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Cooperative Development of An Arduino-Compatible Building Automation System For The Practical Teaching of Electronics

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3, AUGUST 2014 91

Cooperative Development of an Arduino-Compatible

Building Automation System for the Practical
Teaching of Electronics
María del Carmen Currás-Francos, Javier Diz-Bugarín, Juan Ramón García-Vila, and Angel Orte-Caballero

Abstract— This paper presents a cooperative project developed

by a network of schools and company of different regions of
Spain. The project consisted in the development of a home and
building automation system for practical teaching in vocational
training. The system is based on the Arduino platform to allow
the easy development of new applications and hardware modules.
This paper also presents the first experiences of practical use at
schools. The project has been granted by the Spanish Ministry
of Education.
Index Terms— Home automation, Arduino, vocational training.


T HE new regulation of Vocational Training in Spain has

introduced important changes that affect all special-
ties. In Electricity and Electronics there are new contents
about Building Automation that need specific equipment and
teachers training.
Fig. 1. Geographical distribution of the project partners.
To promote the development of innovative solutions to this
problem, in April 2011 the Ministry of Education of Spain
made a call for projects of applied innovation and knowledge The working group was composed by 9 educational institu-
transfer in vocational training (BOE April 27 [1]). tions: IES Escolas Proval (Nigrán, Pontevedra), IES Vallecas I
This call provided an opportunity of cooperation between (Madrid), Escuelas Profesionales Padre Piquer (Madrid), IES
educational institutions and companies to make research, inno- El Burgo de las Rozas (Madrid), IES Universidad Laboral
vation and technology transfer. It was also an opportunity for (Albacete), IES Herminio Almendros (Almansa, Albacete),
teachers to meet colleagues with similar concerns and interests. IES Tirant Lo Blanc (Gandía, Valencia), Centro de FP
After an initial stage of contacts through Internet, finally a Juan XXIII (Alcorcón, Madrid), Colegio Montecastelo (Vigo,
working group was configured by high schools and a company Pontevedra) and the company ICtel Ingenieros S.L. (Vigo,
of four different regions of Spain (Fig. 1) coordinated by Pontevedra) as a technological partner.
Prof. Carmen Currás of IES Escolas Proval (Nigrán, Gali-
cia). The project was named ‘Development of a Building II. P ROJECT D ESCRIPTION
Automation System with Arduino Platform,’ also known as
SIPA project. This project was approved by Resolution of Building Automation Systems can use both centralized and
October 21, 2011 (BOE October 26 [2]), with a budget of distributed topologies [3]. Centralized systems are typical
EUR 295,453.44 and had to be completed within 12 months. in home automation, with a small control unit and a lim-
ited amount of external connections. Distributed systems are
Manuscript received March 28, 2014; revised June 15, 2014; accepted typically used in more complex systems (buildings or facto-
June 23, 2014. Date of publication July 25, 2014; date of current version
July 25, 2014. This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Education ries) and use different communication protocols like KNX and
and in part by the European Social Fund through the Applied Innovation and LonWorks [4], [5].
Knowledge Transfer Project entitled Development of Building Automation This project explores the high potential of the Arduino [6]
System with Arduino Platform [2].
M. C. Currás-Francos and J. Diz-Bugarín are with the Department of Elec- platform to develop an automation system aimed at training
tronics, IES Escolas Proval, Nigrán E-36350, Spain (e-mail: carmencurras@ students in microcontrollers, programming in C/C++, elec-
edu.xunta.es; javier.diz@edu.xunta.es). tronic design, embedded systems, industrial communication
J. R. García-Vila is with Ictel Ingenieros S.L., Vigo E-36214, Spain (e-mail:
jvila@ictel.com). systems, industrial and object-oriented programming in C#,
A. Orte-Caballero is with the Department of Electronics, IES Vallecas I, NET, JAVA and Python.
Madrid E-28038, Spain (e-mail: angelorte@iesvallecasuno.es). This project has helped to share knowledge in the field
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. of electronics design and has boosted R&D in vocational
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/RITA.2014.2340015 training, where there is a human potential with great
1932-8540 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Corporacion Universitaria de la Costa. Downloaded on November 24,2020 at 01:33:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

