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Lab Report CHM421 (Exp4)

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MATRICS ID: 2019468284


DATE OF 30th APRIL 2020


Title Experiment 4 : Solubility of Ionic Salts in Seawater

Abstract :
This experiment is about the solubility of ionic salts in sea water. In this
experiment we have standardised the silver nitrate solution using a known chloride solution.
In this part, we need to find out the pH of the solution (NaCI + Distilled water) by using pH
paper. The titration process involved in this part, which is one mL of 5% K2CrO4 indicator
acted as a catalyst. Then, this experiment needed us to determine the chloride concentration
in sea water by analysing of sea water. In this part, the filtration process is required in ordered
to obtain aliquot of diluted sea water. We also determined the pH of that solution by using pH
paper. In this part the titration process occur as similar as above with the help the same

1) To standardise Silver Nitrate Solution Using a Known Chloride Solution.
2) To Determine the Chloride Concentration in Seawater.


In this experiment, we will be introduced to Mohr method. This method will

involve titration method between two soluble solutions but at the end of the process, both
solutions will produce insoluble solution due to the presence of precipitation. The formula is
shown as given, to show how stoichiometric reaction between these two solutions can
produce precipitation.
Ag+¿¿ + Cl−¿¿ → AgCl (precipitate)
In this titration, endpoint will indicate that the titration is complete with the help of
indicator, Potassium Chromate. The product of this titration will show an intense yellow
The concentration of Silver Nitrate solution in this experiment is important as it will
promote the presence of precipitation. If this solution exceeds 3.35 x 10−5 M then precipitate
will form. Below than that concentration, no precipitate will form. When Silver Nitrate
solution is added with Chloride ions from Sodium Chloride solution, it will not form
precipitation due to lack of Silver ion concentration. Therefore, we can determine the
concentration of Chloride ion in this experiment and analyse it with seawater.

A. Standardisation of the Silver Nitrate Solution

1 2

Weight of sodium chloride used (g) 0.0219 0.0228

Final reading of silver nitrate (mL) 28.70 29.90

Initial reading of silver nitrate (mL) 0.00 0.00

Volume of silver nitrate (mL) used 28.70 29.90

B. Determination of the Chloride in Seawater

1 2

Volume of aliquot taken (mL) 10.0 10.0

Final reading of silver nitrate (mL) 35.90 34.40

Initial reading of silver nitrate (mL) 0.00 0.00

Volume of silver nitrate (mL) used 35.90 34.40

Calculations :

1. Calculate the accurate concentration of Silver Nitrate from each of the weight
and titration.

AgNO3 + NaCl AgCl + NaNO3

Massof NaCl( g)
Number of Moles NaCl = g
Molar Mass of NaCl ( )

Titration 1
0.0219 g
No of mol NaCl =
58.45 g /mol
= 3.747 ×10−4 mol
Titration 2
0.0228 g
No of mol NaCl =
58.45 g /mol

= 3.901 ×10−4 mol

Based on the equation,

1 mol AgNO3 : 1 mol NaCl
Number of Moles NaCl
∴Molarity of AgNO3 = Nitrate was used ∈Part A ( L)¿
Volume of ¿

Titration 1

AgNO 3.747× 10− 4 mol

Molarity of 3 =
0.02870 L
= 0.0131 M

Titration 2

3.901×10−4 mol
Molarity of AgNO3 =
0.02990 L
= 0.0130 M

0.0131 M +0.0130 M
Average concentration of silver nitrate =

= 0.01305 M

2. Calculate the molarity of chloride for each trials of seawater and convert into

M 1 V 1=M 2 V 2

Titration 1
M 1 V 1=M 2 V 2
(0.013 0 5 M )(0.0359 L)
M Cl =
0.01 L
= 0.0468 M
No of mol Cl =
(0.0468 M )(10)
= 4.68 ×10−4 mol

Mass of Cl = (4.68 ×10−4 mol) × 35.5 g/mol

= 0.01661 g

mass of solute ( mg )
ppm =
volume of solvent ( L )
= 0.010 L

= 1661 ppm

Titration 2
M 1 V 1=M 2 V 2

(0.01305 M )(0. 0344 L)

M Cl =
0.01 L
= 0.0449 M

No of mol Cl =
(0. 0449 M )(10)
= 4.49 ×10−4 mol

Mass of Cl = (4.49 ×10−4 mol) × 35.5 g/mol

= 0.01594 g
mass of solute ( mg )
ppm =
volume of solvent ( L )
15.94 mg
0.010 L
=1594 ppm

3. Percentage (w/w) chloride in seawater

Mass of seawater = (density seawater)(volume of seawater)

= (1.02 g/ml)(10.0 ml)
= 10.2 g

0.01661 g+ 0.01594 g
Average mass of Cl =

= 0.01628 g

mass of chloride ( g )
(w/w)% =
mass of seawater ( g )
o . o 1628 g
= 10.2 g
×100 %

= 0.16 % (w/w)

