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SYLLABUS: Discovery of Cell, Modern Cell Theory, A Prokaryotic Cell, Unicellular and Multicellular Organism, Level of

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SYLLABUS: Discovery of cell, Modern cell theory, A prokaryotic cell, unicellular and multicellular organism, level of
organization, size of cell, shape of cell, a typical cell constituents, Nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosome’s,
Golgi apparatus, centrosome, lysosomes, plastids, chloroplast, leucoplasts, chromoplasts, vacuoles, cell inclusion, cellular

The bodies of all living organisms are made up of cells.
Cells are capable of carrying out all the functions of a living organism such as movement,
respiration, digestion and so on.
They are so minute that they can only be seen with the help of microscope. Cells are the
building blocks of all living organisms. Therefore a cell can be defined as the smallest,
structural, basic and functional unit of life.

An Englishmen Robert Hooke discovered the cell in 1665.
He observed the cork slice under his crude microscope. A cork is a part of the bark tree.
Hooke observed that a slice of cork was made up of tiny honeycomb-like compartments,
one on top of the other.
He named these compartments as cells.
These cells were dead and so they were vacant and had only cell wall.


Cell theory was presented by Schleiden and Schwann. It was modified later by Rudolph
It states that –
1. All living things are made up of cells.
2. A cell consist of cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus, it may contain cell wall.
3. All cells are similar in their basic structure.
4. All living organisms arise from pre- existing cells

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Prokaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells

 Generally smaller in size.  Generally larger in size.
 The cells having nuclear material without  The cells, having well organized nucleus
nuclear membrane are called prokaryotic with a nuclear membrane are called as
cells. eukaryotic cells.
 Eg - bacteria and blue green algae.  Eg - All organisms other than bacteria
and blue green algae.


Unicellular organisms are those which are made up of single cell.
In unicellular organisms like amoeba and paramecium all the functions like nutrition,
respiration, excretion, growth and reproduction are carried out by a single cell.
Multicellular organisms are those which are made up of few to billion of cells. Most plants
and animals consist of several billions of cells. Eg ant, man etc.

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A group of similar cells combine to perform a particular function is called a tissue. Many
tissues combine to form an organ that carries out a particular function. Various organs
with closely related functions combine to form an organ system. Several organ systems
combine to form body of a living organism.

The size of cells in living organisms may be as small as a micron or may be as large as a few
Smallest cell - 0.0001mm of bacteria
Largest cell- Egg of an ostrich; 6 inches.
Longest cell – Nerve cells

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Cell varies greatly in their shape and size.
The cells of plants are generally of geometrical shape, and animal cells are generally
spherical but they can be of spindle, cuboidal, columnar, polygonal, oval, elliptical shape.
Shape and size of a cell depends upon its function.
As nerve cell’s function is to transmit messages and so it’s long, sperms are motile and so
have tail.
RBC’s carry hemoglobin and so are enucleated.
White blood cells are of irregular shape.
Muscles cells are spindle shaped.


1. Cell membrane or plasma membrane 2. Cell Wall (absent in animal cell)
3. Cytoplasm 4. Cell organelles
5. Cell inclusion
Cell membrane or plasma membrane
Cell membrane or plasma membrane is the outermost layer, in an animal cell. It is living
structure and controls the entry and exit of some substance in and out of the cell. It also
protects the internal components of the cell. It gives shape and size to the cell.

Cell wall
In addition to the cell membrane, plants cells have an outer thick layer called the cell wall.
It is non-living and is made up of cellulose. It protects cell from injury and give shape to the
cell. It is absent in animal cells.

It is a transparent, jelly like substance which fills the interior of an animal and plant cell. It
is present between the cell membrane and the nucleus. It contains a number of cell
organelles and many nonliving substances known as cell inclusions.

Cell organelles
These are active, living and extremely small structures present in the cytoplasm. These
organelles perform various functions within the cell.
Due to the activities of various cell Organelles only the cell as a whole can remain active
and working.

Nucleus is the most important part of a cell. It is usually spherical or oval in shape. Nucleus
controls all the activities of the cell and so it is also known as head of the cell. It is made up
of Nuclear membrane,nucleoplasm, nucleolus and chromosomes.

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A) Nuclear membrane
the nucleus has a double layered membrane called nuclear membrane or nuclear envelope.
This membrane has pores which allow the transfer of material from inside the nucleus to its

B) Nucleoplasm:
The liquid filled in nucleus is called as nucleoplasm. It is also called as nuclear sap. It is denser
than cytoplasm.

