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Bio Ipass

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Name: Dacera,Reymund Y.

_ Section: G12- Peace Day

_ _

Date: August 29, 2020 Day Eve Score:

Activity 1

A. Cell Theory

1. What invention was an early step in the discovery of cells? Microscope _

2. What are the 3 major principles of the cell theory?

All living things are made up of cell. _
Cell are the basic unit of structure of life. _
Cells come from pre-existing cells. _
3. Fill in the table to contrast the characteristics of the 2 major groups of cells:

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

Draw a picture of a prokaryotic cell Draw 2 pictures of eukaryotic cells

(animal and plant)

List organelles: List organelles:

Cell wall Cell membrane
Capsule Nuclear membrane
Plasma membrane Nucleus
Nucleoid region Centrosome
Ribosomes Lysosome
Pilus Cytoplasm
Flagellum Golgi apparatus
Mesosome cytoplasm Mitochondrion
Endoplasmic reticulum
Cell wall
Central vacuole

Types of prokaryotic cells: Types of eukaryotic cells:

Bacteria Animals
Archaea Plants

4. How does the discovery of cells impact the study of biology?

It made the study of biology reach new heights that we are experiencing right now. This
discovery opens up new possibility and ways for scientists in studying organisms. This
discovery lets scientists study organisms in a molecular level which helped them in developing
a more in-depth understanding on organisms. Treatments for covid-19 would not be possible if
this discovery was not made.

5. Organisms are either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. How useful is

the cell type in classifying organisms?
It facilitates the identification of organisms and learn the relationship of various organisms with
each other. It is also useful for scientists because they would not have a hard time in
identifying what organism is useful for them or not and when they find a new organism, they
would easily tell which family it belongs and if it is harmful or not.
Identify the two major eukaryotic cells. Write them on the space above the picture.

Plant Cell

Animal Cell

6. How can you distinguish a plant cell from an animal cell?

An animal cell is have a circle like form while plant cell have rectangle like form. Also, plant
cell contains a single large vacuole that maintains the shape of the cell and is used for
storage while an animal cell have many smaller vacuoles. There are also parts that is
lacking from the other. An example of this is plant cells have cell walls while animal cells do
not. Another thing is lysosomes are rarely noticed in plant cells unlike in animal cells. Last
is the nucleus in the animal cell is in the center while the plant’s cell nucleus is located on
the side._

7. Why are there organelles present in plant cell but absent in animal cell?
It is because this organelles are not needed on animal cells unlike plant cells. An example is
the cell wall, plants need cell wall because it serves as an exoskeleton for them and it helps
them to stand upright while animals don’t need cell walls because most of them have
skeletons to support them. Another thing is plastids, animal cells need plastids for them to
store and produce food to nourish themselves while animal cells don’t need this because
they don’t prepare food themselves.
Name: Dacera,Reymund Y. _ Section: G12- Peace Day _ _

Date: August 29, 2020 Day Eve Score:

Activity 2

A. Cell Organelles

A. Label the cell parts:

Left downwards Right downwards

1. Vesicle 8. mitochondria
2. Lysosome 9. Golgi apparatus
3. Vesicle 10. Nucleolus
4. Rough ER 11. Nucleus
5. Smooth ER 12. Centrioles
6. Cell membrsne 13. cytoplasm
7. ribosome

Use the word blank below to label the parts of the cell.

Cytoskeleton Vesicle Nucleus Nucleolus Rough ER

Ribosome Smooth ER Golgi apparatus Mitochondria Vacuole
Lysosome Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Chloroplast Cell Wall
Centrioles Microtubules
A. Identify the cell organelles being described by the statements.
Choose your answer from the word bank.

Mitochondria 1. It creates energy required by the cell.

Ribosomes 2. It synthesizes protein molecules that

maybe used to build cell structure.

Endoplasmic reticulum 3. It processes and transports protein.

Lysosomes 4. It contains digestive enzymes to

break down foreign invaders.

Cystoskeleton 5. It is a network of fibers that criss-cross to

support a cell from the inside.

Chloroplast 6. It performs photosynthesis to make sugar.

Centrioles 7. It helps in the cell division of animal cell.

Intracellular fluid 8. It is the internal fluid found in all cells.

Nucleus 9. It holds the DNA and chromosomes.

Cell wall 10. It is made of cellulose that provides rigid support.

Rough ER 11. It is studded with ribosomes and is often

the site of protein synthesis

Lysosomes 12. It breaks down alcohol, and can also break down
and make lipids.

Nucleolus 13. It is responsible for making ribosomes.

Vesicle 14. It carries materials from one part of the cell to


Vacuoles 15. It is a sac filled with fluid inside a cell; it stores

materials the cell needs.

B. Answer the questions in 4 to 5 sentences?

a. Why are the cells considered as the basic structures of
all living organisms?
It is considered like that because all organisms have cells. Also, every part of the body is made up of
cells. To further prove it, organisms like us humans need organs to function properly and organs are
made up of cells so without cells human organs would not be formed which will result to humans not
existing. And only cells can reproduce itself to make another cell that will form life.
b. How do different cells in the body keep the body alive?
Just like humans, every cell have a different function to keep the body alive
because all the functions cannot be done with just one cell. Also, cells that have
the same job forms tissue and this tissue form organs. We need organs to do
their functions to maintain the life in our body. Just like the heart, without it the
blood cannot travel throughout our body which will result in our death. Another
example is the brain who gives command to every part of our body and without it
our body won’t function.
Name: Dacera, Reymund Y. _ Section: G12-Peace Day _

Date: August 31, 2020 Day Eve Score:




"Micro" refers to tiny, "scope" refers to view or look at. Microscopes are tools
used to enlarge images of small objects so as they can be studied. Microscopes
range from a simple magnifying glass to the expensive electron microscope. The
compound light microscope is the most common instrument used in education
today. It is an instrument containing two lenses, which magnifies, and a variety
of knobs to resolve (focus) the picture. It is a rather simple piece of equipment to
understand and use. In this lab, we are going to learn the proper use and
handling of the microscope.

