Pcba Process Manual: Manual WHQ-SQD - Man003 Rev.7 Effective From: Released
Pcba Process Manual: Manual WHQ-SQD - Man003 Rev.7 Effective From: Released
Pcba Process Manual: Manual WHQ-SQD - Man003 Rev.7 Effective From: Released
The following procedure has the purpose to define requirements are based on technology requirements
IPC/J-STD standards and best practice of SMT manufacturing. All CEM/EMS should follow the requirements
and work on continuous process improvement in order to decrease PPM level and meet requirements listed
in this standard.
This standard was developed in order to set list of technological process requirements for all CEM/EMS who
produce PCBAs for Wittur Group including Wittur design contract manuafaturers or supplier who deliver
finish goog based on own design.
IPC-A-600 Acceptability of Printed Boards
IPC-A-610 Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies
IPC / WHMA-A-620 Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies
IPC-7525 Stencil Design Guidelines
IPC-7527 Requirements for solder paste printing
IPC-7711 / 7721 Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies
IPC/EIA J-STD-004 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes
IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 Joint IPC/JEDEC Standard for handling, packing, shipping and use of moisture / reflow
sensitive surface mount devices
IPC-1601 Printed Board Handling and Storage
IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
JESD625 Requirements for handling Electrostatic-Discharge-Sensitive (ESDS) Devices
ISO 2859-1 OR ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 sampling procedure implemented for incoming material inspection
ANSI/ESD-S-20.20 Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment. IEC 61340-5-1, IEC
61340-5-2. Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena
ANSI/ESD S541; JESD625-A For the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items. Packaging
Materials for ESD Sensitive Items
J-STD-002 Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires
J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Devices
J-STD-033 Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices
IPC-1066 Marking, Symbols and Labels for Identification of Lead-Free
and Other Reportable Materials in Lead-Free Assemblies, Components and Devices
IPC-7530 Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering Processes (Reflow & Wave)
IPC-S-816 SMT process Guideline and checklist
WHQ_IMS_PR013 – Traceability suppliers
PROCESS OWNER Supplier Quality Development
Corporate SQD are responsible to apply the procedure for all eligible suppliers and monitoring the deployment of the
defined procedures at local level.
Local Local Quality is responsible to monitoring and reporting the performance and alert the Corporate department
in case of serious accidents (Safety and/or Functional), repetitive quality issue, cross-factory quality issue.
Procedures WHQ_SQD_PR005 – WPPAP
Instructions NA
FR001 [WHQ_SQD_MAN003] PCBA Process Audit Questionnaire
FR002 [WHQ_SQD_MAN003] ESD Audit Assessment
FR003 [WHQ_SQD_MAN003]PCBA supplier ICT fixture validation
FR005 [WHQ_SQD_MAN003] New A3 supplier analsis
FR006 [WHQ_SQD_MAN003] Standard for pre-analysis
FR008 [WHQ_SQD_PR002] TFP Dashboard for electronic components
Other TS003 [WHQ_SQD_PR002] Electronic Components Quality Agreement
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Manual WHQ- SQD- MAN003 Rev.7 Effective from: Released
Corporate standard: Number: Version: 20.09.2017 Status:
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Manual WHQ- SQD- MAN003 Rev.7 Effective from: Released
Corporate standard: Number: Version: 20.09.2017 Status:
Storage conditions have to assure shelf life and avoid damage of components. CEM must have environment climate control
system which will keep room temperature conditions and humidity under control. FiFo and full traceability of shelf and
location to be respected: physical location and quantity to be aligned with data on system. Lean and 5S rules also have to be
applied at WH. Transportation from WH to production and storage at production is allowed only on special trolleys or
carriers. -
CEM must have closed dedicated zone for non-conform products. Area must be locked physically and separated, marked by
red. Blocking are also has to be shown on the system and traceability on the system must align with traceability physically
(PN, q-ty, date code etc).
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Manual WHQ- SQD- MAN003 Rev.7 Effective from: Released
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PCBs must be delivered on vacuum pack which prevents against humidity and oxidation. All packaging should have humidity
indicator inside. If silica gel is used - has to be placed to the side of PCB do not touch pad area. PCBs with damaged packing or
without vacuum should be prohibited to use without Wittur approval.
Shelf life is a function of solderability. Solderability of any final finish degrades over time due to oxidation or intermetalic
compound formation of different finishes. Per IPC-4552 ENIG shall remain solderable for up to 6 months under controlled
storage conditions. Per IPC-4553 Im Ag shall remain solderable for up to 6 months under controlled storage conditions. Per
the IPC the solderability of OSP shall be per the procurement documentation. OSP shelf life depends upon the OSP vendor
and grade, usually life range of 3 to 6 months.
Per IPC-1601 Tin/Lead Hot Air Solder Leveling HASL has an acceptable shelf life ranging from 6 months to a year. The bags
should be inspected to verify there are no holes, gouges, tears, punctures or openings of any kind that would expose either
the contents or an inner layer of a multilayer bag. If openings are found, and the humidity indicator card (HIC) indicates
maximum humidity has been exceeded, then the parts should be baked In case of damaged packaging or humidity indicator
not blue color any more CEM has rights to bake the PCBs under conditions described below:
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MSD must be delivered on vacuum packaging. Damaged packing or without vacuum should be prohibited to use without
Wittur approval. All packaging should have humidity indicator inside and silica gel for humidity absorption. For MSL >=3
component return from the line, the best practice is the usage of dry-cabinet with a software management system on the
timing. Mandatory for very sensitive component like LED with dome resin or MSL>=4 (risk of delamination and damaging).
If packaging was damaged and vacuum lost - CEM has right to bake the parts based on J-STD-033 requirements. MSL level
usually notified on packaging of component. For baking requirements please see table below:
After backing CEM has rights to repack the component reel or tray with vacuum machine, but vacuum pressure has to be
taken into account as too less vacuum pressure will not provide sufficient protection and too much vacuum pressure will
increase the risk of pushing leads of components which can cause bending pin or can damage plastic component body. For
reel components has to be used protective tape, so called reel lock, If component delivered in trays - special fixation straps
needs to be used. Silica gel and humidity indicators not allowed to reuse.
