management 4
User memory 5
SINUMERIK Operate - Turning
Data transfer 6
Graphical support functions 7
Control system overview CNC operation in automatic
for machine tools' sales people ___________________
mode (AUTO) 8
CNC performance capability
and optimization functions 9
CNC programming methods 10
Simulation 11
CNC technology cycles 12
Complete machining 13
PC software 14
Integrated safety functions 15
Option list for the
SINUMERIK package 16
Summary of unique features 17
Legal information
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the relevant information is not taken into account.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
Scope of validity
This document provides you with an overview of the range of functions included in the
SINUMERIK 840D sl Version 2.6 SP1 for turning machines.
The document is focusing on vendors and dealers of machine tools.
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Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 Application......................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Machine spectrum........................................................................................................................10
2 System overview...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 SINUMERIK 840D sl....................................................................................................................11
2.2 Operator panel fronts ...................................................................................................................12
2.3 Operator panel equipment ...........................................................................................................16
3 CNC operation in manual mode (JOG) .................................................................................................... 19
3.1 TSM universal cycle.....................................................................................................................19
3.2 Positioning cycle ..........................................................................................................................20
3.3 Stock removal cycle .....................................................................................................................21
3.4 Measure tool ................................................................................................................................22
3.5 Measure workpiece......................................................................................................................23
3.6 Work offsets .................................................................................................................................24
4 Tool management.................................................................................................................................... 25
4.1 Tool table .....................................................................................................................................25
4.2 Monitoring of tool life and workpiece count..................................................................................26
4.3 Replacement tools .......................................................................................................................27
4.4 Setup data....................................................................................................................................27
5 User memory ........................................................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Buffered CNC work memory ........................................................................................................29
5.2 CompactFlash card......................................................................................................................29
5.3 Hard disk ......................................................................................................................................30
5.4 Disk drive .....................................................................................................................................30
5.5 Card reader ..................................................................................................................................31
5.6 USB Hub 4 ...................................................................................................................................31
6 Data transfer............................................................................................................................................ 33
6.1 Program manager ....................................................................................................................... 33
6.2 Data transfer using the USB memory stick ................................................................................. 34
6.3 RCS Commander........................................................................................................................ 34
6.4 Ethernet networking .................................................................................................................... 35
7 Graphical support functions ..................................................................................................................... 37
7.1 Animated Elements ..................................................................................................................... 37
7.2 Onboard documentation.............................................................................................................. 38
8 CNC operation in automatic mode (AUTO).............................................................................................. 39
8.1 Block search................................................................................................................................ 39
8.2 Program control........................................................................................................................... 40
8.3 Simultaneous recording .............................................................................................................. 41
9 CNC performance capability and optimization functions .......................................................................... 43
9.1 80bit NANOFP accuracy ............................................................................................................. 43
9.2 Jerk limitation .............................................................................................................................. 44
9.3 Dynamic feedforward control ...................................................................................................... 44
10 CNC programming methods .................................................................................................................... 45
10.1 Overview of programming methods ............................................................................................ 45
