BT - Ce - I - Retest
BT - Ce - I - Retest
BT - Ce - I - Retest
12. (a) Explain about various operations performed in the transmitter (10) 2 3
(i) and receiver of PCM system.
(b) Explain about FM and PM and write about bandwidth (10) 2 2
requirements for angle modulated wave.
PART – C (1×10= 10)
13. (a) The output modulated wave of a standard AM transmitter is (10) 2 2
represented S(t)=500(1+0.4sin3140t)cos6.28*107t. This
voltage is fed to a load of 600Ω.Find (i) Modulating frequency
(ii) Carrier Frequency (iii) Mean Power output.
(b) Explain about Delta Modulation with transmitter and receiver (10) 2 3
and explain about how slope loading error and granular noise
can be eliminated?
BT Level: 1- Remembering, 2- Understanding, 3- Applying, 4- Analyzing