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Shelf life minimum shelf life capability in sealed dry-bags of 12 months from the seal date. After extending this time is
recommended to bake the parts. SMD product can be sensitive to picking up moisture within the molding compound of the
package and, when undergoing board solder reflow, can have delamination occur between the molding compound and the
lead frame
For opening time control CEM can develop MSL software control with scanning as technology best practice. If no software
control – minimum requirement label for open time counting. For MSL 1 classification means that the package is very robust
and not susceptible to moisture influences at reflow; thus, the “floor life” (the time parts can be exposed to ambient
temperatures and humidities) is unlimited for MSL 1 (≤30°C / 85% RH). For MSL 2 parts, the floor life is 1 year at ≤30°C / 60%
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Solder paste storage. Solder paste has to be shipped cold, with an approximate temperature of 0°C to 5°C. Refrigerated
storage required (1°C to 10°C), as it prolongs the shelf life of the solder paste. If stored at the cold temperatures
recommended by solder paste supplier – shelf life usually 6 month, if storage conditions are respected. CEM has to track
temperature on the fridge at least once per 6 hours. Best practice to have automatic alarming system in case if temperature
on the fridge went out of tolerance. Solder paste should be inventoried on a FIFO.
Prior to use, allow the solder paste to slowly be brought up to room temperature. It is highly recommended that solder paste
be removed from refrigeration at least 6 hours prior to printing. Removing solder paste from storage 24 hours before use is
recommended. Not allowed to rapidly warm the solder paste. Not allowed to open the solder paste while warming as it may
cause condensation in the solder paste. Not allowed to store solder paste at temperatures in excess of 25°C, as it may result
in significant flux separation and/or chemical decomposition. Solder paste that is damaged by heat can lead to poor printing
performance due to higher viscosity and/or reduced tack caused by chemical decomposition.
All opened jars or cartridges should be properly labeled with the time and date of opening. Best practice would barcode
scanning system to control storage and opening time and Poka-Yoke scanning before use, which would prevent usage of
solder paste where storage conditions were not respected. Open jars should be not used longer than 8 hours as after this
time paste is losing it properties. Best practice is to have barcode scanning system for storage and shelf life control by
software. If CEM has not developed such system as temporary solution can be used labelling system for solder paste handling
control. Shelf life expiration date, alloy info and lot number must be written on the manufacturer label.
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Reuse of solder paste is forbidden. Mix together different type of solder paste or remaining solder paste from different
packages is forbidden. Remaining solder paste should not be reused, must be scrapped.
1.6 Hazardous materials storage
Wittur product requires lead free process therefore only lead free solder alloy is allowed. The CEM will comply with Lead-
Free / Hazardous substance regulations in force along with Wittur. CEM will apply the country legislation and regulation for
the final customer market, for example for the European market apply ROHS directive. CEM has no right to use at the same
line leaded and lead free processes, maintenance also has to be spltted, and all alloys must have appropriate marking.
Nevertheless, during SMT process numerous process chemicals are used: cleaning liquids, fluxes, glue, coating, maintenance
solutions etc. Process chemicals must be stored and handled according to manufacturer’s datasheet recommendations.
Expirations date of process materials and chemicals defined by the manufacturers is obeyed and expired chemicals are
scrapped. All chemicals in production has identification and traceability label. Hazardous substances are stored in a dedicated
space according to manufacturers' recommendations. Safety rules have to be described and users have to be trained,
necessary protective tools to be provided for production. Material safety datasheet has to be present on the line for
operators use.
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2.1 Solder printing
Stencil and squeegee maintenance requirements CEM has to have in place preventive maintenance procedure in place in
order to assure good solderability process. In case if stencil aperture is blocked by dust or due insufficient cleaning - this
might cause poor solder quantity on the pad – as result insufficient soldering. All stencils, squeegees and support blocks have
to have traceability; the best practice would be to have barcode and scanning system with software Poka-Yoke for every step
of maintenance and prevention of usage uncleaned stencil. CEM has to have in place liquid stencil cleaning machine offline
and do cleaning after every removal from the line or in case stencil was used on the line longer than 8 hours or soldering
defect detected on the line - related to blocked stencil aperture. Liquid used for cleaning of stencil and squeegee has to be
approved by stencil manufacturer and CEM to avoid aggressive chemicals affect stencil coating or PCB.
Stencil and squeegee storage requirements. Stencil and squeegee after cleaning must be stored on the vertical position in
order to avoid bending or damage of apertures and in closed shelves to avoid dust contamination. Traceability has to be
assured. Transportation of stencil between maintenance area and production by hand carry is prohibited; special trolley
needs to be used. Stencil has to have shelf life expiration time based on stencil aperture type (laser cut, etching or
electroforming process) and stencil coating type. For squeegee shelf life normally should be defined by manufacturer. Shelf
life also needs to be controlled by software Poka-Yoke. CEM has to put in place visual criteria when stencil and squeegee
must be scrapped due to damages or over usage.
Solder printing machine maintenance Fist level maintenance to be done during WIP, such as: cleaning liquid adding, cleaning
paper replacement, checking of vacuum pressure level etc. Second level maintenance for solder printing machine has to be
maintained at least once per week in order to assure oil level for mechanical parts, in order to check general functionality.
Camera/sensor inside SPM has to be calibrated at least yearly and R&R study to be done also on yearly base
2.2 SMT placement
Feeder, Nozzle, placement head, maintenance requirements.
Feeder has to be submitted for offline mechanical maintenance and calibration. Based on q-ty of cycles counted by
placement machine, timing or error occurred during production.
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Nozzle also important part of pick and place as it’s reposnsibility to keep component. Nozzles must have unique barcode and
be scanned. Nozzle has to be submitted for cleaning and visual optical check, as contaminated nozzle can cause placement
CEM must make sure that maintenance done at least weekly and placement heads are checked for vacuum, spring
functionanlity and precision. Placement head must have unique barcode and be scanned when installed into machine and at
the maintenance. cleaned after every shift or in case of high fall out rate and after cleaning must be inspected.
- defined q-ty of placement cycles has reached, placement machine has to alert and stop until feeder replacement.