2) Development of subprojects. These subprojects will be

joined to form a single integrated system.
3) Development and maintenance of web portal.
4) Edition of a textbook with a didactic approach to the
project contents.
The use of the Internet for communications between the
participating centres, especially for the exchange of technical
information and training, but also there have been face-to-face
meetings to review achievements and correct previsions.
The phases of the project are:
Fig. 2. View of one of the hardware modules used in the project (gateway 1) Initial meeting for the establishment and drafting of
technical specifications and requirements, allocation of
functions and estimation of technical training needs to
practical experience. In addition, the project has improved undertake assigned tasks.
the training of students by putting them in touch with real 2) Implementation of the project’s web platform.
industrial equipment. 3) Development of different subprojects in each centre,
The electronic products that have been developed are of involving teachers and students.
immediate application in education and are available to the 4) Publication of partial and final results in the web
entire educational community through many platforms, as an platform.
example of the integration in this project of Information and 5) External consultancy on specific technical aspects of
Communication Technologies (ICT). programming, communications, electronics, etc.
The project has developed a system with great future poten- 6) Bi-monthly meetings to discuss the project’s progress
tial that could compete in the market with other systems [7] and to encourage result dissemination.
in the field of home automation and intelligent buildings.
The participation in this project of several technical schools
guarantees the future continuation and improvement of the
obtained results. Institutes involved in this project have features, structures
and similar educational offerings in the family of Electricity
III. P ROJECT O BJECTIVES and Electronics. For these reasons they can apply the same
The overall objective of this project is the development of methodology.
a professional home automation system, with relay outputs Initially, the project is aimed at vocational training
for lighting circuits and power systems, and communica- specialties ‘Desarrollo de Productos Electrónicos,’ ‘Sistemas
tion capabilities. The system must be fully compatible and de Telecomunicación e Informáticos’ and ‘Instalaciones de
programmable with the Arduino platform (Fig. 2). Telecomunicaciones,’ with subjects like ‘Desarrollo de Proyec-
More specific objectives are: tos de Productos Electrónicos,’ ‘Desarrollo y construcción de
1) Collaborative development of a Building Automation Prototipos Electrónicos,’ ‘Técnicas de Programación,’ ‘Sis-
System based on the Arduino platform for access temas Operativos y Lenguajes de Programación’ and ‘Instala-
control, climate control, lighting control, energy man- ciones Domóticas.’
agement, technical alarms and integration with mobile For the development of each subproject we have followed
technologies. these steps:
2) Development of a web portal that serves as support for 1. Analyzing documentation, information and regulations.
the project and future use of the contents. The portal 2. Detailing the specifications of each subproject.
will include a wiki, tutorials, software repositories, 3. Proposing solutions. Technologies that will be used.
schematics, presentations and videos. 4. Selecting components.
5. Developing schemes of the solution.
IV. G ENERAL W ORKPLAN 6. Simulation of designed circuits.
Due to the nature of the project and the geographical 7. Developing programs.
separation of the participants, the need becomes evident to 8. Building and assembly of prototypes.
separate the overall project in parts that can be carried out 9. Supervision of assembly. Test and measurement.
independently. Thus, the technical content of the project is 10. Determining the quality and reliability tests.
divided into a number of subprojects assigned to each centre. 11. Developing technical documentation: reports, bill of
Although each subproject can be developed independently, an materials, schematics, assembly and service manuals.
important requirement of the project is that all parts should 12. Publishing results on the web platform.
all be able to work together in a single building automation 13. Writing the memory of project.
system that controls all aspects of a building and facilities. The evaluation of the project has been made through
The following tasks are distinguished: bimonthly meetings, in addition to these meetings, the coordi-
1) Overall coordination centres, project organization, dis- nator has taken control of the work performed in each centre,
semination of results. and has helped to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

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VI. U SE OF ICT AND W EB P LATFORM - Control of air conditioning systems: Centro de

