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Code No: 115AK

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, November/December - 2016
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.

Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B
consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries
10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.

(25 Marks)

1.a) Define noise. [2]

b) [3]
What are the similarities and differences between narrowband FM and AM systems?
c) What is threshold effect in envelope detector? [2]
d) Distinguish between simple AGC and delayed AGC. [3]
e) Define the terms frequency deviation and modulation index for FM wave. [2]
f) Explain the need for modulation. [3]
g) Give the classification of radio transmitters. [2]
h) Explain the need of amplitude limiter in FM receiver. [3]
i) Calculate the percentage saving in power if only one side band transmission is used
over the DSB-SC system at (i) 100% modulation (ii) 50% modulation. [2]
j) State the sampling theorem. [3]

(50 Marks)

2.a) Define modulation and explain the need of modulation.

b) A carrier with amplitude modulated to a depth of 50% by a sinusoidal, produces side
band frequencies of 5.005 MHz and 4.995MHz. The amplitude of each side frequency
is 40V. Find the frequency and amplitude of the carrier signal. [5+5]
3.a) Draw the block diagram and explain generation of DSB-SC signal using balanced
b) A modulating signal is a multi-tone signal given by
m(t) = A1 cosw1t+A2 cosw2t+A3 cosw3t.
The signal m (t) modulates a carrier Ac coswct. Plot the signal sided spectrum and find
the bandwidth of the modulating signal. Assume that w3>w2>w3 and A3>A2>A1. [5+5]

4.a) What is SSB Modulation and what are its advantages? Draw the block diagram for SSB
generation using Phase discrimination method and explain its operation.
b) Explain how the base band signal can be recovered from the VSB Signal plus carrier
using envelope detector. [5+5]
5.a) Mention applications of different AM Systems.
b) A vestigial filter has a transfer function H (f) with fc = 105Hz. Find the VSB modulated
signal when e m(t) = cos (2fmt) and e c(t) = 2cos(2fct). Assume fm=103Hz. [5+5]

6.a) Discuss the effect of modulation index on the band width of FM. Explain the
generation of WBFM from NBFM with neat sketch.
b) A carrier is frequency modulated by a sinusoidal modulating of frequency 2 kHz,
resulting in a frequency deviation of 5 kHz. What is the bandwidth occupied by the
modulated waveform? The amplitude of the modulating sinusoid is increased by a
factor 2 and its frequency lowered by 500Hz. What is the new bandwidth? [5+5]
7.a) Compare the direct and indirect methods of generating FM signals. Explain Armstrong
method of generating FM signals with a neat block schematic diagram.
b) Draw the spectral representation of FM wave and derive the expression the
Transmission bandwidth. [5+5]

8.a) Draw the AM receiver model and determine the signal to noise ratio of AM system.
b) What is the noise equivalent band width? Discuss the trade of between bandwidth and
S/N ratio. [5+5]
9. Explain the following:
a) Resistive noise source.
b) Shot noise.
c) In phase and quadrature phase components and its properties.
d) Noise Figure. [10]

10.a) Explain the operation of Superhetrodyne receiver with a neat schematic diagram.
b) Explain the terms:
i) Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
ii) Amplitude limiting
iii) Squelch circuit. [5+5]
11.a) Compare the pulse modulation systems and continuous modulation systems.
b) What is Multiplexing? What are the advantages of Multiplexing? Explain how do you
generate Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) signals. [5+5]



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