- huge failure rate from certain feeder, placement head, nozzle placement machine has to alert and stop until feeder
- identified visually damage of the feeder parts by operator;
- on weekly base as part of SMT machine weekly maintenance.
Best practice is to have maintenance software and feeder barcode traceability with unique barcode or number marking.
During maintenance to be scanned into software which has to be connected with SMT machine Poke-Yoke in order to assure
that maintenance was done.
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2.3 Reflow
Reflow involves heating the assembly of board plus components held by solder paste through successively higher
temperatures: to remove flux volatiles to start flux activation, to perform the soldering operation, to reflow the solder paste
to form a liquid solder volume sufficient to create a sound joint, Finally, the assembly is cooled, to solidify the solder joints
and make it possible to handle the board. Due to flux evaporation from solder paste reflow soldering cleaning maintenance
has to happen at least on weekly base. Also maintenance has to include checking and if necessary repairing of PCBA support
belt, motor and other mechanic parts, removing fallen components.
As part of the maintenance CEM must check at least on weekly base exhausting system functionality and no damages on the
tube in order to avoid ear contamination by evaporations from machine. After weekly reflow maintenance is done supplier
has to measure temperature profile using special equipment in order to make sure that heating zones are applying heat as
specified on temperature profile set at NPI phase.
2.4 ICT/FCT.
CEM has to put in place preventive maintenance system for ICT/FCT based on timing or operational cycles. For good
maintenance system CEM has to respect following requirements:
- All ICT fixtures must have traceability with unique barcode or number;
- ICT fixtures must be stored offline on dedicated area, when physical fixture damage or contamination is excluded.
Transportation between, production, maintenance area and storage is allowed only on special trolleys;
- CEM has to record all maintenance activity and have standard which defined preventive maintenance frequency and
activity to be done. Best practice automatic maintenance software with scanner for recording maintenance result and
planning of preventive maintenance connected to the ERP system in order to avoid start of process if maintenance
wasn’t done. Best practice is also to have cycle counters integrated into tester fixture;
- CEM has to have on place spare parts management for ICT probes, harnesses, cards etc. ICT probes must be checked to
avoid bended pins or worn springs. ICT probes to be checked at least once per week as bended probes can cause short
with PCBA;
- ICT has to have 2 program modes - debug and production, different user rights to be defined and secured with code;
- ICT platform has to have preventive maintenance at least once per month, at least once per year service maintenance
with calibration by equipment supplier or third company.
2.5 Spare parts management
In order to assure good and in time maintenance also to have good reactivity in case of breakage CEM has to have standard
for management of spare parts. There should be respected following rules:
- Spare parts list to be created with good traceability and defined storage area and conditions;
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- Minimal critical level of spare parts to be defined and in case if it’s reached – spare parts to be immediately ordered.
Spare parts quantity to be defined with respect of usage needs, lead time of delivery, quantity needed per fixture,
module, machine etc.
Best practice to have part number for each type of spare part and control it with the software, which notifies automatically in
case if minimum level of spare parts reached and send reminder to purchasing department.
2.6 Wave soldering, selective soldering
CEM must develop preventive maintenance standard for each part of the process. Levels of maintenance and frequency must
be defined and followed. Wave soldering process contains from main steps which must be maintained:
- Transportation;
- Fluxing;
- Pre-heating;
- Wave soldering & selective soldering;
- Cooling.
Transportation sufficiency contains on 2 key parameters: PCBA support or carrier (wave pallet) and transportation belt
condition (transportation fingers condition). PCBA wave pallet is mandatory to protect PCBA against heat on the bottom and
fix assembled components with spring on the top. PCBA wave pallet also helping to prevent from solder balls/splashes enter
to SMT reflow component area and contamination by flux. CEM must have traceability and preventive maintenance for all
wave pallets used for Wittur products. Maintenance should happen min on weekly base and must include cleaning of pallets
from flux, dust and solder balls and checking of closing mechanism and fixing springs. Best practice to have software scanning
Poke-Yoke of wave pallets.
Transportation belt condition. CEM must minimum on weekly base check conditions of transportation belt fingers. Metal
fingers must be cleaned from solder balls and particles and damaged or bent fingers must be replaces due to risk of PCBA
drop off into bath
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Fluxing maintenance requirements. The’re different types of fluxing system, but the most common type of fluxing is nozzle
spay. Fluxing method with non-clean flux type recommended. CEM must have preventive maintenance standard of fluxing
system which should include cleaning of fluxing nozzle at least weekly. Best practice to have software which control
maintenance steps and send reminders if maintenance wasn’t done. Shelf life of fluxing nozzle has to be defined and
CEM must use “glass plate” and run it after every maintenance in order to verify fluxing efficiency (q-ty of flux and coverage.
Or also other method of verification is fluxometer method when the flux sensitive paper is placed into carrier frame and run
through fluxing.
Pre-heating maintenance requirements. Pre-heating target is evaporation of the flux solvents and decrease temperature
shock of components. There’re several types of pre-heating system: Convection heating with hot air, radiation heating,
combined methods: radiation + convection. Pre-heating has to be cleaned and have preventive maintenance on weekly base.
Temperature profile of pre-heating must be measured weekly after each maintenance.
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Wave soldering maintenance requirements. Main factors to affect wave solderability would be solder batch alloy and
temperature profile. Lead free wave soldering requires high temperatures; therefore key maintenance factor is
contamination of solder bath alloy. Solder alloy might be contaminated by solder pot corrosion or oxidation of alloy. In order
to assure good quality of alloy CEM must put in place preventive maintenance each 4-6 weeks when CEM must replace alloy
and clean the wave bath/pot. Recycling of wave solder alloy is allowed only after removing oxides from it.
Selective soldering maintenance. In case of selective soldering done with special nozzle, the PCBA supplier must define a
minimum spare parts in storage >1. It is mandatory to define the maintenance of this nozzle (cleaning and change), it will be
adapted according to the quality of soldering and to the line reject in order to replace it. Cleaning of the nozzle inline should
happen min. 3 times per shift.
Colling system maintenance requirements. Cooling system must be cleaned minimum on weekly base in order to avoid
PCBA contamination by dust. After cleaning CEM must create procedure to verify cooling system functionality. Colling system
and conveyor must be covered, risk to damage PCBA must be excluded.