10.2 programGUIDE and SINUMERIK CNC programming ................................................................ 46
10.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 46
10.2.2 Program editor ............................................................................................................................ 46
10.2.3 Languages .................................................................................................................................. 47
10.2.4 programGUIDE input support...................................................................................................... 48
10.3 ShopTurn..................................................................................................................................... 49
10.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 49
10.3.2 Sequence editor .......................................................................................................................... 49
10.3.3 Interlinking of sequences ............................................................................................................ 50
10.3.4 Broken-line graphics ................................................................................................................... 51
10.4 Online ISO dialect interpreter...................................................................................................... 52
11 Simulation................................................................................................................................................ 53
11.1 2D simulation .............................................................................................................................. 53
11.2 3D simulation .............................................................................................................................. 54
12 CNC technology cycles............................................................................................................................ 55
12.1 Highlights of machining cycles .................................................................................................... 56
12.1.1 Stock removal along contour with blank contour ........................................................................ 56
12.1.2 Engraving cycle........................................................................................................................... 57
12.1.3 Counterspindle cycle................................................................................................................... 58
● Flexible application and guaranteed future through modular design and
comprehensive CNC functions
● Best dynamics, precision and surface quality through use of
high performance processors
● Integrated, certified safety functions for man and machine are possible with
Safety Integrated
OP 010C
Operator panel 483mm wide, 10.4" display, integrated CNC keyboard,
with frontal USB port for memory stick,
version with mechanical keys,
separate machine control panel
23& 6,1$0,&6PRGXODU
● All relevant functions at a glance, thanks to horizontal and vertical softkeys
● Brilliant color display, balanced and high-quality design of operator components
● Simple data handling with easily accessible USB memory stick
OP 010
Operator panel 483mm wide, 10.4" display, integrated CNC keyboard,
with frontal USB port for memory stick,
version with membrane-type keys,
separate machine control panel
23 6,1$0,&6PRGXODU
● All relevant functions at a glance, thanks to horizontal and vertical softkeys
● Brilliant color display, balanced and high-quality design of operator components
● Simple data handling with easily accessible USB memory stick
OP 010S
Operator panel 310mm wide, 10.4" display, mechanical keyboard,
with frontal USB port for memory stick,
separate CNC keyboard and machine control panel
● Option of especially slim design
● All relevant functions at a glance, thanks to horizontal and vertical softkeys
● Brilliant color display, balanced and high-quality design of operator components
● Simple data handling with easily accessible USB memory stick
OP 015
Operator panel 483mm wide, 15" display, membrane keys,
with frontal USB port for memory stick,
separate CNC keyboard and machine control panel
● Option of especially large display for better readability and graphic display for high-class
● All relevant functions at a glance, thanks to horizontal and vertical softkeys
● Brilliant color display, balanced and high-quality design of operator components
● Simple data handling with easily accessible USB memory stick
The Thin Client Unit (TCU) for a distributed configuration allows the SINUMERIK operator
panel front to be spatially separated and/or permits several operator panels to be connected
● Fewer parts for specifically flat design
● Competitive purchase price and inexpensive replacement parts
● Rugged and cost-optimized solution, as there is no hard disk
● Signal transmission between PCU/NCU and operator panel front via Industrial Ethernet
PCU 50
We offer the PCU 50 for customers who specify a hard disk and/or supplementary Windows-
based software.
● Windows XP operating system
● Additional CNC memory through hard disk
● Additional PCI slots
● Additional CF card slot
● DVI interface
● Flexible software expansion on Windows platform
● Flexible hardware expansion via PCI slots
☑ Basic configuration
A universal cycle is available in the setup for the most commonly used machine functions:
● Tool change with direct access via the tool table (T)
● Spindle speed and direction (S)
● M functions (M)
● Activation of work offsets
● Take over and change in tools directly from the tool table
☑ Basic configuration
The machine axes can be positioned directly via input screens in the setup:
● Linear axes / spindles
● Feedrate / rapid traverse
● Simple axis positioning without manual input, directly over the dialog screen
☑ Basic configuration
A comfortable stock removal cycle is available in the set-up mode. Soft collet chucks can, for
example, be turned with this cycle.
The following parameters can be specified:
● Roughing or finishing
● Undercut for soft collet chucks
● Preparation of workpiece or collet chuck without having to create a part program
☑ Basic configuration
The tool compensation value can be directly determined in the machine set-up.
The following variants are supported:
● Touch chuck
● Determine lengths via reference diameter
● Tool measuring probe (tooleye) or magnifier
● User-friendly functions for determining the tool dimensions directly in the machine
☑ Basic configuration
The workpieces can be measured as follows:
● Reference tool
● Time saving due to user-friendly determination of the workpiece zero
☑ Basic configuration
The following adjustable work offsets are available to you:
● A basic offset
● Maximum of 99 work offsets
(G54, G55 ...)