The web page of the project has been based on Formación Padre Piquer (Madrid).
Moodle [8] in order to organize the information in a format 2. Comfort subprojects:
of online course. The various subprojects are available in the - Design of a control system for blinds and sunshades:
repository created for this purpose in GitHub [9], which can IES El Burgo de las Rozas (Madrid).
also be accessed via the learning platform. In addition the - Design of an electronic purse: IES Escolas Proval
project intends to use of different forms of communication (Nigrán).
like social networking (Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In), as 3. Security subprojects:
well as to develop building automation control applications for
- Design of an alarm management system: IES
mobile phones with Android and Apple iOS operating system.
Vallecas I (Madrid).
Some of the participants in the project have built their own
- Design of a RFID access control system: Universi-
web pages for specific parts of the projects [10]–[19].
dad Laboral (Albacete).
VII. D ISTRIBUTION OF TASKS B ETWEEN C ENTRES - Design of an assistance and surveillance control
system: IES Tirant Lo Blanc (Gandía).
The distribution of tasks has been made flexibly, so that
4. Communications subprojects:
it can be modified during development in response to needs,
preferences, or better adaptation to the characteristics of each - Embedded web design: Colegio Montecastelo
centre. (Vigo).
The distribution of projects has been made so that the - iOS and Android apps: Centro de F. P. Juan XXIII
centres need to exchange information to continue developing (Madrid).
their respective subprojects. The characteristics of each of the subprojects and an
Although each centre has been assigned a specific subpro- example of development are explained below:
ject it has been taken into account that each development is
part of a global system. Each centre has been encouraged to A. Autonomous RFID Access Control System
test the developments of others and validate the integration of
all parts. This subproject consists of an autonomous access control
Also, each centre has to perform its own didactic approach system with RFID modules of 125 KHz or 13.56 MHz, with
to elaborate the documentation and integrate it into the the following features:
project’s website and the textbook. 1. Compatible with any commercial electric door opener.
The project has the participation of the company Ictel Relay output: 10A. Power supply: 24VDC.
Ingenieros. This company has a proven experience for over 2. Up to 200 users per door.
10 years in the development of building automation and smart 3. Configuration without PC or portable terminal.
home projects, both in the tertiary sector and in residential 4. Aesthetic integration. Fits any standard electric box.
housing. It also has extensive experience in electronic and 5. Master card for permissions management and
software development. registration of new users.
This company has assigned a senior technician for this
project, taking charge of the following functions: B. RFID Access Control System With
• Teacher training in the basic technologies for the develop- Bus Communications
ment of building automation system: Arduino platform,
This subproject consists of an access control system with
communication protocols, programming and debugging
RFID modules of 125 KHz or 13.56 MHz, with the same
tools, required system functionality, etc.
features as the autonomous system and a communication port
• Support of centres for one year in all technological
that implements Modbus RTU protocol. This protocol is an
aspects of the project.
open communications system that can manage 128 receivers
• Unification of program structures, source code, schemat-
without repeaters, and can be connected with the rest of the
modules of the general automation system.
• Validation and testing of the various subprojects. Support
in all developments.
• Creation and maintenance for a year of the web portal C. Assistance and Surveillance Control System
that supports the project and its dissemination. This subproject is based in 125KHz contactless technology
• Participation in bimonthly meetings. with the following features:
1. 24 VDC power supply.
2. Communications by Modbus RTU/TCP with a
The distribution of the various subprojects among partici- maximum of 128 receivers, integrated with the general
pating centres was performed as follows, grouped by themes: automation system.
1. Energy efficiency subprojects: 3. Specific software for the management of users, timeta-
- Design of a control system for lighting and energy bles, surveillance frequencies and generation of reports
management: IES Herminio Almendros (Almansa). of different types (PDF, MS Excel and OpenOffice).

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D. Control System for Blinds and Sunshades I. Electronic Purse System

This subproject has the following features: This subproject has the following features:
1. 230 VAC Power supply. 1. RFID card-based electronic purse.
2. Communications by Modbus RTU with a maximum of 2. The user can load or check his balance in a computer
128 receivers, integrated with the general automation application.
system. 3. The balance of the card can be used for different services
3. Single or group control from any point. (purchasing, computer services). The system must check
the available balance and subtract the amount of the
E. Control of Air Conditioning System
This subproject has the following features: J. Applications for Remote Management
1. 24 VDC Power supply. This subproject will develop a set of iOS, Android and
2. Communications by Modbus RTU, integrated with the Python script applications for remote management. The objec-
general automation system. tive is to control the building automation system with iOS
3. Integrated LCD display for control and operation. devices (iPhone/iPad), Android phones or even XBMC (Xbox)
4. Control of 3-way valves for installations of 2 or 4 pipes. systems. It is also planned to publish these applications on
5. Remote or local temperature sensor. AppStore and Android Market as a means of dissemination of
the project.

