Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: First Quarter - Week 1
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: First Quarter - Week 1
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: First Quarter - Week 1
of the Human Person
First Quarter – Week 1
My Holistic Philosophy!
Philosophy – Grade 11/12
Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) – Based Exemplar
Quarter 1– Week 1: Doing Philosophy
First Edition, 2020
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The portfolio is a deliberate collection of works that highlight a learner’s effort that
would enable the him/her to see his/her growth and achievement, ability to
reflect on his/her own work and ability to establish goals for future learning.
Introductory Message
Welcome to the Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person- Grade 11/12-
First Quarter Exemplar on My Holistic Philosophy!
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
As a teacher, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this exemplar
in the most fit modality. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while
allowing them to manage their own learning through portfolio assessments.
This exemplar was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
learner, either at home or in school. To help you with this, this exemplar comes with
a Weekly Portfolio Assessment. Your teacher will provide you with a template and
you will be given a privilege to organize the portfolio in your own creative way.
What I Need to Know
Differentiate holistic perspective from partial point of view
What I Know
Direction: Look at the pictures below. What can you say about them?
Describe their similarities and differences. Write your answer in your journal
What is It?
At your age, you may have already asked yourself important questions
about your life that cannot be directly answered through research or
education, such as “What do I want?” or “What will make me happy?” If you
have already asked these questions, then you have already engaged in
•What is philosophy?
•Is it a way of life? Why or Why not?
•How do you apply it in everyday life?
Philosophy isn't just about cosmic issues. Every day is full of events that
raise philosophical questions: why do we eat the things we eat, work the way
we work, go to the places we go? It is all about our beliefs and attitudes about
ourselves and the world.
Doing philosophy, therefore, is first of all the activity of stating, as clearly
what we believe and what we believe in. The term philosophy comes from the
Greek words:
-philos (philia) –love, desire for or interest in
-sophos (learned scholar,sage ) or Sophia (wisdom)
-philia and sophia joined by Pythagoras in 6oo BC thus the word
philosophy came from. Socrates claimed that the unexamined life is not
worth living. According to the phrase, a person who wakes up each day,
travels to the office, returns home at the end of the day, watches TV, goes to
bed and repeats the process for his entire life is living a life which is as
miserable as of a donkey. Such kind of life is not providing any value to
yourself which leads to a life which is not worth living. We hardly give ourselves
time to think reasonably and logically about our lives and how to live them.
The claim is that only in striving to come to know ourselves and to understand
ourselves that our lives have any meaning or value.
Below is an excerpt context that confers partial point of view into a
holistic perspective
-Solomon (2010)
What I Can Do 1
1. A teacher listens first to the two arguments of the students before making
any conclusion about the issue. ____________________
3. John asked permission from the parents of the girl before he finally
courted her out of respect. ___________________
4. The school president implements “no i.d. no entry policy” after a general
consultation with the teachers, students and parents. __________________
6. Student B after knowing that she failed in one subject during the first
quarter she went to the teacher and asked for assistance before doing
some steps in explaining it to her parents. ___________________________
8. Robert explored many options first before making a decision to leave his
job in the Philippines and works abroad. _______________________
9. Student A blamed his parents for lack of support in his studies that he was
not able to finish his high school studies. ________________________
10. The people in the Town of Malipayon sold their lands to Mining
Company without proper consultation from elders and examining the
consequences of it. __________________________
What I Can Do 2
Sloganize My Philosophy!
Direction: Craft your own philosophy in the form of a slogan. First, make a
draft of your slogan into a separate paper. Second, use appropriate words in
constructing it. Third, do not make it too long. Fourth, be creative in your
ideas and craftsmanship. Write it in your journal notebook or if you are
making it in a separate paper paste it in your journal notebook.
What I Can Do 3
Let’s put it into writing!
Direction: Write a short essay on a particular situation in your life as a senior high
school student where you had experienced partial point of view in your life
and you were able to turn this experience into a holistic one. Follow the format
in writing a paragraph: Introduction, Content, and Conclusion.
Format requires
Outstanding Good Format, some work, Not the correct
Organization format, neat writing. writing could format. With
and Style excellence neat Ideas not be neater. poor letter
writing, clear and always to Purpose not formation
purposeful purpose always clear
What I Have Learned
Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer in your journal notebook.
6. What inference can you make in this statement “Doing philosophy
logic, reason and ethics will lead us to wisdom”?
A. Stating clearly what we believe is an example of doing philosophy.
B. Examining everyday our daily activities is doing philosophy.
C. Being critical in what we do connects with doing philosophy.
D. Enjoying life with the others is doing philosophy.
11. How would you use doing philosophy in-order to arrive at a holistic
perspective of things?
A. Be conscious of your actions to avoid hurting others.
B. Do reflection of past mistakes and learn from those mistakes in life.
C. Learn to see things from the different angles before making a
D. Do good and avoid evil.
13. What judgment would you make to people who are not valuing the
importance of doing philosophy?
A. They are not reflective in their actions.
B. They are self-righteous.
C. They do not know about reflective process.
D. They lack the capacity to understand who they are and what they
are doing.
15. How would you prove to others that in doing philosophy you will have a
broad perspective in life?
A. Understand the mistakes of the people around you and forgive them
right away.
B. Understand who you are and what you are as a person and your
C. Understand the complexities of life and never bother think of
D. Understand the pain and sacrifices of others despite the complexities
you face.
14 What I Can I Do
What I Have What I Can I Do What I Can Do 1
Learned 2
3. A
4. B 1. Holistic
5. B 2. Partial
6. A 3. Holistic
7. A 4. Holistic
8. B
5. Partial
9. B
6. Holistic
11.B 7. Partial
12.A 8. Holistic
13.A 9. Partial
14.A 10. Partial
Answer Key
Portfolio Completion – Your Growth Clue!
(2010). Retrieved July 19, 2020, from
The Philosophy of the Human Person. (2016). Retrieved July 20, 2020, from Department of
Solomon, R. a. (2016). The Bign Questions: A short Introduction to Philosophy. Eight Edition,
Wadsworth, Engage Learning.
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