● Each work offset with axis rotation and fine offset
● Rotations, scaling and mirroring also shown as icons
● Flexible machining due to great number of adjustable work offsets
● Optimum overview of all active work offsets
☑ Basic configuration
Tools with their complete operating data can be managed in the tool list.
● Tools are assigned to the desired magazine locations with the load function.
● For each tool, you can store the following data:
– Tool type (rougher, finisher, engraver, drilling and milling tools ....)
– Tool name in plaintext (ex.: "ROUGHING_80DEGREES")
– Max. of 9 cutting edges per tool
– Tool length and cutting plate geometry
– Nose angle for drills or number of teeth for milling tools
– Direction of spindle rotation and coolant (level 1 and 2)
● Direct transfer of the tool from the list in the program or for measurement
● All tool data at a glance
● Simple and secure handling via unmistakable tool names
☑ Basic configuration
You can use SINUMERIK 840D sl to monitor the service life of your tools and the number of
tool changes. You can give your tools meaningful names instead of cryptic numbers. You will
come to appreciate this convenience when you read the CNC program, if not before.
● Monitor cutting time (T) in minutes or number of exchanges (C)
● Prewarning limit for timely preparation of new tools
● If the desired tool is not in the magazine, the SINUMERIK 840D sl will request a manual
tool change.
● Reduction of machine standstill times via tool monitoring
● Support of tool life monitoring or job time monitoring as standard
☑ Basic configuration
If needed, you can even use the SINUMERIK 840D sl to manage replacement tools (sister
tools). Tools with the same name are created as replacement tools. The replacement tools
are identified with an incrementing number in the ST column.
● Automatic tool exchange for unmanned operation
☑ Basic configuration
Part programs can be saved complete with set-up data like tool data and zero points.
● Time savings when you save the part programs
● Exceptionally large storage space in basic configuration already
● Efficient and reliable solution for handling a large volume of user data
☑ Option: PCU 50
A hard disk with 12GB of user memory is available on the PCU 50 for expansion of the CNC
● Hard disk can still be used as a data carrier
● Data transfer via floppy disk is still possible
● Insertion and removal of cards during operation possible
● Simple data exchange without opening the control cabinet
● The system to be operated can be more easily, safely and reliably handled
☑ Basic configuration
The program manager offers you an optimum overview of the directories and programs, and
very easy-to-use file handling. It supports plain names of up to 24 characters for directories
and files. Subdirectories can also be managed on external storage media such as CF cards
and USB sticks.
All storage media including the network drives are displayed in the program manager. The
part programs can be edited in all media.
● Easy and open exchange of data between the various storage media and the network
● User-friendly data handling in typical PC style with copy, paste, rename, etc.
● Preview window permits quick identification of programs without having to open them
A USB memory stick can be used on the front side of the operator panel.
User data stored on the PC can be quickly transferred
to the internal CNC memory. Execution from USB
memory sticks is not possible for security reasons.
Instead, we offer a CompactFlash Card solution.
● User-friendly solution, as memory slot is located at front
● Extremely cost-efficient, as no software option required
● Simple data transfer by drag & drop
● Remote diagnostics means shorter response times and reduced service costs
● Easy transfer of the contents of the screen display from the CNC to the PC; ideal for
training purposes etc. (connecting a projector to the PC)
☑ Basic configuration
The SINUMERIK 840D sl is set up for Ethernet (TCP/IP) networking (RJ45 connection).
● The data transfer rate is 10/100 Mbps.
● Remote access to the controller via the RCS Commander, e.g. for commissioning and
remote diagnostics
● Access to the network drives is available directly from the program manager. No
additional software is required on the server.