F. Lighting Control System K. Embedded Web Server

This subproject has the following features: This subproject consists in the implementation of a web
1. 24 VDC Power supply. server for monitoring and acting on the elements connected to
2. Communications by Modbus RTU/TCP with a the automation system.
maximum of 128 receivers, integrated with the general As an example of the development of subprojects we have
automation system. chosen the subproject “electronic purse”. This system allows
3. Control of fluorescent or incandescent lamps, electronic the use of a RFID card as a payment system within a building.
dimmers, 0-10V analog regulators or relay outputs for The hardware needed is a system master (0500 Winkhel
non-dimmable lamps. module) which can be connected to RFID card readers (0200
Winkhel modules). The RFID cards are enabled on the master
system from a computer with TCP -IP connection. The card
G. Energy Management System balance is recorded in the EEPROM of the master. Each time
This subproject has the following features: the card passes through a RFID reader module a fixed amount
is deducted in the master.
1. 24 VDC or 230 VAC Power supply.
This subproject has been done by the team of IES Escolas
2. Communications by Modbus RTU/TCP with a
Proval during 2011-2012. The first stage of development was
maximum of 128 receivers, integrated with the general
the definition of the specifications of the system.
automation system.
The second stage was the test and development of small
3. Allows real time control of electrical parameters
programs to gain practical experience with the modules and
(voltage, intensity, power factor).
finally the final programs and integration with the overall
4. Development of software for graphical representation of
system were performed.
registered values, threshold values, exportation of tables
and graphs and alarm management by email or sms.
The evolution of the project over its first year has suffered
H. Alarm and Maintenance System some difficulties because of the delay in approving the budget
This subproject has the following features: and receiving the necessary material. During this waiting
period the training phase and task distribution began, for which
1. Digital inputs and analog 0-10 V, 4-20 mA, PT-100 and
different training sessions were held. The technological partner
ICTEL began to work in parallel in the hardware elements
2. Communications by Modbus RTU/TCP with a
that were used in each subproject, and the preparation of
maximum of 128 receivers, integrated with the general
documents and specific training for the participating centres.
automation system.
3. Alarm management (water or gas leak, fire, intrusion
and user-defined alarms). A. Hardware
4. Development of software to make reports and graphs Winkhel [20] modules developed by ICTEL Ingenieros SL
in different formats (PDF, MS Excel, OpenOffice), have both commercial and educational use, being a good
configuration of alarms, messages, user management and introduction for students to real systems in market. Here are
preventive maintenance. the modules used in the subprojects:

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Fig. 3. Printed circuit board of module WK0100.