2.7 Depanelization maintenance requirements.
CEM must develop depanelization process preventive maintenance procedure for first (cleaning by operator) and second
level maintenance (by maintenance department).
Sawing/blade cut equipment requires:
- Cleaning of equipment and workplace from dust;
- Sharpening of the blade and lifetime management for blade, replacement frequency and spare part management;
- Support plate cleaning;
- Greasing of mechanical parts.
Routing maintenance requirements:
- Routing machine and fixture cleaning;
- Greasing of mechanical parts;
- Routing bit lifetime management , replacement frequency and spare part management;
- Precision sensor annual calibration.
2.8 Coating maintenance requirements
There’re several methods to apply coating into PCBA: brush coating, spray coating, dipping and selective coating process. For
serial production CEM must use selective coating process. In order to assure robust selective coating process CEM must
develop preventive maintenance procedure for coating process and for curing process.
Coating process maintenance requirements. Selective coating maintenance contains from several key requirements:
Cleaning of coating machine, conveyor and carrier which has to be done every change over or shift change, but no longer
than 8 hour. Nozzle maintenance. Cleaning of coating nozzle must happen not less than every 8 hours, lifetime of nozzle and
spare parts list management must be defined by CEM and strictly followed. Best practice is machine counter of cycles and
maintenance software Poke-Yoke. Calibration of sensor for X/Y precision must happen on annual base (yearly).
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Curing process maintenance requirements. There’re several curing methods: humidity curing, heat curing and UV-curing
process. For humidity curing process CEM must make sure temperature and humidity are under control in the curing
cabinet, therefore should be used and calibrated on frequent base thermos sensor with alarming system if out of
parameters. CEM must make SPC check for parameters and record them. For UV-curing process the key is functionality of
curing lamp, CEM must define lifetime of the lamp and replace it based on used cycles. Heat curing process requires
cleanliness of equipment and validated temperature profile according to coating manufacturer’s specification, but for
sensitive components rule to be respected: temperature slop not more than 3°C/sec. Preventive maintenance of curing
process should happen on weekly base.
ESD requirements have to be respected according to ANSI/ESD-S-20.20 Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts,
Assemblies and Equipment or IEC 61340-5-1 + IEC 61340-5-2 Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena:
CEM must establish ESD team and perform periodic ESD audit not less than every 3 month. ESD Coordinator nominated. ESD
teams established. Supplier has established an ESD control program / policy / guideline. The supplier has to prepare an audit
plan that addresses each of the requirements of the program and frequency. Visualisation of ESD audit done and next audit
date (like calibration lebel) for visual control by production leader.
An ESD test shall be placed before each ESD area access with conditional access, a person without ESD equipment check
should not be able to enter to ESD area. ESD result must be valid for time limit. Are ESD Working Areas clearly marked at
each entry point. Humidity must be controlled according to the conductivity of the air in order to comply with the level of
electrostatic discharge. The floor must have a good conductivity, surface resistivity level must be < 10⁴ ohms, the workplace
has to be conductive and grounded, chairs have to be grounded by chain.
New operators must be ESD trained within 3 months period with documented participation lists. Is there traing matrix for
ESD trainig of operators/engineers. Are there regular ESD re-training sessions for experienced operators. Are the training
materials sufficient. Is there a practical demonstration part of the training. Is there procedure to control that only ESD
trained operators perform the tasks.
Are all workstations for handling ESD sensitive devices specially marked. Are all electrical machinery electrically grounded.
Are the all workdesks, chears and equipment grounded. Does all ESD Workstations are supplied with connecting points for
grounding wrist straps. Does these connecting points have resistance to Ground of 1 M Ohm? Are all work surfaces of ESD
Workstation with conductive Surfaces ? (minimum Dissipative? <10⁹ Ohm). Are the surface of tables replaced frequently
and there're not damages on the surface. Are there Ionizers in use, and aligned correctly (for plastic parts handling). Are
ionisers regularly checked for functionality (at least weekly). Are maintenance records of the ionizers available. Does all
workstations are numbered, with avaliable recored ESD measurement result. Is resistance to Ground for all work surfaces
between 0,5 und 120 M Ohm.
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All magazines and, boxes, trays used during production must be conductive and allowed to use them in EPA.The flow of this
ionizer should be oriented on the pick-up area of those components. Industry carton boxes not allowed inside EPA, only
special ESD carton is allowed. Resistivity level must be > 10⁴ to < 10⁹ ohms. Do all containers used for ESD sensitive devices
have the ESD sign visible on the inner ESD protection. Resistivity level must be > 10⁴ to < 10⁹ ohms. Are all ESD sensitive
device in closed ESD shielding boxes/bags, if used out of ESD protected area? Resistivity level must be < 10⁴ ohms. Are other
packaging used on the line for mechanical parts ESD complaint? esistivity level must be > 10⁴ to < 10⁹ ohms.
Is each person, including engineers, managers and visitors in the EPA ESD compliant – wearing ESD garment, ESD shoes, and
checked? Are ESD personnel ESD coats/jackets frequetnly measured for resisitivity level (after each cleaning)? Are all testers
for wrist straps, shoes and other static sensors operational and in use? Is their function checked on a regular (monthly) base.
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Stencil design must assure sufficient soldering on the pad of PCB. During stencil designing period CEM must to follow PCB
pad designed based on Gerber files, also shape of apertures and stencil type must be taken into account. Stencil design must
be in accordance to IPC-7525 Stencil Design Guidelines. Stencil thickness must be 130 – 150 μ.
Stencil/squeegee condition requirements listed on Chapter 7. CEM must put in place software/scanning Poka-Yoke to avoid
missing maintenance. Manual cleaning is forbidden. Sharp spatulas for solder removal from stencil are forbidden. Hand carry
stencil between production and maintenance is forbidden, special trolleys must be used.