● Easy and economical connection via Ethernet (TCP/IP) to Windows PCs or Unix
● No software needs to be installed on the servers
● Process reliability during the setup
● Increased reliability at program input by easily understood depiction of selection options
● Programming on the machine without a handbook
● Help button to toggle between the editor and help screens
☑ Basic configuration
A block search may be executed in machine status RESET, e.g. after a program interruption
or to specifically return to machining The program data are prepared in such a way that all
relevant parameters (tool, work offsets, M functions etc.) are available when accessing the
The following search variants are available:
● Specifically to the interruption point
● To any CNC block in the DIN/ISO programs
● To any subroutine levels in DIN/ISO programs
● In work plan programs
● In position patterns when programming work plans
● Accelerated block search in large mold making programs
● Time-saving and secure restart at any program point, as no editing of the part program is
● An extremely quick block search is also available for large part programs through the
"External block search without calculation" function; overstore, if necessary
☑ Basic configuration
Single block
Single block mode can be activated for startup of the program. For this purpose a program
stop occurs after each traversing block.
Work plan programs maintain the alternative of stopping processing after each plane infeed.
Program test
Programs can be checked before processing in a program test mode. The program is
executed to completion with stationary axes. This is especially meaningful in connection with
the simultaneous recording option (real-time simulation).
Program editing
In machine condition STOP, the program can be edited directly at the location of the fault,
e.g. erroneous DIN/ISO blocks or wrongly parameterized sequences. After correcting the
program you can continue machining.
● Secure positioning of new part programs
● Continue machining quickly after interruptions
During machining, the tool paths can be simultaneously recorded on the display of the
controller in side view, front view, two window view or in 3D view. Workpiece depiction and
views correspond to the graphic simulation.
● Machining can also be monitored in a complex machine room
☑ Basic configuration
The accuracy of the workpiece is determined by more factors than just the mechanical
characteristics of the machine. The CNC controller also contributes to a critical degree
towards the precision of the workpieces. The SINUMERIK 840D sl offers a multitude of CNC
functions for this purpose.
The SINUMERIK 840D sl and the SINAMICS drive calculate using 80-bit floating point
accuracy. This enables a calculation accuracy much less than a nanometer. This exactness
is available not only for closed loop position control but also for power and closed-loop speed
control and also for sensor evaluation of the drive.
Y (mm)
1 mm
Y (mm)
● Maximum precision in the workpiece results based on extremely high calculation
☑ Basic configuration
The control calculates a steady acceleration profile instead of jumps in acceleration. This
enables jerk-free velocity characteristics for the involved path axes. The jerk limitation can
also be directly activated in the part program with the »SOFT« NC language command.
● Longer machine lifespan through protection of the mechanical components
● Higher path accuracy through softer acceleration
☑ Basic configuration
Inaccuracies in the resulting workpiece contour due to following errors can practically be
eliminated using dynamic feedforward control FFWON. The result is excellent machining
precision even at high tool path feedrates. This is clarified with a circularity test on the
Without pre-control With pre-control
● Higher path accuracy through compensation of contouring errors
The SINUMERIK 840D sl offers you a choice of the following programming methods:
programGUIDE and SINUMERIK CNC programming
With programGUIDE you obtain the perfect combination of the SINUMERIK CNC
programming language and the parameterization of technology cycles. The wide choice of
technology cycles and the ease of parameterization allows you to reduce the programming
time. The parameter input is supported by Animated Elements.
The SINUMERIK language statements with CNC high-level language elements offer you a
very high degree of flexibility and guarantee minimum machining time.
programmGUIDE and SINUMERIK CNC programming are particularly suitable for medium
series and large series production.
● Whether you use programGUIDE or ShopTurn – in either case the full range of
technological cycles, position patterns and geometries is available to you
● Compatibility with the ISO dialect of other controller manufacturers is feasible
10.2.1 Introduction
☑ Basic configuration
A line-oriented program editor is available to you for DIN/ISO programming. The editor
enables you to input CNC language commands directly or to edit them. Thereby, the
complete range of CNC functions are available for the most complex machining.
The following functions are included in the
program editor:
Contour calculator
Tool selection directly from tool list
Support screens for standard machining
and measuring cycles
"Copy", "Insert" and "Cut" key group
"Find", "Replace" and "Replace All"
character string
Renumbering a program
Direct execution from any NC program
block (block search)
Jump to program start or program end
● Time saving by using a powerful editor when programming
● Even large part programs allow extremely fast editing in MB size
10.2.3 Languages
The SINUMERIK 840D sI's CNC interpreter can also process more complex CNC
commands, in addition to DIN 66025 standard commands. The commands are presented in
clearly readable form.