1) WK0100: Small controller of general purpose with the

following feature: relay output 10-16A, digital isolated outputs Fig. 4. Photo of the project team after the final meeting at Vigo.
5V-24V, digital inputs, RS-485, USB and I2C communication
ports, DIN rail assembly. Fig. 3 shows the printed circuit board
of the module.
2) WK0200: RFID card reader compatible with any com-
mercial 125 KHz RFID card, reading distance of 5 cm, digital
output with relay for access control and communications by
I2C or RS485 interfaces.
3) WK0300: Motor control module for blinds or sun-
shades. Communication system to manage groups of motors,
85-264VAC power supply, can be installed in the available
space of the existing box.
4) WK0400: Digital interface module with 4 relay out-
puts and 6 isolated digital inputs. Communications interface
RS485 and I2C. Can be connected to WK0200 RFID mod-
ule for access control or building automation. It has also Fig. 5. Teaching application: blind control panel with WK0300 and lighting
a potentiometer and microswitches. control with WK0400.
5) WK0500: Communications gateway with Ethernet, USB,
TTL serial, I2C, RS232 and RS485 ports. Can be used as
gateway or master module of a RS485 system controlled by software libraries for communication via Modbus RTU and
a PC via ethernet. Web server capabilities. 24 VDC power Modbus TCP, Wire and Ethernet. GitHub software repos-
supply. itory was also introduced [22] as a tool for collaborative
6) WK0600: Thermostat module designed for small air work for the next phase of the project. Finally, the overall
conditioning systems in residential or commercial installations. system architecture and data structures and communi-
RS485 bus, 7 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs and 5 digital cation protocols between the different subprojects were
outputs. The controller performs PID control but it can also defined.
be manually controlled. 4) Gandia Meeting (Valencia): This meeting was held on
May 16-18 at IES Tirant lo Blanc of Gandia (Valencia) [23].
The main issue was the presentation of new Winkhel hardware
B. Training and Meetings
modules [20], application examples and final planning of the
The training sessions and follow-up meetings were held in project.
various communities to promote the exchange of experiences: 5) Final Meeting at Vigo: The last meeting of the project
1) Las Rozas Meeting: This meeting was held at IES was held on september 27-28, 2012 at ICTel Ingenieros.
Las Rozas (Madrid) on November 24-26, 2011. The main This meeting served as the presentation of all subpro-
issues were the initial training on the Arduino platform jects and the integration of the whole building automation
and the project learning platform [8]. In addition to this project.
platform, IES Vallecas I also began its own page on the Fig. 4 shows the representatives of the different centres that
project [21]. participated in the project.
2) Training Session at ICTel (Vigo): This meeting was held
on January 20, 2011 at ICTel Ingenieros (Vigo), to complete
different topics treated in the first meeting in Madrid for the C. Practical Teaching Examples
local members of the project. During the final phase of this project (2011-2012) the first
3) Training Session at Montecastelo (Vigo): This meet- practical experiences with students were carried out, which
ing was held in Vigo on February 8-9, 2012. The pur- consisted in the installation and use of small home automation
pose of this meeting was to explain in detail the hardware systems at Escolas Proval Institute. Fig. 5 shows one of these
and software tools needed for the project, like Arduino systems.

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[8] Moodle e-Learning Platform of the Project. [Online]. Available:

http://www.formacionconarduino.com/, accessed Nov. 5, 2012.
[9] Project Github Repository. [Online]. Available: https://github.com/
formacionconarduino, accessed March 10, 2013.
[10] IES Escolas Proval Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://www.edu.
xunta.es/centros/iesescolasproval, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
[11] Colegio Montecastelo Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://www.
fomento.edu/index.php?col=34, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
[12] IES Vallecas I Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://www.
iesvallecasuno.com/, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
[13] IES El Burgo de las Rozas Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://www.
ieselburgodelasrozas.es/, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
[14] Centro de Formación Padre Piquer Web Page. [Online]. Available:
http://www.padrepiquer.es/, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
[15] Centro de F. P. Juan XXIII Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://www.
juanxxiii.net/, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
[16] IES Tirant Lo Blanc Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://tirant.edu.
Fig. 6. Control panel and detail of the real home automation system gva.es/, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
implemented at IES Escolas Proval during academic year 2012-13. [17] IES Universidad Laboral Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://
universidadlaboralab.es/web2/, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
[18] IES Herminio Almendros Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://edu.
jccm.es/ies/halmendros/, accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
During the academic year 2012-2013 a wider implementa- [19] Ictel Ingenieros S.L. Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://www.ictel.es/,
tion of the project was performed. There has been an extensive accessed Mar. 10, 2013.
program of practices throughout the academic year and the [20] Winkhel Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://www.winkhel.com/index.
php/es/inicio.html, accessed Nov. 5, 2012.
installation of building automation systems in the classroom [21] IES Vallecas I Project Web Page. [Online]. Available: https://sites.
has been completed as an example of real use to control google.com/a/iesvallecasuno.es/pvkinn, accessed Nov. 5, 2012.
lighting, blinds and access. Fig. 6 shows part of the real [22] Github. [Online]. Available: http://github.com/, accessed Nov. 5, 2012.
[23] Digital Newspaper Article. [Online]. Available: http://www.lasprov
installation that was made. Other participating centres have incias.es/v/20120518/safor/instituto-tirant-blanc-gandia-20120518.html,
also made similar experiences. accessed Nov. 5, 2012.
These experiences have demonstrated the usefulness and [24] Reference of Project. [Online]. Available: http://upcommons.upc.edu/
versatility of the system for teaching use, its modularity COENELHOTELRENAISSANCEDEBARCELONA.pdf, accessed
and low cost with comparable performance to a professional Mar. 10, 2013.
system [24], which is especially important in the current eco- [25] C. Curras-Francos, J. Diz-Bugarin, J. Garcia-Vila, and
A. Orte-Caballero, “Desarrollo colaborativo de un sistema inmótico
nomic situation of Spain that seriously affects our education para uso docente compatible con Arduino,” VAEP-RITA, vol. 1, no. 3,
system. pp. 143–150, 2013.