Solder paste condition must be in accordance to the requirements described in Chapter 6. CEM must have software Poke-
Yoke which with scanning which will prevent from wrong solder paste usage. Solder paste might be applied manually or best
practice to use automatic solder paste dispenser
Support of PCB CEM must implement sufficient PCB support in order to have good stencil alignment for good paste
deposition and also in order to prevent bending of PCB which might lead to crack on chip components or BGA balls for
double sided PCBAs. For the paste deposit process which uses vacuum jig CEM must make sure that the support plate is
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qualified according to product and has unique number, especially for double side PCB. It is mandatory to make stress
measurements for double sided PCB in order to be sure that there is no risk of component damage on the bottom side during
the printing of the top side. The value must be <1000um/m.
Atmosphere inside printing machine: For optimal results, the temperature and humidity of the areas in which printing,
populating, and reflow take place should be maintained at a stable level. A temperature of 23° - 25°C at 45% ± 5% relative
humidity is optimal.
Solder print parameters: CEM must develop parameter sheet for solder printing process by production trial. Parameter sheet
must include: print speed, squeegee pressure, squeegee angle, separation speed, bottom stencil cleaning frequency and
solution etc. Machine program for every specific product must be developed and every start of production CEM must make
sure that correct program was chosen comparing program parameters with documented parameter sheet defined on NPI
phase. Solder printing machine capabilities must be verified on annual base (yearly) and evidences must be recorded.
4.5 Solder paste inspection
The volume of paste printed should be measured either by 2D + thickness profiling or in 3D techniques at least at each start
up and end of production as well as before refeeding of solder paste, also SPC during process is requirement. If a PCBA is
detect as out of the specification and confirm. It must be scrapped, if not it will be stop at next process step (placement) or
lift up. Annual (yearly) calibration and Gauge R&R is mandatory.
- Feeder condition;
- Correct type of feeder depending on packaging;
- Placement head and nozzle condition;
- Correct type of nozzle depending on component body;
- PCB support and conveyor with;
- Correct SMT machine set up;
- SMT machine self-detectability.
Condition of component depends on respecting requirements described in Chapter 6. Carton reels and boxes not allowed at
SMT area. Before usage component must be scanned to the feeder and to the SMT machine. Program should stop producing
if wrong type of component used or MSL open time has expired for SMD. CEM must develop parameter sheet where must be
stated at which module and slot must be used which component – machine program must be aligned with parameter sheet,
which has to be verified every start of production. Splicing not recommended due to the risk of component mixing, missing
component due to wrong splicing. For SMT splicing is allowed only with use of special gauge. For lCs and leaded components
splicing is forbidden.
Feeder condition feeder must be maintained and calibrated as described on Chapter 7. CEM must have software Poke-Yoke
which will detect correct feeder type according to component and PCB:
Correct type of feeder depending on packaging. SMT using different type of packaging therefore choosing the correct feeder
type is the key parameter. Components typically delivered on tape and reel packaging, but some like connectors might be
delivered on tubes or BGAs on trays. For every specific purpose CEM must use correct feeding system and settings. For
different feeder types – different SMT modules to be used.
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PCB support and conveyor with. In order to avoid falling down PCBA or bending of PCBA during placement CEM must make
sure that sufficient PCBA support during placement provided and conveyor with optimally set up. For double sided PCBAs
CEM must make sure that support don’t damage bottom side components, therefore rubber type of support is strongly
Correct SMT machine set up. CEM must develop parameter sheet with description of on which module which component
must be used, pick and place parameters for each component must be in according to component body type and size. As
minimum requirement CEM must have parameters per type of component. Key parameter for sensitive components like
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MLCC or LED is placement force which must be not more than 3N as higher force will lead to component damage. Each start
up CEM must make sure that correct program is in use and in case of any mistake machine will alarm about error.
SMT machine self-detectability is important part of pick and place accuracy. Most of modern pick and place machines have
cameras or sensors which should detect component presence when pick and placement position accuracy, most developed
modules can also detect coplanarity of lead on ICs. CEM must make annual calibration of camera/sensor and R&R study.
Every start up CEM must make sure that correct reflow profile is in use. Best practice is to have software scanning Poka-Yoke
in order to make sure that correct program was chosen and error of choosing wrong program is prevented.
PCB transport system. CEM must make sure that during reflow PCBA has got sufficient transport system and board support.
Conveyor with has to be optimal to avoid drop of PCBA but also prevent bending. CEM also has to make sure that no risk to
damage bottom side components during second reflow (for double sided PCBAs).
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Not less important is the PCBA scanning into MES. CEM must make sure that automatic scanning is installed and time is
recorded into board history. Reverse traceability of used temperature profile is also mandatory. Best practice is to have SW
Poka-Yoke with verification PCBA PN scanning and alarming if wrong program was chosen or wrong side (for double-sided
PCBAs). Minimum requirement inline machine temperature zones control and alarming if tolerance has exceeded.
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- Fluxing;
- Pre-heating;
- Soldering;
- Cooling.
Transportation process requirements. Transportation process depends on factors:
- Carrier/pallet or carrier-less transportation method;
- Conveyor type: chain or finger type;
- Transport angle.
The’re 2 different methods of printed board transport in soldering machines with aid of carriers/pallets or without aid -
carrier-less. Carriers might be open and closed type. Closed carrier pallet is preferable solution as it can protect SMT
components from head and fluxing and also fix position of THT components with springs, additional benefit of carrier – good
PCBA support in order to avoid bending. For carrier-less method CEM must develop sufficient support of PCBA against
warpage. There’re different types of support: wire support, pin support, spring support.
Carriers/pallets must be maintained according to requirements on Chapter 7. Conveyor transport chain or finger type.
Important is to have preventive maintenance in order to assure risk of bending, damaging of PCBA is excluded due to fingers
and risk to drop off PCBA is also excluded. Critical parameter is the angle of conveyor at loading and unloading - no risk to
drop off or damage PCBA, at wave - angle is optimal for solderability.
Fluxing process requirements. Target of fluxing is to solve several requirements: improvement of metal surfaces wetting,
cleaning of metal surfaces from oxides, reduces surface tension of solder, protects solder pad (solder joint) from oxidation
during soldering. CEM must use non-clean not aggressive type of flux for lead-free technology. J-STD-004A bring the table
how to choose the correct flux type. Here’re different fluxing systems: wave fluxing, brush fluxing, drum spray fluxing, foam
fluxing, and nozzle spray fluxing. Preferable fluxing method – spay nozzle fluxing.