C) Nucleolus:
It is a spherical body in the nucleus and is made up of RNA and is responsible for protein

D) Chromosomes:
Thread like structures present in the nucleus are chromosomes. These carry genes which are
hereditary units and are responsible for the transfer of genetic characters from one generation
to another.
Genes are the segments of DNA that carry information for traits of an organism.


A system of membranes within the cytoplasm of plant and animal cells.
It forms a link between the cell and nuclear membranes and is the site of protein
It helps in transport of substances within a cell.

These are rod or oval shaped structure, bounded by two membranes. Inner membrane is
folded and is known as crista.
Mitochondria are also called as power house of the cell as these are concerned with the
release of energy in the form of ATP (adenosine tri phosphate) from flood during

These are granule structure attached to the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum or
found freely in the cytoplasm of eukaryotes found in both plant and animal cells. Also
found in prokaryotes and even in mitochondria and plastids. They help in the synthesis of
proteins. They are smaller and simpler in prokaryotes and larger and complex in


These are small, hollow. Plate like or cup like shaped bodies found in animal cells. They
synthesize, store and secrete enzymes and proteins.
The Golgi apparatus in plants in known as dictyosomes.

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It is a star like structure found mostly in animal cell. It consists of centrioles. It helps in cell

They are present mostly in animal cells only. They contain digestive enzymes for cellular
digestion. It digests dead cells and harmful materials. They burst when the cell get
damaged or is not able to function properly and so they are called the suicidal bags of the

Plastids are present only in plant cells in large numbers and are absent in animal cells.
These are of three types that is chloroplast, leucoplast and chloroplast.

These are plastids containing the green pigment chlorophyll. They are present in leaves
and stems of most of the plants.
They are regarded as the kitchen of the plant cell because they help in synthesis of food by

They are colorless plastids. They are mostly present in the roots and underground
modified stems to store starch, protein and oil.

They contain a colored pigment called carotenoids and impart color to flowers and fruits.

These are sac like structure or fluid filled spaces containing minerals dissolved in water.
The solution that fills the vacuoles of plant cells is called cell sap and the membrane is
called tonoplast.
It stores toxic, maintains osmoregulation in unicellular organisms.
Also provide turgidity and rigidity to the plant cells.
Vacuoles are usually large and few in plant cells but small and more in animal cells.


The non living constituents of a cell are known as cell inclusions. These include water,
minerals, slats, sugar etc

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The process by which cells divide to form daughter cells.
Plant cell Animal cell
Cell wall made up of cellulous present. Cell wall absent.
Generally bigger in size. Generally smaller in size
One or two big vacuoles are present in Vacuoles may be absent; when present
each cell. they are small and few in number.
Plastids present. Plastids absent.
Dictyosomes present. Golgi bodies present.
Lysosomes generally absent. Lysosomes present.
Centrosomes are absent. Centrosomes are present near the

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1. The smallest structural and functional unit of life is known as
a. Tissue b. Cell
c. Nucleus d. Plastids

2. Who discovered the cell by observing the slide of a cork?

a. Robert Hooke b. Schleiden
c. Schwann d. Rudolph Virchow.

3. Cell theory after being proposed was then modified by

a. Robert Hooke b. Schleiden
c. Schwann d. Rudolph Virchow.

4. A cell consist of
a.Cell Membrane b. Cytoplasm
c. Nucleus d. All of The Above

5. The cells having nuclear material without nuclear membrane are called
a. Prokaryotic Cells b. Eukaryotic cells
c. Plant Cells d. Animal Cells

6. Which of the following organisms has eukaryotic cell?

a. Bacteria b. Blue Green Algae
c. Animals d. None of These
7. Which of the following are unicellular organism?
a. Tiger b. Amoeba
c. Humans d. Insects

8. A group of similar cells combine to perform a particular function is called

a. Organs b. Organ System
c. Tissue d. Organism

9. Which of the following is the longest cell?

a. Blood Cell b. Nerve Cell
c. Flat Cell d. Bone Cell

10. Shape and size of a cell depends upon its

a. Structure b. Cell Wall
c. Function d. Nucleus

11. Which of the following cells are of spindle shape?

a. Muscle Cell b. Nerve Cell
c. Bone Cell d. Flat Cell

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12. Function of nerve cell is to
a. Carry Hemoglobin b. Transmit Messages
c. Carry Oxygen d. None of these

13. Cell wall is

a. Present in animal cell b. Absent in animal cell
c. Absent in plant cell d. Absent in amoeba

14. The outermost layer, in an animal cell is called

a. Cell Membrane b. Cell Wall
c. Nucleus d. Cell Organelles

15. What is the transparent, jelly like substance which fills the interior of an animal and
plant cell?
a. Nucleus b. Cell Wall
c. Cytoplasm d. Plasma

16. The thread like structure present in nucleus that carries genes is
a. Nucleolus b. Nucleoplasm
c. Chromosome d. Nuclear Membrane

17. Transport of substance within the cell is carried by

a. Endoplasmic Reticulum b. Nucleolus
c. Chromosome d. Nuclear Membrane
18. The Golgi apparatus in plants in known as
a. Chromosome b. Lysosomes
c. Mitochondria d. Dictyosomes.