The following commands are available:
● G-code
G-code in accordance with DIN 66025 and in ISO dialect mode
● G functions
G0, G1, G2, G71 ...
● Language commands (extended G functions)
● Frame operations (programmable work offsets)
The workpiece coordinate system can be shifted, scaled, mirrored or rotated with the
● R parameters (arithmetic parameters)
300 predefined R parameters are available as arithmetic parameters (floating point
● User variables
The user can define his own variables by name and type.
● System variables
System variables can be read/written in all programs. They enable access to work offsets,
tool offsets, axis positions, measurement values, control conditions etc.
● Calculation operations
The following mathematical calculation operations are available for linking the variables:
calculation operations + - * / sin cos exp etc.
logical operations == <> >= etc.
● Program control structures
BASIC-style language commands are available for flexible programming of the user
cycles: IF-ELSE-ENDIF, FOR, CASE ...
● Established programming according to DIN 66025
● Unbeatable range of commands for flexibility and time saving while programming
● Existing DIN/ISO part programs with cycles can continue to be used
● Minimum learning requirements due to the continuity of the input support
10.3 ShopTurn
10.3.1 Introduction
The following information provides you with an overview of the characteristic functions of
ShopTurn. This includes:
● Sequence editor
● Interlinking of sequences
● Broken-line graphics
These functions are part of the machining step programming options package in ShopTurn.
The graphical programming is performed via a graphic interactive sequence editor. Each
program line represents a technological sequence (such as: face turning, centering, drilling,
tapping) or geometric data required for the sequences (position patterns or contours).
Graphical programming offers, in comparison to DIN/ISO programming, a compact and
comprehensible program overview.
Entering individual sequences requires no
knowledge of DIN/ISO. All required technical
and geometric parameters are entered in
screen forms. Simple, intuitive programming
with sequences can always be expanded very
flexibly by inputting DIN/ISO blocks and
control functions.
● Intuitive program input, without knowledge of DIN/ISO or Operating Manual
● Compact, clearly arranged machining programs
● Reducing the programming time by graphical input masks and copying / inserting
machining steps
● Reduced programming time due to linking of machining steps
● Increased reliability at program input by quickly checking the contour, without having to
start a simulation run
☑ Basic configuration
It is always useful to be able to speak a foreign language. This is true even for a global
player such as the SINUMERIK 840D sl. If you prefer classic ISO programming you can
continue to use it. You can even mix ISO programming with the SINUMERIK CNC
programming language. This enables you to increase the productivity and flexibility of your
machine step by step.
In the controller, G commands from Siemens are interpreted as standard.
ISO dialect codes and Siemens codes can be mixed within a part program, but not within an
NC block.
The switch over between Siemens operating mode and ISO dialect is performed using the
following two G commands:
● G290 - "Siemens" NC programming language active
● G291 - "ISO dialect" NC programming language active
The performance capability of the ISO dialect extends even as far as using the cycles G73 to
G89, such as cycle G84 for tapping.
● Even first-time users can initially continue programming the way they are accustomed to
● ISO dialect and SINUMERIK CNC programming languages can be mixed within part
☑ Basic configuration
The SINUMERIK 840D sl 2D simulation offers you the facility to make optimum and reliable
preparations for machining workpieces, including the detection of collisions. Calculating the
machining time also supports optimum calculation of tooling costs.
● Use of the real geometry values of the tools mounted in the machine
● Simulation in side view, front view or two window view
● Simulation can be interrupted at any time, and the speed is controllable
● Maximum process reliability through simulation using real geometry values
● Perfect clarity by showing the workpiece dimensions with a scale
11.2 3D simulation
☑ Option: 3D simulation
● Particularly realistic simulation through representation of the tool
● Optimum help and reliability in programming and in quotation costing
The SINUMERIK 840D sl offers you a unique range of CNC technology cycles for standard
machining – including an engraving cycle. The assignment to the machining positions is
performed very simply using a wide selection of ready position patterns.