The initial objectives of this project were achieved in high
degree. The necessary hardware has been developed to serve in
the future for education and to develop commercial products. María del Carmen Currás-Francos was a
Telecommunications Engineer with the University of
Many of the planned modules have been developed; a specific Vigo, Vigo, Spain, in 1993. She received the Ph.D.
e-learning platform has been created for the project as well as degree in telecommunications with European Doc-
software repositories for collaborative work. Throughout the torate from the University of Vigo in 2000. She was
a recipient of the Extraordinary Doctorate Award
2011-12 and 2012-13 academic years several experiences have from the University of Vigo. She has participated in
been applied in the classroom that demonstrated the usefulness several national and international research projects,
of the system for teaching purposes. The spreading of the and has several national and international publi-
cations on modeling and characterization of high-
project has been achieved by different means, including an frequency devices. She was an Associate Professor
article published in VAEP-RITA [25]. with the Department of Electronic Technology, University of Vigo, from 2000
to 2010. She is currently a Professor of Electronics with the Department of
Electronics at IES Escolas Proval, Pontevedra, Spain.
[1] BOE. (2011, Apr. 27). Res. 7510/2011. [Online]. Available:
http://boe.es/boe/dias/2011/04/27/pdfs/BOE-A-2011-7510.pdf, accessed
Nov. 5, 2012.
[2] BOE. (2011, Oct. 26). Res. 16800/2011. [Online]. Available: http://boe. Javier Diz-Bugarín was a Telecommunications
es/boe/dias/2011/10/26/pdfs/BOE-A-2011-16800.pdf, accessed Nov. 5, Engineer with the University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain.
2012. He has been involved in innovation projects related
[3] CEDOM (Asociación Española de Domótica), Cuaderno de Divul- to lasers, optical metrology, and robotics with the
gación. Domótica, 2nd ed. Madrid, Spain: AENOR, 2008. University of Vigo, the University of Santiago de
[4] KNX. [Online]. Available: http://www.knx.org, accessed Mar. 10, 2013. Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and
[5] Lonworks. [Online]. Available: http://www.echelon.com/technology/ the University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain. He
lonworks/, accessed Mar. 10, 2013. has been a Research and Development Engineer in
[6] Arduino Web Page. [Online]. Available: http://www.arduino.cc, accessed Naval Electronics. He received the degree in solar
Nov. 5, 2012. energy. He has authored publications at national
[7] C. Romero-Morales, F. J. Vázquez-Serrano, and C. De Castro-Lozano, and international conferences on renewable energies,
“Domótica e inmótica,” in Viviendas y Edificios Inteligentes. Madrid, microcontrollers, and science education. He is currently a Professor of
Spain: Editorial Ra-Ma, 2010. Electronics with IES Escolas Proval, Pontevedra, Spain.

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Juan Ramón García-Vila was a Telecommunica- Angel Orte-Caballero was an Engineer in Indus-
tions Engineer with the University of Vigo, Vigo, trial Electronics with EUITE, Eibar, Spain, in 1976,
Spain, and the CEO of ICtel Ingenieros S.L., Pon- where he was a Professor for 12 years.
tevedra, Spain. He has specialized in the design and He is currently a Professor of Electronic Systems
development of control and automation electronic and the Head of the Professional Family of Electrical
systems. He has led projects related to industrial and Electronics with IES I Vallecas, Madrid, Spain.
automation and communications, hotel management
and automation for tertiary sector, and home automa-
tion for residential.

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