Flux changes in composition when in contact with the atmosphere. These changes take two forms:
- Loss of solvents, which increases both the solids content of the flux and its viscosity. These parameters are normally
deduced from measurement of the specific gravity (‘SG’) of the flux, and solvent loss can be compensated for by adding
replacement solvent (‘thinners’). However, with rosin-based fluxes used in foam fluxers, the changes are very rapid, so
constant monitoring and replenishment is required.
- Oxidation of the flux, which reduces its fluxing effectiveness. Nothing can be done about this, other than replacing it by
new flux. A typical recommendation is that flux exposed to the atmosphere should be replaced after 40–50 hours of use.
CEM must control shelf life of flux.
CEM must have preventive maintenance program and system to verify fluxing functionality as described on Chapter 7.
Pre-heating process requirements. Target of pre-heating process: evaporation of the flux solvents (proper flux adhesion),
acceleration of the activity of the flux, to lower the thermal shock of components and printed board to be soldered and avoid
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too much heat withdrawal from the solderbath, increase soldering speed by bringing surfaces closer to required soldering
temperature. Several types of pre-heating convection heating with hot air; radiation heating: heating coils, quartz lamps, hot
plates; combined methods radiation and convection.
Wave soldering process requirements. Wave soldering is named because of use of waves of molten solder alloy. The process
uses the tank so called solder bath to hold a quantity of molten solder. Components are inserted into PCB and pass across
pumped wave or waterfall of solder. Used for both SMT and THT. If wave soldering is used for SMT then the parts must be
glued to the board prior to molten solder wave to prevent them from floating off.
There’re 2 types of wave soldering: single and double wave. Most solder wave equipment now has dual zones. The first zone
is more agitated to increase the wetting action of the solder, and the second zone is usually a smoothing zone to optimize the
shape of the fillet and reduce bridging.
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In selective soldering process, specific through-hole devices on a PCB are “selectively” soldered from below. Selective
soldering uses robotics to individually move each board over stationary soldering nozzles and tooling. Selective soldering also
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uses two different techniques— drag or dip soldering—to solder individual sites or components. Drag soldering is
accomplished on a small single nozzle wave. Drag soldering can reach very tight areas, individual spots or leads. The PCBA can
be handled at different speeds and angles to optimize the soldering results. In contrast, dip soldering involves dipping the
entire PCBA onto a custom tooled nozzle plate, soldering all joints in one operation. Although multiple connections are
soldered at once, individual tooling plates for each type of PCB are required.
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tester. It takes the connections for the driver sensor points and routes them directly to the relevant points on the board using
a "bed of nails".
Key parameters for ICT fixture hardware development:
- Force applied to hold the PCBA;
- Test Fixture Probe;
- Single or double fixture;
- ESD protection.
There are several common approaches to applying force to hold a product PCB against spring test probes, including
mechanical arrangements, pneumatics and vacuum systems. In a mechanical system the probe plate and the product PCB
are brought together by mechanical cams, levers and linkages. In a pneumatic system, the area between the probe plate and
the product tested is pressed together by pneumatics that are placed on the top or bottom side of the fixture, sometimes
both sides. Finally, in a vacuum system, the area between the probe plate and the product tested is a sealed cavity. A
vacuum applied to this cavity pulls the two together. Examples include the following: pneumatic drive fixtures, Heavy Duty
Gate (HDG) Fixtures, Vacuum Actuation – Vacuum Box Fixtures:
Nature and Magnitude of the Stresses As the test fixture is actuated, the forces identified above begin to stress the board
and the components mounted on the PCB. The board will flex upward or downward depending on which applied force has
the greater magnitude. CEM must validate stress applier to PCBA by the fixture force during NPI phase. There’re 2 methods
of this validation: Certification BSA (Board Stress Analysis): The stress analysis on the board makes an estimate of the
possible inflections that the PCI applies on the fixture. -This test is done before the fixture being built, allowing a more
elaborate and complex design of the fixture. Strain Gage Measurement: Test of the real flexion of the PCI during the
triggering of the fixture. This test uses the same technology as companies as Embraer to analyze the mechanical stress of the
parties through sensors (gages) super sensitive. Target for strain gauge measurement force applied to critical components
(BGA, MLCC etc) – not more than 600 µstrain. CEM must make sure that damage of components by support pins excluded.
Test Fixture Probe. Spring loaded test probes are available in a variety of tip styles, plating, spring forces and travel to
accommodate any test target. The test targets can be plated through hole (PTH) leads, plated vias, solder pads, bare vias etc.
The internal spring that exerts force on the probe tip is usually selected depending on the surface finish of the test target.
High concentration of excessive probe forces can be detrimental around sensitive components which often require Finite
Element Analysis (FEA) to determine the correct and safe spring forces and Strain Gage testing for verification of strain levels.
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CEM must assure that correct probe type is used for testing. SERRATEDs are generally the most stable on long leads. Point
styles with fewer tips or sharper internal geometry such as TRIADs are best used on short contaminated leads. When
contacting gold plated pads, CHISELs and SPHERICALs are recommended so that marking is minimized. SPEAR, SHARP CHISEL,
SHARP NEEDLE or RAZOR to increase tip contact pressure for reliable testing of heavily oxidized or flux-coated solder pads.
Use a CHISEL or STAR to contact open holes. Probes contacting PCBA must exclude any damage or product. For through-hole
applications use CROWN, for plated vias Piramid
Probes and probe receptacles used in the test fixture must be documented on the fixture in a permanent, legible manner.
The preferred spring force is 3 Newton’s for dagger probes and 2 Newton’s for other probe types. Distribution of probes – if a
high concentration of high spring force probes in a specific area can damage the board-under-test. This scenario should be
avoided. Probes must be compressed to 2/3 of their travel distance.
Probe Access All modern test fixtures are designed to accommodate, as the standard, bottom access to the UUT. Whenever
possible, you should provide access at the bottom of the UUT for each network on the board. Fixtures can be designed to
also have access to the tops and sides of the UUT. Top probes locations need to be kept far enough away from tall
components to allow for the pressure plate closure arc and possible clearance holes for components. New generation of ICT
also uses flying probe fixtures which can be adjusted for any type of product.