For sustained accuracy of workpieces in an ongoing machining process, the SINUMERIK
840D sl supports you with the measuring cycles' optional package.
Thanks to the integrated geometry processor, you can create even complex contours directly
at the CNC controller. In this case, partially defined contour elements are automatically
calculated. In addition you can use the optional CAD reader to process DXF files.
The geometry processor supports you when inputting contours. The stock removal motions
are generated fully automatically by the SINUMERIK 840D sl. To be able to achieve
maximum productivity, you can pre-machine using a large plate angle. The optional
identification of residual material permits selective remachining of the remaining material
using a small plate angle.
● Significant simplification of programming, even for complex jobs, using CNC technology
● Continuity of cycles for programGuide and ShopTurn
☑ Basic configuration
With the intelligent contour stock removal cycle, free contours can be processed in a variety
of ways:
● Effective processing through orientation to the actually existing material
● Lower risk of accident and better chip disposal through feed interruption
☑ Basic configuration
The engraving cycle is used to engrave a text on a workpiece along a line or arc. You can
enter the text as fixed text or assign it via a variable as variable text.
Examples of variable texts:
● Date and time
The values for the date and time are read from the CNC.
● Quantity
The "Quantity" variable is available as a pre-defined user variable
● Numbers
When outputting numbers (e.g. measurement results), you can select the output format
(digits before and after the point) of the number to be engraved.
● Text
Instead of entering a fixed text in the engraving text field, you can specify the text to be
engraved via a text variable (e.g., _VAR_TEXT="ABC123").
● Reduction of set-up times by complete machining on one machine
● Simple program input of engraving
☑ Basic configuration
The SINUMERIK 840D sl allows the use of a fully-fledged counterspindle. The main spindle
and counterspindle can be operated under conditions of angular synchronism.
DIN/ISO programming
The commands for spindle synchronization and the axis movements for workpiece transfer
can be programmed as DIN/ISO language commands.
Machining step programming
A user-friendly counterspindle cycle is conveniently available for spindle synchronization and
axis movements for workpiece transfer.
● Simple and secure programming of all counterspindle functions
● High quality of workpieces by workpiece transfer in synchronous spindle mode
Contour areas which do not permit machining by tools with large plate angles are
automatically recognized in the stock removal cycle. The operator can rework these areas
using a suitable tool with a smaller plate angle.
● Time saving through avoiding idle cuts during residual stock removal
● Shorter machining times through the use of a large tool for the substantial part of the
stock removal and a smaller tool for the remaining residual material
● Avoidance of non-cutting movements while achieving extremely simple programming
For measurement tasks in automatic mode, powerful measuring cycles are available both
within the sequence and also in DIN/ISO programming. Input screens with dynamic help
displays are used for convenient entry of the measuring parameters.
● Reliable quality of the manufactured parts by automatic measurement in the machine
● Fast programming for complex measuring tasks thanks to input screens with graphic
● Measuring cycles are now also available for ShopTurn sequence programs
The part program is easily created in a right-angle coordinate system with the front surface
transformation TRANSMIT (C axis mode) .
The path movements are conducted with the linear axes
X / Z and the rotary axis C.
Machine without Y axis
Machining with TRANSMIT
Machine with Y axis
Machining with Y axis
Machining with TRANSMIT
● Full functional range for drilling and milling on the front end
Using the peripheral surface transformation TRACYL, drilling and milling machining can be
executed on the peripheral surface of workpieces in the main and counterspindle.