Proper Handling of the Microscope
1. Carry the microscope with both hands — one on the arm and the other
under the base of the microscope.
2. One person from each group will now go over to the microscope storage
area and properly transport one microscope to your working area.
3. Remove the dust cover and store it properly. Plug in the scope. Do not
turn it on until told to do so.
4. Examine the microscope label and give the function of each of the parts found.
5. How did the invention of microscope contribute to the discovery of the cell?
The microscope is the one that Robert Hooke used when looking at the cork where he
saw small cavities that later known as cells so without the microscope, Hooke would
not be able to see those cavities that would lead to the discovery of the cells.
1. Eyepiece tube 9. Eyepiece
2. Revolving nosepiece 10. Arm
3. 4x objective lens 11. Mechanical stage
4. 10x obkective lens 12. Coarse adjustment
5. 40-100x objective lens 13. Fine adjustment
6. Stage clips 14. Base
7. Iris diaphragm
8. illuminator
Name: Dacera, Reymund Y. Section: G12-Peace Day

Date: August 31, 2020 Day Eve Score:


In this laboratory activity you will study biology from the viewpoint of the
individual cell. Although the cell is the building block of all organisms, cells differ
enormously in shape, size and capability. Prokaryotic cells are less complex, are
usually found only in unicellular organisms and have more limited capabilities
than eukaryotic cells. Multicellular organisms are made up of highly integrated
aggregations of specialized eukaryotic cells, but some complex organisms
consist of a single eukaryotic cell.


 Microscope
 Slide and coverslip
 Scalpel/blade
 Cotton swab or Toothpick
 Sliced Onion bulb
 Cheek cell
 Iodine stain
 Methylene blue
 Prepared Human blood slide
 Prepared slide of bacteria


Part A. Basic Plant Cell Structure

1. Onion Epidermis

a. Obtain a piece of a single piece of sliced onion bulb. Snap the piece in half and,
using forceps, peel a bit of tissue-like, transparent epidermis from the inner
layer. Mount the piece of epidermis in tap water on a glass microscope slide. Be
certain that it is flat and not doubled over itself. Add a coverslip and gently press
it down with a pencil eraser to remove as many air bubbles as possible.

b. Observe the specimen under the microscope. If you see a confusing mass of
overlapping cell parts, you probably do not have a good piece of epidermis.
Scan your slide for a single layer of cells that resembles a brick wall. If you
cannot find such a view, then prepare another slide.

c. As you view onion epidermis cells, note that the cell membrane is tight against
the cell wall and too thin to be seen with a light microscope. Also note any signs
of nuclei.

d. Remove the slide from the microscope. Add a drop of iodine stain to the slide
immediately next to the coverslip but not on top of it. With a small piece of paper
towel, draw the stain under the coverslip by placing the towel on the opposite
side of the stain and touching the water. This action should wick the water out
from under the coverslip and draw the stain in.

e. Observe the epidermis cells in the microscope. Note that the cells are now
colored, with the cell wall, nucleus and nucleoli stained more darkly than the
cytoplasm. Try to distinguish between the cytoplasm and the large central

f. Make a sketch of a few onion cells. Label the cell wall, cell membrane,
cytoplasm, central vacuole, nucleus, and nucleolus.

g. Wash and dry the slide and cover slip for the next specimen.

Watch the video link:


1. How do the cells of the onion compare with those of the cells you have seen
before? Same? Different? How?
I can say that it is almost the same with the plant cells I have seen in the illustration but not all
of them looks like a rectangle because some of them are not form as a rectangular shape.
Also I was hoping to see other parts but only the nucleus can be seen. _

_ _

2. How did the stain affect what you observed?

The stain from the iodine makes it look like the cells are red and it also made the nucleus to
be visible in a red color. _

Part B. Basic Animal Cell Structure

2. Cheek Cells

a. Make a wet mount of cheek cell epithelium by gently scraping the inside of your
cheek with a toothpick and transferring the material to the drop of water on the

b. Place a coverslip in the edge of the drop of water and gently lower the coverslip
down on the slide. If done slowly and carefully, there will not be air bubbles
under the coverslip. If air bubbles are present another preparation should be
made. Observe the cells under both low and high power.

c. Make another wet mount and stain with methylene blue. Do this by placing the
stain on one edge of the cover slip and drawing it through with a piece of paper
towel held at the other edge of the cover slip.

d. Make a drawing of a few check cells to demonstrate your observations. LABEL

cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus.

Watch the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2x3MKSJez4

1. Why are stains such as methylene blue used when observing cells
under the microscope?

It is due to the cells are very transparent and we need to stain them for them to be seen
by us. The stains like methylene blue stains the cell in blue color to help us see the
shapes of the cell.

2. Why is it possible to easily collect cells by gently scraping the inside of your cheek?

It is because the tissue that lines the inside of the mouth are made of squamous
epithelial cells. This structures are easy to get because they divide approximately every
24 hours and constantly shed from the body.

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