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Practice Set

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Practice Set

Each of 5 marks

1. Explain the elements of communication system in brief. [5]

2. What is Modulation technique in communication system? Why it is required? [1+4]

3. Find the Fourier transform of , is the rectangular function. [5]

4. Find the Fourier transform of 𝑔(𝑡) = П( 𝜏 ).

5. What is Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)? Explain briefly the basic
principle of FDM. (2+3)

6. A loaded die produces the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 with probabilities 0.10, 0.12, 0.12,
0.14, 0.20 and 0.32 respectively. Find the mean value.

7. What is Double side band suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) modulation? Draw the time
domain and frequency domain representation of DSB-SC modulated signal

8. Draw the frequency spectrum of DSB-SC modulation with necessary

mathematical expressions.

9. Explain the concept of frequency mixing with proper block diagram.

10. A carrier, amplitude modulated to a depth of 50% by a sinusoid, produces side

frequencies of 5.005 MHz and 4.995 MHz. The amplitude of each side frequency is 40 V.
Find the frequency and amplitude of the carrier signal.

11. Explain the working principle of Envelope detector.

12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of SSB-SC transmission? State the
applications of SSB transmission. (3+2)

13. Define frequency modulation. Explain how you would use a phase modulator for
obtaining a frequency-modulated signal. (2+3)

14. a) An FM transmitter is operating with the maximum frequency deviation of 75 kHz.

What will be the modulation index if a sinusoidal signal is used for modulation and it has a
frequency of i) 100 Hz? ii) 20 kHz?

b) A phase modulator with kp = 4 rad/V is fed with a sine wave modulating signal of 3 V
peak amplitude and 2 kHz frequency. What is the peak frequency deviation produced in the
carrier frequency? (2+3)
15. What is phase-locked loop (PLL)? How is a phase-locked loop (PLL) useful in detecting
FM signals?

16. Define modulation index, carrier swing and percentage modulation of FM.

17. Write short notes on phase lock loop.

18. Explain the working principle of PLL-FM demodulator with suitable diagram. (2+3)

19. Explain (i) Signal to Noise Ratio (ii) Figure of merit (iii) Friis formula

20. For a broadcast Super-heterodyne AM receiver having no RF amplifier, the loaded Quality
factor of the antenna coupling circuit is 100. Now, if the intermediate frequency is 455kHz;
determine the image frequency and its rejection ratio at an incoming frequency of 1000kHz

21. Calculate thermal noise power available from any resistor at room temperature 290K for a
bandwidth of 2MHz and also calculate noise voltage at 100Wresistor.

22. What are the functions of a transmitter? Describe different sections of a transmitter.

23. Explain the need for ‘pre-emphasis and de-emphasis’ in the case of FM systems.
24. Define ‘high-level modulation’ and ‘low-level modulation’. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each. (2+3)

Each of 10 marks

1.a) Find the Fourier transforms of the signals shown in the given figure 5

b) Find the Fourier transform of 𝑒 −𝑎|𝑡−𝑡0| 5

2. What is the definition of modulation? Why modulation is used in communication system?

Explain what the meaning of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). (2+3+5)

3. The PDF of amplitude X of a certain signal x(t) is given by 𝑝𝑋 (𝑥) = 0.5|𝑥|𝑒 |𝑥|
a) Find the probability that X ≥ 1 .
b) Find the probability that −1 < X ≤ 2 (5+5)
4. The pulse train x(t) is given below (consider T1 to be T/4) is multiplied with signal
m(t),having a spectrum of M(f) , g(t)=m(t)x(t) . Calculate g(t) and draw the spectrum of G(f).
5. State and prove the frequency shifting and convolution properties of Fourier Transform.

6. State and explain sampling theorem. What is aliasing effect and how to recover from this
7. a) Explain the working method of the Ring Modulator for DSB-SC generation.
b) A simple diode detector uses a load resistance of 400 kilo-ohms. Across this resistance,
there is a 100 p.f capacitor. If the maximum modulation depth of the input amplitude modulated
signal is 75%, what is the maximum frequency of the modulating signal that can be detected
without diagonal clipping? (5+5)

8. Explain the Filter Method of generation of SSB-SC signals with proper diagram. What is
the effect of Phase errors of the local carrier in SSB-SC detection? (5+5)

9. a) Why is the VSB modulation technique beneficial in television transmission?

b) An AM (double sideband plus full carrier) signal waveform is as shown in below figure.
Determine modulation index m. Write down the expression for the modulated signal, the total
power, carrier power and sideband power.

10. a) With the help of circuit diagram explain the operation of square-law diode modulator
& demodulator for AM.
b) A given AM broadcast station transmits a total power of 5kW when the carrier
is modulated by sinusoidal signal with a modulation index of 0.7071. Determine Carrier
power and Transmission Efficiency.

11. a) Explain generation of DSB-SC signal with the help of balanced modulator using
b) Derive an expression for the power content and transmission efficiency of single tone
amplitude modulated signal.

12. a)An amplitude modulated wave is given by

Find the modulating signal frequency and modulation index .b) Explain envelope detector for
full-carrier AM signal detection.
13. Explain the working of a Foster–Seeley detector for FM.
14. With the help of a neat block schematic diagram, explain the indirect method of generation of
WBFM signals.

15. An angle-modulated signal with carrier frequency 𝑤𝑐 = 2𝜋 × 105 is described by the

𝜑𝐸𝑀 (𝑡) = 20(coswc t + 6 sin3000t + 12 sin2000𝜋)
a) Find the power of the modulated signal.
b) Find the frequency deviation ∆𝑓.
c) Find the deviation ratio β
d) Estimate the bandwidth of 𝜑𝐸𝑀 (𝑡)

a. Explain the concept of Instantaneous frequency.
b. Derive the expression for single - tone frequency modulation with necessary
waveforms. [5+5]
17. A block diagram of an Armstrong FM transmitter is shown in the following figure.

a) Find the center frequencies of the signal obtained at the output of the local oscillator
b) The center frequency at the output?
c) The maximum frequency deviation at the output of transmitter? [5+3+2]

18. a) Discuss about the transmission bandwidth of FM signal.

b) A 107.76MHz carrier signal is frequency modulated by a 7kHz sine wave. The resultant
FM signal has a frequency deviation of 50kHz. Determine carrier swing, highest & lowest
frequencies of frequency modulated signal, and modulation index of FM wave. [5+5]
19. a. Discuss about different sources of noise.
b. What is meant by narrow band noise and explain time domain representation of
narrow-band noise. [5+5]
20. Obtain the expression for figure of merit of AM(DSB-FC) system.[10]
21. a. Explain about sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity.
b. Draw block diagram of Super-heterodyne AM receiver and explain function of each
block. [5+5]
22. Draw the block schematic diagram of a superheterodyne AM broadcast receiver and with
its help, explain the working of the receiver.

23. Explain the procedure to determine the figure of merit (FOM) of AM System with
Envelope Detector.
24. A message signal has a bandwidth of 20 kHz. This signal is to be transmitted over a channel
whose attenuation is 80 dB and the two-sided noise PSD is 10-14 W/Hz. If it is desired to have
a destination signal-to-noise ratio of 60 dB, what will be transmitter power (average) needed
and what will be the transmission bandwidth, if the modulation is a) SSB-SC, and b) DSB-SC?

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