Machine without Y axis
Any drill holes on the peripheral surface
Any milling without slot wall offset on the peripheral
Machine with Y axis
Any drill holes on the peripheral surface
Any milling without slot wall offset on the peripheral
Any milling with slot wall offset on the peripheral
Grooving on parallel walls of the peripheral surface
with milling radius correction
● Full functional range for drilling and milling on the peripheral surface
● Reduction of set-up times by complete machining on one machine
● Save time by converting DXF files into contours and position patterns
14.2 SinuTrain
● PC software for training and work preparation without occupying the machine
● Graphically supported instruction software for beginners
● High level of flexibility: With Safety Integrated, setup with an open guard door is possible
● High level of security: Complete implementation of the safety functions in Category
3/SIL 2
● Increased availability: Absence of interference-susceptible electromechanical switching
● High degree of cost effectiveness: Reducing the hardware
Programming support
Machining step programming ShopTurn 6FC5800-0AP17-0YB0
Residual material detection and machining for contour pockets 6FC5800-0AP13-0YB0
and stock removal
3D simulation, machined part 6FC5800-0AP20-0YB0
Simultaneous recording (real-time simulation of current machining) 6FC5800-0AP24-0YB0
TRANSMIT and peripheral surface transformation 6FC5800-0AM27-0YB0
Measuring functions/measuring cycles
Measuring cycles for drilling/milling and turning 6FC5800-0AP28-0YB0
(calibrate workpiece probe, workpiece measurement, tool
User memory
Additional user memory or CompactFlash Card 6FC5800-0AP12-0YB0
Additional 2 MB user memory in the NCU 6FC5800-0AD00-0YB0
Additional languages for the operating software, without license, 6FC5800-0AN00-0YB0
e.g. Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish,
Slovakian, Czech, Turkish and Hungarian
Diagnostic functions
RCS Host remote diagnostics function 6FC5800-0AP30-0YB0
RCS Commander (viewer function)
RCS Commander for PC/PG (on CD-ROM)
● Universal operator interface for milling, turning and additional technologies
● Simple handling of tool and magazine data through clear and powerful tool management
● Wide range of programming options using ShopTurn machining step programming,
programGUIDE and DIN/ISO programming
● High performance cycles for automatic workpiece and tool measurement
● Full freedom of data transfer via USB, CF card and Ethernet, directly at the operator
● Can be used for simple 2-axis turning up to 5-axis multichannel and simultaneous
● 80 bit NANOFP accuracy for maximum precision in the workpiece results
● Free input of blank contours allows more efficient machining thanks to orientation on
actually available material
● Powerful transformations for end faces and envelope faces of turned workpieces and
inclined machining of turning-milling workpieces
8 G code editor, 46
80bit NANO FP accuracy, 43
A Hard disk, 30
Animated Elements, 37
B In-process measurement, 61
Block search, 39
C Machine spectrum, 10
CAD Reader, 65 Measure tool, 22
CNC memory, 29 Monitoring of tool life and workpiece count, 26
CNC technology cycles
programGuide, 55
ShopTurn, 55 O
CompactFlash Card, 29 Online Help, 38
Contour stock removal cycle, 56 Operator panel fronts, 12
Contour-grooving, 56 Operator Panels, 12
Ordering data, 69
Data transfer P
RCS Commander, 34 PC software, 65
Detection of residual material when milling, 60 Peripheral surface machining, 64
DIN/ISO language, 47 Plunge-turning, 56
DIN/ISO programming, 47 Program control, 40
DXF converter, 65 Program editing, 40
Program editor, 46
Program manager, 33
E Program test, 40
Engraving cycle, 57
F RCS Commander, 34
Feed interruption, 56 Reduced rapid traverse, 40
Feedforward control, 44 Replacement tools, 27
Flashcard, 29 Repositioning to the contour, 40
Floppy disk drive, 30 Residual material detection during turning, 59
Front end machining, 63
Safety Functions, 67
Safety Integrated, 67
Sequence editor, 49
2D, 53
3D, 54
Processing time, 54
Simultaneous recording, 41
Single block, 40
SINUMERIK 840D sl, 11
SinuTrain, 66
Stock removal cycle, 21
Tool management, 25
TSM universal cycle, 19
Unique selling points, 71
User memory, 29
Velocity control, 44
Work offsets, 24