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Delhi Public School, Bangalore - East Biology Notes Cell:Structure and Function

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Name: _______________ Class &Sec: ___________ Date:________________


1. Cell Wall:
i) Cell wall is a thick wall made up of cellulose.
ii) Present outside the cell membrane.
iii) The cell wall gives shape and rigidity to the cell.
iv) Cell wall is present in the plant cell and helps the plant to withstand the environmental changes.

2. Plasma membrane:(Cell membrane)

i) Plasma membrane is the covering of the cell
ii) It is a living part of the cell
iii) It is very thin, delicate, elastic and selectively permeable membrane. (it allows entry of certain
substance restricting others)

3. Cytoplasm:
i) It is the fluid content inside the plasma membrane.
ii) Contains specialized cell organelles.
iii) Most of the chemical reactions takes place here to keep the cells alive.

4. Nucleus:
i) Nucleus is dense and spherical organelle.
ii) Nucleus is bounded by two membranes, both forming nuclear envelope or nuclear membrane.
iii) Nuclear envelope contains many pores known as nuclear pores.
iv) The fluid which is inside the nucleus is called nucleoplasm.
v) Nucleus contains chromosomes and chromosomes contain genes which are the carriers of genetic

5. Nucleolus:
i) It is round structure found inside the nucleus.
ii) It is rich in RNA (ribonucleic acid) and proteins.

6. Cell Organelles:
Cell Organelles are small structures that are present in the cell to carry out life processes.

7. Endoplasmic Reticulum:
i) It is a network of tube-like structures from nuclear membrane to plasma membrane. It is absent
in prokaryotic cells and matured RBCs of mammals. It helps in transport of various substances
from nuclear membrane to plasma membrane or vice versa.
ii) There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum:
 Rough endoplasmic reticulum
 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
8. Golgi body:
i) Golgi bodies are also called Golgi Complex / Golgi Apparatus.
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ii) Golgi bodies store, modify, package and dispatch the substances.
iii) They help in the formation of lysosomes.

9. Lysosome:
i) Lysosomes are formed by Golgi bodies.
ii) They are small, spherical, sac like structures which contains powerful digestive enzymes.
iii) When the cell gets damaged, lysosomes may break open and the enzymes digest their own cell.
Thus, known as suicide bags of a cell.

10. Ribosomes:
i) Ribosomes are small, dense and round bodies, which are freely in the cytoplasm or remain
attached to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum.
ii) Ribosome is responsible for protein synthesis.

11. Mitochondria:
i) Mitochondria are small rod-shaped organelles.
ii) They store energy released during reactions, in the form of ATP (Energy currency of the cell).
Therefore, it is also called power house of the cell. This energy is used by the cell for performing
various chemical activities.

12. Vacuole:
i) Vacuoles are sac-like structures in the cell.
ii) In mature plant cells, they occupy most of the space within the cell and help to store food, water
and wastes in the form of watery solution called Cell Sap.
iii) In animal cells, vacuoles are smaller and may be more in number. They help in waste removal
and digestion.

13. Plastids:
i) Plastids are present in most of the plant cells and absent in animal cells.
ii) They are of three types:
a) Chloroplast – These contains green colour pigment (Chlorophyll) which is needed by the plant for
Photosynthesis. It gives green colour to the leaves.
b) Chromoplast – These are colourful plastids. They provide colour to fruits and flowers.
c) Leucoplast – These are colourless plastids present in underground roots and stems. They store
food in the form of starch, proteins and lipids.


1.Indicate whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
(a) Unicellular organisms have a one-celled body.
(b) Muscle cells are branched.
(c) The basic living unit of an organism is an organ.
(d) Amoeba has an irregular shape.
(a) True
(b) True
(c) False
(d) True

2. Make a sketch of the human nerve cell. What function do nerve cells perform?
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Ans. The function of a nerve cell is to transmit messages to the brain and also to take away messages
from the brain to the receptor organs. Thus, it controls the working of different parts of the body.

3.Write short notes on the following.

(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Nucleus of a cell
 It is the fluid content inside the plasma membrane.
 Contains specialized cell organelles.
 Most of the chemical reactions takes place here to keep the cells alive.
 Nucleus is dense and spherical organelle.
 Nucleus is bounded by two membranes, both forming nuclear envelope or nuclear membrane.
 Nuclear envelope contains many pores known as nuclear pores.
 The fluid which is inside the nucleus is called nucleoplasm.
 Nucleus contains chromosomes and chromosomes contain genes which are the carriers of genetic

4.Which part of the cell contains organelles?

Answer: Cytoplasm

5.Make sketches of animal and plant cells. State three differences between them.

Plant Cell Animal cell


Plant Cell Animal cell

1. Cell wall is present. Cell wall is absent.
2. Vacuoles are larger in size. Vacuoles are small in size.
3. Plastids present Plastids present

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4. State the difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Most prokaryotes are unicellular. Most eukaryotes are multicellular.
The nucleus is poorly defined due to the The nucleus is well defined and is
absence of a nuclear membrane. surrounded by a nuclear membrane.
Eg: Blue-green algae, Bacteria Eg: Plant, Animal cells and Fungi.

5. Where are chromosomes found in a cell? State their functions.

Ans. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of the cell. These are thread – like structures. These are
seen in the nucleus only when the cell divides. These chromosomes also help in inheritance that is
transfer of characters from the parents to the offspring.

6. Cells are the basic structural units of living organisms. Explain.

Ans. All the living organisms are made of cells either unicellular or multicellular. The basic
functions of life like respiration, assimilation and all major metabolic activities are carried inside the
cell. So, cell is known as structural and functional units of a living organism.

7. Explain why chloroplasts are found only in plant cells?

Ans. Chloroplasts are plastids which have chlorophyll required for the food making process,
calledphotosynthesis, and thus they are only present in plant cells.


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