Secure Cloud Data Storage: From Single To Multi-Cloud Environment
Secure Cloud Data Storage: From Single To Multi-Cloud Environment
Secure Cloud Data Storage: From Single To Multi-Cloud Environment
2, February 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
Abstract: Cloud based storage services are most popular among organizations due to its high computing power at low cost with
saving in IT infrastructure. Major threat found by organizations before storing data in public cloud storage is security of the
information stored. Even after strong provision of various security mechanism at various cloud service level, still full security is
not achieved yet. Malicious system administrator can access data of any organization . Our proposed solution deals with the
cloud storage security issues by distributing trust and security of user's data among multiple clouds by distributing fragmented
data among them. Since no entity will get complete set of data at any instance of time hence system is secure and reliable.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.2, February 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
Our proposed system takes dynamic decision as per end- 4. IMPLEMENTATION
user request, divide data followed by encryption to ensure We have developed system API for three main components
security. This encrypted blocks of data are stored in of the system for making it reusable in various
various cloud storage. The proposed system uses RAID applications. Independent dynamic linking libraries were
similar techniques to regenerate original file from partial developed for various methods as per the design of our
chunks in the event of failure of some cloud storages. DFS structure.
Figure 1 describes the architecture of proposed KeyGenaration, EncMethod, Encrypt, Decrypt are the
system. System is designed for multi-cloud environment functions written for encryption modules which are used
where application layer is developed as end user interface for processes required for maintaining security of files.
used by user for data and query provision. User requests SetFileCount and SetMode function are developed for De-
are processed by API developed for our system. We have construction module used for deciding no of fragments
used distributed file system mechanism for cloud storage . and mode of fragmentation. File Transport module uses
DFS command are useful for writing and reading data in functions developed like SetTransferMode, Connect,
cloud based system using its distributed characteristics. Disconnect, SendFileChunk, ReciveFilechunk for doing
DFS methods are developed for processing the files using network operation related to file writing and reading.
three main components of our systems as Encryption, De- These API sets allow end user to connect, configure and
Construction and File transport. utilize the storage system using FTP.
1) Encryption Component: It is designed for using
cryptographic techniques to ensure security of data before 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
storing in clouds. Encryption is used for partitioned file We have tested our implementation for single and multi
chunks before writing them into clouds and decryption is cloud based systems. We have used system configuration
used for getting original file along with merging operation as Intel P5 2,8GHZ processor with 2 GB RAM as local
during reading the files from clouds. We have used server . We have used different types and different size of
private key algorithms like AES and BlowFish for testing files for performance evaluation. System is tested for three
purpose. private key algorithms AES, DES and 3DES for
verification of their performances. We have considered
excel, doc, jpeg, html and pdf files of various size and
following graphs shows uploading time required for
various files in single and multi-cloud environment. Figure
2 shows time required for uploading various files using
AES encryption algorithm for single and multi-cloud
environment. Figure 3 and figure 4 shows uploading time
required for uploading various files using DES and 3DES
Our experimental results shows that DES
algorithm is slowest in performance and 3DES performs
better than DES whereas AES algorithm is best in class .
We conclude that AES is most suitable and fast private key
algorithm in cloud environment for encryption purpose
Figure 1: System Architecture
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.2, February 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at
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