Probe Spacing. It is mandatory to avoid short circuit between tester probes, CEM must use specific probes against short
circuit or special probe support for fine pitch tester (<4mm). If there is connector pin without electrical connection on the
PCBA, Pin Switch Probe must be used in order to detect bending pin due to risk of not ok mechanical assembly at Wittur or
final customer. Regular maintenance of the probes according to Chapter 7 requirements.
Software (test program): Software is written for each board type that can be tested. It instructs the test system what tests to
perform, between what points and details of the pass / fail criteria. It is mandatory to make a test coverage study and to
work with Wittur in order to reach more than 90% of global test coverage. In case of IC with several pin, the test coverage file
must have 1 line by possible short in this file (IC with 6 pin in 2 sides must have minimum 4 lines). The global test coverage
will be the average of all component coverage; Missing coverage will be analyzed and cover as much as possible, mandatory
for safety function (SPC, external check, incoming measurement value). Untested devices or circuit configurations will be
noted in the program. Limited tests, if any, will be flagged in the body of the program by attaching "LT" to the test title.
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Test program content. Typical ICT programs will include the following four main sections:
- shorts testing
- analog power-off testing
- power-on testing
Shots and continuities testing.
Shorts - 100% of all detectable shorts between accessible nodes with a resistance of 5 ohms or less. Continuities - An
unnamed (on schematic) but expected resistance of less than 5 ohms nominal between two nodes. Continuity checks are
made for orientation of switches and relays. Jumpers - A named (on schematic) but expected resistance of less than 5 ohms
nominal between two nodes. This includes added wires and shunts.
Analog power off test. Analog components are tested in this section without power applied to the board-under-test.
Resistors - from 5 ohms to 100 mega ohms (including potentiometers) are verified to their value and tolerance plus system
tolerances. Capacitors - All testable capacitors from 100pF to 999uF verified to their tolerance plus system tolerances.
Inductors and transformers - Measured as an inductance test. Diodes Measured for forward voltage drop and reverse
leakage (Zener to 110 Volts tested for breakdown). Transistors Both junctions test as diodes. 6-wire saturation tests can
usually be written if ordered.
Power on test This section turns on and applies power, then tests all powered devices following these guidelines: Voltage 0-
99 Vdc or peak ac, plus 20% over-range. Tests are aborted if improper voltages are detected. Linear components Op amps
will be tested for full scale output swing; regulators will be functionally tested to verify their output voltage. Digital devices
All DTL, TTL, CMOS, SSI and MSI devices will be tested. Such testing verifies that the correct device is installed, properly
oriented, and functional. RAM/ROM is also tested using Gray code stimuli, which allows every address to be generated and
every cell to be checked.
For ICT rules to be respected:
- ESD protection during testing according to Chapter 8 requirements;
- Traceability is included to ERP system and test result visible on board history. Scanners integrated into fixture in order to
avoid wrong board to be tested. Test can’t be started if any previous step missing on board history;
- Specific product test program must be developed. Risk to choose wrong testing program program is excluded;
- The product will be blocked when the test will start. Fixture must prevent any opening until test is finished in order to
avoid reverse current;
EOS damage protection. EOS can be caused by a number of different mechanisms during the in-circuit testing of PCB
assemblies. EOS-related failures in semiconductor devices can be classified by their primary failure mechanisms: thermally
induced failures, electro migration, and electrified- related failures. IC supplier usually include maximum ratings into
datasheet, CEM must take them into consideration when developing ICT.
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Functional test (FCT) is used at final stage of the manufacturing process. It provides a pass/fail determination on finished
PCBs before they are shipped. An FCT's purpose in manufacturing is to validate that product hardware is free of defects that
could, otherwise, adversely affect the product's correct functioning in a system application. FCT verifies PCB assemblies
(PCBA) functionality. It is important to emphasize that the requirements of a functional test, its development, and
procedures vary widely from PCB to PCB and system to system. Advantages of Functional Test:
• Functional test simulates the operating environment for the product under test thereby minimizing the expensive cost for
the customer to provide the actual testing equipment
• It can check the functionality of the product anywhere from 50% to 100% of the product being shipped thereby minimizing
the time and effort on the CEM to check and debug it.
• Functional test increase overall test coverage (covers untested parts at previous ICT stage or flying probe test) making the
product under test more robust and error free.
Star of testing Supplier must develop tester start-up check list. Starting of testing must begin
from checking reference bad samples – “golden samples”. Tester must be
validated (R&R available), maintained, verified at each start-up.
Test program Specific test program must be developed; modification of program must be
protected by user rights.
SW type verification Functional tester must detect SW type and have Poka-Yoke to avoid shipping of
PCBA with wrong SW type.
Checks for presence / position / Each single customer interface of the part must be tested before shipment
orientation of all assembly components Test jig must be designed to fit and detect if any compoennts missing.
Traceability TF must be linked to production MES system and have program Poka-Yoke if
any of tests had fail result and no rework record. All serials must be scanned
and recorded into production MES. One piece flow must be respected, in order
to avoid risk of skip the test of mix up good bad part. Input, output, “red box”
must be identified.
Part marking / labelling / physical release Individual marking / labelling of parts must be conditional upon the successful
conditional upon test result End-Of-Line test result.
Re-test policy Each part failing at the first test and re-tested OK is a potential intermittent
defect. Re-test policy must be available and understood by operators.
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CEM must have “Zero rework” strategy which means minimize rework activity per board. Scanning of board into ERP
mandatory as rework must be visible on board history. Maximum rework quantity to be defined and respected, best practice
ERP Poke-Yoke if rework operations quantity exceed. It’s mandatory to retest the board in ICT and FCT after rework. Next
process step should be not allowed by ERP if rework/retest is not done. Minimum request IPC7711 and IPC7721. MSL level of
MSD to be taken into account if PCBA processing exceeds open time of PCB max. requirement– PCBA must be baked before
rework in order to avoid delamination or popcorn effect.
Workplace must be defined (clean, order, 5S, ESD). CEM can use various equipment like hot air pencil, SMT tweezers, solder
iron, magnifier, multimeter etc., but all equipment must be calibrated and suitable for EPA, work desk and chair must be
grounded, 5S is the key requirement.