In this experiment, we have carried out the Mohr method. This method is about to
determine the chloride ion concentration in sea water. For the standardisation of the silver
nitrate solution, we have collected the data as our expected data. The expected data showed
that the salt solution will turn its colour from yellowish to orange pink colour. As we
compared the expected data to our actual data, it gives the positive result when the colour of
salt solution change its yellowish colour to orange pink colour with the help of 1 mL of 5%
potassium chromate indicator. But we have done a simply mistake when we tried to add more
standard NaOH to salt solution in order to obtain the pH between 7 to 10. The excess of
standard NaOH in the salt solution may disturb the change in colour of salt solution through
titration process. The first titration will be between Silver Nitrate solution and Chloride
solution with a known concentration. This titration will give us the ability to find the molarity
of Silver Nitrate solution. Hence, the first titration shows that Silver Nitrate solution has
concentration of 0.0131 M. Meanwhile the second titration has 0.0130 M of Silver Nitrate
The molarity of this Silver Nitrate solution will be further used to calculate the molarity
of Chloride ion in the sea water. But to perform this calculation, titration between Silver
Nitrate solutions must be run with the seawater because the volume of Silver Nitrate solution
used to complete the titration will be involved in the calculation. The first titration gives of
0.0468 M Chloride ion concentration and the second titration has 0.0449 M of concentration
for Chloride ion. This molarity will complete all the calculation to find the Chloride ion
contains in the sea water for each titration. The first titration contains 1661 ppm of Chloride
ions, while the second titration shown that it has 1594 ppm of Chloride ions. To ensure that
the amount of Chloride ion is constant from time to time, during the titration, it is important
to homogenize the seawater before carried out the experiment. Thus the water will contain
the same concentration as it already mix properly.
In order to have a good experiment, ensuring that the solution has pH between 7 and 10 is
important to produce accurate results. Low pH will encourage Potassium Chromate indicator
and Silver Nitrate solution to increase their solubility and this will disrupt the outcomes.
Meanwhile, high pH will allow Silver Nitrate solution to form other reaction with Hydroxide
ion results in inaccurate outcomes. Furthermore, using a clean and dry apparatus and
equipment also important to avoid from contamination from occur. All activities done in the
laboratory must wear gloves because the solutions used are dangerous when in contact with
human. Overall this experiment was successfully carried out as we can standardise both
solution and analyse the concentration of Chloride ions presence in the seawater.

Questions :

1. For this titration, the concentration of the indicator¿) is important. In order to

have a colour change at the equivalence point, silver chromate should just start to
precipitate at the point when the solution is saturated with Silver Chloride (Ksp =
1.6 x10−10 ). Calculate the concentration of silver ions at this point.

From equation:
AgCl ↔ Ag+¿¿ + Cl−¿¿ Ksp = 1.6 x 10−10
Ag2CrO 4 ↔ 2 Ag+¿¿ + Cr O 42−¿¿ Kp = 1.1 x 10−12

At equivalence point,
[Ag+] = [Cl-] [Ag+]2 = Ksp = 1.6 x 10−10 ,

[Ag+] = 1.26 x 10−5 M

2. The solubility product constant, Ksp for Silver Chromate is 1.1 x 10−12. Determine
the concentration of chromate necessary in the solution to ensure that Silver
Chromate will start to precipitate at the equivalence point.
At equivalence point,

¿ ¿ ¿= [Cr 04 ¿]

¿ ¿ ¿= Ksp = 1.1 x10−12, [Ag+] = 1.049 x 10−6 M

So , [Cr 04 ¿] =1.1 x10−12 , M

3. For the purpose of carrying out the experiment, the concentration of Chromate
used is less than the value found in Question 2. What do you think is the reason
for this?
The concentration of chromate used is less because to get fastest formation of
Ag2CrO4 due to greater concentration of Ag+ toward the minimum concentration

4. In previous titrations the volume of the solution in the conical flask was not
important. Why is it the reason for this?
The volume of the solution in the conical flask is important because from that, we can
calculate the number of moles for the Sodium Chloride solution. Hence, we can get
concentration of Chloride ions.

5. What do you think might be a common source of contamination in this titration?

Adding too much NaOH to neutral the pH between 7 to 10 is the common source of
contamination in this titration. Furthermore, contamination can occur during the
process of weighing Sodium Chloride powder. It is because, the weighing boat provide
by the laboratory is limited. We have to reuse the weighing boat that has been
contaminated. So, the results of weighing might be inaccurate.

Standardization between Silver Nitrate solution and Sodium Chloride solution was
successfully done. The concentration of standardisation of Silver Nitrate for first
titration is 0.0131 M and for second titration is 0.01305 M. Meanwhile the
concentration of Chloride ion in the seawater can be identified. In titration 1, the
concentration of Chloride ion is 1661 ppm. In titration 2, the concentration of Chloride
ion is 1594 ppm.

1. Munir A.M, Hamzah Z, Yunus S. (2014). Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Manual . Shah
Alam Selangor: UiTM Press.

2. Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw.

(Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720.
https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.4.e7720. (n.d.). doi: 10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f
3. MEL Science. (n.d.). Retrieved 15 October , 2019, from https://melscience.com/US-

4. Doughty, H. W. (1924). Mohrs Method For The Determination Of Silver And Halogens In
Other Than Neutral Solutions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 46(12), 2707–
2709. doi: 10.1021/ja01677a014

Jotter Experiment 4:

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