Measuring and Characterizing Surface Topography
Measuring and Characterizing Surface Topography
Measuring and Characterizing Surface Topography
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed
Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Why surface topography?
Surfaces cover everything—and they influence behavior and performance of parts. In this
tutorial, we will focus on the topography of surfaces—the texture and roughness. Texture
includes both short spatial wavelength components (what one would call roughness) and
longer wavelength components (what one would call waviness and form). Texture may have
directionality (lay). These qualities are specified in mechanical product drawings, and the
evaluation of roughness is defined in both ASME and ISO standards. This tutorial provides an
introduction to surface metrology and to the evaluation of roughness. As an outcome, you
will understand the fundamentals of surface metrology, including vocabulary, definitions,
drawing symbols, evaluation methods, and both contact and non-contact equipment used in
measuring surface topography.
This tutorial combines materials developed and presented by various members of the ASME B46 committee on surface
texture in various venues. Major acknowledgments to Ted Vorburger, guest scientist at NIST, formerly chair of B46 and
currently chair of optical methods working group for ISO 25718; Chris Brown, professor of mechanical engineering at
WPI, currently chair of B46; Don Cohen, Michigan Metrology; John Kozar, Ford Motor, and a cast of dozens. Apologies to
others whose names were left off the print copy.
Some figures in the tutorial text are reprinted from other sources, and may not be duplicated unless permission is
obtained from the original publisher.
Desired outcomes for attendees
Describe surface topography, surface metrology, and surface finish
Describe effects of topography on performance
Understand symbols used in mechanical drawings on surface finish
Find major national and international standards used in specifying surface
Describe different parameters used in evaluation of surface texture
Understand different methods used in measuring surface topography, and
the resulting evaluation of surface texture
Obtain resources for deeper understanding of surface texture and
measuring surface texture
Surfaces/surface topography—general ideas
Some discussion about manufacturing methods (mainly
machining) and effects on surfaces
Types of methods for measuring topography (contact, non-
Surface metrology parameters
Documentary standards (ASME, ISO)
Why do we care about surface
Surface texture and topography affect:
Wear and friction (sliding surfaces)
Electrical and thermal conductivity (contacts)
Corrosion properties
Fatigue (stress concentrators on surface)
Cost (excess cost to make a surface better than it
needs to be, or costs due to poor product quality
because surface properties were inadequately
manufactured or specified)
Measurement (especially form: More difficult to
meet a tight form requirement if you have too much
O-ring seals (be careful if you specify too good a
surface finish! Some seal designs actually require
that your roughness is in a range between a
minimum and maximum value!)
Surface texture terminology
Direction of lay
Turning Milling
Tool Cylindrical
Surface Grinding
Roughness average (Ra) is a parameter
Ra (Roughness Average) is the average deviation of a profile from the
mean line.
Ra = ∫ Z ( x) dx X
L0 L
i =n
∑Z i
Ra = i =1
Machining process typical capability:
Micrographs of Surfaces
The following five plates are taken from J.M. Bennett and L. Mattsson,
Introduction to Surface Roughness and Scattering (Optical Society of
America, Washington, DC, 1989).
Plate 5. Nomarski micrograph of a well-polished molybdenum surface
showing the texture produced by the grains in the material.
J.M. Bennett and L. Mattsson, Introduction to Surface Roughness and Scattering
(Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1989).
Nomarski Micrograph of a
Diamond-turned Aluminum Alloy
Bandwidth Limits
Spatial resolution and longest measurable spatial wavelength,
i.e., from to
Vertical Resolution
The smallest height variations that can be assessed
with the instrument.
Vertical Range
Areal Topography,*
Line Profiling, Senses Z(X,Y) or Area-Integrating
Senses Z(X) Z(X) as a function of Y
Stylus Surface
Lateral Period Limit
Seen on an optical instrument Incremental Pitch Area
Contact instruments
Original instruments were stylus profilers that would collect a series of points from a line
Electronic high-pass filter to retain only the high frequency (short wavelength) content:
Roughness profile
Average the output to get “average” roughness
Form & waviness
Geometric specifications for parts ensure, among other
things, assemblability: Suppose design to assemble purple
part into light blue part (e.g. piston/cylinder in engine)
• Manufacturing imperfections, etc.—cannot (and should
not) design plug same size as hole!
• “Form” specifications establish “acceptable boundaries”
• Traditional machining: Machine geometry & imperfections
dominate allowable form & “waviness”; tool/cutter/material
interactions dominate “roughness”
Selection of filters to separate roughness
from form & waviness is critical
Measured surface Communication of filter settings is critical
For the most part, “recommended” filter
settings in standards
+ +
Trace – with
leveled with the
mean set to zero
Waviness –
Roughness –
Some height parameters
Ra = arithmetic average height (most used)
Rt maximum peak-to-valley
Rp peak height
Rv valley depth Rt = Rp + Rv
Traditional Topographic Characterization
S: surface z=z(x,y) R: profile z=z(x)
z n
= =
Mechanical instruments
• Traverse length > evaluation length in order to account for “landing” and “take-
off” transients
• Multiple sampling lengths in an evaluation length to help with filtering “before”
digital computers
• Standards give guidance on what the sampling length should be, based on past
research—sampling length is based on cutoff length, which is based on
expected (& measured) roughness
-Any (continuous) line can be expressed as a sum of
sines & cosines (or other orthogonal functions)
-A filter blocks certain frequencies; passes other
Measure z as f(x)
Stylus can affect surface – SEM micrograph of a stylus trace
on a turned aircraft aluminum alloy
Non-contact methods
Typically captures z-points over a “large” x-y area
Note that it is also possible to capture area measurements with stylus
contact methods by stitching y motion & x/z scans
Note that some non-contact methods capture “point-at-a-time”
Typically optical
White light interferometers (scanning white light interferometers etc.)
Confocal scanning
Focus variation methods
Structured light methods
Coherence Scanning Operating Principles
Measures vertical (z) features
x,y (lateral) are like conventional microscope
Resolves vertical to 0.1 nm (or better)
Software (both embedded and workflow) for measuring
and analyzing surface geometry map
Slope limitation due to objective numerical aperture
Computer control for “stitching” (measurements larger
than field-of-view)