19. What is a star like structure found mostly in animal cell which consists of centrioles?
a. Chromosome b. Lysosomes
c. Centrosome d. Dictyosomes.

20. Which of the following is also known as suicidal bags on the cell?
a. Chromosome b. Lysosomes
c. Centrosome d. Dictyosomes.

21. How many types of plastids are there in plant cell?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

22. Plastid containing green pigment called chlorophyll is called

a. Leucoplast b. Chloroplast
c. Chromoplast d. All of the contain chlorophyll

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23. Which plastid contain a colored pigment called carotenoids and impart color to flowers
and fruits?
a. Leucoplast b. Chloroplast
c. Chromoplast d. None of these

24. What provides turgidity and rigidity to the plant cells?

a. Leucoplast b. Chloroplast
c. Chromoplast d. Vacuoles

25. In animal cells

a. Plastids are absent b. Cell wall is absent
c. Lysosomes are present d. All are correct

1. b 2. a 3. d 4. d 5. a 6. c 7. b
8. c 9. b 10. c 11. a 12. b 13. b 14. a
15. c 16. c 17. a 18. d 19. c 20. b 21. b
22. b 23. c 24. d 25. d

1. The cell discovered by Robert Hooke by observing the cork slice were vacant and only
contained cell wall. Why?
2. What is modern cell theory?
3. What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell?
4. What is the difference between unicellular and multi cellular organism?
5. What is the function of nerve cell?
6. What is cytoplasm?
7. Why mitochondria is known as power house of the cell?
8. How many types of plastids are there in plant cell? Explain each.

QI. Find and write the similarity between:

a. Cell wall and cell membrane
b. Cell membrane and nuclear membrane
c. Chloroplast and mitochondria
d. Ostrich egg and bacterial cell

QII. Give Reasons:

1. Nerve cell is long.
2. RBCs do not have a nucleus.
3. Plasma membrane is semi permeable.

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QIII One word answer –
1. This organelle found in plant and animals cells, gives energy.
2. This organelle occupies the central main space in plant cells.
3. Organelle surrounded by double membrane, found only in plant cells.
4. Thread like structures in nuclear region that become visible during cell division.
5. Green colored pigment in leaves and other green parts.
6. A cell cannot be seen without this instrument.
7. He coined the term cell.
8. The kind of endoplasmic reticulum that has ribosomes on it.
9. These are passed from one generation to another.
10. This structure provides protection and support to plant cells.

1. (a) True
(b) True
(c) False
(d) True

2. Sketch of human nerve cell- refer to NCERT text book -

Function of nerve cell – (a) it helps in the transfer of messages from various body parts
to brain and from brain to various body parts of the body.
(b) Nerve cells help in coordination of the functions of the organs of body.

3. (a) Cytoplasm- it is a jelly like substance which is present between nucleus and the cell
membrane. There are various other organelles present in the cytoplasm. It is made up of
carbohydrates, proteins and water.
(b) Nucleus of a cell- Nucleus is a dense, spherical structure situated in the centre of a cell.
Nuclear membrane separates the nucleus from cytoplasm. It contains genetic materials
like RNA and DNA.

4. Cytoplasm contains organelles.

5. Diagrams of plant and animal cell- refer to NCERT textbook -

Animal cell Plant cell
(a) Chloroplast is there
(a) Chloroplast is not there
(b) Cell wall is present
(b) Cell wall is absent
(c) It doesn’t have
(c) Centrosome is present
(d) Vacuoles are much smaller
(d) Vacuoles are large in
in size
6. Eukaryotes have a well designed nucleus and organelles covered with membranes but
prokaryotes do not have a well designed nuclear membrane.

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7. Chromosomes are present in the nucleus of the cell and they carry characteristics of
parent cells to daughter cells.

8. Numerous cell units combine to form tissues. These tissues combine to form organs
which form a complete body. Hence cell is the structural unit of an organism that perform
all basic functions of life.

9. Photosynthesis is the main process in plants which takes places in the presence of
chlorophyll which is found in chloroplasts. That’s why chloroplast is found only in plant

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