CEM must use only lead free solder wire for rework procedure. Using of spray flux is not allowed due to risk of contamination
of all PCBA which has to be minimized due to risk of electrochemical migration on MLCC and chip resistor, therefore flux pen
or flux gel recommended. Using of flux cleaning also not allowed during rework.
CEM must have debug/rework procedure which clearly describes rules for handling of PCBA during rework, how to apply
heat etc. CEM will develop rework procedure according critical components rework datasheet: ceramic capacitor, LED,
quartz, coal, chip resistor, IC with more than 4 pins or with soldering thermal package (MOS-fet, Dpack). A special jig can be
done in order to protect critical component during this operation Key parameter during rework process heat applied to the
critical components. CEM must track max. temperature to avoid heat shock of critical components.
As part of in process debug or in case of customer complaints CEM must have analyze capabilities including trained
employees, workplace & equipment. Training must include: knowing of product and product functionality, availability of
schematics, drawings necessary for analysis, knowing of electronic circuits and ESD requirements. Workplace must be clean,
ESD complaint, lighting must be sufficient to perform tasks, ergonomic. In order to perform non-destructive analysis CEM
must have equipment like: multimeter, oscilloscope, high resolution microscope connected to PC, X-ray, environmental
chambers (for temperature fluctuation or humidity). For destructive analysis CEM must have equipment like:
cross/sectioning tool, IC soldering tool, BGA reballing tool etc.
5.5 Depanelization process requirements
Depanelization is a process step in high-volume electronics assembly production. In order to increase the throughput from
(SMT) lines, PCBs are often designed so that they consist of many smaller individual PCBs that will be used in the final
product. This PCB cluster is called a panel or multiblock. The large panel is broken up or "depaneled" as a certain step in the
process - depending on the product, it may happen right after SMT process, after in-circuit test (ICT), after soldering of
through-hole elements, or even right before the final case-up of the assembly.
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Sawing/blade cut A saw is able to cut through panels at high feed rates. The disadvantages are: ability to cut in straight lines
only and higher stress than for routing. A sawing uses a rotary blade, sometimes 2 blades: one on top and one on bottom,
rotating using motor. The operator moves a panel along line, usually with the help of a special fixture. Blade cut uses straight
shape blade to cut the panel. An aluminum based jig must be used to secure the PCB in place and position of the panel.
Routing is preferred Wittur process due to high precision and lower risk of scrap. A Depaneling router is a machine which
uses a router bit to mill the material of the PCB. Routing must be part of PCBA traceability at ERP and board must be scanned
prior to routing. Specific routing program must be created according to panel drawings.
Key parameter to control for routing process:
- The hardness of the PCB material wears down the bit, which must be replaced periodically. Routing requires that single
boards are connected using tabs in a panel.
- Routing produces much dust that has to be vacuumed and ionized. It is important for the vacuum system to be ESD-safe.
- Fixturing of the PCB must be tight - usually an aluminum jig or a vacuum holding system must be used.
- Feed rate and rotational speed. They are chosen according to the bit type and diameter and should remain proportional
(i.e. increasing feed rate should be done together with increasing the rotational speed).
- Routers generate vibrations of the same frequency as their rotational speed, which might be important if there are
vibration-sensitive components on the surface of the board. The strain level must be measured during NPI stage and not
higher than 600 µ strain.
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Laser cutting UV laser depanelization makes use of a 355 nm wavelength (ultraviolet), diode-pumped, Nd: YAG laser source.
At this wavelength the laser is capable of cutting, drilling and structuring on rigid and flex circuit substrates. The laser beam,
capable of cut widths under 25μm, is controlled by high-precision, galvo-scanning mirrors with repeat accuracy of +/- 4 μm.
Advantages: accuracy, precision, low mechanical stress and flexible contour and cut capabilities. For laser cutting process
periodic calibration of laser must be done.
Selective coating by machine This method is the best choice for high volume applications as it is a fast and accurate way of
applying the desired thickness coating, to precisely the areas of the board where it is required. It works by using a needle and
atomized spray applicator, non-atomized spray or ultrasonic valve technologies that can move above the circuit board and
dispense / spray the coating material in selective areas. Flow rates and material viscosity are programmed into the computer
system controlling the applicator so that the desired coating thickness is maintained.
Key process requirements for selective coating process:
- Before starting coating process, selective coating program must be verified with paper or foil test, evidences must be
stored minimum for warranty period.
- Specific automatic machine program must be developed. Critical components to be not coated: aluminum electrolytic
capacitor, transformer, relay, switch, CHL capacitor, connector, fuse-holder, LED. CEM must develop procedure which
describes area to be coated and to be not coated. a special palette can be used in order to protect this area;
- Coating process step must be included into PCBA board history and tracked, automatic scanning process to be installed
prior to enter the coating machine;
- The head movement must eliminated the risk of component damaging during dispensing;
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- The coating nozzle must have auto check for axis reference X,Y, Z at the production startup in order to avoid component
- In order to reduce the risk of short circuit between IC pin, due to conductive particle drop off by the varnish. The PCBA
must be vacuum cleaned before coating operation (no wave solder ball or splash).
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Non-returnable packaging (carton boxes) can be also used for long distance shipments. In that case PCBA/finish good must
be places into ESD shielding bag. Preferable is to use ESD protective carton type for boxes and separators. Non-returnable
packaging must assure ESD compliance, mechanical and environmental protection and must contain from ESD shielding bags,
carton boxes and separators and wrapped with foil outside of box in order to protect from dust, humidity and mechanical
damage. Shipping requirements. Shipping has to exclude any damage of finish good. CEM must defined pallet maximum
height and q-ty of boxes per pallet in order to assure optimal delivery conditions of finish goods.
Spare parts packaging. Samples or spare parts also must meet requirements stated above regarding ESD protection and
mechanical protection. CEM can use ESD shielding container or carton container with use of ESD shielding bag.
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Not allowed to use for transportation bubble foil bags or pink ESD bags (dissipative) as they’re not shielding materials and
don’t protect outside of ESD protected area.
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